Revision 13e45eaa4f4a7f231224f1b8ca4dff03903d250b authored by Mark Clements on 31 August 2017, 20:37:09 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 31 August 2017, 20:37:09 UTC
1 parent e222ff8
#ifndef C_OPTIM_H
#define C_OPTIM_H
#include <Rcpp.h>
namespace rstpm2 {
typedef double optimfn(int, double *, void *);
typedef void optimgr(int, double *, double *, void *);
/* type of pointer to the target and gradient functions for Nlm */
typedef void (*fcn_p)(int, double *, double *, void *);
/* type of pointer to the hessian functions for Nlm */
typedef void (*d2fcn_p)(int, int, double *, double *, void *);
double min(double a, double b);
double max(double a, double b);
double bound(double x, double lower, double upper);
Adapt a function object (functor) for NelderMead and BFGS
template<class T>
double adapt_functor(int n, double * beta, void * par) {
T * model = (T *) par;
Rcpp::NumericVector x(beta,beta+n);
return model->operator()(x);
Adapt an objective function for NelderMead and BFGS
template<class T>
double adapt_objective(int n, double * beta, void * par) {
T * model = (T *) par;
Rcpp::NumericVector x(beta,beta+n);
return model->objective(x);
Adapt a gradient function for BFGS
template<class T>
void adapt_gradient(int n, double * beta, double * grad, void * par) {
T * model = (T *) par;
Rcpp::NumericVector x(beta,beta+n);
Rcpp::NumericVector vgrad = model->gradient(x);
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) grad[i] = vgrad[i];
class NelderMead {
NelderMead(int trace = 0, int maxit = 500,
double abstol = - INFINITY,
double reltol = 1.0e-8,
double alpha = 1.0, double beta = 0.5, double gamma = 2.0,
double epshess = 6.055454e-06, bool hessianp = true);
virtual void optim(optimfn fn, Rcpp::NumericVector init, void * ex);
template<class T>
void optim(Rcpp::NumericVector init, T object) {
optim(&adapt_objective<T>,init,(void *) &object);
virtual Rcpp::NumericMatrix calc_hessian(optimfn fn, void * ex);
int n, trace, maxit, fail, fncount;
double abstol, reltol, alpha, beta, gamma, Fmin, epshess;
bool hessianp;
Rcpp::NumericVector coef;
Rcpp::NumericMatrix hessian;
class BFGS {
BFGS(int trace = 0, int maxit = 100,
double abstol = - INFINITY,
double reltol = 1.0e-8, int report = 10, double epshess = 1.0e-8, bool hessianp = true);
virtual void optim(optimfn fn, optimgr gr, Rcpp::NumericVector init, void * ex);
virtual void optim(int n, optimfn fn, optimgr gr, double * init, void * ex);
virtual double calc_objective(optimfn fn, Rcpp::NumericVector coef, void * ex);
virtual double calc_objective(optimfn fn, void * ex);
virtual Rcpp::NumericMatrix calc_hessian(optimgr gr, void * ex);
template<class T>
void optim(Rcpp::NumericVector init, T object) {
optim(&adapt_objective<T>,&adapt_gradient<T>,init,(void *) &object);
int n, trace, maxit, report, fncount, grcount, fail;
double abstol, reltol, Fmin, epshess;
bool hessianp;
Rcpp::NumericVector coef;
Rcpp::NumericMatrix hessian;
class Nlm {
Nlm(double fscale = 1.0, // nlm()
int method = 2, // cf. nlm: method=1
int iexp = 1, // nlm()
int msg = 9, // nlm()
int ndigit = 12, // nlm()
int itnlim = 50, // nlm()
int iagflg = 1, // nlm()
int iahflg = 0, // nlm()
double dlt = 1.0, // nlm
double gradtl = 1.0e-6, // nlm()
double stepmx = 0.0, // set to -1.0 to get nlm()'s behaviour
double steptl = 1.0e-6, // nlm()
double epshess = 6.055454e-06,
int itrmcd = 0,
int itncnt = 0,
bool hessianp = true);
void optim(fcn_p fcn, fcn_p d1fcn, Rcpp::NumericVector init, void * state);
void optim(fcn_p fcn, Rcpp::NumericVector init, void * state);
double calc_objective(fcn_p fn, Rcpp::NumericVector coef, void * ex);
double calc_objective(fcn_p fn, void * ex);
Rcpp::NumericMatrix calc_hessian(fcn_p gr, void * ex);
void set_print_level(int);
double fscale;
int method;
int iexp;
int msg;
int ndigit;
int itnlim;
int iagflg;
int iahflg;
double dlt;
double gradtl;
double stepmx;
double steptl;
double epshess;
int itrmcd;
int itncnt;
bool hessianp;
Rcpp::NumericVector coef;
Rcpp::NumericMatrix hessian;
typedef double (*Brent_fminfn)(double, void *);
double Brent_fmin(double ax, double bx, double (*f)(double, void *),
void *info, double tol);
double R_zeroin2( /* An estimate of the root */
double ax, /* Left border | of the range */
double bx, /* Right border| the root is seeked*/
double fa, double fb, /* f(a), f(b) */
double (*f)(double x, void *info), /* Function under investigation */
void *info, /* Add'l info passed on to f */
double *Tol, /* Acceptable tolerance */
int *Maxit); /* Max # of iterations */
Adapt a function object (functor) to work with Brent_fmin()
template<class T, class X>
double Brent_fmin_functor(X x, void * par) {
T * model = (T *) par;
return model->operator()(x);
Use Brent_fmin with a function object (functor)
template<class T>
double BrentFmin(double a, double b, T obj, double eps = 1.0e-8) {
return Brent_fmin(a,b,&Brent_fmin_functor<T,double>,(void *) &obj,eps);
Rcpp::NumericMatrix qr_q(const Rcpp::NumericMatrix& X, double tol = 1E-12);
} // anonymous rstpm2
#endif /* c_optim_h */
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