Revision 15165d39ab047f5d7c6b52a45ee0e95b5709d492 authored by Tom Hadlaw on 08 May 2023, 23:12:16 UTC, committed by Tom Hadlaw on 08 May 2023, 23:12:16 UTC
Signed-off-by: Tom Hadlaw <>
1 parent 93cd67f
Raw File
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright Authors of Cilium

package helpers

import (

	appsv1 ""
	v1 ""

	cnpv2 ""
	ginkgoext ""

const (
	// KubectlCmd Kubernetes controller command
	KubectlCmd   = "kubectl"
	kubeDNSLabel = "k8s-app=kube-dns"

	// DNSHelperTimeout is a predefined timeout value for K8s DNS commands. It
	// must be larger than 5 minutes because kubedns has a hardcoded resync
	// period of 5 minutes. We have experienced test failures because kubedns
	// needed this time to recover from a connection problem to kube-apiserver.
	// The kubedns resyncPeriod is defined at
	DNSHelperTimeout = 7 * time.Minute

	// CIIntegrationEKSChaining contains the constants to be used when running tests on EKS with aws-cni in chaining mode.
	CIIntegrationEKSChaining = "eks-chaining"

	// CIIntegrationEKS contains the constants to be used when running tests on EKS in ENI mode.
	CIIntegrationEKS = "eks"

	// CIIntegrationGKE contains the constants to be used when running tests on GKE.
	CIIntegrationGKE = "gke"

	// CIIntegrationAKS contains the constants to be used when running tests on AKS.
	CIIntegrationAKS = "aks"

	// CIIntegrationKind contains the constant to be used when running tests on kind.
	CIIntegrationKind = "kind"

	// CIIntegrationMicrok8s contains the constant to be used when running tests on microk8s.
	CIIntegrationMicrok8s = "microk8s"

	// CIIntegrationMicrok8s is the value to set CNI_INTEGRATION when running with minikube.
	CIIntegrationMinikube = "minikube"

	LogGathererSelector = "k8s-app=cilium-test-logs"
	CiliumSelector      = "k8s-app=cilium"

	IPv4NativeRoutingCIDR = ""
	IPv6NativeRoutingCIDR = "fd02::/112"

var (
	// defaultHelmOptions are passed to helm in ciliumInstallHelm, unless
	// overridden by options passed in at invocation. In those cases, the test
	// has a specific need to override the option.
	// These defaults are made to match some environment variables in init(),
	// below. These overrides represent a desire to set the default for all
	// tests, instead of test-specific variations.
	defaultHelmOptions = map[string]string{
		"image.repository":           "k8s1:5000/cilium/cilium-dev",
		"image.tag":                  "latest",
		"image.useDigest":            "false",
		"preflight.image.repository": "k8s1:5000/cilium/cilium-dev", // Set again in init to match agent.image!
		"preflight.image.tag":        "latest",
		"preflight.image.useDigest":  "false",
		"operator.image.repository":  "k8s1:5000/cilium/operator",
		"operator.image.tag":         "latest",
		"operator.image.suffix":      "",
		"operator.image.useDigest":   "false",

		// Enable embedded Hubble, both on unix socket and TCP port 4244.
		"hubble.enabled":                "true",
		"hubble.listenAddress":          ":4244",
		"hubble.eventBufferCapacity":    "65535",
		"hubble.relay.image.repository": "k8s1:5000/cilium/hubble-relay",
		"hubble.relay.image.tag":        "latest",
		"hubble.relay.image.useDigest":  "false",

		"debug.enabled": "true",
		"debug.verbose": "flow",

		"k8s.requireIPv4PodCIDR": "true",
		"pprof.enabled":          "true",
		"logSystemLoad":          "true",
		"bpf.preallocateMaps":    "false",
		"etcd.leaseTTL":          "30s",
		"ipv4.enabled":           "true",
		"ipv6.enabled":           "true",
		// "extraEnv[0].name":              "KUBE_CACHE_MUTATION_DETECTOR",
		// "extraEnv[0].value":             "true",

		// We need CNP node status to know when a policy is being enforced
		"enableCnpStatusUpdates": "true",
		"ipv4NativeRoutingCIDR":  IPv4NativeRoutingCIDR,
		"ipv6NativeRoutingCIDR":  IPv6NativeRoutingCIDR,

		"ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv6PodCIDR": "fd02::/112",

	eksChainingHelmOverrides = map[string]string{
		"k8s.requireIPv4PodCIDR": "false",
		"cni.chainingMode":       "aws-cni",
		"masquerade":             "false",
		"tunnel":                 "disabled",
		"nodeinit.enabled":       "true",

	eksHelmOverrides = map[string]string{
		"egressMasqueradeInterfaces": "eth0",
		"eni.enabled":                "true",
		"ipam.mode":                  "eni",
		"ipv6.enabled":               "false",
		"k8s.requireIPv4PodCIDR":     "false",
		"nodeinit.enabled":           "true",
		"tunnel":                     "disabled",

	gkeHelmOverrides = map[string]string{
		"ipv6.enabled":                "false",
		"nodeinit.enabled":            "true",
		"nodeinit.reconfigureKubelet": "true",
		"nodeinit.removeCbrBridge":    "true",
		"nodeinit.restartPods":        "true",
		"cni.binPath":                 "/home/kubernetes/bin",
		"gke.enabled":                 "true",
		"loadBalancer.mode":           "snat",
		"ipv4NativeRoutingCIDR":       NativeRoutingCIDR(),
		"hostFirewall.enabled":        "false",
		"ipam.mode":                   "kubernetes",
		"devices":                     "", // Override "eth0 eth0\neth0"

	aksHelmOverrides = map[string]string{
		"ipam.mode":                           "delegated-plugin",
		"tunnel":                              "disabled",
		"endpointRoutes.enabled":              "true",
		"extraArgs":                           "{--local-router-ipv4=}",
		"k8s.requireIPv4PodCIDR":              "false",
		"ipv6.enabled":                        "false",
		"ipv4NativeRoutingCIDR":               NativeRoutingCIDR(),
		"enableIPv4Masquerade":                "false",
		"install-no-conntrack-iptables-rules": "false",
		"l7Proxy":                             "false",
		"hubble.enabled":                      "false",
		"kubeProxyReplacement":                "strict",
		"endpointHealthChecking.enabled":      "false",
		"cni.install":                         "true",
		"cni.customConf":                      "true",
		"cni.configMap":                       "cni-configuration",

	microk8sHelmOverrides = map[string]string{
		"cni.confPath":      "/var/snap/microk8s/current/args/cni-network",
		"cni.binPath":       "/var/snap/microk8s/current/opt/cni/bin",
		"cni.customConf":    "true",
		"daemon.runPath":    "/var/snap/microk8s/current/var/run/cilium",
		"image.pullPolicy":  "IfNotPresent",
		"ipv6.enabled":      "false",
		"operator.replicas": "1",
	minikubeHelmOverrides = map[string]string{
		"ipv6.enabled":           "false",
		"bpf.preallocateMaps":    "false",
		"k8s.requireIPv4PodCIDR": "false",
	kindHelmOverrides = map[string]string{
		// To mount the cgroupv2 sub-root
		"nodeinit.enabled": "true",

	// helmOverrides allows overriding of cilium-agent options for
	// specific CI environment integrations.
	// The key must be a string consisting of lower case characters.
	helmOverrides = map[string]map[string]string{
		CIIntegrationEKSChaining: eksChainingHelmOverrides,
		CIIntegrationEKS:         eksHelmOverrides,
		CIIntegrationGKE:         gkeHelmOverrides,
		CIIntegrationAKS:         aksHelmOverrides,
		CIIntegrationKind:        kindHelmOverrides,
		CIIntegrationMicrok8s:    microk8sHelmOverrides,
		CIIntegrationMinikube:    minikubeHelmOverrides,

	// resourcesToClean is the list of resources which should be cleaned
	// from default namespace before tests are being run. It's not possible
	// to delete all resources as services like "kubernetes" must be
	// preserved. This helps reduce contamination between tests if tests
	// are leaking resources into the default namespace for some reason.
	resourcesToClean = []string{

// HelmOverride returns the value of a Helm override option for the currently
func HelmOverride(option string) string {
	integration := strings.ToLower(os.Getenv("CNI_INTEGRATION"))
	if overrides, exists := helmOverrides[integration]; exists {
		return overrides[option]
	return ""

// NativeRoutingEnabled returns true when native routing is enabled for a
// particular CNI_INTEGRATION
func NativeRoutingEnabled() bool {
	tunnelDisabled := HelmOverride("tunnel") == "disabled"
	gkeEnabled := HelmOverride("gke.enabled") == "true"
	return tunnelDisabled || gkeEnabled

func Init() {
	if config.CiliumTestConfig.CiliumImage != "" {
		os.Setenv("CILIUM_IMAGE", config.CiliumTestConfig.CiliumImage)

	if config.CiliumTestConfig.CiliumTag != "" {
		os.Setenv("CILIUM_TAG", config.CiliumTestConfig.CiliumTag)

	if config.CiliumTestConfig.CiliumOperatorImage != "" {
		os.Setenv("CILIUM_OPERATOR_IMAGE", config.CiliumTestConfig.CiliumOperatorImage)

	if config.CiliumTestConfig.CiliumOperatorTag != "" {
		os.Setenv("CILIUM_OPERATOR_TAG", config.CiliumTestConfig.CiliumOperatorTag)

	if config.CiliumTestConfig.CiliumOperatorSuffix != "" {
		os.Setenv("CILIUM_OPERATOR_SUFFIX", config.CiliumTestConfig.CiliumOperatorSuffix)

	if config.CiliumTestConfig.HubbleRelayImage != "" {
		os.Setenv("HUBBLE_RELAY_IMAGE", config.CiliumTestConfig.HubbleRelayImage)

	if config.CiliumTestConfig.HubbleRelayTag != "" {
		os.Setenv("HUBBLE_RELAY_TAG", config.CiliumTestConfig.HubbleRelayTag)

	if config.CiliumTestConfig.ProvisionK8s == false {
		os.Setenv("SKIP_K8S_PROVISION", "true")

	// Copy over envronment variables that are passed in.
	for envVar, helmVar := range map[string]string{
		"CILIUM_TAG":             "image.tag",
		"CILIUM_IMAGE":           "image.repository",
		"CILIUM_OPERATOR_TAG":    "operator.image.tag",
		"CILIUM_OPERATOR_IMAGE":  "operator.image.repository",
		"CILIUM_OPERATOR_SUFFIX": "operator.image.suffix",
		"HUBBLE_RELAY_IMAGE":     "hubble.relay.image.repository",
		"HUBBLE_RELAY_TAG":       "hubble.relay.image.tag",
	} {
		if v := os.Getenv(envVar); v != "" {
			defaultHelmOptions[helmVar] = v

	// preflight must match the cilium agent image (that's the point)
	defaultHelmOptions["preflight.image.repository"] = defaultHelmOptions["image.repository"]
	defaultHelmOptions["preflight.image.tag"] = defaultHelmOptions["image.tag"]

// GetCurrentK8SEnv returns the value of K8S_VERSION from the OS environment.
func GetCurrentK8SEnv() string { return os.Getenv("K8S_VERSION") }

func GetKubectlPath() string {
	return path.Join(config.CiliumTestConfig.KubectlPath, GetCurrentK8SEnv())

// GetCurrentIntegration returns CI integration set up to run against Cilium.
func GetCurrentIntegration() string {
	integration := strings.ToLower(os.Getenv("CNI_INTEGRATION"))
	if _, exists := helmOverrides[integration]; exists {
		return integration
	return ""

// IsIntegration returns true when integration matches the configuration of
// this test run
func IsIntegration(integration string) bool {
	return GetCurrentIntegration() == integration

// Kubectl is a wrapper around an SSHMeta. It is used to run Kubernetes-specific
// commands on the node which is accessible via the SSH metadata stored in its
// SSHMeta.
type Kubectl struct {

	// ciliumOptions is a cache of the most recent configuration options
	// used to install Cilium via CiliumInstall().
	ciliumOptions map[string]string

	// nDNSReplicas is the number of replicas for DNS pods in the cluster.
	// Stored via kub.ScaleDownDNS(), used by kub.ScaleUpDNS().
	nDNSReplicas int

// CreateKubectl initializes a Kubectl helper with the provided vmName and log
// It marks the test as Fail if cannot get the ssh meta information or cannot
// execute a `ls` on the virtual machine.
func CreateKubectl(vmName string, log *logrus.Entry) (k *Kubectl) {
	if config.CiliumTestConfig.Kubeconfig == "" {
		node := GetVagrantSSHMeta(vmName)
		if node == nil {
			ginkgoext.Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot connect to vmName  '%s'", vmName), 1)
			return nil
		// This `ls` command is a sanity check, sometimes the meta ssh info is not
		// nil but new commands cannot be executed using SSH, tests failed and it
		// was hard to debug.
		res := node.ExecShort("ls /tmp/")
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
				"Cannot execute ls command on vmName '%s'", vmName), 1)
			return nil
		node.logger = log

		k = &Kubectl{
			Executor: node,
	} else {
		// Prepare environment variables
		// NOTE: order matters and we want the KUBECONFIG from config to win
		var environ []string
		if config.CiliumTestConfig.PassCLIEnvironment {
			environ = append(environ, os.Environ()...)
		environ = append(environ, "KUBECONFIG="+config.CiliumTestConfig.Kubeconfig)
		environ = append(environ, fmt.Sprintf("PATH=%s:%s", GetKubectlPath(), os.Getenv("PATH")))

		// Create the executor
		exec := CreateLocalExecutor(environ)
		exec.logger = log

		k = &Kubectl{
			Executor: exec,
		if err := k.ensureKubectlVersion(); err != nil {
			ginkgoext.Failf("failed to ensure kubectl version: %s", err)

	// Make sure the namespace Cilium uses exists.
	if err := k.EnsureNamespaceExists(CiliumNamespace); err != nil {
		ginkgoext.Failf("failed to ensure the namespace %s exists: %s", CiliumNamespace, err)

	res := k.Apply(ApplyOptions{FilePath: filepath.Join(k.BasePath(), K8sManifestBase, "log-gatherer.yaml"), Namespace: LogGathererNamespace})
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		ginkgoext.Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot connect to k8s cluster, output:\n%s", res.CombineOutput().String()), 1)
		return nil
	if err := k.WaitforPods(LogGathererNamespace, "-l "+logGathererSelector(true), HelperTimeout); err != nil {
		ginkgoext.Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Failed waiting for log-gatherer pods: %s", err), 1)
		return nil

	// Clean any leftover resources in the default namespace
	k.ciliumOptions = make(map[string]string)

	return k

// DaemonSetIsReady validate that a DaemonSet is scheduled on all required
// nodes and all pods are ready. If this condition is not met, an error is
// returned. If all pods are ready, then the number of pods is returned.
func (kub *Kubectl) DaemonSetIsReady(namespace, daemonset string) (int, error) {
	fullName := namespace + "/" + daemonset

	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get daemonset %s -o json", KubectlCmd, namespace, daemonset))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve daemonset %s: %s", fullName, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	d := &appsv1.DaemonSet{}
	err := res.Unmarshal(d)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal DaemonSet %s: %s", fullName, err)

	if d.Status.DesiredNumberScheduled == 0 {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("desired number of pods is zero")

	if d.Status.CurrentNumberScheduled != d.Status.DesiredNumberScheduled {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("only %d of %d desired pods are scheduled", d.Status.CurrentNumberScheduled, d.Status.DesiredNumberScheduled)

	if d.Status.NumberAvailable != d.Status.DesiredNumberScheduled {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("only %d of %d desired pods are ready", d.Status.NumberAvailable, d.Status.DesiredNumberScheduled)

	return int(d.Status.DesiredNumberScheduled), nil

// AddRegistryCredentials adds a registry credentials secret into the
// cluster
func (kub *Kubectl) AddRegistryCredentials(cred string, registry string) error {
	if len(cred) == 0 || cred == ":" {
		return nil
	if kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s get secret regcred", KubectlCmd)).WasSuccessful() {
		return nil
	up := strings.SplitN(cred, ":", 2)
	if len(up) != 2 {
		return fmt.Errorf("registry credentials had an invalid format")

