Revision 1409a5379d38ac153eabb4c19c7f4463a8b030ca authored by Theresa Foley on 11 April 2022, 19:01:31 UTC, committed by GitHub on 11 April 2022, 19:01:31 UTC
An earlier refactoring pass over the compiler codebase split the
type that had been called `CompileRequest` into three distinct

* `FrontEndCompileRequest` which was supposed to own state and
  options related to running the compiler front end and producing
  IR + reflection (e.g., what translation units and source
  files/strings are included).

* `BackEndCompileRequest` which was supposed to own state and options
  related to running the compiler back end to translate the IR
  for a `ComponentType` (program) into output code. (Note that the
  `BackEndCompileRequest` was conceived of as orthogonal to the
  `TargetRequest`s, which store per-target and target-specific

* `EndToEndCompileRequest` which was an umbrella object that owns
  separate front-end and back-end requests, plus any state that is
  only relevant when doing a true end-to-end compile (such as the
  kinds of compiles initiated with `slangc`). As originally conceived,
  the only state that this type was supposed to own was stuff related
  to "pass-through" compilation, as well as state related to writing
  of generated code to output files.

That refactoring work was very useful at the time, because it allowed
us to "scrub" the back end compilation steps to remove all
dependencies on front-end and AST state (this was important for our
goals of enabling linking and codegen from serialized Slang IR).

At this point, however, it is clear that the hierarchy that was built
up serves very little purpose:

* The `BackEndCompileRequest` type is only used in two places:

    * As part of an `EndToEndCompileRequest`, where the settings on
      the `BackEndCompileRequest` can be configured, but only through
      the `EndToEndCompileRequest`

    * As part of on-demand code generation through the `IComponentType`
      APIs. In this case, the settings stored on the
      `BackEndCompileRequest` are not accessible to the application
      at all, and will always use their default values, so that
      instantiating a "request" object doesn't really make any sense.

* The `FrontEndCompileRequest` type has a similar situation:

    * Front-end compilation as part of an `EndToEndCompileRequest`
      supports user configuration of `FrontEndCompileRequest` settings,
      but only through the `EndToEndCompileRequest`

    * Front-end compilation triggered by an `import` or a `loadModule()`
      call does not support user configuration of settings at all. It
      will always derive all relevant settings from thsoe on the
      session ("linkage").

In addition, subsequent changes have been made to the compiler that
show a bit of a "code smell" and/or forward-looking worries for this

* In some cases we've had to add the same setting to multiple types
  in the breakdown (front-end, back-end, end-to-end, linkage, target,
  etc.) which makes it harder for us to validate that all the possible
  mixtures of state work correctly.

* Related to the above, in some cases we have manual logic that copies
  state from one of the objects in the breakdown to another, in order
  to ensure that the user's intention is actually followed.

* As a forward-looking concern, it seems that developers have sometimes
  added new configuration options and state to places that don't really
  make sense according to the rationale of the original decomposition
  (e.g., we probably don't want to have a lot of state that is only
  available via end-to-end requests, given that the API structure is
  meant to push users *away* from end-to-end compiles).

As a result of all of the above, I've been planning a large refactor
with the following big-picture goals:

* Eliminate `BackEndCompileRequest`

    * Move all relevant state/options from the back-end request to
      the end-to-end request, since that is the only place they could
      be set anyway.

    * Introduce a transient "context" type to be used for the duration
      of code generation that serves the main functions that back-end
      requests really served in the codebase

* Make `EndToEndCompileRequest` be a subclass of

    * Consider addding a transient "context" type for front-end
      compiles that can be used in `import`-like cases rather than
      needing a full front-end request object. If this works, then
      eliminate `FrontEndCompileRequest` and be back to world with
      just a single `CompileRequest` type

* Move *all* compiler configuration options to a distinct type (named
  something like `CompilerConfig` or `CompilerOptions` or whatever)
  which stores setting as key-value pairs, and has a notion of
  "inheritance" such that one configuration can extend or build on top
  of another. Make all the relevant types use this catch-all structure
  instead of redundantly storing flags in many places.

This change deals with the first of those bullets: removeal of
`BackEndCompileRequest`. The addition of the `CodeGenContext` type is
perhaps an unncessary additional step, but making that change helps
clean up a bunch of the code related to per-target code generation,
so I think it is the right choice.

