Revision 11a875951d0f94381b22b362ddf8b0cc18f77886 authored by Benjamin Gregoire on 14 February 2020, 08:36:31 UTC, committed by Benjamin Gregoire on 14 February 2020, 08:36:31 UTC
1 parent 4f587f3
Raw File
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcIdent
open EcTypes
open EcEnv
open EcFol
open EcReduction
open EcBaseLogic
module BI = EcBigInt

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type state = {
  st_ri   : reduction_info;
  st_hyps : LDecl.hyps;
  st_env  : EcEnv.env;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Subst : sig
  type subst

  val subst_id : subst

  val subst          : subst -> form -> form
  val subst_ty       : subst -> ty -> ty
  val subst_xpath    : subst -> EcPath.xpath -> EcPath.xpath
  val subst_m        : subst -> ident -> ident
  val subst_me       : subst -> EcMemory.memenv -> EcMemory.memenv
  val subst_lpattern : subst -> lpattern -> subst * lpattern
  val subst_stmt     : subst -> EcModules.stmt -> EcModules.stmt

  val bind_local   : subst -> ident -> form -> subst
  val bind_locals  : subst -> (ident * form) list -> subst
  val add_binding  : subst -> binding -> subst * binding
  val add_bindings : subst -> bindings -> subst * bindings

  val has_mem : subst -> ident -> bool
end = struct
  type subst = f_subst

  let subst_id       = Fsubst.f_subst_id
  let subst          = Fsubst.f_subst ?tx:None
  let subst_ty       = Fsubst.subst_ty
  let subst_xpath    = Fsubst.subst_xpath
  let subst_m        = Fsubst.subst_m
  let subst_me       = Fsubst.subst_me
  let subst_lpattern = Fsubst.subst_lpattern
  let subst_stmt     = Fsubst.subst_stmt
  let bind_local     = Fsubst.f_bind_local
  let add_binding    = Fsubst.add_binding
  let add_bindings   = Fsubst.add_bindings

  let bind_locals (s : subst) xs =
    List.fold_left (fun s (x, e) -> bind_local s x e) s xs

  let has_mem (s : subst) (x : ident) =
    Mid.mem x s.fs_mem

type subst = Subst.subst

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec f_eq_simpl st f1 f2 =
  if f_equal f1 f2 then f_true else

  match f1.f_node, f2.f_node with
  | Ftuple args1, Ftuple args2 ->
    f_ands0_simpl (List.map2 (f_eq_simpl st) args1 args2)
  | _, _ ->
    match fst_map f_node (destr_app f1), fst_map f_node (destr_app f2) with
    | (Fop (p1, _), args1), (Fop (p2, _), args2)
        when EcEnv.Op.is_dtype_ctor st.st_env p1
             && EcEnv.Op.is_dtype_ctor st.st_env p2 ->

      let idx p =
        let idx = EcEnv.Op.by_path p st.st_env in
        snd (EcDecl.operator_as_ctor idx)
      if   idx p1 <> idx p2
      then f_false
      else f_ands0_simpl (List.map2 (f_eq_simpl st) args1 args2)

    | _, _ ->
      if (EqTest.for_type st.st_env f1.f_ty EcTypes.tunit &&
          EqTest.for_type st.st_env f2.f_ty EcTypes.tunit) ||
         is_alpha_eq st.st_hyps f1 f2
      then f_true
      else EcFol.f_eq_simpl f1 f2

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec f_map_get_simpl st m x bty =
  match m.f_node with
  | Fapp({ f_node = Fop(p, _)}, [e])
      when EcPath.p_equal p EcCoreLib.CI_Map.p_cst ->

  | Fapp({f_node = Fop(p, _)}, [m'; x'; e])
      when EcPath.p_equal p EcCoreLib.CI_Map.p_set
    -> begin

    match sform_of_form (f_eq_simpl st x' x) with
    | SFtrue  -> e
    | SFfalse -> f_map_get_simpl st m' x bty
    | _       ->
      let m' = f_map_set_simplify st m' x in
      let m' = f_map_set m' x' e in
      f_map_get m' x bty

  | _ -> f_map_get m x bty

and f_map_set_simplify st m x =
  match m.f_node with
  | Fapp({ f_node = Fop(p, _)}, [m'; x'; e])
      when EcPath.p_equal p EcCoreLib.CI_Map.p_set
    -> begin