	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=%s --docker-username=%s --docker-password=%s", KubectlCmd, registry, up[0], up[1])
	if !kub.ExecShort(cmd).WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to create registry credentials")
	return nil

// WaitForCiliumReadiness waits for the Cilium DaemonSet to become ready.
// Readiness is achieved when all Cilium pods which are desired to run on a
// node are in ready state.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForCiliumReadiness(offset int, errMsg string) {
	ginkgoext.By("Waiting for Cilium to become ready")
	gomega.EventuallyWithOffset(1+offset, func() error {
		_, err := kub.DaemonSetIsReady(CiliumNamespace, "cilium")
		return err
	}, 4*time.Minute, time.Second).Should(gomega.BeNil(), errMsg)

// DeleteResourceInAnyNamespace deletes all objects with the provided name of
// the specified resource type in all namespaces.
func (kub *Kubectl) DeleteResourcesInAnyNamespace(resource string, names []string) error {
	cmd := KubectlCmd + " get " + resource + " --all-namespaces -o json | jq -r '[ .items[].metadata | (.namespace + \"/\" + .name) ]'"
	res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve %s in all namespaces '%s': %s", resource, cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	var allNames []string
	if err := res.Unmarshal(&allNames); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal string slice '%#v': %s", res.OutputPrettyPrint(), err)

	namesMap := map[string]struct{}{}
	for _, name := range names {
		namesMap[name] = struct{}{}

	for _, combinedName := range allNames {
		parts := strings.SplitN(combinedName, "/", 2)
		if len(parts) != 2 {
			return fmt.Errorf("The %s idenfifier '%s' is not in the form <namespace>/<name>", resource, combinedName)
		namespace, name := parts[0], parts[1]
		if _, ok := namesMap[name]; ok {
			ginkgoext.By("Deleting %s %s in namespace %s", resource, name, namespace)
			cmd = KubectlCmd + " -n " + namespace + " delete " + resource + " " + name
			res = kub.ExecShort(cmd)
			if !res.WasSuccessful() {
				return fmt.Errorf("unable to delete %s %s in namespaces %s with command '%s': %s",
					resource, name, namespace, cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	return nil

// ParallelResourceDelete deletes all instances of a resource in a namespace
// based on the list of names provided. Waits until all delete API calls
// return.
func (kub *Kubectl) ParallelResourceDelete(namespace, resource string, names []string) {
	ginkgoext.By("Deleting %s [%s] in namespace %s", resource, strings.Join(names, ","), namespace)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for _, name := range names {
		go func(name string) {
			cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s delete %s %s",
				KubectlCmd, namespace, resource, name)
			res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
			if !res.WasSuccessful() {
				ginkgoext.By("Unable to delete %s %s with '%s': %s",
					resource, name, cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	ginkgoext.By("Waiting for %d deletes to return (%s)",
		len(names), strings.Join(names, ","))

// DeleteAllResourceInNamespace deletes all instances of a resource in a namespace
func (kub *Kubectl) DeleteAllResourceInNamespace(namespace, resource string) {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get %s -o json | jq -r '[ .items[] ]'",
		KubectlCmd, namespace, resource)
	res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		ginkgoext.By("Unable to retrieve list of resource '%s' with '%s': %s",
			resource, cmd, res.stdout.Bytes())

	if len(res.stdout.Bytes()) > 0 {
		var nameList []string
		if err := res.Unmarshal(&nameList); err != nil {
			ginkgoext.By("Unable to unmarshal string slice '%#v': %s",
				res.OutputPrettyPrint(), err)

		if len(nameList) > 0 {
			kub.ParallelResourceDelete(namespace, resource, nameList)

// CleanNamespace removes all artifacts from a namespace
func (kub *Kubectl) CleanNamespace(namespace string) {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	for _, resource := range resourcesToClean {
		go func(resource string) {
			kub.DeleteAllResourceInNamespace(namespace, resource)


// DeleteAllInNamespace deletes all namespaces except the ones provided in the
// exception list
func (kub *Kubectl) DeleteAllNamespacesExcept(except []string) error {
	cmd := KubectlCmd + " get namespace -o json | jq -r '[ .items[] ]'"
	res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve all namespaces with '%s': %s", cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	var namespaceList []string
	if err := res.Unmarshal(&namespaceList); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal string slice '%#v': %s", namespaceList, err)

	exceptMap := map[string]struct{}{}
	for _, e := range except {
		exceptMap[e] = struct{}{}

	for _, namespace := range namespaceList {
		if _, ok := exceptMap[namespace]; !ok {

	return nil

// PrepareCluster will prepare the cluster to run tests. It will:
// - Delete all existing namespaces
// - Label all nodes so the tests can use them
func (kub *Kubectl) PrepareCluster() {
	ginkgoext.By("Preparing cluster")
	err := kub.DeleteAllNamespacesExcept([]string{
	if err != nil {
		ginkgoext.Failf("Unable to delete non-essential namespaces: %s", err)

	ginkgoext.By("Labelling nodes")
	if err = kub.labelNodes(); err != nil {
		ginkgoext.Failf("unable label nodes: %s", err)
	err = kub.AddRegistryCredentials(config.CiliumTestConfig.RegistryCredentials, config.RegistryDomain)
	if err != nil {
		ginkgoext.Failf("unable to add registry credentials to cluster: %s", err)

// NumNodes returns the number of Kubernetes nodes
func (kub *Kubectl) NumNodes() int {
	cmd := KubectlCmd + " get nodes -o json | jq '.items | length'"
	res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		ginkgoext.Failf("unable to retrieve all nodes with '%s': %s", cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())
	i, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()))
	if err != nil {
		ginkgoext.Failf("unable to parse number of nodes from '%s': %s", res.Stdout(), err)
	return i

// labelNodes labels all Kubernetes nodes for use by the CI tests
func (kub *Kubectl) labelNodes() error {
	cmd := KubectlCmd + " get nodes -o json | jq -r '[ .items[] | select(.metadata.labels[\"\"] == null) ]'"
	res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve all nodes with '%s': %s", cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	var nodesList []string
	if err := res.Unmarshal(&nodesList); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal string slice '%#v': %s", nodesList, err)

	index := 1
	for _, nodeName := range nodesList {
		ciNodeName := fmt.Sprintf("k8s%d", index)
		cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s label --overwrite node %s", KubectlCmd, nodeName, ciNodeName)
		res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to label node with '%s': %s", cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	noCiliumNodeNames := strings.Join(GetNodesWithoutCilium(), " ")
	if noCiliumNodeNames != "" {
		// Prevent scheduling any pods on the node, as it will be used as an external client
		// to send requests to k8s{1,2}
		cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s taint --overwrite nodes %s prevent-scheduling:NoSchedule", KubectlCmd, noCiliumNodeNames)
		res := kub.ExecMiddle(cmd)
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to taint node with '%s': %s", cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	return nil

// GetCiliumEndpoint returns the CiliumEndpoint for the specified pod.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetCiliumEndpoint(namespace string, pod string) (*cnpv2.EndpointStatus, error) {
	fullName := namespace + "/" + pod
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get cep %s -o json | jq '.status'", KubectlCmd, namespace, pod)
	res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to run command '%s' to retrieve CiliumEndpoint %s: %s",
			cmd, fullName, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	if len(res.stdout.Bytes()) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("CiliumEndpoint does not exist")

	var data *cnpv2.EndpointStatus
	err := res.Unmarshal(&data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal CiliumEndpoint %s: %s", fullName, err)

	if data == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("CiliumEndpoint does not have a status yet")

	return data, nil

// GetCiliumHostEndpointID returns the ID of the host endpoint on a given node.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetCiliumHostEndpointID(ciliumPod string) (int64, error) {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("cilium endpoint list -o jsonpath='{[?(].id}'",
	res := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.Background(), ciliumPod, cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("unable to run command '%s' to retrieve ID of host endpoint from %s: %s",
			cmd, ciliumPod, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	hostEpID, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), 10, 64)
	if err != nil || hostEpID == 0 {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect host endpoint ID %s: %s",
			strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), err)
	return hostEpID, nil

// GetCiliumHostEndpointState returns the state of the host endpoint on a given node.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetCiliumHostEndpointState(ciliumPod string) (string, error) {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("cilium endpoint list -o jsonpath='{[?(].status.state}'",
	res := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.Background(), ciliumPod, cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to run command '%s' to retrieve state of host endpoint from %s: %s",
			cmd, ciliumPod, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	return strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()), nil

// GetNumCiliumNodes returns the number of Kubernetes nodes running cilium
func (kub *Kubectl) GetNumCiliumNodes() int {
	getNodesCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items.*}'", KubectlCmd)
	res := kub.ExecShort(getNodesCmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return 0
	return len(strings.Split(res.SingleOut(), " ")) - len(GetNodesWithoutCilium())

// CountMissedTailCalls returns the number of the sum of all drops due to
// missed tail calls that happened on all Cilium-managed nodes.
func (kub *Kubectl) CountMissedTailCalls() (int, error) {
	ciliumPods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err

	totalMissedTailCalls := 0
	for _, ciliumPod := range ciliumPods {
		cmd := "cilium metrics list -o json | jq '.[] | select( .name == \"cilium_drop_count_total\" and .labels.reason == \"Missed tail call\" ).value'"
		res := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.Background(), ciliumPod, cmd)
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			return -1, fmt.Errorf("Failed to run %s in pod %s: %s", cmd, ciliumPod, res.CombineOutput())
		if res.Stdout() == "" {

		for _, cnt := range res.ByLines() {
			nbMissedTailCalls, err := strconv.Atoi(cnt)
			if err != nil {
				return -1, err
			totalMissedTailCalls += nbMissedTailCalls

	return totalMissedTailCalls, nil

// CreateSecret is a wrapper around `kubernetes create secret
// <resourceName>.
func (kub *Kubectl) CreateSecret(secretType, name, namespace, args string) *CmdRes {
	kub.Logger().Debug(fmt.Sprintf("creating secret %s in namespace %s", name, namespace))
	kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("kubectl delete secret %s %s -n %s", secretType, name, namespace))
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("kubectl create secret %s %s -n %s %s", secretType, name, namespace, args))

// CopyFileToPod copies a file to a pod's file-system.
func (kub *Kubectl) CopyFileToPod(namespace string, pod string, fromFile, toFile string) *CmdRes {
	kub.Logger().Debug(fmt.Sprintf("copyiong file %s to pod %s/%s:%s", fromFile, namespace, pod, toFile))
	return kub.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%s cp %s %s/%s:%s", KubectlCmd, fromFile, namespace, pod, toFile))

// ExecKafkaPodCmd executes shell command with arguments arg in the specified pod residing in the specified
// namespace. It returns the stdout of the command that was executed.
// The kafka producer and consumer scripts do not return error if command
// leads to TopicAuthorizationException or any other error. Hence the
// function needs to also take into account the stderr messages returned.
func (kub *Kubectl) ExecKafkaPodCmd(namespace string, pod string, arg string) error {
	command := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, pod, arg)
	res := kub.Exec(command)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("ExecKafkaPodCmd: command '%s' failed %s",
			res.GetCmd(), res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	if strings.Contains(res.Stderr(), "ERROR") {
		return fmt.Errorf("ExecKafkaPodCmd: command '%s' failed '%s'",
			res.GetCmd(), res.OutputPrettyPrint())
	return nil

// ExecPodCmd executes command cmd in the specified pod residing in the specified
// namespace. It returns a pointer to CmdRes with all the output
func (kub *Kubectl) ExecPodCmd(namespace string, pod string, cmd string, options ...ExecOptions) *CmdRes {
	command := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, pod, cmd)
	return kub.Exec(command, options...)

// ExecPodContainerCmd executes command cmd in the specified container residing
// in the specified namespace and pod. It returns a pointer to CmdRes with all
// the output
func (kub *Kubectl) ExecPodContainerCmd(namespace, pod, container, cmd string, options ...ExecOptions) *CmdRes {
	command := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -c %s -- %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, pod, container, cmd)
	return kub.Exec(command, options...)

// ExecPodCmdContext synchronously executes command cmd in the specified pod residing in the
// specified namespace. It returns a pointer to CmdRes with all the output.
func (kub *Kubectl) ExecPodCmdContext(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pod string, cmd string, options ...ExecOptions) *CmdRes {
	command := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, pod, cmd)
	return kub.ExecContext(ctx, command, options...)

// ExecPodCmdBackground executes command cmd in background in the specified pod residing
// in the specified namespace. It returns a pointer to CmdRes with all the
// output
// To receive the output of this function, the caller must invoke either
// kub.WaitUntilFinish() or kub.WaitUntilMatch() then subsequently fetch the
// output out of the result.
func (kub *Kubectl) ExecPodCmdBackground(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pod, container string, cmd string, options ...ExecOptions) *CmdRes {
	if container != "" {
		pod += " -c " + container
	command := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, pod, cmd)
	return kub.ExecInBackground(ctx, command, options...)

// Get retrieves the provided Kubernetes objects from the specified namespace.
func (kub *Kubectl) Get(namespace string, command string) *CmdRes {
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
		"%s -n %s get %s -o json", KubectlCmd, namespace, command))

// GetFromAllNS retrieves provided Kubernetes objects from all namespaces
func (kub *Kubectl) GetFromAllNS(kind string) *CmdRes {
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
		"%s get %s --all-namespaces -o json", KubectlCmd, kind))

// GetCNP retrieves the output of `kubectl get cnp` in the given namespace for
// the given CNP and return a CNP struct. If the CNP does not exists or cannot
// unmarshal the Json output will return nil.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetCNP(namespace string, cnp string) *cnpv2.CiliumNetworkPolicy {
	log := kub.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
		"fn":  "GetCNP",
		"cnp": cnp,
		"ns":  namespace,
	res := kub.Get(namespace, fmt.Sprintf("cnp %s", cnp))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		log.WithField("error", res.CombineOutput()).Info("cannot get CNP")
		return nil
	var result cnpv2.CiliumNetworkPolicy
	err := res.Unmarshal(&result)
	if err != nil {
		log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot unmarshal CNP output")
		return nil
	return &result

func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForCRDCount(filter string, count int, timeout time.Duration) error {
	// Set regexp flag m for multi-line matching, then add the
	// matches for beginning and end of a line, so that we count
	// at most one match per line (like "grep <filter> | wc -l")
	regex := regexp.MustCompile("(?m:^.*(?:" + filter + ").*$)")
	body := func() bool {
		res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s get crds", KubectlCmd))
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			log.Error(res.GetErr("kubectl get crds failed"))
			return false
		return len(regex.FindAllString(res.Stdout(), -1)) == count
	return WithTimeout(
		fmt.Sprintf("timed out waiting for %d CRDs matching filter \"%s\" to be ready", count, filter),
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})

// GetPods gets all of the pods in the given namespace that match the provided
// filter.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetPods(namespace string, filter string) *CmdRes {
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get pods %s -o json", KubectlCmd, namespace, filter))

// GetPodsNodes returns a map with pod name as a key and node name as value. It
// only gets pods in the given namespace that match the provided filter. It
// returns an error if pods cannot be retrieved correctly
func (kub *Kubectl) GetPodsNodes(namespace string, filter string) (map[string]string, error) {
	jsonFilter := `{range .items[*]}{}{"="}{@.spec.nodeName}{"\n"}{end}`
	res := kub.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get pods -l '%s' -o jsonpath='%s'",
		KubectlCmd, namespace, filter, jsonFilter))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve pods: %s", res.CombineOutput())
	return res.KVOutput(), nil

