Revision 12b9434696c8bd330e7fc0404b8c491d04fc84e0 authored by Kevin Sheppard on 04 August 2015, 22:13:36 UTC, committed by Kevin Sheppard on 04 August 2015, 22:40:17 UTC
1 parent eff353f
Raw File
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython

__all__ = ['harch_recursion','arch_recursion','garch_recursion',

cdef extern from 'math.h':
    double log(double x)
    double exp(double x)
    double sqrt(double x)
    double fabs(double x)

cdef extern from 'float.h':
    double DBL_MAX

def harch_recursion(double[:] parameters,
               double[:] resids,
               double[:] sigma2,
               int[:] lags,
               int nobs,
               double backcast,
               double[:, :] var_bounds):
    parameters : 1-d array, float64
        Model parameters
    resids : 1-d array, float64
        Residuals to use in the recursion
    sigma2 : 1-d array, float64
        Conditional variances with same shape as resids
    lags : 1-d array, int
        Lag lengths in the HARCH
    nobs : int
        Length of resids
    backcast : float64
        Value to use when initializing the recursion
    var_bounds : 2-d array
        nobs by 2-element array of upper and lower bounds for conditional
        variances for each time period
    cdef Py_ssize_t t, i, num_lags
    cdef int j
    cdef double param
    num_lags = lags.shape[0]

    for t in range(nobs):
        sigma2[t] = parameters[0]
        for i in range(num_lags):
            param = parameters[i + 1] / lags[i]
            for j in range(lags[i]):
                if (t - j - 1) >= 0:
                    sigma2[t] += param * resids[t - j - 1] * resids[t - j - 1]
                    sigma2[t] += param * backcast
        if sigma2[t] < var_bounds[t,0]:
            sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t,0]
        elif sigma2[t] > var_bounds[t,1]:
            if sigma2[t] > DBL_MAX:
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t,1] + 1000
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t,1] + log(sigma2[t] - var_bounds[t,1])

    return sigma2

def arch_recursion(double[:] parameters,
               double[:] resids,
               double[:] sigma2,
               int p,
               int nobs,
               double backcast,
               double[:, :] var_bounds):
    parameters : 1-d array, float64
        Model parameters
    resids : 1-d array, float64
        Residuals to use in the recursion
    sigma2 : 1-d array, float64
        Conditional variances with same shape as resids
    p : int
        Number of lags in ARCH model
    nobs : int
        Length of resids
    backcast : float64
        Value to use when initializing the recursion
    var_bounds : 2-d array
        nobs by 2-element array of upper and lower bounds for conditional
        variances for each time period

    cdef Py_ssize_t t
    cdef int i
    cdef double param

    for t in range(nobs):
        sigma2[t] = parameters[0]
        for i in range(p):
            if (t - i - 1) < 0:
                sigma2[t] += parameters[i + 1] * backcast
                sigma2[t] += parameters[i + 1] * resids[t - i - 1] * \
                             resids[t - i - 1]
        if sigma2[t] < var_bounds[t,0]:
            sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t,0]
        elif sigma2[t] > var_bounds[t,1]:
            if sigma2[t] > DBL_MAX:
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t,1] + 1000
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t,1] + log(sigma2[t] - var_bounds[t,1])

    return sigma2

def garch_recursion(double[:] parameters,
                    double[:] fresids,
                    double[:] sresids,
                    double[:] sigma2,
                    int p,
                    int o,
                    int q,
                    int nobs,
                    double backcast,
                    double[:, :] var_bounds):
    Compute variance recursion for GARCH and related models

    parameters : 1-d array, float64
        Model parameters
    fresids : 1-d array, float64
        Absolute value of residuals raised to the power in the model.  For
        example, in a standard GARCH model, the power is 2.0.
    sresids : 1-d array, float64
        Variable containing the sign of the residuals (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    sigma2 : 1-d array, float64
        Conditional variances with same shape as resids
    p : int
        Number of symmetric innovations in model
    o : int
        Number of asymmetric innovations in model
    q : int
        Number of lags of the (transformed) variance in the model
    nobs : int
        Length of resids
    backcast : float64
        Value to use when initializing the recursion
    var_bounds : 2-d array
        nobs by 2-element array of upper and lower bounds for conditional
        transformed variances for each time period

    cdef Py_ssize_t t
    cdef int j, loc

    for t in range(nobs):
        loc = 0
        sigma2[t] = parameters[loc]
        loc += 1
        for j in range(p):
            if (t - 1 - j) < 0:
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * backcast
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * fresids[t - 1 - j]
            loc += 1
        for j in range(o):
            if (t - 1 - j) < 0:
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * 0.5 * backcast
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * fresids[t - 1 - j] * (sresids[t-1-j] < 0)
            loc += 1
        for j in range(q):
            if (t - 1 - j) < 0:
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * backcast
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * sigma2[t - 1 - j]
            loc += 1

        if sigma2[t] < var_bounds[t,0]:
            sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t,0]
        elif sigma2[t] > var_bounds[t,1]:
            if sigma2[t] > DBL_MAX:
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t,1] + 1000
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t,1] + log(sigma2[t] - var_bounds[t,1])

    return sigma2

def egarch_recursion(double[:] parameters,
                     double[:] resids, double[:] sigma2,
                     int p,
                     int o,
                     int q,
                     int nobs,
                     double backcast,
                     double[:, :] var_bounds,
                     double[:] lnsigma2,
                     double[:] std_resids,
                     double[:] abs_std_resids):
    Compute variance recursion for EGARCH models

    parameters : 1-d array, float64
        Model parameters
    resids : 1-d array, float64
        Residuals to use in the recursion
    sigma2 : 1-d array, float64
        Conditional variances with same shape as resids
    p : int
        Number of symmetric innovations in model
    o : int
        Number of asymmetric innovations in model
    q : int
        Number of lags of the (transformed) variance in the model
    nobs : int
        Length of resids
    backcast : float64
        Value to use when initializing the recursion
    var_bounds : 2-d array
        nobs by 2-element array of upper and lower bounds for conditional
        variances for each time period
    lnsigma2 : 1-d array, float64
        Temporary array (overwritten) with same shape as resids
    std_resids : 1-d array, float64
        Temporary array (overwritten) with same shape as resids
    abs_std_resids : 1-d array, float64
        Temporary array (overwritten) with same shape as resids

    cdef double norm_const = 0.79788456080286541  # E[abs(e)], e~N(0,1)
    cdef Py_ssize_t t
    cdef int j, loc

    for t in range(nobs):
        loc = 0
        lnsigma2[t] = parameters[loc]
        loc += 1
        for j in range(p):
            if (t - 1 - j) >= 0:
                lnsigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * (abs_std_resids[t - 1 - j] - norm_const)
            loc += 1
        for j in range(o):
            if (t - 1 - j) >= 0:
                lnsigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * std_resids[t - 1 - j]
            loc += 1
        for j in range(q):
            if (t - 1 - j) < 0:
                lnsigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * backcast
                lnsigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * lnsigma2[t - 1 - j]
            loc += 1
        sigma2[t] = exp(lnsigma2[t])
        if sigma2[t] < var_bounds[t, 0]:
            sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 0]
        elif sigma2[t] > var_bounds[t, 1]:
            if sigma2[t] > DBL_MAX:
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 1] + log(sigma2[t] - var_bounds[t, 1])
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 1] + 1000
        std_resids[t] = resids[t] / sqrt(sigma2[t])
        abs_std_resids[t] = fabs(std_resids[t])

    return sigma2
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