    match sform_of_form (f_eq_simpl st x' x) with
    | SFtrue  -> f_map_cst x.f_ty e
    | SFfalse -> f_map_set_simplify st m' x
    | _       ->
      let m' = f_map_set_simplify st m' x in
      f_map_set m' x' e

  | _ -> m

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type args =
  | Aempty of ty
  | Aapp   of form list * args

let is_Aempty = function Aempty _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_Aapp   = function Aapp   _ -> true | _ -> false

let mk_args args args' =
  if List.is_empty args then args' else Aapp (args, args')

let rec get1_args = function
  | Aempty _ -> None
  | Aapp ([], args) -> get1_args args
  | Aapp (a :: args, args') -> Some (a, mk_args args args')

let rec flatten_args = function
  | Aempty ty -> [], ty
  | Aapp(args, Aempty ty) -> args, ty
  | Aapp(args, args') ->
    let args', ty = flatten_args args' in
    args @ args', ty

let rec args_is_empty = function
  | Aempty _ -> true
  | Aapp ([], args) when args_is_empty args  -> true
  | _ -> false

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let norm_xfun st s f =
  let f  = Subst.subst_xpath s f in
  if st.st_ri.modpath then EcEnv.NormMp.norm_xfun st.st_env f else f

let norm_stmt s c  = Subst.subst_stmt s c
let norm_me   s me = Subst.subst_me s me

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type continuation =
  | Cbv of state * subst * form * args
  | Cbv_init of state * subst * form

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec norm st s f =
(* FIXME : I think substitution in type is wrong *)
 let f = cbv st s f (Aempty (Subst.subst_ty s f.f_ty)) in
 norm_lambda st f

and norm_lambda (st : state) (f : form) =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fquant (Llambda, b, f) ->
    let s, b = Subst.add_bindings Subst.subst_id b in
    let st = { st with st_env = Mod.add_mod_binding b st.st_env } in
    f_lambda b (norm st s f)

  | Fapp (f1, args) ->
    f_app (norm_lambda st f1) ( (norm_lambda st) args) f.f_ty

  | Ftuple args -> f_tuple ( (norm_lambda st) args)

  | Fproj (f1, i) -> f_proj (norm_lambda st f1) i f.f_ty

  | Fquant  _ | Fif     _ | Fmatch    _ | Flet _ | Fint _ | Flocal _
  | Fglob   _ | Fpvar   _ | Fop       _
  | FhoareF _ | FhoareS _ | FbdHoareF _ | FbdHoareS _
  | FequivF _ | FequivS _ | FeagerF   _ | Fpr _

    -> f

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and betared st s bd f args =
  match bd, args with
  | _, Aapp([], args) -> betared st s bd f args

  | [], _ -> cbv st s f args

  | _ , Aempty _ -> Subst.subst s (f_quant Llambda bd f)

  | (x, GTty _) :: bd, Aapp (v :: args, args') ->
    let s = Subst.bind_local s x v in
    betared st s bd f (Aapp(args,args'))

  | _::_, _ -> assert false

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and app_red st f1 args =
  match f1.f_node with
  (* β-reduction *)
  | Fquant (Llambda, bd, f2) when not (args_is_empty args) && st.st_ri.beta ->
      betared st Subst.subst_id bd f2 args

  (* ι-reduction (records projection) *)
  | Fop (p, _) when
      st.st_ri.iota && EcEnv.Op.is_projection st.st_env p
    -> begin

    let mk, args1 = oget (get1_args args) in

    match mk.f_node with
    | Fapp ({ f_node = Fop (mkp, _) }, mkargs)
        when (EcEnv.Op.is_record_ctor st.st_env mkp) ->
      let v = oget (EcEnv.Op.by_path_opt p st.st_env) in
      let v = proj3_2 (EcDecl.operator_as_proj v) in
      app_red st (List.nth mkargs v) args1

    | _ ->
      let args, ty = flatten_args args in
      f_app f1 args ty

  | Fop _ ->
    let args, ty = flatten_args args in
    let f = f_app f1 args ty in
    let strategies =
      [ reduce_logic;
        reduce_user ~mode:`BeforeFix;
        reduce_user ~mode:`AfterFix ;
        reduce_delta ]
    let cont : continuation option =
        (fun strategy ->
          try Some (strategy st f) with NotReducible -> None)
        strategies in
    begin match cont with
    | None -> f
    | Some (Cbv(st,s,f,args)) -> cbv st s f args
    | Some (Cbv_init(st,s,f)) -> cbv_init st s f