// GetPodOnNodeLabeledWithOffset retrieves name and ip of a pod matching filter and residing on a node with label<label>
func (kub *Kubectl) GetPodOnNodeLabeledWithOffset(label string, podFilter string, callOffset int) (string, string) {

	nodeName, err := kub.GetNodeNameByLabel(label)
	gomega.ExpectWithOffset(callOffset, err).Should(gomega.BeNil())
	gomega.ExpectWithOffset(callOffset, nodeName).ShouldNot(gomega.BeEmpty(), "Cannot retrieve node name with label", label)

	var podName string

	podsNodes, err := kub.GetPodsNodes(DefaultNamespace, fmt.Sprintf("%s", podFilter))
	gomega.ExpectWithOffset(callOffset, err).Should(gomega.BeNil(), "Cannot retrieve pods nodes with filter %q", podFilter)
	gomega.Expect(podsNodes).ShouldNot(gomega.BeEmpty(), "No pod found in namespace %s with filter %q", DefaultNamespace, podFilter)
	for pod, node := range podsNodes {
		if node == nodeName {
			podName = pod
	gomega.ExpectWithOffset(callOffset, podName).ShouldNot(gomega.BeEmpty(), "Cannot retrieve pod on node %s with filter %q", nodeName, podFilter)
	podsIPs, err := kub.GetPodsIPs(DefaultNamespace, podFilter)
	gomega.ExpectWithOffset(callOffset, err).Should(gomega.BeNil(), "Cannot retrieve pods IPs with filter %q", podFilter)
	gomega.Expect(podsIPs).ShouldNot(gomega.BeEmpty(), "No pod IP found in namespace %s with filter %q", DefaultNamespace, podFilter)
	podIP := podsIPs[podName]
	return podName, podIP

// GetSvcIP returns the cluster IP for the given service. If the service
// does not contain a cluster IP, the function keeps retrying until it has or
// the context timesout.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetSvcIP(ctx context.Context, namespace, name string) (string, error) {
	for {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return "", ctx.Err()
		jsonFilter := `{.spec.clusterIP}`
		res := kub.ExecContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get svc %s -o jsonpath='%s'",
			KubectlCmd, namespace, name, jsonFilter))
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve pods: %s", res.CombineOutput())
		clusterIP := res.CombineOutput().String()
		if clusterIP != "" {
			return clusterIP, nil

// GetPodsIPs returns a map with pod name as a key and pod IP name as value. It
// only gets pods in the given namespace that match the provided filter. It
// returns an error if pods cannot be retrieved correctly
func (kub *Kubectl) GetPodsIPs(namespace string, filter string) (map[string]string, error) {
	jsonFilter := `{range .items[*]}{}{"="}{@.status.podIP}{"\n"}{end}`
	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get pods -l %s -o jsonpath='%s'",
		KubectlCmd, namespace, filter, jsonFilter))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve pods: %s", res.CombineOutput())
	return res.KVOutput(), nil

// GetPodsHostIPs returns a map with pod name as a key and host IP name as value. It
// only gets pods in the given namespace that match the provided filter. It
// returns an error if pods cannot be retrieved correctly
func (kub *Kubectl) GetPodsHostIPs(namespace string, label string) (map[string]string, error) {
	jsonFilter := `{range .items[*]}{}{"="}{@.status.hostIP}{"\n"}{end}`
	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get pods -l %s -o jsonpath='%s'",
		KubectlCmd, namespace, label, jsonFilter))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve pods: %s", res.CombineOutput())
	return res.KVOutput(), nil

// GetEndpoints gets all of the endpoints in the given namespace that match the
// provided filter.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetEndpoints(namespace string, filter string) *CmdRes {
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get endpoints %s -o json", KubectlCmd, namespace, filter))

// GetAllPods returns a slice of all pods present in Kubernetes cluster, along
// with an error if the pods could not be retrieved via `kubectl`, or if the
// pod objects are unable to be marshaled from JSON.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetAllPods(ctx context.Context, options ...ExecOptions) ([]v1.Pod, error) {
	var ops ExecOptions
	if len(options) > 0 {
		ops = options[0]

	getPodsCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, MidCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()

	var podsList v1.List
	res := kub.ExecContext(getPodsCtx,
		fmt.Sprintf("%s get pods --all-namespaces -o json", KubectlCmd),
		ExecOptions{SkipLog: ops.SkipLog})

	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return nil, res.GetError()

	err := res.Unmarshal(&podsList)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	pods := make([]v1.Pod, len(podsList.Items))
	for _, item := range podsList.Items {
		var pod v1.Pod
		err = json.Unmarshal(item.Raw, &pod)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		pods = append(pods, pod)

	return pods, nil

// GetPodNames returns the names of all of the pods that are labeled with label
// in the specified namespace, along with an error if the pod names cannot be
// retrieved.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetPodNames(namespace string, label string) ([]string, error) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	return kub.GetPodNamesContext(ctx, namespace, label)

// GetPodNamesContext returns the names of all of the pods that are labeled with
// label in the specified namespace, along with an error if the pod names cannot
// be retrieved.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetPodNamesContext(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label string) ([]string, error) {
	stdout := new(bytes.Buffer)
	filter := "-o jsonpath='{.items[*]}'"

	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get pods -l %s %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, label, filter)

	// Taking more than 30 seconds to get pods means that something is wrong
	// connecting to the node.
	podNamesCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, ShortCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	err := kub.ExecuteContext(podNamesCtx, cmd, stdout, nil)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(
			"could not find pods in namespace '%v' with label '%v': %s", namespace, label, err)

	out := strings.Trim(stdout.String(), "\n")
	if len(out) == 0 {
		//Small hack. String split always return an array with an empty string
		return []string{}, nil
	return strings.Split(out, " "), nil

// GetNodeNameByLabel returns the names of the node with a matching label
func (kub *Kubectl) GetNodeNameByLabel(label string) (string, error) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	return kub.GetNodeNameByLabelContext(ctx, label)

// GetNodeNameByLabelContext returns the names of all nodes with a matching label
func (kub *Kubectl) GetNodeNameByLabelContext(ctx context.Context, label string) (string, error) {
	filter := `{.items[*]}`

	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s get nodes -l -o jsonpath='%s'",
		KubectlCmd, label, filter))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve node to read name: %s", res.CombineOutput())

	out := strings.Trim(res.Stdout(), "\n")

	if len(out) == 0 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("no matching node to read name with label '%v'", label)

	return out, nil

// GetNodeIPByLabel returns the IPv4 of the node with
// An error is returned if a node cannot be found.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetNodeIPByLabel(label string, external bool) (string, error) {
	ipType := "InternalIP"
	if external {
		ipType = "ExternalIP"
	filter := `{@.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type == "` + ipType + `")].address}`
	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s get nodes -l -o jsonpath='%s'",
		KubectlCmd, label, filter))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve node to read IP: %s", res.CombineOutput())

	out := strings.Trim(res.Stdout(), "\n")
	if len(out) == 0 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("no matching node to read IP with label '%v'", label)

	for _, ipStr := range strings.Fields(out) {
		if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr); ip.To4() != nil {
			return ipStr, nil

	return "", fmt.Errorf("found %s ip addrs, but they do not belong to the v4 family",

func (kub *Kubectl) getIfaceByIPAddr(label string, ipAddr string) (string, error) {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf(
		`ip -j a s | jq -r '.[] | select(.addr_info[] | .local == "%s") | .ifname'`,
	iface, err := kub.ExecInHostNetNSByLabel(context.TODO(), label, cmd)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve iface by IP addr: %s", err)
	iface = strings.Trim(iface, "\n")
	if iface == "" {
		// In case of error, we want a copy of the ip a output in the logs.
		ipa, err := kub.ExecInHostNetNSByLabel(context.TODO(), label, "ip -j a s")
		if err != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve ip a output: %s", err)
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve iface by IP addr from: %s", ipa)

	return iface, nil

// GetServiceHostPort returns the host and the first port for the given service name.
// It will return an error if service cannot be retrieved.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetServiceHostPort(namespace string, service string) (string, int, error) {
	var data v1.Service
	err := kub.Get(namespace, fmt.Sprintf("service %s", service)).Unmarshal(&data)
	if err != nil {
		return "", 0, err
	if len(data.Spec.Ports) == 0 {
		return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("Service '%s' does not have ports defined", service)
	return data.Spec.ClusterIP, int(data.Spec.Ports[0].Port), nil

// GetServiceClusterIPs returns the list of cluster IPs associated with the service. The support
// for this is only present in later version of Kubernetes(>= 1.20).
func (kub *Kubectl) GetServiceClusterIPs(namespace string, service string) ([]string, error) {
	var data v1.Service
	err := kub.Get(namespace, "service "+service).Unmarshal(&data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return data.Spec.ClusterIPs, nil

// GetLoadBalancerIP waits until a loadbalancer IP addr has been assigned for
// the given service, and then returns the IP addr.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetLoadBalancerIP(namespace string, service string, timeout time.Duration) (string, error) {
	var data v1.Service

	body := func() bool {
		err := kub.Get(namespace, fmt.Sprintf("service %s", service)).Unmarshal(&data)
		if err != nil {
			return false

		if len(data.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) != 0 {
			return true

			"namespace": namespace,
			"service":   service,
		}).Info("GetLoadBalancerIP: loadbalancer IP was not assigned")

		return false

	err := WithTimeout(body, "could not get service LoadBalancer IP addr",
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return data.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].IP, nil

// Logs returns a CmdRes with containing the resulting metadata from the
// execution of `kubectl logs <pod> -n <namespace>`.
func (kub *Kubectl) Logs(namespace string, pod string) *CmdRes {
	return kub.Exec(
		fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s logs %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, pod))

// LogsPreviousWithLabel returns a CmdRes with command output from the
// execution of `kubectl logs --previous=true -l <label string> -n <namespace>`.
func (kub *Kubectl) LogsPreviousWithLabel(namespace string, labelStr string) *CmdRes {
	return kub.Exec(
		fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s -l %s logs --previous", KubectlCmd, namespace, labelStr))

// LogsStream returns a CmdRes with command output from the
// execution of `kubectl logs -f <pod> -n <namespace>`.
func (kub *Kubectl) LogsStream(namespace string, pod string, ctx context.Context) *CmdRes {
	logCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s logs -f %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, pod)

	return kub.ExecInBackground(ctx, logCmd, ExecOptions{})

// MonitorStart runs cilium monitor in the background and returns the command
// result, CmdRes, along with a cancel function. The cancel function is used to
// stop the monitor.
func (kub *Kubectl) MonitorStart(pod string) (res *CmdRes, cancel func()) {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- cilium monitor -vv", KubectlCmd, CiliumNamespace, pod)
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

	return kub.ExecInBackground(ctx, cmd, ExecOptions{SkipLog: true}), cancel

// MonitorEndpointStart runs cilium monitor only on a specified endpoint. This
// function is the same as MonitorStart.
func (kub *Kubectl) MonitorEndpointStart(pod string, epID int64) (res *CmdRes, cancel func()) {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- cilium monitor -vv --related-to %d",
		KubectlCmd, CiliumNamespace, pod, epID)
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

	return kub.ExecInBackground(ctx, cmd, ExecOptions{SkipLog: true}), cancel

// PprofReport runs pprof on cilium nodes each 5 minutes and saves the data
// into the test folder saved with pprof suffix.
func (kub *Kubectl) PprofReport() {
	PProfCadence := 5 * time.Minute
	ticker := time.NewTicker(PProfCadence)
	log := kub.Logger().WithField("subsys", "pprofReport")

	retrievePProf := func(pod, testPath string) {
		res := kub.ExecPodCmd(CiliumNamespace, pod, "gops pprof-cpu 1")
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			log.Errorf("cannot execute pprof: %s", res.OutputPrettyPrint())
		files := kub.ExecPodCmd(CiliumNamespace, pod, `ls -1 /tmp/`)
		for _, file := range files.ByLines() {
			if !strings.Contains(file, "profile") {

			dest := filepath.Join(
				kub.BasePath(), testPath,
				fmt.Sprintf("%s-profile-%s.pprof", pod, file))
			_ = kub.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%[1]s cp %[2]s/%[3]s:/tmp/%[4]s %[5]s",
				KubectlCmd, CiliumNamespace, pod, file, dest),
				ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})

			_ = kub.ExecPodCmd(CiliumNamespace, pod, fmt.Sprintf(
				"rm %s", filepath.Join("/tmp/", file)))

	for {
		select {
		case <-ticker.C:

			testPath, err := CreateReportDirectory()
			if err != nil {
				log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot create test result path '%s'", testPath)

			pods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("cannot get cilium pods")

			for _, pod := range pods {
				retrievePProf(pod, testPath)


// NamespaceCreate creates a new Kubernetes namespace with the given name
func (kub *Kubectl) NamespaceCreate(name string) *CmdRes {
	ginkgoext.By("Creating namespace %s", name)
	kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s delete namespace %s", KubectlCmd, name))
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s create namespace %s", KubectlCmd, name))

// NamespaceDelete deletes a given Kubernetes namespace
func (kub *Kubectl) NamespaceDelete(name string) *CmdRes {
	ginkgoext.By("Deleting namespace %s", name)
	if err := kub.DeleteAllInNamespace(name); err != nil {
		kub.Logger().Infof("Error while deleting all objects from %s ns: %s", name, err)
	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s delete namespace %s", KubectlCmd, name))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		kub.Logger().Infof("Error while deleting ns %s: %s", name, res.GetError())
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
		"%[1]s get namespace %[2]s -o json | tr -d \"\\n\" | sed \"s/\\\"finalizers\\\": \\[[^]]\\+\\]/\\\"finalizers\\\": []/\" | %[1]s replace --raw /api/v1/namespaces/%[2]s/finalize -f -", KubectlCmd, name))


// EnsureNamespaceExists creates a namespace, ignoring the AlreadyExists error.
func (kub *Kubectl) EnsureNamespaceExists(name string) error {
	ginkgoext.By("Ensuring the namespace %s exists", name)
	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s create namespace %s", KubectlCmd, name))
	if !res.success && !strings.Contains(res.Stderr(), "AlreadyExists") {
		return res.err
	return nil

// DeleteAllInNamespace deletes all k8s objects in a namespace
func (kub *Kubectl) DeleteAllInNamespace(name string) error {
	// we are getting all namespaced resources from k8s apiserver, and delete all objects of these types in a provided namespace
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s delete $(%s api-resources --namespaced=true --verbs=delete -o name | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e 's/,$//') -n %s --all", KubectlCmd, KubectlCmd, name)
	if res := kub.ExecShort(cmd); !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to run '%s': %s", cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	return nil

// NamespaceLabel sets a label in a Kubernetes namespace
func (kub *Kubectl) NamespaceLabel(namespace string, label string) *CmdRes {
	ginkgoext.By("Setting label %s in namespace %s", label, namespace)
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s label --overwrite namespace %s %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, label))

// WaitforPods waits up until timeout seconds have elapsed for all pods in the
// specified namespace that match the provided JSONPath filter to have their
// containterStatuses equal to "ready". Returns true if all pods achieve
// the aforementioned desired state within timeout seconds. Returns false and
// an error if the command failed or the timeout was exceeded.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitforPods(namespace string, filter string, timeout time.Duration) error {
	ginkgoext.By("WaitforPods(namespace=%q, filter=%q)", namespace, filter)
	err := kub.waitForNPods(checkReady, namespace, filter, 0, timeout)
	ginkgoext.By("WaitforPods(namespace=%q, filter=%q) => %v", namespace, filter, err)
	if err != nil {
		desc := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s describe pods -n %s %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, filter))
	return err

