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title: "Integrating Another Filter Method"
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```{r, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE}

# show grouped code output instead of single lines
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE)

A lot of feature filter methods are already integrated in `mlr` and a complete list is given in the [Appendix](filter_methods.html){target="_blank"} or can be obtained using `listFilterMethods()`.
You can easily add another filter, be it a brand new one or a method which is already implemented in another package, via function `makeFilter()`.

# Filter objects

In `mlr` all filter methods are objects of class Filter (`makeFilter()`) and are registered in an environment called `.FilterRegister` (where `listFilterMethods()` looks them up to compile the list of available methods).
To get to know their structure let's have a closer look at the `"rank.correlation"` filter which interfaces function `Rfast::correls()` in package `Rfast`.

filters = as.list(mlr:::.FilterRegister)



The core element is `$fun` which calculates the feature importance.
For the `"rank.correlation"` filter it just extracts the data and formula from the `task` and passes them on to the `Rfast::correls()` function.

Additionally, each Filter (`makeFilter()`) object has a `$name`, which should be short and is for example used to annotate graphics (cp. `plotFilterValues()`), and a slightly more detailed description in slot `$desc`.
If the filter method is implemented by another package its name is given in the `$pkg` member.
Moreover, the supported task types and feature types are listed.

# Writing a new filter method

You can integrate your own filter method using `makeFilter()`. 
This function generates a Filter (`makeFilter()`) object and also registers it in the `.FilterRegister` environment.

The arguments of `makeFilter()` correspond to the slot names of the Filter (`makeFilter()`) object above.
Currently, feature filtering is only supported for supervised learning tasks and possible values for `supported.tasks` are `"regr"`, `"classif"` and `"surv"`.
`supported.features` can be `"numerics"`, `"factors"` and `"ordered"`.

`fun` must be a function with at least the following formal arguments:

* `task` is a `mlr` learning `Task()`.
* `nselect` corresponds to the argument of `generateFilterValuesData()` of the same name and specifies the number of features for which to calculate importance scores.
  Some filter methods have the option to stop after a certain number of top-ranked features have been found in order to save time and ressources when the number of features is high.
  The majority of filter methods integrated in `mlr` doesn't support this and thus `nselect` is ignored in most cases.
  An exception is the minimum redundancy maximum relevance filter from package `mRMRe`.
* `...` for additional arguments.

`fun` must return a named vector of feature importance values.
By convention the most important features receive the highest scores.

If you are making use of the `nselect` option `fun` can either return a vector of `nselect` scores or a vector as long as the total numbers of features in the task filled with `NAs` for all features whose scores weren't calculated.

When writing `fun` many of the getter functions for `Task()`s come in handy,
particularly `getTaskData()`, `getTaskFormula()` and `getTaskFeatureNames()`.
It's worth having a closer look at `getTaskData()` which provides many options for
formatting the data and recoding the target variable.

As a short demonstration we write a totally meaningless filter that determines the
importance of features according to alphabetical order, i.e., giving highest scores to features with names that come first (`decreasing = TRUE`) or last (`decreasing = FALSE`) in the alphabet.

```{r, cache = FALSE}
  name = "nonsense.filter",
  desc = "Calculates scores according to alphabetical order of features",
  pkg = "",
  supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr", "surv"),
  supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "ordered"),
  fun = function(task, nselect, decreasing = TRUE, ...) {
    feats = getTaskFeatureNames(task)
    imp = order(feats, decreasing = decreasing)
    names(imp) = feats

The `nonsense.filter` is now registered in `mlr` and shown by `listFilterMethods()`.


You can use it like any other filter method already integrated in `mlr` (i.e., via the `method` argument of `generateFilterValuesData()` or the `fw.method` argument of
`makeFilterWrapper()`; see also the page on [feature selection](feature_selection.html){target="_blank"}.

d = generateFilterValuesData(iris.task, method = c("nonsense.filter", "anova.test"))

iris.task.filtered = filterFeatures(iris.task, method = "nonsense.filter", abs = 2)


You might also want to have a look at the [source code]( of the filter methods already integrated in `mlr` for some more complex and meaningful examples.

```{r, echo = FALSE}
rm("nonsense.filter", envir = mlr:::.FilterRegister)
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