Revision 12b9434696c8bd330e7fc0404b8c491d04fc84e0 authored by Kevin Sheppard on 04 August 2015, 22:13:36 UTC, committed by Kevin Sheppard on 04 August 2015, 22:40:17 UTC
1 parent eff353f
Raw File
Pure Python implementations of the core recursions in the models. Only used for
testing and if it isn't possible to install the Cython version using
python install --no-binary
from __future__ import division, absolute_import
from numpy import log
import numpy as np

from ..compat.python import range
from ..compat.numba import jit

__all__ = ['harch_recursion', 'arch_recursion', 'garch_recursion',

def harch_recursion_python(parameters, resids, sigma2, lags, nobs, backcast,
    parameters : 1-d array, float64
        Model parameters
    resids : 1-d array, float64
        Residuals to use in the recursion
    sigma2 : 1-d array, float64
        Conditional variances with same shape as resids
    lags : 1-d array, int
        Lag lengths in the HARCH
    nobs : int
        Length of resids
    backcast : float64
        Value to use when initializing the recursion
    var_bounds : 2-d array
        nobs by 2-element array of upper and lower bounds for conditional
        variances for each time period

    for t in range(nobs):
        sigma2[t] = parameters[0]
        for i in range(lags.shape[0]):
            param = parameters[i + 1] / lags[i]
            for j in range(lags[i]):
                if (t - j - 1) >= 0:
                    sigma2[t] += param * resids[t - j - 1] * resids[t - j - 1]
                    sigma2[t] += param * backcast
        if sigma2[t] < var_bounds[t, 0]:
            sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 0]
        elif sigma2[t] > var_bounds[t, 1]:
            if not np.isinf(sigma2[t]):
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 1] + log(sigma2[t] - var_bounds[t, 1])
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 1] + 1000

    return sigma2

harch_recursion = jit(harch_recursion_python)

def arch_recursion_python(parameters, resids, sigma2, p, nobs, backcast,
    parameters : 1-d array, float64
        Model parameters
    resids : 1-d array, float64
        Residuals to use in the recursion
    sigma2 : 1-d array, float64
        Conditional variances with same shape as resids
    p : int
        Number of lags in ARCH model
    nobs : int
        Length of resids
    backcast : float64
        Value to use when initializing the recursion
    var_bounds : 2-d array
        nobs by 2-element array of upper and lower bounds for conditional
        variances for each time period

    for t in range(nobs):
        sigma2[t] = parameters[0]
        for i in range(p):
            if (t - i - 1) < 0:
                sigma2[t] += parameters[i + 1] * backcast
                sigma2[t] += parameters[i + 1] * resids[t - i - 1] ** 2
        if sigma2[t] < var_bounds[t, 0]:
            sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 0]
        elif sigma2[t] > var_bounds[t, 1]:
            if not np.isinf(sigma2[t]):
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 1] + log(sigma2[t] - var_bounds[t, 1])
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 1] + 1000

    return sigma2

arch_recursion = jit(arch_recursion_python)

def garch_recursion_python(parameters, fresids, sresids, sigma2, p, o, q, nobs,
                           backcast, var_bounds):
    Compute variance recursion for GARCH and related models

    parameters : 1-d array, float64
        Model parameters
    fresids : 1-d array, float64
        Absolute value of residuals raised to the power in the model.  For
        example, in a standard GARCH model, the power is 2.0.
    sresids : 1-d array, float64
        Variable containing the sign of the residuals (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    sigma2 : 1-d array, float64
        Conditional variances with same shape as resids
    p : int
        Number of symmetric innovations in model
    o : int
        Number of asymmetric innovations in model
    q : int
        Number of lags of the (transformed) variance in the model
    nobs : int
        Length of resids
    backcast : float64
        Value to use when initializing the recursion
    var_bounds : 2-d array
        nobs by 2-element array of upper and lower bounds for conditional
        transformed variances for each time period

    for t in range(nobs):
        loc = 0
        sigma2[t] = parameters[loc]
        loc += 1
        for j in range(p):
            if (t - 1 - j) < 0:
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * backcast
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * fresids[t - 1 - j]
            loc += 1
        for j in range(o):
            if (t - 1 - j) < 0:
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * 0.5 * backcast
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] \
                             * fresids[t - 1 - j] * (sresids[t - 1 - j] < 0)
            loc += 1
        for j in range(q):
            if (t - 1 - j) < 0:
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * backcast
                sigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * sigma2[t - 1 - j]
            loc += 1
        if sigma2[t] < var_bounds[t, 0]:
            sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 0]
        elif sigma2[t] > var_bounds[t, 1]:
            if not np.isinf(sigma2[t]):
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 1] + log(sigma2[t] - var_bounds[t, 1])
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 1] + 1000

    return sigma2

garch_recursion = jit(garch_recursion_python)

def egarch_recursion_python(parameters, resids, sigma2, p, o, q, nobs, backcast,
                            var_bounds, lnsigma2, std_resids, abs_std_resids):
    Compute variance recursion for EGARCH models

    parameters : 1-d array, float64
        Model parameters
    resids : 1-d array, float64
        Residuals to use in the recursion
    sigma2 : 1-d array, float64
        Conditional variances with same shape as resids
    p : int
        Number of symmetric innovations in model
    o : int
        Number of asymmetric innovations in model
    q : int
        Number of lags of the (transformed) variance in the model
    nobs : int
        Length of resids
    backcast : float64
        Value to use when initializing the recursion
    var_bounds : 2-d array
        nobs by 2-element array of upper and lower bounds for conditional
        variances for each time period
    lnsigma2 : 1-d array, float64
        Temporary array (overwritten) with same shape as resids
    std_resids : 1-d array, float64
        Temporary array (overwritten) with same shape as resids
    abs_std_resids : 1-d array, float64
        Temporary array (overwritten) with same shape as resids
    norm_const = 0.79788456080286541  # E[abs(e)], e~N(0,1)

    for t in range(nobs):
        loc = 0
        lnsigma2[t] = parameters[loc]
        loc += 1
        for j in range(p):
            if (t - 1 - j) >= 0:
                lnsigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * \
                               (abs_std_resids[t - 1 - j] - norm_const)
            loc += 1
        for j in range(o):
            if (t - 1 - j) >= 0:
                lnsigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * std_resids[t - 1 - j]
            loc += 1
        for j in range(q):
            if (t - 1 - j) < 0:
                lnsigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * backcast
                lnsigma2[t] += parameters[loc] * lnsigma2[t - 1 - j]
            loc += 1
        sigma2[t] = np.exp(lnsigma2[t])
        if sigma2[t] < var_bounds[t, 0]:
            sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 0]
        elif sigma2[t] > var_bounds[t, 1]:
            if not np.isinf(sigma2[t]):
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 1] + log(sigma2[t] - var_bounds[t, 1])
                sigma2[t] = var_bounds[t, 1] + 1000
        std_resids[t] = resids[t] / np.sqrt(sigma2[t])
        abs_std_resids[t] = np.abs(std_resids[t])

    return sigma2

egarch_recursion = jit(egarch_recursion_python)
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