Revision 14452db6dff408ebfb342a6e813d8f44d7d9373e authored by Jyh-Miin Lin on 05 October 2022, 01:54:28 UTC, committed by Jyh-Miin Lin on 05 October 2022, 01:54:28 UTC
0 parent
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
from matplotlib import cm
gray = cm.gray
def indxmap_diff(Nd):
Preindixing for rapid image gradient ()
Diff(x) = x.flat[d_indx[0]] - x.flat
Diff_t(x) = x.flat[dt_indx[0]] - x.flat
:param Nd: the dimension of the image
:type Nd: tuple with integers
:returns d_indx: image gradient
:returns dt_indx: the transpose of the image gradient
:rtype: d_indx: lists with numpy ndarray
:rtype: dt_indx: lists with numpy ndarray
ndims = len(Nd)
Ndprod =
mylist = numpy.arange(0, Ndprod).astype(numpy.int32)
mylist = numpy.reshape(mylist, Nd)
d_indx = []
dt_indx = []
for pp in range(0, ndims):
d_indx = d_indx + [ numpy.reshape( numpy.roll( mylist, +1 , pp ), (Ndprod,) ,order='C').astype(numpy.int32) ,]
dt_indx = dt_indx + [ numpy.reshape( numpy.roll( mylist, -1 , pp ) , (Ndprod,) ,order='C').astype(numpy.int32) ,]
return d_indx, dt_indx
import scipy.sparse
def gradient_class(Nd, axis):
d_indx, dt_indx = indxmap_diff(Nd)
I = scipy.sparse.eye(,
data = numpy.ones((,))
row_ind = d_indx[axis]
col_ind= numpy.arange(0,
G = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(( data,
(row_ind, col_ind)), shape = (,
G = G- I
G = G.tocsr()
return G
def gradient_class2(Nd, axis):
d_indx, dt_indx = indxmap_diff(Nd)
I = scipy.sparse.eye(,
data = numpy.ones((,))
row_ind = dt_indx[axis]
col_ind= numpy.arange(0,
G = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(( data,
(row_ind, col_ind)), shape = (,
G = G- I
G = G.tocsr()
return G
def GBPDNA2(nufft, gy, maxiter, rho):
GBPDNA: test 3D total variation
import pynufft.src._helper.helper as helper
f = gy
def A(x):
y2 = nufft.forward(x.reshape(['Nd']))
return y2
def AH(y):
# py = numpy.array(y.astype(numpy.complex64), order='C')
x2 = nufft.adjoint(y).flatten()
return x2
Nd =['Nd']
# Gz = gradient_class(Nd, 2)
Gx = gradient_class2(Nd, 0)
Gy = gradient_class2(Nd, 1)
Gx2 = gradient_class2(Nd, 0)
Gy2 = gradient_class2(Nd, 1)
# Gz2 = gradient_class2(Nd, 2)
Gxx =
Gyy =
M =['M']
v = numpy.ones(M,)
for pp in range(0,20):
w = A(AH((v)))
lab = numpy.inner(w,numpy.conj(v))/numpy.inner(v,numpy.conj(v))
tau_1 = 1/lab.real
w = w/numpy.linalg.norm(w)
v= w
v= numpy.random.rand(,)
for pp in range(0,20):
w = Gx.getH().dot(
lab = numpy.inner(w,numpy.conj(v))/numpy.inner(v,numpy.conj(v))
tau_2 = 1/(lab.real)
w = w/numpy.linalg.norm(w)
v= w
print("tau_1 = ", tau_1)
print("tau_2 = ", tau_2)
# tau_1 = 0.1*tau_1
tau_2 = 0.1*tau_2*rho
# tau_2 *= 3
delta = 1.0
mu = 0.001*numpy.max(numpy.abs(AH(f))[...])
def P_lambda(w_i, mu, tau_1):
w_abs = numpy.abs(w_i)
# print(w_abs.shape)
# print(w_iw_abs.shape)
out = ((w_i+1e-10)/(w_abs+1e-10))*mu/tau_1
indx= w_abs <= (mu/tau_1)
out[indx] =w_i[indx]
return out
def Q_f_eps(v, f, eps):
v_f = v-f
v_f_abs = numpy.abs(v_f)
out = f + eps* v_f/v_f_abs
indx = (v_f_abs <= eps)
out[indx] = v[indx]
return out
N =
u_bold_k = numpy.zeros(N,)
v_k = numpy.zeros(M,)
z_k = numpy.zeros(M,)
w_kx = numpy.zeros(N,)
w_ky = numpy.zeros(N,)
hx = numpy.zeros(N,)
hy = numpy.zeros(N,)
# hz = numpy.zeros(N,)
hx2 = numpy.zeros(N,)
hy2 = numpy.zeros(N,)
# hz2 = numpy.zeros(N,)
eps = 1e-16
for iter in range(0, maxiter):
tmp_u= u_bold_k - tau_1 * AH(v_k + tmp_f- z_k).flat[...]