  | _ ->
    let args, ty = flatten_args args in
    f_app f1 args ty

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ι-reduction (fix-def reduction) *)
and reduce_fix st f =
  if not st.st_ri.iota then raise NotReducible;
  let (p, tys), args =
    try destr_op_app f with DestrError _ -> raise NotReducible in
  if not (EcEnv.Op.is_fix_def st.st_env p) then raise NotReducible;
  let ty = f.f_ty in

  let op  = oget (EcEnv.Op.by_path_opt p st.st_env) in
  let fix = EcDecl.operator_as_fix op in

  if List.length args < snd (fix.EcDecl.opf_struct) then
    raise NotReducible;

  let args, eargs = List.split_at (snd (fix.EcDecl.opf_struct)) args in

  let vargs = Array.of_list args in
  let pargs = List.fold_left (fun (opb, acc) v ->
    let v = vargs.(v) in

    match fst_map (fun x -> x.f_node) (EcFol.destr_app v) with
    | (Fop (p, _), cargs) when EcEnv.Op.is_dtype_ctor st.st_env p -> begin
        let idx = EcEnv.Op.by_path p st.st_env in
        let idx = snd (EcDecl.operator_as_ctor idx) in
        match opb with
        | EcDecl.OPB_Leaf   _  -> assert false
        | EcDecl.OPB_Branch bs ->
          ((Parray.get bs idx).EcDecl.opb_sub, cargs :: acc)
    | _ -> raise NotReducible)
       (fix.EcDecl.opf_branches, []) (fst fix.EcDecl.opf_struct)

  let pargs, (bds, body) =
    match pargs with
    | EcDecl.OPB_Leaf (bds, body), cargs -> (List.rev cargs, (bds, body))
    | _ -> assert false

  let subst =
      (fun subst (x, _) fa -> Subst.bind_local subst x fa)
      Subst.subst_id fix.EcDecl.opf_args args in

  let subst =
      (fun subst bds cargs ->
          (fun subst (x, _) fa -> Subst.bind_local subst x fa)
          subst bds cargs)
      subst bds pargs in

  let body = EcFol.form_of_expr EcFol.mhr body in
  let body =
      (EcTypes.Tvar.init ( fst op.EcDecl.op_tparams) tys) body in

  Cbv(st, subst, body, mk_args eargs (Aempty ty))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* δ-reduction *)
and reduce_delta st f =
  let (p, tys), args =
    try destr_op_app f with DestrError _ -> raise NotReducible in
  if not (st.st_ri.delta_p p && Op.reducible st.st_env p) then
    raise NotReducible;
  let ty = f.f_ty in
  let f = Op.reduce st.st_env p tys in
  Cbv(st, Subst.subst_id, f, mk_args args (Aempty ty))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and reduce_logic st f =
  if st.st_ri.logic = None then raise NotReducible;
  let (p, tys), args =
    try destr_op_app f with DestrError _ -> raise NotReducible in
  if not (is_logical_op p) then raise NotReducible;

  let pcompat = match st.st_ri.logic with Some `Full -> true | _ -> false in
  let f' =
    match op_kind p, args with
    (* FIXME: replace logical rules by user reduction *)
    | Some (`Not), [f1]    when pcompat -> f_not_simpl f1
    | Some (`Imp), [f1;f2] when pcompat -> f_imp_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Iff), [f1;f2] when pcompat -> f_iff_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`And `Asym), [f1;f2] -> f_anda_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Or  `Asym), [f1;f2] -> f_ora_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`And `Sym ), [f1;f2] -> f_and_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Or  `Sym ), [f1;f2] -> f_or_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Int_le   ), [f1;f2] -> f_int_le_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Int_lt   ), [f1;f2] -> f_int_lt_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Real_le  ), [f1;f2] -> f_real_le_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Real_lt  ), [f1;f2] -> f_real_lt_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Int_add  ), [f1;f2] -> f_int_add_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Int_opp  ), [f]     -> f_int_opp_simpl f
    | Some (`Int_mul  ), [f1;f2] -> f_int_mul_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Int_edivz), [f1;f2] -> f_int_edivz_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Real_add ), [f1;f2] -> f_real_add_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Real_opp ), [f]     -> f_real_opp_simpl f
    | Some (`Real_mul ), [f1;f2] -> f_real_mul_simpl f1 f2
    | Some (`Real_inv ), [f]     -> f_real_inv_simpl f
    | Some (`Eq       ), [f1;f2] -> f_eq_simpl st f1 f2
    (* FIXME want is `Map_get ? *)
    | Some (`Map_get  ), [f1;f2] -> f_map_get_simpl st f1 f2 (snd (as_seq2 tys))

    | _, _ -> f in
  if f_equal f f' then raise NotReducible;
  Cbv_init(st, Subst.subst_id, f')