// WaitForSinglePod waits up until timeout seconds have elapsed for a single pod
// with name 'podname' in the specified namespace to have its
// containterStatus equal to "ready". Returns true if the pods achieves
// the aforementioned desired state within timeout seconds. Returns false and
// an error if the command failed or the timeout was exceeded.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForSinglePod(namespace, podname string, timeout time.Duration) error {
	ginkgoext.By("WaitForSinglePod(namespace=%q, podname=%q)", namespace, podname)
	err := kub.waitForSinglePod(checkReady, namespace, podname, timeout)
	ginkgoext.By("waitForSinglePod(namespace=%q, podname=%q, minRequired=1) => %v", namespace, podname, err)
	if err != nil {
		desc := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s describe pods -n %s %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, podname))
	return err

// checkPodStatusFunc returns true if the pod is in the desired state, or false
// otherwise.
type checkPodStatusFunc func(v1.Pod) bool

// checkRunning checks that the pods are running, but not necessarily ready.
func checkRunning(pod v1.Pod) bool {
	if pod.Status.Phase != v1.PodRunning || pod.ObjectMeta.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		return false
	return true

// checkReady determines whether the pods are running and ready.
func checkReady(pod v1.Pod) bool {
	if !checkRunning(pod) {
		return false

	if len(pod.Status.PodIPs) == 0 {
		return false

	for _, container := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
		if !container.Ready {
			return false
	return true

// WaitforNPodsRunning waits up until timeout duration has elapsed for at least
// minRequired pods in the specified namespace that match the provided JSONPath
// filter to have their containterStatuses equal to "running".
// Returns no error if minRequired pods achieve the aforementioned desired
// state within timeout seconds. Returns an error if the command failed or the
// timeout was exceeded.
// When minRequired is 0, the function will derive required pod count from number
// of pods in the cluster for every iteration.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitforNPodsRunning(namespace string, filter string, minRequired int, timeout time.Duration) error {
	ginkgoext.By("WaitforNPodsRunning(namespace=%q, filter=%q)", namespace, filter)
	err := kub.waitForNPods(checkRunning, namespace, filter, minRequired, timeout)
	ginkgoext.By("WaitforNPods(namespace=%q, filter=%q) => %v", namespace, filter, err)
	if err != nil {
		desc := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s describe pods -n %s %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, filter))
	return err

// WaitforNPods waits up until timeout seconds have elapsed for at least
// minRequired pods in the specified namespace that match the provided JSONPath
// filter to have their containterStatuses equal to "ready".
// Returns no error if minRequired pods achieve the aforementioned desired
// state within timeout seconds. Returns an error if the command failed or the
// timeout was exceeded.
// When minRequired is 0, the function will derive required pod count from number
// of pods in the cluster for every iteration.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitforNPods(namespace string, filter string, minRequired int, timeout time.Duration) error {
	ginkgoext.By("WaitforNPods(namespace=%q, filter=%q)", namespace, filter)
	err := kub.waitForNPods(checkReady, namespace, filter, minRequired, timeout)
	ginkgoext.By("WaitforNPods(namespace=%q, filter=%q) => %v", namespace, filter, err)
	if err != nil {
		desc := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s describe pods -n %s %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, filter))
	return err

func (kub *Kubectl) waitForNPods(checkStatus checkPodStatusFunc, namespace string, filter string, minRequired int, timeout time.Duration) error {
	body := func() bool {
		podList := &v1.PodList{}
		err := kub.GetPods(namespace, filter).Unmarshal(podList)
		if err != nil {
			kub.Logger().Infof("Error while getting PodList: %s", err)
			return false

		if len(podList.Items) == 0 {
			return false

		var required int

		if minRequired == 0 {
			required = len(podList.Items)
		} else {
			required = minRequired

		if len(podList.Items) < required {
			return false

		// For each pod, count it as running when all conditions are true:
		//  - It is scheduled via Phase == v1.PodRunning
		//  - It is not scheduled for deletion when DeletionTimestamp is set
		//  - All containers in the pod have passed the liveness check via
		//  containerStatuses.Ready
		//  - It has a pod IP set
		currScheduled := 0
		for _, pod := range podList.Items {
			if checkStatus(pod) {

		return currScheduled >= required

	return WithTimeout(
		fmt.Sprintf("timed out waiting for pods with filter %s to be ready", filter),
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})

func (kub *Kubectl) waitForSinglePod(checkStatus checkPodStatusFunc, namespace string, podname string, timeout time.Duration) error {
	body := func() bool {
		pod := v1.Pod{}
		// Result unmarshals to a v1.Pod only if the filter is a
		// name of a pod so that the result is a single pod
		// rather than a list of pods
		err := kub.GetPods(namespace, podname).Unmarshal(&pod)
		if err != nil {
			kub.Logger().Infof("Error while getting Pod %s in namespace %s: %s", podname, namespace, err)
			return false

		// Count the pod as running when all conditions are true:
		//  - It is scheduled via Phase == v1.PodRunning
		//  - It is not scheduled for deletion when DeletionTimestamp is set
		//  - All containers in the pod have passed the liveness check via
		//  containerStatuses.Ready
		return checkStatus(pod)

	return WithTimeout(
		fmt.Sprintf("timed out waiting for pod %s in namespace %s to be ready", podname, namespace),
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})

// WaitForServiceEndpoints waits up until timeout seconds have elapsed for all
// endpoints in the specified namespace that match the provided JSONPath
// filter. Returns true if all pods achieve the aforementioned desired state
// within timeout seconds. Returns false and an error if the command failed or
// the timeout was exceeded.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForServiceEndpoints(namespace string, filter string, service string, timeout time.Duration) error {
	body := func() bool {
		var jsonPath = fmt.Sprintf("{.items[?( == '%s')].subsets[0].ports[0].port}", service)
		data, err := kub.GetEndpoints(namespace, filter).Filter(jsonPath)

		if err != nil {
			return false

		if data.String() != "" {
			return true

			"namespace": namespace,
			"filter":    filter,
			"data":      data,
			"service":   service,
		}).Info("WaitForServiceEndpoints: service endpoint not ready")
		return false

	return WithTimeout(body, "could not get service endpoints", &TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})

// Action performs the specified ResourceLifeCycleAction on the Kubernetes
// manifest located at path filepath in the given namespace
func (kub *Kubectl) Action(action ResourceLifeCycleAction, filePath string, namespace ...string) *CmdRes {
	if len(namespace) == 0 {
		kub.Logger().Debugf("performing '%v' on '%v'", action, filePath)
		return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s -f %s", KubectlCmd, action, filePath))

	kub.Logger().Debugf("performing '%v' on '%v' in namespace '%v'", action, filePath, namespace[0])
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s -f %s -n %s", KubectlCmd, action, filePath, namespace[0]))

// ApplyOptions stores options for kubectl apply command
type ApplyOptions struct {
	FilePath  string
	Namespace string
	Force     bool
	DryRun    bool
	Output    string
	Piped     string

// Apply applies the Kubernetes manifest located at path filepath.
func (kub *Kubectl) Apply(options ApplyOptions) *CmdRes {
	var force string
	if options.Force {
		force = "--force=true"
	} else {
		force = "--force=false"

	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s apply %s -f %s", KubectlCmd, force, options.FilePath)

	if options.DryRun {
		cmd = cmd + " --dry-run"

	if len(options.Output) > 0 {
		cmd = cmd + " -o " + options.Output

	if len(options.Namespace) == 0 {
		kub.Logger().Debugf("applying %s", options.FilePath)
	} else {
		kub.Logger().Debugf("applying %s in namespace %s", options.FilePath, options.Namespace)
		cmd = cmd + " -n " + options.Namespace

	if len(options.Piped) > 0 {
		cmd = options.Piped + " | " + cmd

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), MidCommandTimeout*2)
	defer cancel()
	return kub.ExecContext(ctx, cmd)

// ApplyDefault applies give filepath with other options set to default
func (kub *Kubectl) ApplyDefault(filePath string) *CmdRes {
	return kub.Apply(ApplyOptions{FilePath: filePath})

// Create creates the Kubernetes kanifest located at path filepath.
func (kub *Kubectl) Create(filePath string) *CmdRes {
	kub.Logger().Debugf("creating %s", filePath)
	return kub.ExecShort(
		fmt.Sprintf("%s create -f  %s", KubectlCmd, filePath))

// CreateResource is a wrapper around `kubernetes create <resource>
// <resourceName>.
func (kub *Kubectl) CreateResource(resource, resourceName string) *CmdRes {
	kub.Logger().Debug(fmt.Sprintf("creating resource %s with name %s", resource, resourceName))
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("kubectl create %s %s", resource, resourceName))

// DeleteResource is a wrapper around `kubernetes delete <resource>
// resourceName>.
func (kub *Kubectl) DeleteResource(resource, resourceName string) *CmdRes {
	kub.Logger().Debug(fmt.Sprintf("deleting resource %s with name %s", resource, resourceName))
	return kub.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("kubectl delete %s %s", resource, resourceName))

// DeleteInNamespace deletes the Kubernetes manifest at path filepath in a
// particular namespace
func (kub *Kubectl) DeleteInNamespace(namespace, filePath string) *CmdRes {
	kub.Logger().Debugf("deleting %s in namespace %s", filePath, namespace)
	return kub.ExecShort(
		fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s delete -f  %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, filePath))

// Delete deletes the Kubernetes manifest at path filepath.
func (kub *Kubectl) Delete(filePath string) *CmdRes {
	kub.Logger().Debugf("deleting %s", filePath)
	return kub.ExecShort(
		fmt.Sprintf("%s delete -f  %s", KubectlCmd, filePath))

// DeleteAndWait deletes the Kubernetes manifest at path filePath and wait
// for the associated resources to be gone.
// If ignoreNotFound parameter is true we don't error if the resource to be
// deleted is not found in the cluster.
func (kub *Kubectl) DeleteAndWait(filePath string, ignoreNotFound bool) *CmdRes {
	kub.Logger().Debugf("waiting for resources in %q to be deleted", filePath)
	var ignoreOpt string
	if ignoreNotFound {
		ignoreOpt = "--ignore-not-found"
	return kub.ExecMiddle(
		fmt.Sprintf("%s delete -f  %s --wait %s", KubectlCmd, filePath, ignoreOpt))

// DeleteLong deletes the Kubernetes manifest at path filepath with longer timeout.
func (kub *Kubectl) DeleteLong(filePath string) *CmdRes {
	kub.Logger().Debugf("deleting %s", filePath)
	return kub.Exec(
		fmt.Sprintf("%s delete -f  %s", KubectlCmd, filePath))

// PodsHaveCiliumIdentity validates that all pods matching th podSelector have
// a CiliumEndpoint resource mirroring it and an identity is assigned to it. If
// any pods do not match this criteria, an error is returned.
func (kub *Kubectl) PodsHaveCiliumIdentity(namespace, podSelector string) error {
	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get pods -l %s -o json", KubectlCmd, namespace, podSelector))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve pods for selector %s:  %s", podSelector, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	podList := &v1.PodList{}
	err := res.Unmarshal(podList)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal pods for selector %s: %s", podSelector, err)

	for _, pod := range podList.Items {
		ep, err := kub.GetCiliumEndpoint(namespace, pod.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if ep == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("pod %s/%s has no CiliumEndpoint", namespace, pod.Name)

		if ep.Identity == nil || ep.Identity.ID == 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("pod %s/%s has no CiliumIdentity", namespace, pod.Name)

	return nil

// DeploymentIsReady validate that a deployment has at least one replica and
// that all replicas are:
// - up-to-date
// - ready
// If the above condition is not met, an error is returned. If all replicas are
// ready, then the number of replicas is returned.
func (kub *Kubectl) DeploymentIsReady(namespace, deployment string) (int, error) {
	fullName := namespace + "/" + deployment

	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s get deployment %s -o json", KubectlCmd, namespace, deployment))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve deployment %s: %s", fullName, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	d := &appsv1.Deployment{}
	err := res.Unmarshal(d)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal deployment %s: %s", fullName, err)

	if d.Status.Replicas == 0 {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("replicas count is zero")

	if d.Status.AvailableReplicas != d.Status.Replicas {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("only %d of %d replicas are available", d.Status.AvailableReplicas, d.Status.Replicas)

	if d.Status.ReadyReplicas != d.Status.Replicas {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("only %d of %d replicas are ready", d.Status.ReadyReplicas, d.Status.Replicas)

	if d.Status.UpdatedReplicas != d.Status.Replicas {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("only %d of %d replicas are up-to-date", d.Status.UpdatedReplicas, d.Status.Replicas)

	return int(d.Status.Replicas), nil

func (kub *Kubectl) GetService(namespace, service string) (*v1.Service, error) {
	fullName := namespace + "/" + service
	res := kub.Get(namespace, "service "+service)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve service %s: %s", fullName, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	var serviceObj v1.Service
	err := res.Unmarshal(&serviceObj)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal service %s: %s", fullName, err)

	return &serviceObj, nil

func absoluteServiceName(namespace, service string) string {
	fullServiceName := service + "." + namespace

	if !strings.HasSuffix(fullServiceName, ServiceSuffix) {
		fullServiceName = fullServiceName + "." + ServiceSuffix

	return fullServiceName

func (kub *Kubectl) KubernetesDNSCanResolve(namespace, service string) error {
	serviceToResolve := absoluteServiceName(namespace, service)

	kubeDnsService, err := kub.GetService(KubeSystemNamespace, "kube-dns")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(kubeDnsService.Spec.Ports) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("kube-dns service has no ports defined")

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), MidCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()