u_bar_kp1 = tmp_u - tau_1 *( Gx.getH().dot(w_kx) + Gy.getH().dot(w_ky) )
# Gx2.getH().dot(w_kx2) + Gy2.getH().dot(w_ky2) + Gz2.getH().dot(w_kz2) )
# sx =
# sy =
# s = (sx**2 + sy**2)**0.5
w_kp1x = P_lambda(w_kx + (tau_2/tau_1)*, mu, tau_1)
w_kp1y = P_lambda(w_ky+ (tau_2/tau_1)*, mu, tau_1)
# w_kp1z = P_lambda(w_kz+ (tau_2/tau_1)*, mu, tau_1)
# w_kp1x2 = P_lambda(w_kx2+ (tau_2/tau_1)*, mu, tau_1)
# w_kp1y2 = P_lambda(w_ky2+ (tau_2/tau_1)*, mu, tau_1)
# w_kp1z2 = P_lambda(w_kz2+ (tau_2/tau_1)*, mu, tau_1)
# hx = (sx+eps)/(s+eps)*Gx.getH().dot(w_kp1)
# hy = (sy+eps)/(s+eps)*Gy.getH().dot(w_kp1)
u_bold_kp1 = tmp_u - tau_1 *( Gx.getH().dot(w_kp1x) + Gy.getH().dot(w_kp1y) )
# Gx2.getH().dot(w_kp1x2) + Gy2.getH().dot(w_kp1y2) + Gz2.getH().dot(w_kp1z2))
tmp_f=A(numpy.reshape( u_bold_kp1, Nd))
z_kp1 = Q_f_eps(tmp_f + v_k, f, eps)
v_kp1 = v_k + delta * (tmp_f - z_kp1)
w_kx = w_kp1x
w_ky = w_kp1y
# w_kz = w_kp1z
# w_kx2 = w_kp1x2
# w_ky2 = w_kp1y2
# w_kz2 = w_kp1z2
u_bold_k = u_bold_kp1
v_k = v_kp1
z_k = z_kp1
return numpy.reshape(u_bar_kp1, Nd)
import scipy.misc
import pkg_resources
DATA_PATH = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pynufft', './src/data/')
# image = numpy.load(DATA_PATH +'phantom_3D_128_128_128.npz')['arr_0']#[0::2, 0::2, 0::2]
image = scipy.misc.ascent()[::2,::2]
# image = numpy.array(image, order='C')
Nd = (256,256) # time grid, tuple
Kd = (384,384) # frequency grid, tuple
Jd = (6,6) # interpolator
# om= numpy.load(DATA_PATH+'om3D.npz')['arr_0']
om = numpy.random.randn(int(5e+5),2)
from pynufft import NUFFT, helper
# device = helper.device_list()[0]
NufftObj = NUFFT()
NufftObj.plan(om, Nd, Kd, Jd)
# NufftObj.offload(API = 'cuda', platform_number = 0, device_number = 0)
# gx = NufftObj.thr.to_device(image.astype(numpy.complex64))
y =NufftObj.forward(image)
import time
t0 = time.time()
restore_x2 = GBPDNA2(NufftObj, y, maxiter=5, rho = 2)
t1 = time.time()
restore_x = NufftObj.solve(y,'L1TVOLS', maxiter=50, rho=0.4)
t2 = time.time()
print("GBPDNA time = ", t1 - t0)
print("CG time = ", t2 - t1)
#restore_image1 = NufftObj.solve(kspace,'L1TVLAD', maxiter=300,rho=0.1)
# restore_x2 = NufftObj.solve(gy,'L1TVOLS', maxiter=100,rho=0.2)
# tau_1 = 1
# tau_2 = 0.1
pyplot.imshow(image.real, label='original signal',cmap=gray)
pyplot.imshow(numpy.abs(restore_x), label='L1TVLAD',cmap=gray)
pyplot.imshow(numpy.abs(restore_x2), label='GBPDNA',cmap=gray)
pyplot.title('GBPDNA (50 iterations)')
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