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* User reduction *)
and reduce_user ~mode st f =
  let cbv = cbv_init st Subst.subst_id in
  let f = reduce_user_gen mode cbv st.st_ri st.st_env st.st_hyps f in
  Cbv_init(st, Subst.subst_id, f)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and cbv_init st s f =
  cbv st s f (Aempty (Subst.subst_ty s f.f_ty))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and cbv (st : state) (s : subst) (f : form) (args : args) : form =
  match f.f_node with
  | Fquant ((Lforall | Lexists) as q, b, f) -> begin
    assert (is_Aempty args);

    let f =
      let s, b = Subst.add_bindings s b in
      let st = { st with st_env = Mod.add_mod_binding b st.st_env } in
      norm st s f in

    match q, st.st_ri.logic with
    | Lforall, Some `Full -> f_forall_simpl b f
    | Lforall, _          -> f_forall b f
    | Lexists, Some `Full -> f_exists_simpl b f
    | Lexists, _          -> f_exists b f
    | Llambda, _          -> assert false

  | Fquant (Llambda, [x, GTty _], { f_node = Fapp (fn, fnargs) })
      when st.st_ri.eta && args_is_empty args && EcReduction.can_eta x (fn, fnargs)
    let rfn = f_app fn (List.take (List.length fnargs - 1) fnargs) f.f_ty in
    cbv st s rfn args

  | Fquant (Llambda, b, f1) ->
    betared st s b f1 args

  | Fif (f, f1, f2) ->
    if st.st_ri.iota then
      let f = cbv_init st s f in
      match sform_of_form f with
      | SFtrue  -> cbv st s f1 args
      | SFfalse -> cbv st s f2 args
      | _ ->
        (* FIXME: should we normalize f, f1 and f2 ? *)
        app_red st
          (f_if_simpl (norm_lambda st f) (norm st s f1) (norm st s f2)) args
      app_red st
        (f_if (norm st s f) (norm st s f1) (norm st s f2)) args

  | Fmatch _ -> assert false

  | Flet (p, f1, f2) ->
    let f1 = cbv_init st s f1 in
    begin match p, f1.f_node with
    (* ζ-reduction *)
    | LSymbol(x,_), _ when st.st_ri.zeta ->
      let s = Subst.bind_local s x f1 in
      cbv st s f2 args

    (* ζ-reduction *)
    | LTuple ids, Ftuple es when st.st_ri.zeta ->
      let s = Subst.bind_locals s (List.combine (List.fst ids) es) in
      cbv st s f2 args

    (* FIXME: LRecord *)
    | _, _ ->
      let f1 = norm_lambda st f1 in
      let s, p = Subst.subst_lpattern s p in
      let f2 = norm st s f2 in
      app_red st (f_let p f1 f2) args

  | Fint _ -> assert (is_Aempty args); f

  | Flocal _ -> app_red st (Subst.subst s f) args

  (* μ-reduction *)
  | Fglob _ ->
    let mp, m = destr_glob (Subst.subst s f) in
    let f =
      if   st.st_ri.modpath
      then EcEnv.NormMp.norm_glob st.st_env m mp
      else f_glob mp m in
    app_red st f args

  (* μ-reduction *)
  | Fpvar _ ->
    let pv, m = destr_pvar (Subst.subst s f) in
    let pv =
      if   st.st_ri.modpath
      then EcEnv.NormMp.norm_pvar st.st_env pv
      else pv in
    app_red st (f_pvar pv f.f_ty m) args

  | Fop _ ->
    let f = Subst.subst s f in
    app_red st f args

  | Fapp (f1, args1) ->
    let args1 = (cbv_init st s) args1 in
    cbv st s f1 (Aapp(args1, args))

  | Ftuple args1 ->
    assert (is_Aempty args);
    f_tuple ( (cbv_init st s) args1)