	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("dig +short %s @%s", serviceToResolve, kubeDnsService.Spec.ClusterIP)
	res := kub.ExecInFirstPod(ctx, LogGathererNamespace, logGathererSelector(false), cmd)
	if res.err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve service name %s with DNS server %s by running '%s' Cilium pod: %s",
			serviceToResolve, kubeDnsService.Spec.ClusterIP, cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())
	foundIP, ipFromDNS := hasIPAddress(res.ByLines())
	if !foundIP {
		return fmt.Errorf("dig did not return an IP: %s", res.SingleOut())

	destinationService, err := kub.GetService(namespace, service)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// If the destination service is headless, there is no ClusterIP, the
	// IP returned by the dig is the IP of one of the pods.
	if destinationService.Spec.ClusterIP == v1.ClusterIPNone {
		cmd := fmt.Sprintf("dig +tcp %s @%s", serviceToResolve, kubeDnsService.Spec.ClusterIP)
		res = kub.ExecInFirstPod(ctx, LogGathererNamespace, logGathererSelector(false), cmd)
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve service name %s by running '%s': %s",
				serviceToResolve, cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

		return nil

	if !strings.Contains(ipFromDNS, destinationService.Spec.ClusterIP) {
		return fmt.Errorf("IP returned '%s' does not match the ClusterIP '%s' of the destination service",
			res.SingleOut(), destinationService.Spec.ClusterIP)

	return nil

func (kub *Kubectl) validateServicePlumbingInCiliumPod(fullName, ciliumPod string, serviceObj *v1.Service, endpointsObj v1.Endpoints) error {
	jq := "jq -r '[ .[].status.realized | select(.\"frontend-address\".ip==\"" + serviceObj.Spec.ClusterIP + "\") | . ] '"
	cmd := "cilium service list -o json | " + jq
	res := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.Background(), ciliumPod, cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to validate cilium service by running '%s': %s", cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	if len(res.stdout.Bytes()) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("ClusterIP %s not found in service list of cilium pod %s",
			serviceObj.Spec.ClusterIP, ciliumPod)

	var realizedServices []models.ServiceSpec
	err := res.Unmarshal(&realizedServices)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal service spec '%s': %s", res.OutputPrettyPrint(), err)

	cmd = "cilium bpf lb list -o json"
	res = kub.CiliumExecContext(context.Background(), ciliumPod, cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to validate cilium service by running '%s': %s", cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	var lbMap map[string][]string
	err = res.Unmarshal(&lbMap)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal cilium bpf lb list output: %s", err)

	for _, port := range serviceObj.Spec.Ports {
		var foundPort *v1.ServicePort
		for _, realizedService := range realizedServices {
			if port.Port == int32(realizedService.FrontendAddress.Port) {
				foundPort = &port
		if foundPort == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("port %d of service %s (%s) not found in cilium pod %s",
				port.Port, fullName, serviceObj.Spec.ClusterIP, ciliumPod)

		if _, ok := lbMap[net.JoinHostPort(serviceObj.Spec.ClusterIP, fmt.Sprintf("%d", port.Port))]; !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("port %d of service %s (%s) not found in cilium bpf lb list of pod %s",
				port.Port, fullName, serviceObj.Spec.ClusterIP, ciliumPod)

	for _, subset := range endpointsObj.Subsets {
		for _, addr := range subset.Addresses {
			for _, port := range subset.Ports {
				foundBackend, foundBackendLB := false, false
				for _, realizedService := range realizedServices {
					frontEnd := realizedService.FrontendAddress
					lb := lbMap[net.JoinHostPort(frontEnd.IP, fmt.Sprintf("%d", frontEnd.Port))]

					for _, backAddr := range realizedService.BackendAddresses {
						if addr.IP == *backAddr.IP && uint16(port.Port) == backAddr.Port {
							foundBackend = true
							for _, backend := range lb {
								if strings.Contains(backend, net.JoinHostPort(*backAddr.IP, fmt.Sprintf("%d", port.Port))) {
									foundBackendLB = true
				if !foundBackend {
					return fmt.Errorf("unable to find service backend %s in cilium pod %s",
						net.JoinHostPort(addr.IP, fmt.Sprintf("%d", port.Port)), ciliumPod)

				if !foundBackendLB {
					return fmt.Errorf("unable to find service backend %s in datapath of cilium pod %s",
						net.JoinHostPort(addr.IP, fmt.Sprintf("%d", port.Port)), ciliumPod)

	return nil

// ValidateServicePlumbing ensures that a service in a namespace successfully
// plumbed by all Cilium pods in the cluster:
// - The service and endpoints are found in `cilium service list`
// - The service and endpoints are found in `cilium bpf lb list`
func (kub *Kubectl) ValidateServicePlumbing(namespace, service string) error {
	fullName := namespace + "/" + service

	serviceObj, err := kub.GetService(namespace, service)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if serviceObj == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s service not found", fullName)

	res := kub.Get(namespace, "endpoints "+service)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve endpoints %s: %s", fullName, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	if serviceObj.Spec.ClusterIP == v1.ClusterIPNone {
		return nil

	var endpointsObj v1.Endpoints
	err = res.Unmarshal(&endpointsObj)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal endpoints %s: %s", fullName, err)

	ciliumPods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	g, _ := errgroup.WithContext(context.TODO())
	for _, ciliumPod := range ciliumPods {
		ciliumPod := ciliumPod
		g.Go(func() error {
			var err error
			// The plumbing of Kubernetes services typically lags
			// behind a little bit if Cilium was just restarted.
			// Give this a thight timeout to avoid always failing.
			timeoutErr := RepeatUntilTrue(func() bool {
				err = kub.validateServicePlumbingInCiliumPod(fullName, ciliumPod, serviceObj, endpointsObj)
				if err != nil {
					ginkgoext.By("Checking service %s plumbing in cilium pod %s: %s", fullName, ciliumPod, err)
				return err == nil
			}, &TimeoutConfig{Timeout: 10 * time.Second, Ticker: 1 * time.Second})
			if err != nil {
				return err
			} else if timeoutErr != nil {
				return timeoutErr
			return nil
	if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

// ValidateKubernetesDNS validates that the Kubernetes DNS server has been
// deployed correctly and can resolve DNS names. The following validations are
// done:
//   - The Kubernetes DNS deployment has at least one replica
//   - All replicas are up-to-date and ready
//   - All pods matching the deployment are represented by a CiliumEndpoint with an identity
//   - The kube-system/kube-dns service is correctly pumbed in all Cilium agents
//   - The service "default/kubernetes" can be resolved via the KubernetesDNS
//     and the IP returned matches the ClusterIP in the service
func (kub *Kubectl) ValidateKubernetesDNS() error {
	// The deployment is always validated first and not in parallel. There
	// is no point in validating correct plumbing if the DNS is not even up
	// and running.
	ginkgoext.By("Checking if deployment is ready")
	_, err := kub.DeploymentIsReady(KubeSystemNamespace, "kube-dns")
	if err != nil {
		_, err = kub.DeploymentIsReady(KubeSystemNamespace, "coredns")
		if err != nil {
			return err

	var (
		wg       sync.WaitGroup
		errQueue = make(chan error, 3)

	go func() {
		ginkgoext.By("Checking if pods have identity")
		if err := kub.PodsHaveCiliumIdentity(KubeSystemNamespace, kubeDNSLabel); err != nil {
			errQueue <- err

	go func() {
		ginkgoext.By("Checking if DNS can resolve")
		if err := kub.KubernetesDNSCanResolve("default", "kubernetes"); err != nil {
			errQueue <- err

	go func() {
		ginkgoext.By("Checking if kube-dns service is plumbed correctly")
		if err := kub.ValidateServicePlumbing(KubeSystemNamespace, "kube-dns"); err != nil {
			errQueue <- err


	select {
	case err := <-errQueue:
		return err

	return nil

// RestartUnmanagedPodsInNamespace restarts all pods in a namespace which are:
// * not host networking
// * not managed by Cilium already
func (kub *Kubectl) RestartUnmanagedPodsInNamespace(namespace string, excludePodPrefix ...string) {
	podList := &v1.PodList{}
	cmd := KubectlCmd + " -n " + namespace + " get pods -o json"
	res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		ginkgoext.Failf("Unable to retrieve all pods to restart unmanaged pods with '%s': %s", cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())
	if err := res.Unmarshal(podList); err != nil {
		ginkgoext.Failf("Unable to unmarshal podlist: %s", err)

	toDelete := make([]string, 0, len(podList.Items))
	for _, pod := range podList.Items {
		if pod.Spec.HostNetwork || pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil {

		for _, prefix := range excludePodPrefix {
			if strings.HasPrefix(pod.Name, prefix) {
				continue iteratePods

		ep, err := kub.GetCiliumEndpoint(namespace, pod.Name)
		if err != nil || ep.Identity == nil || ep.Identity.ID == 0 {
			toDelete = append(toDelete, pod.Name)

	if len(toDelete) > 0 {
		ginkgoext.By("Restarting unmanaged pods %s in namespace %s", strings.Join(toDelete[:], ", "), namespace)
		cmd = fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s delete pods %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, strings.Join(toDelete[:], " "))
		res = kub.Exec(cmd)
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			ginkgoext.Failf("Unable to restart unmanaged pods with '%s': %s", cmd, res.OutputPrettyPrint())

func (kub *Kubectl) setDNSReplicas(nReplicas int) *CmdRes {
	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s get deploy -n %s -l %s -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}'", KubectlCmd, KubeSystemNamespace, kubeDNSLabel))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return res

	// kubectl -n kube-system patch deploy coredns --patch '{"spec": { "replicas":1}}'
	name := res.Stdout()
	spec := fmt.Sprintf("{\"spec\": { \"replicas\":%d}}", nReplicas)
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s patch deploy -n %s %s --patch '%s'", KubectlCmd, KubeSystemNamespace, name, spec))

// ScaleDownDNS reduces the number of pods in the cluster performing kube-dns
// duties down to zero. May be reverted by calling ScaleUpDNS().
func (kub *Kubectl) ScaleDownDNS() *CmdRes {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s get deploy -n %s -l %s -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.replicas}'", KubectlCmd, KubeSystemNamespace, kubeDNSLabel)
	res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		ginkgoext.Failf("Unable to retrieve DNS pods to scale down, command '%s': %s", res.GetCmd(), res.OutputPrettyPrint())
		return res

	n, err := strconv.Atoi(res.Stdout())
	if err != nil {
		ginkgoext.Failf("Failed to retrieve DNS replicas via '%s': %s", res.GetCmd(), err)
		res.success = false
		res.err = err
		return res
	kub.nDNSReplicas = n

	res = kub.setDNSReplicas(0)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		ginkgoext.Failf("Unable to scale down DNS pods, command '%s': %s", res.GetCmd(), res.OutputPrettyPrint())
	return res

// ScaleUpDNS restores the number of replicas for kube-dns to the number
// prior to calling ScaleDownDNS(). Must be called after ScaleDownDNS().
func (kub *Kubectl) ScaleUpDNS() *CmdRes {
	res := kub.setDNSReplicas(kub.nDNSReplicas)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		ginkgoext.Failf("Unable to scale down DNS pods, command '%s': %s", res.GetCmd(), res.OutputPrettyPrint())
	return res

// redeployDNS deletes the kube-dns pods and does not wait for the deletion
// to complete.
func (kub *Kubectl) redeployDNS() *CmdRes {
	if res := kub.ScaleDownDNS(); !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return res

	return kub.ScaleUpDNS()

// RedeployKubernetesDnsIfNecessary validates if the Kubernetes DNS is
// functional and re-deploys it if it is not and then waits for it to deploy
// successfully and become operational. See ValidateKubernetesDNS() for the
// list of conditions that must be met for Kubernetes DNS to be considered
// operational.
func (kub *Kubectl) RedeployKubernetesDnsIfNecessary(force bool) {
	ginkgoext.By("Validating if Kubernetes DNS is deployed")
	err := kub.ValidateKubernetesDNS()
	if err == nil && !force {
		ginkgoext.By("Kubernetes DNS is up and operational")
	} else {
		ginkgoext.By("Kubernetes DNS is not ready: %s", err)

	ginkgoext.By("Restarting Kubernetes DNS (-l %s)", kubeDNSLabel)
	res := kub.redeployDNS()
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		ginkgoext.Failf("Unable to delete DNS pods: %s", res.OutputPrettyPrint())

	ginkgoext.By("Waiting for Kubernetes DNS to become operational")
	err = RepeatUntilTrueDefaultTimeout(func() bool {
		err := kub.ValidateKubernetesDNS()
		if err != nil {
			ginkgoext.By("Kubernetes DNS is not ready yet: %s", err)
		return err == nil
	if err != nil {
		desc := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s describe pods -n %s -l %s", KubectlCmd, KubeSystemNamespace, kubeDNSLabel))

		Fail("Kubernetes DNS did not become ready in time")

// WaitKubeDNS waits until the kubeDNS pods are ready. In case of exceeding the
// default timeout it returns an error.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitKubeDNS() error {
	return kub.WaitforPods(KubeSystemNamespace, fmt.Sprintf("-l %s", kubeDNSLabel), DNSHelperTimeout)

// WaitForKubeDNSEntry waits until the given DNS entry exists in the kube-dns
// service. If the container is not ready after timeout it returns an error. The
// name's format query should be `${name}.${namespace}`. If `svc.cluster.local`
// is not present, it appends to the given name and it checks the service's FQDN.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForKubeDNSEntry(serviceName, serviceNamespace string) error {
	logger := kub.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{"serviceName": serviceName, "serviceNamespace": serviceNamespace})

	serviceNameWithNamespace := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", serviceName, serviceNamespace)
	if !strings.HasSuffix(serviceNameWithNamespace, ServiceSuffix) {
		serviceNameWithNamespace = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", serviceNameWithNamespace, ServiceSuffix)
	digCMD := "dig +short %s @%s"

	// If it fails we want to know if it's because of connection cannot be
	// established or DNS does not exist.
	digCMDFallback := "dig +tcp %s @%s"

	dnsClusterIP, _, err := kub.GetServiceHostPort(KubeSystemNamespace, "kube-dns")
	if err != nil {
		logger.WithError(err).Error("cannot get kube-dns service IP")
		return err

	body := func() bool {
		serviceIP, _, err := kub.GetServiceHostPort(serviceNamespace, serviceName)
		if err != nil {
			log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot get service IP for service %s", serviceNameWithNamespace)
			return false

		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), MidCommandTimeout)
		defer cancel()
		// ClusterIPNone denotes that this service is headless; there is no
		// service IP for this service, and thus the IP returned by `dig` is
		// an IP of the pod itself, not ClusterIPNone, which is what Kubernetes
		// shows as the IP for the service for headless services.
		if serviceIP == v1.ClusterIPNone {
			res := kub.ExecInFirstPod(ctx, LogGathererNamespace, logGathererSelector(false), fmt.Sprintf(digCMD, serviceNameWithNamespace, dnsClusterIP))
			if res.err != nil {
				logger.Debugf("failed to run dig in log-gatherer pod")
				kub.ExecInFirstPod(ctx, LogGathererNamespace, logGathererSelector(false), fmt.Sprintf(digCMDFallback, serviceNameWithNamespace, dnsClusterIP))
				return false

			// check whether there is a IP line in dig output
			ipPresent, _ := hasIPAddress(res.ByLines())
			return ipPresent
		log.Debugf("service is not headless; checking whether IP retrieved from DNS matches the IP for the service stored in Kubernetes")

		res := kub.ExecInFirstPod(ctx, LogGathererNamespace, logGathererSelector(false), fmt.Sprintf(digCMD, serviceNameWithNamespace, dnsClusterIP))
		if res.err != nil {
			logger.Debugf("failed to run dig in log-gatherer pod")
			return false
		ipPresent, serviceIPFromDNS := hasIPAddress(res.ByLines())

		if !ipPresent {
			logger.Debugf("output of dig (%s) did not return an IP", serviceIPFromDNS)
			return false

		// Due to lag between new IPs for the same service being synced between // kube-apiserver and DNS, check if the IP for the service that is
		// stored in K8s matches the IP of the service cached in DNS. These
		// can be different, because some tests use the same service names.
		// Wait accordingly for services to match, and for resolving the service
		// name to resolve via DNS.
		if !strings.Contains(serviceIPFromDNS, serviceIP) {
			logger.Debugf("service IP retrieved from DNS (%s) does not match the IP for the service stored in Kubernetes (%s)", serviceIPFromDNS, serviceIP)
			kub.ExecInFirstPod(ctx, LogGathererNamespace, logGathererSelector(false), fmt.Sprintf(digCMDFallback, serviceNameWithNamespace, dnsClusterIP))
			return false
		logger.Debugf("service IP retrieved from DNS (%s) matches the IP for the service stored in Kubernetes (%s)", serviceIPFromDNS, serviceIP)
		return true

	return WithTimeout(
		fmt.Sprintf("DNS '%s' is not ready after timeout", serviceNameWithNamespace),
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: DNSHelperTimeout})

// WaitTerminatingPods waits until all nodes that are in `Terminating`
// state are deleted correctly in the platform. In case of excedding the
// given timeout (in seconds) it returns an error.

func (kub *Kubectl) WaitTerminatingPods(timeout time.Duration) error {
	return kub.WaitTerminatingPodsInNsWithFilter("", "", timeout)

// WaitTerminatingPodsInNs waits until all nodes that are in `Terminating`
// state are deleted correctly in the platform. In case of excedding the
// given timeout (in seconds) it returns an error.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitTerminatingPodsInNs(ns string, timeout time.Duration) error {
	return kub.WaitTerminatingPodsInNsWithFilter(ns, "", timeout)