Co-authored-by: Yong He <>
1 parent 2aac370
Raw File

#include "slang-com-helper.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <cstddef>

namespace Slang {

/*! \brief ComPtr is a simple smart pointer that manages types which implement COM based interfaces.
\details A class that implements a COM, must derive from the IUnknown interface or a type that matches
it's layout exactly (such as ISlangUnknown). Trying to use this template with a class that doesn't follow
these rules, will lead to undefined behavior.
This is a 'strong' pointer type, and will AddRef when a non null pointer is set and Release when the pointer
leaves scope.
Using 'detach' allows a pointer to be removed from the management of the ComPtr.
To set the smart pointer to null, there is the method setNull, or alternatively just assign SLANG_NULL/nullptr.

One edge case using the template is that sometimes you want access as a pointer to a pointer. Sometimes this
is to write into the smart pointer, other times to pass as an array. To handle these different behaviors
there are the methods readRef and writeRef, which are used instead of the & (ref) operator. For example

Void doSomething(ID3D12Resource** resources, IndexT numResources);
// ...
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> resources[3];
doSomething(resources[0].readRef(), SLANG_COUNT_OF(resource));

A more common scenario writing to the pointer

IUnknown* unk = ...;

ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> resource;
Result res = unk->QueryInterface(resource.writeRef());

// Enum to force initializing as an attach (without adding a reference)
enum InitAttach

template <class T>
class ComPtr
	typedef T Type;
	typedef ComPtr ThisType;
	typedef ISlangUnknown* Ptr;

		/// Constructors
		/// Default Ctor. Sets to nullptr
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr() :m_ptr(nullptr) {}
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr(std::nullptr_t) : m_ptr(nullptr) {}
		/// Sets, and ref counts.
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE explicit ComPtr(T* ptr) :m_ptr(ptr) { if (ptr) ((Ptr)ptr)->addRef(); }
		/// The copy ctor
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr(const ThisType& rhs) : m_ptr(rhs.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) ((Ptr)m_ptr)->addRef(); }

        /// Ctor without adding to ref count.
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE explicit ComPtr(InitAttach, T* ptr) :m_ptr(ptr) { }
        /// Ctor without adding to ref count
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr(InitAttach, const ThisType& rhs) : m_ptr(rhs.m_ptr) { }

		/// Move Ctor
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr(ThisType&& rhs) : m_ptr(rhs.m_ptr) { rhs.m_ptr = nullptr; }
		/// Move assign
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr& operator=(ThisType&& rhs) { T* swap = m_ptr; m_ptr = rhs.m_ptr; rhs.m_ptr = swap; return *this; }

	/// Destructor releases the pointer, assuming it is set
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ~ComPtr() { if (m_ptr) ((Ptr)m_ptr)->release(); }

	// !!! Operators !!!

	  /// Returns the dumb pointer
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE operator T *() const { return m_ptr; }

	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T& operator*() { return *m_ptr; }
		/// For making method invocations through the smart pointer work through the dumb pointer
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T* operator->() const { return m_ptr; }

		/// Assign
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE const ThisType &operator=(const ThisType& rhs);
		/// Assign from dumb ptr
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T* operator=(T* in);

		/// Get the pointer and don't ref
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T* get() const { return m_ptr; }
		/// Release a contained nullptr pointer if set
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE void setNull();

		/// Detach
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T* detach() { T* ptr = m_ptr; m_ptr = nullptr; return ptr; }
		/// Set to a pointer without changing the ref count
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE void attach(T* in) { m_ptr = in; }

		/// Get ready for writing (nulls contents)
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T** writeRef() { setNull(); return &m_ptr; }
		/// Get for read access
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T*const* readRef() const { return &m_ptr; }

		/// Swap
	void swap(ThisType& rhs);

	/// Gets the address of the dumb pointer.
    // Disabled: use writeRef and readRef to get a reference based on usage.
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T** operator&() = delete;

	T* m_ptr;

template <typename T>
void ComPtr<T>::setNull()
	if (m_ptr)
		m_ptr = nullptr;
template <typename T>
const ComPtr<T>& ComPtr<T>::operator=(const ThisType& rhs)
	if (rhs.m_ptr) ((Ptr)rhs.m_ptr)->addRef();
	if (m_ptr) ((Ptr)m_ptr)->release();
	m_ptr = rhs.m_ptr;
	return *this;
template <typename T>
T* ComPtr<T>::operator=(T* ptr)
	if (ptr) ((Ptr)ptr)->addRef();
	if (m_ptr) ((Ptr)m_ptr)->release();
	m_ptr = ptr;
	return m_ptr;
template <typename T>
void ComPtr<T>::swap(ThisType& rhs)
	T* tmp = m_ptr;
	m_ptr = rhs.m_ptr;
	rhs.m_ptr = tmp;

} // namespace Slang

#endif // SLANG_COM_PTR_H
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