  | Fproj (f1, i) ->
    let f1 = cbv_init st s f1 in
    let f1 =
      match f1.f_node with
      | Ftuple args when st.st_ri.iota -> List.nth args i
      | _ -> f_proj (norm_lambda st f1) i f.f_ty in
    app_red st f1 args

  | FhoareF hf ->
    assert (is_Aempty args);
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s mhr));
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s mhr));
    let hf_pr = norm st s hf.hf_pr in
    let hf_po = norm st s hf.hf_po in
    let hf_f  = norm_xfun st s hf.hf_f in
    f_hoareF_r { hf_pr; hf_f; hf_po }

  | FhoareS hs ->
    assert (is_Aempty args);
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s (fst hs.hs_m)));
    let hs_pr = norm st s hs.hs_pr in
    let hs_po = norm st s hs.hs_po in
    let hs_s  = norm_stmt s hs.hs_s in
    let hs_m  = norm_me s hs.hs_m in
    f_hoareS_r { hs_pr; hs_po; hs_s; hs_m }

  | FbdHoareF hf ->
    assert (is_Aempty args);
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s mhr));
    let bhf_pr = norm st s hf.bhf_pr in
    let bhf_po = norm st s hf.bhf_po in
    let bhf_f  = norm_xfun st s hf.bhf_f in
    let bhf_bd = norm st s hf.bhf_bd in
    f_bdHoareF_r { hf with bhf_pr; bhf_po; bhf_f; bhf_bd }

  | FbdHoareS bhs ->
    assert (is_Aempty args);
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s (fst bhs.bhs_m)));
    let bhs_pr = norm st s bhs.bhs_pr in
    let bhs_po = norm st s bhs.bhs_po in
    let bhs_s  = norm_stmt s bhs.bhs_s in
    let bhs_bd = norm st s bhs.bhs_bd in
    let bhs_m  = norm_me s bhs.bhs_m in
    f_bdHoareS_r { bhs with bhs_m; bhs_pr; bhs_po; bhs_s; bhs_bd }

  | FequivF ef ->
    assert (is_Aempty args);
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s mleft));
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s mright));
    let ef_pr = norm st s ef.ef_pr in
    let ef_po = norm st s ef.ef_po in
    let ef_fl = norm_xfun st s ef.ef_fl in
    let ef_fr = norm_xfun st s ef.ef_fr in
    f_equivF_r {ef_pr; ef_fl; ef_fr; ef_po }

  | FequivS es ->
    assert (is_Aempty args);
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s (fst es.es_ml)));
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s (fst es.es_mr)));
    let es_pr = norm st s es.es_pr in
    let es_po = norm st s es.es_po in
    let es_sl = norm_stmt s es.es_sl in
    let es_sr = norm_stmt s es.es_sr in
    let es_ml  = norm_me s es.es_ml in
    let es_mr  = norm_me s es.es_mr in
    f_equivS_r {es_ml; es_mr; es_pr; es_sl; es_sr; es_po }

  | FeagerF eg ->
    assert (is_Aempty args);
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s mleft));
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s mright));
    let eg_pr = norm st s eg.eg_pr in
    let eg_po = norm st s eg.eg_po in
    let eg_fl = norm_xfun st s eg.eg_fl in
    let eg_fr = norm_xfun st s eg.eg_fr in
    let eg_sl = norm_stmt s eg.eg_sl in
    let eg_sr = norm_stmt s eg.eg_sr in
    f_eagerF_r {eg_pr; eg_sl; eg_fl; eg_fr; eg_sr; eg_po }

  | Fpr pr ->
    assert (is_Aempty args);
    assert (not (Subst.has_mem s mhr));
    let pr_mem   = Subst.subst_m s pr.pr_mem in
    let pr_fun   = norm_xfun st s pr.pr_fun in
    let pr_args  = norm st s pr.pr_args in
    let pr_event = norm st s pr.pr_event in
    f_pr_r { pr_mem; pr_fun; pr_args; pr_event; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* FIXME : initialize the subst with let in hyps *)
let norm_cbv (ri : reduction_info) hyps f =
  let st = {
    st_hyps = hyps;
    st_env  = LDecl.toenv hyps;
    st_ri   = ri
  } in

  let add_hyp s (x,k) =
    match k with
    | LD_var (_, Some e) when ri.delta_h x ->
      let v = cbv_init st s e in Subst.bind_local s x v
    | _ -> s in

  let s =
      (List.rev (LDecl.tohyps hyps).h_local)

  in norm st s f
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