// WaitTerminatingPodsInNs waits until all nodes that are in `Terminating`
// state are deleted correctly in the platform. In case of excedding the
// given timeout (in seconds) it returns an error.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitTerminatingPodsInNsWithFilter(ns, filter string, timeout time.Duration) error {
	var innerErr error
	var podsTerminating []string
	where := ns
	if where == "" {
		where = "--all-namespaces"
	} else {
		where = "-n " + where

	body := func() bool {
		res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
			"%s get pods %s %s -o jsonpath='{.items[?(.metadata.deletionTimestamp!=\"\")]}'",
			KubectlCmd, filter, where))
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			innerErr = fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to apiserver: %w", res.GetError())
			return false

		if res.Stdout() == "" {
			// Output is empty so no terminating containers
			return true

		podsTerminating = strings.Split(res.Stdout(), " ")
		nTerminating := len(podsTerminating)
		kub.Logger().WithField("Terminating pods", nTerminating).Info("List of pods terminating")
		if nTerminating > 0 {
			innerErr = fmt.Errorf("Pods are still terminating: %s", podsTerminating)
			return false
		return true

	err := WithTimeout(
		"Pods are still not deleted after a timeout",
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})
	if err != nil {
		if len(podsTerminating) > 0 {
			res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
				"%s get pods %s %s -o jsonpath='{.items[?(.metadata.deletionTimestamp!=\"\")].status}'",
				KubectlCmd, filter, where))
			if res.WasSuccessful() {
				kub.Logger().WithField("podsStatus", res.Stdout()).Info("Timed out while waiting for Pods to terminate")

		return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", err, innerErr)
	return nil

// DeployPatchStdIn deploys the original kubernetes descriptor with the given patch.
func (kub *Kubectl) DeployPatchStdIn(original, patch string) error {
	// debugYaml only dumps the full created yaml file to the test output if
	// the cilium manifest can not be created correctly.
	debugYaml := func(original, patch string) {
		_ = kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
			`%s patch --filename='%s' --patch %s --local --dry-run -o yaml`,
			KubectlCmd, original, patch))

	// validation 1st
	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
		`%s patch --filename='%s' --patch %s --local --dry-run`,
		KubectlCmd, original, patch))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		debugYaml(original, patch)
		return res.GetErr("Cilium patch validation failed")

	res = kub.Apply(ApplyOptions{
		FilePath: "-",
		Force:    true,
		Piped: fmt.Sprintf(
			`%s patch --filename='%s' --patch %s --local -o yaml`,
			KubectlCmd, original, patch),
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		debugYaml(original, patch)
		return res.GetErr("Cilium manifest patch installation failed")
	return nil

// DeployPatch deploys the original kubernetes descriptor with the given patch.
func (kub *Kubectl) DeployPatch(original, patchFileName string) error {
	// debugYaml only dumps the full created yaml file to the test output if
	// the cilium manifest can not be created correctly.
	debugYaml := func(original, patch string) {
		_ = kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
			`%s patch --filename='%s' --patch "$(cat '%s')" --local -o yaml`,
			KubectlCmd, original, patch))

	// validation 1st
	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
		`%s patch --filename='%s' --patch "$(cat '%s')" --local --dry-run`,
		KubectlCmd, original, patchFileName))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		debugYaml(original, patchFileName)
		return res.GetErr("Cilium patch validation failed")

	res = kub.Apply(ApplyOptions{
		FilePath: "-",
		Force:    true,
		Piped: fmt.Sprintf(
			`%s patch --filename='%s' --patch "$(cat '%s')" --local -o yaml`,
			KubectlCmd, original, patchFileName),
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		debugYaml(original, patchFileName)
		return res.GetErr("Cilium manifest patch installation failed")
	return nil

// Patch patches the given object with the given patch (string).
func (kub *Kubectl) Patch(namespace, objType, objName, patch string) *CmdRes {
	ginkgoext.By("Patching %s %s in namespace %s", objType, objName, namespace)
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s patch %s %s --patch %q",
		KubectlCmd, namespace, objType, objName, patch))

// JsonPatch patches the given object with the given patch in JSON format.
func (kub *Kubectl) JsonPatch(namespace, objType, objName, patch string) *CmdRes {
	ginkgoext.By("Patching %s %s in namespace %s", objType, objName, namespace)
	return kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s patch %s %s --type=json --patch %q",
		KubectlCmd, namespace, objType, objName, patch))

func addIfNotOverwritten(options map[string]string, field, value string) map[string]string {
	if _, ok := options[field]; !ok {
		options[field] = value
	return options

func (kub *Kubectl) overwriteHelmOptions(options map[string]string) error {
	if integration := GetCurrentIntegration(); integration != "" {
		overrides := helmOverrides[integration]
		for key, value := range overrides {
			options = addIfNotOverwritten(options, key, value)

	for key, value := range defaultHelmOptions {
		options = addIfNotOverwritten(options, key, value)

	// Do not schedule cilium-agent on the NO_CILIUM_ON_NODE nodes
	noCiliumNodes := GetNodesWithoutCilium()
	if len(noCiliumNodes) > 0 {
		opts := map[string]string{
			"affinity.nodeAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.nodeSelectorTerms[0].matchExpressions[0].key":      "",
			"affinity.nodeAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.nodeSelectorTerms[0].matchExpressions[0].operator": "NotIn",
		for i, n := range noCiliumNodes {
			key := fmt.Sprintf("affinity.nodeAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.nodeSelectorTerms[0].matchExpressions[0].values[%d]", i)
			opts[key] = kub.GetNodeCILabel(n)
		for key, value := range opts {
			options = addIfNotOverwritten(options, key, value)

	if RunsWithKubeProxyReplacement() {
		opts := map[string]string{
			"kubeProxyReplacement": "strict",

		if RunsWithKubeProxy() {
			// If kube-proxy is running, we need to disable NodePort health
			// checks to avoid an error message.
			opts["nodePort.enableHealthCheck"] = "false"

		if DoesNotRunOnGKE() {
			nodeIP, err := kub.GetNodeIPByLabel(K8s1, false)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Cannot retrieve Node IP for k8s1: %s", err)
			opts["k8sServiceHost"] = nodeIP
			opts["k8sServicePort"] = "6443"

		if RunsOn54OrLaterKernel() {
			opts["bpf.masquerade"] = "true"
			opts["enableIPv6Masquerade"] = "false"

		for key, value := range opts {
			options = addIfNotOverwritten(options, key, value)

	if RunsOn54OrLaterKernel() {
		// To enable SA for both cases when KPR is enabled and disabled
		addIfNotOverwritten(options, "sessionAffinity", "true")

	// Disable unsupported features that will just generated unnecessary
	// warnings otherwise.
	if DoesNotRunOnNetNextKernel() {
		addIfNotOverwritten(options, "kubeProxyReplacement", "disabled")
		addIfNotOverwritten(options, "bpf.masquerade", "false")
		addIfNotOverwritten(options, "sessionAffinity", "false")
		addIfNotOverwritten(options, "bandwidthManager.enabled", "false")

	if RunsWithHostFirewall() {
		addIfNotOverwritten(options, "hostFirewall.enabled", "true")

	if RunsWithKubeProxyReplacement() || options["hostFirewall.enabled"] == "true" {
		// Set devices
		privateIface, err := kub.GetPrivateIface(K8s1)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defaultIfaceIPv4, err := kub.GetDefaultIface(false)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defaultIfaceIPv6, err := kub.GetDefaultIface(true)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		devices := fmt.Sprintf(`'{%s,%s,%s}'`, privateIface, defaultIfaceIPv4, defaultIfaceIPv6)
		addIfNotOverwritten(options, "devices", devices)

	if len(config.CiliumTestConfig.RegistryCredentials) > 0 {
		options["imagePullSecrets[0].name"] = config.RegistrySecretName

	if _, found := options["enableCiliumEndpointSlice"]; !found &&
		CiliumEndpointSliceFeatureEnabled() {

		options["enableCiliumEndpointSlice"] = "true"
	return nil

func (kub *Kubectl) generateCiliumYaml(options map[string]string, filename string) error {
	err := kub.overwriteHelmOptions(options)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// TODO GH-8753: Use helm rendering library instead of shelling out to
	// helm template
	helmTemplate := kub.GetFilePath(HelmTemplate)
	res := kub.HelmTemplate(helmTemplate, CiliumNamespace, filename, options)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		// If the helm template generation is not successful remove the empty
		// manifest file.
		_ = os.Remove(filename)
		return res.GetErr("Unable to generate YAML")

	return nil

// GetPrivateIface returns an interface name of a netdev which has InternalIP
// addr.
// Assumes that all nodes have identical interfaces.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetPrivateIface(label string) (string, error) {
	ipAddr, err := kub.GetNodeIPByLabel(label, false)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	} else if ipAddr == "" {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("%s does not have InternalIP", label)

	return kub.getIfaceByIPAddr(label, ipAddr)

// GetPublicIface returns an interface name of a netdev which has ExternalIP
// addr.
// Assumes that all nodes have identical interfaces.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetPublicIface(label string) (string, error) {
	ipAddr, err := kub.GetNodeIPByLabel(label, true)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	} else if ipAddr == "" {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("%s does not have ExternalIP", label)

	return kub.getIfaceByIPAddr(label, ipAddr)

func (kub *Kubectl) waitToDelete(name, label string) error {
	var (
		pods []string
		err  error

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), HelperTimeout)
	defer cancel()

	status := 1
	for status > 0 {

		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return fmt.Errorf("timed out waiting to delete %s: pods still remaining: %s", name, pods)

		pods, err = kub.GetPodNamesContext(ctx, CiliumNamespace, label)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		status = len(pods)
		kub.Logger().Infof("%s pods terminating '%d' err='%v' pods='%v'", name, status, err, pods)
		if status == 0 {
			return nil
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
	return nil

// GetDefaultIface returns an interface name which is used by a default route.
// Assumes that all nodes have identical interfaces.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetDefaultIface(ipv6 bool) (string, error) {
	family := "-4"
	if ipv6 {
		family = "-6"
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`ip %s -o r | grep default | grep -o 'dev [a-zA-Z0-9]*' | cut -d' ' -f2 | head -n1`, family)
	iface, err := kub.ExecInHostNetNSByLabel(context.TODO(), K8s1, cmd)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve default iface: %s", err)

	return strings.Trim(iface, "\n"), nil

func (kub *Kubectl) DeleteCiliumDS() error {
	// Do not assert on success in AfterEach intentionally to avoid
	// incomplete teardown.
	ginkgoext.By("DeleteCiliumDS(namespace=%q)", CiliumNamespace)
	_ = kub.DeleteResource("ds", fmt.Sprintf("-n %s cilium", CiliumNamespace))
	return kub.waitToDelete("Cilium", CiliumAgentLabel)

func (kub *Kubectl) DeleteHubbleRelay(ns string) error {
	ginkgoext.By("DeleteHubbleRelay(namespace=%q)", ns)
	_ = kub.DeleteResource("deployment", fmt.Sprintf("-n %s hubble-relay", ns))
	_ = kub.DeleteResource("service", fmt.Sprintf("-n %s hubble-relay", ns))
	return kub.waitToDelete("HubbleRelay", HubbleRelayLabel)

// CiliumInstall installs Cilium with the provided Helm options.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumInstall(filename string, options map[string]string) error {
	// If the file does not exist, create it so that the command `kubectl delete -f <filename>`
	// does not fail because there is no file.
	_ = kub.ExecContextShort(context.TODO(), fmt.Sprintf("[[ ! -f %s ]] && echo '---' >> %s", filename, filename))

	// First try to remove any existing cilium install. This is done by removing resources
	// from the file we generate cilium install manifest to.
	res := kub.DeleteAndWait(filename, true)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return res.GetErr("Unable to delete existing cilium YAML")

	if err := kub.generateCiliumYaml(options, filename); err != nil {
		return err

	res = kub.Apply(ApplyOptions{FilePath: filename, Force: true, Namespace: CiliumNamespace})
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return res.GetErr("Unable to apply YAML")

	kub.ciliumOptions = options

	return nil

// RunHelm runs the helm command with the given options.
func (kub *Kubectl) RunHelm(action, repo, helmName, version, namespace string, options map[string]string) (*CmdRes, error) {
	err := kub.overwriteHelmOptions(options)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	optionsString := ""

	for k, v := range options {
		optionsString += fmt.Sprintf(" --set %s=%s ", k, v)

	return kub.ExecMiddle(fmt.Sprintf("helm %s %s %s "+
		"--version=%s "+
		"--namespace=%s "+
		"%s", action, helmName, repo, version, namespace, optionsString)), nil

// GetCiliumPods returns a list of all Cilium pods in the specified namespace,
// and an error if the Cilium pods were not able to be retrieved.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetCiliumPods() ([]string, error) {
	return kub.GetPodNames(CiliumNamespace, "k8s-app=cilium")

// GetCiliumPodsContext returns a list of all Cilium pods in the specified
// namespace, and an error if the Cilium pods were not able to be retrieved.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetCiliumPodsContext(ctx context.Context, namespace string) ([]string, error) {
	return kub.GetPodNamesContext(ctx, namespace, "k8s-app=cilium")

// CiliumEndpointsList returns the result of `cilium endpoint list` from the
// specified pod.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumEndpointsList(ctx context.Context, pod string) *CmdRes {
	return kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, "cilium endpoint list -o json")

// CiliumEndpointIPv6 returns the IPv6 address of each endpoint which matches
// the given endpoint selector.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumEndpointIPv6(pod string, endpoint string) map[string]string {
	filter := `{range [*]}{@.status.external-identifiers.pod-name}{"="}{@.status.networking.addressing[*].ipv6}{"\n"}{end}`
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	return kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, fmt.Sprintf(
		"cilium endpoint get %s -o jsonpath='%s'", endpoint, filter)).KVOutput()

// CiliumEndpointWaitReady waits until all endpoints managed by all Cilium pod
// are ready. Returns an error if the Cilium pods cannot be retrieved via
// Kubernetes, or endpoints are not ready after a specified timeout
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumEndpointWaitReady() error {
	ciliumPods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	if err != nil {
		kub.Logger().WithError(err).Error("cannot get Cilium pods")
		return err

	body := func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		queue := make(chan bool, len(ciliumPods))
		endpointsReady := func(pod string) {
			valid := false
			defer func() {
				queue <- valid
			logCtx := kub.Logger().WithField("pod", pod)
			status, err := kub.CiliumEndpointsList(ctx, pod).Filter(`{range [*]}{.status.state}{"="}{}{"\n"}{end}`)
			if err != nil {
				logCtx.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot get endpoints states on Cilium pod")
			total := 0
			invalid := 0
			for _, line := range strings.Split(status.String(), "\n") {
				if line == "" {
				// each line is like status=identityID.
				// IdentityID is needed because the reserved:init identity
				// means that the pod is not ready to accept traffic.
				vals := strings.Split(line, "=")
				if len(vals) != 2 {
					logCtx.Errorf("Endpoint list does not have a correct output '%s'", line)
				if vals[0] != "ready" {
				// Consider an endpoint with reserved identity 5 (reserved:init) as not ready.
				if vals[1] == "5" {
				"total":   total,
				"invalid": invalid,
			}).Info("Waiting for cilium endpoints to be ready")

			if invalid != 0 {
			valid = true
		for _, pod := range ciliumPods {
			go endpointsReady(pod)


		for status := range queue {
			if status == false {
				return false, nil
		return true, nil

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), HelperTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	err = WithContext(ctx, body, 1*time.Second)
	if err == nil {
		return err

	callback := func() string {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), HelperTimeout)
		defer cancel()

		var errorMessage string
		for _, pod := range ciliumPods {
			var endpoints []models.Endpoint
			cmdRes := kub.CiliumEndpointsList(ctx, pod)
			if !cmdRes.WasSuccessful() {
				errorMessage += fmt.Sprintf(
					"\tCilium Pod: %s \terror: unable to get endpoint list: %s",
					pod, cmdRes.err)
			err := cmdRes.Unmarshal(&endpoints)
			if err != nil {
				errorMessage += fmt.Sprintf(
					"\tCilium Pod: %s \terror: unable to parse endpoint list: %s",
					pod, err)
			for _, ep := range endpoints {
				state := ""
				if ep.Status.State != nil {
					state = string(*ep.Status.State)
				errorMessage += fmt.Sprintf(
					"\tCilium Pod: %s \tEndpoint: %d \tIdentity: %d\t State: %s\n",
					pod, ep.ID, ep.Status.Identity.ID, state)
		return errorMessage
	return NewSSHMetaError(err.Error(), callback)

// WaitForCEPIdentity waits for a particular CEP to have an identity present.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForCEPIdentity(ns, podName string) error {
	body := func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
		ep, err := kub.GetCiliumEndpoint(ns, podName)
		if err != nil || ep == nil {
			return false, nil
		if ep.Identity == nil {
			return false, nil
		return ep.Identity.ID != 0, nil

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), HelperTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	return WithContext(ctx, body, 1*time.Second)

// CiliumExecContext runs cmd in the specified Cilium pod with the given context.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumExecContext(ctx context.Context, pod string, cmd string) *CmdRes {
	limitTimes := 5
	execute := func() *CmdRes {
		command := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- %s", KubectlCmd, CiliumNamespace, pod, cmd)
		return kub.ExecContext(ctx, command)
	var res *CmdRes
	// Sometimes Kubectl returns 126 exit code, It use to happen in Nightly
	// tests when a lot of exec are in place (Cgroups issue). The upstream
	// changes did not fix the isse, and we need to make this workaround to
	// avoid Kubectl issue.
	// Sometimes kubectl returns -1 exit code, when the command has been killed
	// with the stderr "signal: killed" (or generically when a process has been
	// killed by a signal [1]), where the same command succeeds in a
	// forthcoming sysdump. Keep trying also in this case until the
	// 'limitTimes' retries has been exhausted.
	// [1]:
	for i := 0; i < limitTimes; i++ {
		res = execute()
		switch res.GetExitCode() {
		case -1, 126:
			// Retry.
			kub.Logger().Warningf("command terminated with exit code %d on try %d", res.GetExitCode(), i)
		time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
	return res

// CiliumExecMustSucceed runs cmd in the specified Cilium pod.
// it causes a test failure if the command was not successful.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumExecMustSucceed(ctx context.Context, pod, cmd string, optionalDescription ...interface{}) *CmdRes {
	res := kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
	gomega.ExpectWithOffset(1, res).Should(
		CMDSuccess(), optionalDescription...)
	return res

// CiliumExecMustSucceedOnAll does the same as CiliumExecMustSucceed, just that
// it execs cmd on all cilium-agent pods.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumExecMustSucceedOnAll(ctx context.Context, cmd string, optionalDescription ...interface{}) {
	pods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	gomega.Expect(err).Should(gomega.BeNil(), "failed to retrieve Cilium pods")

	for _, pod := range pods {
		kub.CiliumExecMustSucceed(ctx, pod, cmd, optionalDescription...).
			ExpectSuccess("failed to execute %q on Cilium pod %s", cmd, pod)

// CiliumExecUntilMatch executes the specified command repeatedly for the
// specified Cilium pod until the given substring is present in stdout.
// If the timeout is reached it will return an error.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumExecUntilMatch(pod, cmd, substr string) error {
	body := func() bool {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
		defer cancel()
		res := kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, cmd)
		return strings.Contains(res.Stdout(), substr)

	return WithTimeout(
		fmt.Sprintf("%s is not in the output after timeout", substr),
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout})

// WaitForCiliumInitContainerToFinish waits for all Cilium init containers to
// finish
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForCiliumInitContainerToFinish() error {
	body := func() bool {
		podList := &v1.PodList{}
		err := kub.GetPods(CiliumNamespace, "-l k8s-app=cilium").Unmarshal(podList)
		if err != nil {
			kub.Logger().Infof("Error while getting PodList: %s", err)
			return false
		if len(podList.Items) == 0 {
			return false
		for _, pod := range podList.Items {
			for _, v := range pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses {
				if v.State.Terminated != nil && (v.State.Terminated.Reason != "Completed" || v.State.Terminated.ExitCode != 0) {
						"podName":      pod.Name,
						"currentState": v.State.String(),
					}).Infof("Cilium Init container not completed")
					return false
		return true

	return WithTimeout(body, "Cilium Init Container was not able to initialize or had a successful run", &TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout})

// CiliumNodesWait waits until all nodes in the Kubernetes cluster are annotated
// with Cilium annotations. Its runtime is bounded by a maximum of `HelperTimeout`.
// When a node is annotated with said annotations, it indicates
// that the tunnels in the nodes are set up and that cross-node traffic can be
// tested. Returns an error if the timeout is exceeded for waiting for the nodes
// to be annotated.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumNodesWait() (bool, error) {
	body := func() bool {
		filter := `{range .items[*]}{}{"="}{@.spec.addresses[?(@.type=="CiliumInternalIP")].ip}{"\n"}{end}`
		data := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
			"%s get ciliumnodes -o jsonpath='%s'", KubectlCmd, filter))
		if !data.WasSuccessful() {
			return false
		result := data.KVOutput()
		for k, v := range result {
			if IsNodeWithoutCilium(k) {
			if v == "" {
				kub.Logger().Infof("Kubernetes node '%v' does not have Cilium metadata", k)
				return false
			kub.Logger().Infof("Kubernetes node '%v' IPv4 address: '%v'", k, v)
		return true
	err := WithTimeout(body, "Kubernetes node does not have cilium metadata", &TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout})
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	return true, nil

// LoadedPolicyInFirstAgent returns the policy as loaded in the first cilium
// agent that is found in the cluster
func (kub *Kubectl) LoadedPolicyInFirstAgent() (string, error) {
	pods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve cilium pods: %s", err)
	for _, pod := range pods {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
		defer cancel()
		res := kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, "cilium policy get")
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot execute cilium policy get: %s", res.Stdout())
		} else {
			return res.CombineOutput().String(), nil
	return "", fmt.Errorf("no running cilium pods")

// WaitPolicyDeleted waits for policy policyName to be deleted from the
// cilium-agent running in pod. Returns an error if policyName was unable to
// be deleted after some amount of time.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitPolicyDeleted(pod string, policyName string) error {
	body := func() bool {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
		defer cancel()
		res := kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, fmt.Sprintf("cilium policy get %s", policyName))

		// `cilium policy get <policy name>` fails if the policy is not loaded,
		// which is the condition we want.
		return !res.WasSuccessful()

	return WithTimeout(body, fmt.Sprintf("Policy %s was not deleted in time", policyName), &TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout})

// CiliumIsPolicyLoaded returns true if the policy is loaded in the given
// cilium Pod. it returns false in case that the policy is not in place
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumIsPolicyLoaded(pod string, policyCmd string) bool {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	res := kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, fmt.Sprintf("cilium policy get %s", policyCmd))
	return res.WasSuccessful()

// CiliumPolicyRevision returns the policy revision in the specified Cilium pod.
// Returns an error if the policy revision cannot be retrieved.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumPolicyRevision(pod string) (int, error) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	res := kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, "cilium policy get -o json")
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return -1, fmt.Errorf("cannot get policy revision: %q", res.Stdout())

	revision, err := res.Filter("{.revision}")
	if err != nil {
		return -1, fmt.Errorf("unable to find revision from json output %q: %s", res.CombineOutput(), err)

	revi, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(revision.String(), "\n"))
	if err != nil {
		kub.Logger().Errorf("Found invalid policy revision on pod %q: %q", pod, res.CombineOutput())
		return -1, err
	return revi, nil

// ResourceLifeCycleAction represents an action performed upon objects in
// Kubernetes.
type ResourceLifeCycleAction string

func (kub *Kubectl) getPodRevisions() (map[string]int, error) {
	pods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	if err != nil {
		kub.Logger().WithError(err).Error("cannot retrieve cilium pods")
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot get cilium pods: %s", err)

	revisions := make(map[string]int)
	for _, pod := range pods {
		revision, err := kub.CiliumPolicyRevision(pod)
		if err != nil {
			kub.Logger().WithError(err).Error("cannot retrieve cilium pod policy revision")
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot retrieve %q's policy revision: %s", pod, err)
		revisions[pod] = revision
	return revisions, nil

func (kub *Kubectl) waitNextPolicyRevisions(podRevisions map[string]int, timeout time.Duration) error {
	body := func() bool {
		for ciliumPod, revision := range podRevisions {
			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
			defer cancel()
			desiredRevision := revision + 1
			res := kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, ciliumPod, fmt.Sprintf("cilium policy wait %d --max-wait-time %d", desiredRevision, int(ShortCommandTimeout.Seconds())))
			if res.GetExitCode() != 0 {
				kub.Logger().Infof("Failed to wait for policy revision %d on pod %s", desiredRevision, ciliumPod)
				return false
		return true

	err := WithTimeout(
		"Timed out while waiting for policy revisions to be increased on all Cilium PODs",
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})
	return err

func getPolicyEnforcingJqFilter(numNodes int) string {
	// Test filter:
	return fmt.Sprintf(
		`[.items[]|{, enforcing: (.status|if has("nodes") then .nodes |to_entries|map_values(.value.enforcing) + [(.|length >= %d)]|all else true end)|tostring, status: has("status")|tostring}]`,

// CiliumPolicyAction performs the specified action in Kubernetes for the policy
// stored in path filepath and waits up  until timeout seconds for the policy
// to be applied in all Cilium endpoints. Returns an error if the policy is not
// imported before the timeout is
// exceeded.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumPolicyAction(namespace, filepath string, action ResourceLifeCycleAction, timeout time.Duration) (string, error) {
	podRevisions, err := kub.getPodRevisions()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	numNodes := len(podRevisions)

	kub.Logger().Infof("Performing %s action on resource '%s'", action, filepath)

	status := kub.Action(action, filepath, namespace)
	if !status.WasSuccessful() {
		return "", status.GetErr(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot perform '%s' on resource '%s'", action, filepath))
	unchanged := action == KubectlApply && strings.HasSuffix(status.Stdout(), " unchanged\n")

	// If policy is uninstalled we can't require a policy being enforced.
	if action != KubectlDelete {
		jqFilter := getPolicyEnforcingJqFilter(numNodes)
		body := func() bool {
			cmds := map[string]string{
				"CNP":  fmt.Sprintf("%s get cnp --all-namespaces -o json | jq '%s'", KubectlCmd, jqFilter),
				"CCNP": fmt.Sprintf("%s get ccnp -o json | jq '%s'", KubectlCmd, jqFilter),

			for ctx, cmd := range cmds {
				var data []map[string]string

				res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
				if !res.WasSuccessful() {
					kub.Logger().WithError(res.GetErr("")).Errorf("cannot get %s status", ctx)
					return false

				err := res.Unmarshal(&data)
				if err != nil {
					kub.Logger().WithError(err).Errorf("Cannot unmarshal json for %s status", ctx)
					return false

				for _, item := range data {
					if item["enforcing"] != "true" || item["status"] != "true" {
						kub.Logger().Errorf("%s policy '%s' is not enforcing yet", ctx, item["name"])
						return false

			return true

		err = WithTimeout(
			"Timed out while waiting for policies to be enforced",
			&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})

		if err != nil {
			return "", err

	// If the applied policy was unchanged, we don't need to wait for the next policy revision.
	if unchanged {
		return "", nil

	return "", kub.waitNextPolicyRevisions(podRevisions, timeout)

// CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction applies a clusterwide policy action as described in action argument. It
// then wait till timeout Duration for the policy to be applied to all the cilium endpoints.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(filepath string, action ResourceLifeCycleAction, timeout time.Duration) (string, error) {
	podRevisions, err := kub.getPodRevisions()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	numNodes := len(podRevisions)

	kub.Logger().Infof("Performing %s action on resource '%s'", action, filepath)

	status := kub.Action(action, filepath)
	if !status.WasSuccessful() {
		return "", status.GetErr(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot perform '%s' on resource '%s'", action, filepath))
	unchanged := action == KubectlApply && strings.HasSuffix(status.Stdout(), " unchanged\n")

	// If policy is uninstalled we can't require a policy being enforced.
	if action != KubectlDelete {
		jqFilter := getPolicyEnforcingJqFilter(numNodes)
		body := func() bool {
			var data []map[string]string
			cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s get ccnp -o json | jq '%s'",
				KubectlCmd, jqFilter)

			res := kub.ExecShort(cmd)
			if !res.WasSuccessful() {
				kub.Logger().WithError(res.GetErr("")).Error("cannot get ccnp status")
				return false

			err := res.Unmarshal(&data)
			if err != nil {
				kub.Logger().WithError(err).Error("Cannot unmarshal json")
				return false

			for _, item := range data {
				if item["enforcing"] != "true" || item["status"] != "true" {
					kub.Logger().Errorf("Clusterwide policy '%s' is not enforcing yet", item["name"])
					return false
			return true

		err := WithTimeout(
			"Timed out while waiting CCNP to be enforced",
			&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})

		if err != nil {
			return "", err

	// If the applied policy was unchanged, we don't need to wait for the next policy revision.
	if unchanged {
		return "", nil

	return "", kub.waitNextPolicyRevisions(podRevisions, timeout)

// OutsideNodeReport collects command output on the outside node.
func (kub *Kubectl) OutsideNodeReport(outsideNode string, commands ...string) {
	if config.CiliumTestConfig.SkipLogGathering {
		ginkgoext.GinkgoPrint("Skipped gathering logs (-cilium.skipLogs=true)\n")

	if kub == nil {
		ginkgoext.GinkgoPrint("Skipped gathering logs due to kubectl not being initialized")

	// Log gathering should take at most 10 minutes.
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Minute)
	defer cancel()

	results := make([]*CmdRes, 0, len(commands))
	ginkgoext.GinkgoPrint("Fetching command output on outside node %s", outsideNode)
	for _, cmd := range commands {
		res := kub.ExecInHostNetNS(ctx, outsideNode, cmd)
		results = append(results, res)

	for _, res := range results {

// CiliumReport report the cilium pod to the log and appends the logs for the
// given commands.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumReport(commands ...string) {
	if config.CiliumTestConfig.SkipLogGathering {
		ginkgoext.GinkgoPrint("Skipped gathering logs (-cilium.skipLogs=true)\n")

	if kub == nil {
		ginkgoext.GinkgoPrint("Skipped gathering logs due to kubectl not being initialized")

	// Log gathering for Cilium should take at most 10 minutes. This ensures that
	// the CiliumReport stage doesn't cause the entire CI to hang.

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Minute)
	defer cancel()

	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()

	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		kub.DumpCiliumCommandOutput(ctx, CiliumNamespace)


	pods, err := kub.GetCiliumPodsContext(ctx, CiliumNamespace)
	if err != nil {
		kub.Logger().WithError(err).Error("cannot retrieve cilium pods on ReportDump")
	res := kub.ExecContextShort(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s get pods -o wide --all-namespaces", KubectlCmd))

	results := make([]*CmdRes, 0, len(pods)*len(commands))
	ginkgoext.GinkgoPrint("Fetching command output from pods %s", pods)
	for _, pod := range pods {
		for _, cmd := range commands {
			res = kub.ExecPodCmdBackground(ctx, CiliumNamespace, pod, "cilium-agent", cmd, ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})
			results = append(results, res)


	for _, res := range results {

// CiliumCheckReport prints a few checks on the Junit output to provide more
// context to users. The list of checks that prints are the following:
// - Number of Kubernetes and Cilium policies installed.
// - Policy enforcement status by endpoint.
// - Controller, health, kvstore status.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumCheckReport(ctx context.Context) {
	pods, _ := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	fmt.Fprintf(CheckLogs, "Cilium pods: %v\n", pods)

	var policiesFilter = `{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}{"::"}{}{" "}{end}`
	netpols := kub.ExecContextShort(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(
		"%s get netpol -o jsonpath='%s' --all-namespaces",
		KubectlCmd, policiesFilter))
	fmt.Fprintf(CheckLogs, "Netpols loaded: %v\n", netpols.GetStdOut())

	cnp := kub.ExecContextShort(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(
		"%s get cnp -o jsonpath='%s' --all-namespaces",
		KubectlCmd, policiesFilter))
	fmt.Fprintf(CheckLogs, "CiliumNetworkPolicies loaded: %v\n", cnp.GetStdOut())

	cepFilter := `{range .items[*]}{}{"="}{.status.policy.ingress.enforcing}{":"}{.status.policy.egress.enforcing}{"\n"}{end}`
	cepStatus := kub.ExecContextShort(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(
		"%s get cep -o jsonpath='%s' --all-namespaces",
		KubectlCmd, cepFilter))

	fmt.Fprintf(CheckLogs, "Endpoint Policy Enforcement:\n")

	table := tabwriter.NewWriter(CheckLogs, 5, 0, 3, ' ', 0)
	fmt.Fprintf(table, "Pod\tIngress\tEgress\n")
	for pod, policy := range cepStatus.KVOutput() {
		data := strings.SplitN(policy, ":", 2)
		if len(data) != 2 {
			data[0] = "invalid value"
			data[1] = "invalid value"
		fmt.Fprintf(table, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", pod, data[0], data[1])

	var controllersFilter = `{range .controllers[*]}{.name}{"="}{.status.consecutive-failure-count}::{.status.last-failure-msg}{"\n"}{end}`
	var failedControllers string
	for _, pod := range pods {
		var prefix = ""
		status := kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, "cilium status --all-controllers -o json")
		result, err := status.Filter(controllersFilter)
		if err != nil {
			kub.Logger().WithError(err).Error("Cannot filter controller status output")
		var total = 0
		var failed = 0
		for name, data := range result.KVOutput() {
			status := strings.SplitN(data, "::", 2)
			if len(status) != 2 {
				// Just make sure that the the len of the output is 2 to not
				// fail on index error in the following lines.
			if status[0] != "" {
				prefix = "⚠️  "
				failedControllers += fmt.Sprintf("controller %s failure '%s'\n", name, status[1])
		statusFilter := `Status: {.cilium.state}  Health: {.cluster.ciliumHealth.state}` +
			` Nodes "{.cluster.nodes[*].name}" ContainerRuntime: {.container-runtime.state}` +
			` Kubernetes: {.kubernetes.state} KVstore: {.kvstore.state}`
		data, _ := status.Filter(statusFilter)
		fmt.Fprintf(CheckLogs, "%sCilium agent '%s': %s Controllers: Total %d Failed %d\n",
			prefix, pod, data, total, failed)
		if failedControllers != "" {
			fmt.Fprintf(CheckLogs, "Failed controllers:\n %s", failedControllers)

// ValidateNoErrorsInLogs checks that cilium logs since the given duration (By
// default `CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Duration`) do not contain any of the
// known-bad messages (e.g., `deadlocks` or `segmentation faults`). In case of
// any of these messages, it'll mark the test as failed.
func (kub *Kubectl) ValidateNoErrorsInLogs(duration time.Duration) {
	blacklist := GetBadLogMessages()
	kub.ValidateListOfErrorsInLogs(duration, blacklist)

// ValidateListOfErrorsInLogs is similar to ValidateNoErrorsInLogs, but
// takes a blacklist of bad log messages instead of using the default list.
func (kub *Kubectl) ValidateListOfErrorsInLogs(duration time.Duration, blacklist map[string][]string) {
	if kub == nil {
		// if `kub` is nil, this is run after the test failed while setting up `kub` and we are unable to gather logs

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Minute)
	defer cancel()

	apps := map[string]string{
		"k8s-app=cilium":         CiliumTestLog,
		"k8s-app=hubble-relay":   HubbleRelayTestLog,
		"io.cilium/app=operator": CiliumOperatorTestLog,

	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	for app, file := range apps {
		go func(app, file string) {
			var logs string
			cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s logs --tail=-1 --timestamps=true -l %s --since=%vs",
				KubectlCmd, CiliumNamespace, app, duration.Seconds())
			res := kub.ExecContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s --previous", cmd), ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})
			if res.WasSuccessful() {
				logs += res.Stdout()
			res = kub.ExecContext(ctx, cmd, ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})
			if res.WasSuccessful() {
				logs += res.Stdout()
			defer func() {
				defer wg.Done()
				// Keep the cilium logs for the given test in a separate file.
				testPath, err := CreateReportDirectory()
				if err != nil {
					kub.Logger().WithError(err).Error("Cannot create report directory")
				err = os.WriteFile(
					fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", testPath, file),
					[]byte(logs), LogPerm)

				if err != nil {
					kub.Logger().WithError(err).Errorf("Cannot create %s", CiliumTestLog)

			failIfContainsBadLogMsg(logs, app, blacklist)

			fmt.Fprint(CheckLogs, logutils.LogErrorsSummary(logs))
		}(app, file)


// GatherCiliumCoreDumps copies core dumps if are present in the /tmp folder
// into the test report folder for further analysis.
func (kub *Kubectl) GatherCiliumCoreDumps(ctx context.Context, ciliumPod string) {
	log := kub.Logger().WithField("pod", ciliumPod)

	cores := kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, ciliumPod, "ls /tmp/ | grep core")
	if !cores.WasSuccessful() {
		log.Debug("There is no core dumps in the pod")

	testPath, err := CreateReportDirectory()
	if err != nil {
		log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot create test result path '%s'", testPath)
	resultPath := filepath.Join(kub.BasePath(), testPath)

	for _, core := range cores.ByLines() {
		dst := filepath.Join(resultPath, core)
		src := filepath.Join("/tmp/", core)
		cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s cp %s:%s %s",
			KubectlCmd, CiliumNamespace,
			ciliumPod, src, dst)
		res := kub.ExecContext(ctx, cmd, ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			log.WithField("output", res.CombineOutput()).Error("Cannot get core from pod")

// ExecInFirstPod runs given command in one pod that matches given selector and namespace
// An error is returned if no pods can be found
func (kub *Kubectl) ExecInFirstPod(ctx context.Context, namespace, selector, cmd string, options ...ExecOptions) *CmdRes {
	names, err := kub.GetPodNamesContext(ctx, namespace, selector)
	if err != nil {
		return &CmdRes{err: err}
	if len(names) == 0 {
		return &CmdRes{err: fmt.Errorf("Cannot find pods matching %s to execute %s", selector, cmd)}

	name := names[0]
	command := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, name, cmd)
	return kub.ExecContext(ctx, command)

// ExecInPods runs given command on all pods in given namespace that match selector and returns map pod-name->CmdRes
func (kub *Kubectl) ExecInPods(ctx context.Context, namespace, selector, cmd string, options ...ExecOptions) (results map[string]*CmdRes, err error) {
	names, err := kub.GetPodNamesContext(ctx, namespace, selector)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	results = make(map[string]*CmdRes)
	for _, name := range names {
		command := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- %s", KubectlCmd, namespace, name, cmd)
		results[name] = kub.ExecContext(ctx, command)

	return results, nil

// ExecInHostNetNS runs given command in a pod running in a host network namespace
func (kub *Kubectl) ExecInHostNetNS(ctx context.Context, node, cmd string) *CmdRes {
	// This is a hack, as we execute the given cmd in the log-gathering pod
	// which runs in the host netns. Also, the log-gathering pods lack some
	// packages, e.g. iproute2.
	selector := fmt.Sprintf("%s --field-selector spec.nodeName=%s",
		logGathererSelector(true), node)

	return kub.ExecInFirstPod(ctx, LogGathererNamespace, selector, cmd)

// ExecInHostNetNSInBackground runs given command in a pod running in a host network namespace
// but in background.
func (kub *Kubectl) ExecInHostNetNSInBackground(ctx context.Context, node, cmd string) (*CmdRes, func(), error) {
	selector := fmt.Sprintf("%s --field-selector spec.nodeName=%s",
		logGathererSelector(true), node)
	names, err := kub.GetPodNamesContext(ctx, LogGathererNamespace, selector)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	pod := names[0]

	bgCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- %s", KubectlCmd, LogGathererNamespace, pod, cmd)
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

	return kub.ExecInBackground(ctx, bgCmd, ExecOptions{}), cancel, nil

// ExecInHostNetNSByLabel runs given command in a pod running in a host network namespace.
// The pod's node is identified by the given label.
func (kub *Kubectl) ExecInHostNetNSByLabel(ctx context.Context, label, cmd string) (string, error) {
	nodeName, err := kub.GetNodeNameByLabel(label)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot get node by label %s", label)

	res := kub.ExecInHostNetNS(ctx, nodeName, cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to exec %q cmd on %q node: %s", cmd, nodeName, res.GetErr(""))

	return res.Stdout(), nil

// DumpCiliumCommandOutput runs a variety of commands (CiliumKubCLICommands) and writes the results to
// TestResultsPath
func (kub *Kubectl) DumpCiliumCommandOutput(ctx context.Context, namespace string) {
	testPath, err := CreateReportDirectory()
	if err != nil {
		log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot create test result path '%s'", testPath)

	ReportOnPod := func(pod string) {
		logger := kub.Logger().WithField("CiliumPod", pod)

		logsPath := filepath.Join(kub.BasePath(), testPath)

		// Get bugtool output. Since bugtool output is dumped in the pod's filesystem,
		// copy it over with `kubectl cp`.
		bugtoolCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- %s %s",
			KubectlCmd, namespace, pod, CiliumBugtool, CiliumBugtoolArgs)
		res := kub.ExecContext(ctx, bugtoolCmd, ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})
		if !res.WasSuccessful() {
			logger.Errorf("%s failed: %s", bugtoolCmd, res.CombineOutput().String())
		// Default output directory is /tmp for bugtool.
		res = kub.ExecContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s exec -n %s %s -- ls /tmp/", KubectlCmd, namespace, pod))
		tmpList := res.ByLines()
		for _, line := range tmpList {
			// Only copy over bugtool output to directory.
			if !strings.Contains(line, CiliumBugtool) {

			res = kub.ExecContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%[1]s cp %[2]s/%[3]s:/tmp/%[4]s /tmp/%[4]s",
				KubectlCmd, namespace, pod, line),
				ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})
			if !res.WasSuccessful() {
				logger.Errorf("'%s' failed: %s", res.GetCmd(), res.CombineOutput())

			archiveName := filepath.Join(logsPath, fmt.Sprintf("bugtool-%s", pod))
			res = kub.ExecContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %q", archiveName))
			if !res.WasSuccessful() {
				logger.WithField("cmd", res.GetCmd()).Errorf(
					"cannot create bugtool archive folder: %s", res.CombineOutput())

			cmd := fmt.Sprintf("tar -xf /tmp/%s -C %q --strip-components=1", line, archiveName)
			res = kub.ExecContext(ctx, cmd, ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})
			if !res.WasSuccessful() {
				logger.WithField("cmd", cmd).Errorf(
					"Cannot untar bugtool output: %s", res.CombineOutput())
			//Remove bugtool artifact, so it'll be not used if any other fail test
			_ = kub.ExecPodCmdBackground(ctx, namespace, pod, "cilium-agent", fmt.Sprintf("rm /tmp/%s", line))


	pods, err := kub.GetCiliumPodsContext(ctx, namespace)
	if err != nil {
		kub.Logger().WithError(err).Error("cannot retrieve cilium pods on ReportDump")

	kub.reportMapContext(ctx, testPath, ciliumKubCLICommands, namespace, CiliumSelector)

	// Finally, get kvstore output - this is best effort; we do this last
	// because if connectivity to the kvstore is broken from a cilium pod,
	// we don't want the context above to timeout and as a result, get none
	// of the other logs from the tests.

	// Use a shorter context for kvstore-related commands to avoid having
	// further log-gathering fail as well if the first Cilium pod fails to
	// gather kvstore logs.
	kvstoreCmdCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, MidCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	kub.reportMapContext(kvstoreCmdCtx, testPath, ciliumKubCLICommandsKVStore, namespace, CiliumSelector)

	for _, pod := range pods {
		kub.GatherCiliumCoreDumps(ctx, pod)

// GatherLogs dumps kubernetes pods, services, DaemonSet to the testResultsPath
// directory
func (kub *Kubectl) GatherLogs(ctx context.Context) {
	reportCmds := map[string]string{
		"kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json":                          "pods.json",
		"kubectl get services --all-namespaces -o json":                      "svc.json",
		"kubectl get nodes -o json":                                          "nodes.json",
		"kubectl get cn -o json":                                             "ciliumnodes.json",
		"kubectl get ds --all-namespaces -o json":                            "ds.json",
		"kubectl get cnp --all-namespaces -o json":                           "cnp.json",
		"kubectl get cep --all-namespaces -o json":                           "cep.json",
		"kubectl get netpol --all-namespaces -o json":                        "netpol.json",
		"kubectl describe pods --all-namespaces":                             "pods_status.txt",
		"kubectl get replicationcontroller --all-namespaces -o json":         "replicationcontroller.json",
		"kubectl get deployment --all-namespaces -o json":                    "deployment.json",
		"kubectl get crd -o json":            "cilium-network-policies-crd.json",
		"kubectl get crd -o json": "cilium-clusterwide-network-policies-crd.json",
		"kubectl get serviceaccount --all-namespaces -o json":                "serviceaccounts.json",
		"kubectl get clusterrole -o json":                                    "clusterroles.json",
		"kubectl get clusterrolebinding -o json":                             "clusterrolebindings.json",

		fmt.Sprintf("kubectl get cm cilium-config -n %s -o json", CiliumNamespace):                                                   "cilium-config.json",
		fmt.Sprintf("kubectl logs -l k8s-app=cilium -n %s --timestamps -c clean-cilium-state --tail -1", CiliumNamespace):            "cilium-init-container-logs.txt",
		fmt.Sprintf("kubectl logs -l k8s-app=cilium -n %s --timestamps -c clean-cilium-state --previous --tail -1", CiliumNamespace): "cilium-init-container-logs-previous.txt",
		fmt.Sprintf("kubectl logs -l k8s-app=cilium -n %s --timestamps --all-containers --tail -1", CiliumNamespace):                 "cilium-combined-logs.txt",
		fmt.Sprintf("kubectl logs -l k8s-app=cilium -n %s --timestamps --all-containers --previous --tail -1", CiliumNamespace):      "cilium-combined-logs-previous.txt",

	kub.GeneratePodLogGatheringCommands(ctx, reportCmds)

	res := kub.ExecContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(`%s api-resources | grep -v "^NAME" | awk '{print $1}'`, KubectlCmd))
	if res.WasSuccessful() {
		for _, line := range res.ByLines() {
			key := fmt.Sprintf("%s get %s --all-namespaces -o wide", KubectlCmd, line)
			reportCmds[key] = fmt.Sprintf("api-resource-%s.txt", line)
	} else {
		kub.Logger().Errorf("Cannot get api-resoureces: %s", res.GetDebugMessage())

	testPath, err := CreateReportDirectory()
	if err != nil {
			"cannot create test results path '%s'", testPath)
	kub.reportMapHost(ctx, testPath, reportCmds)

	reportCmds = map[string]string{
		"journalctl -D /var/log/journal --no-pager -au kubelet":        "kubelet.log",
		"journalctl -D /var/log/journal --no-pager -au kube-apiserver": "kube-apiserver.log",
		"journalctl -D /var/log/journal --no-pager -au containerd":     "containerd.log",
		"top -n 1 -b": "top.log",
		"ps aux":      "ps.log",

	kub.reportMapContext(ctx, testPath, reportCmds, LogGathererNamespace, logGathererSelector(false))

// GeneratePodLogGatheringCommands generates the commands to gather logs for
// all pods in the Kubernetes cluster, and maps the commands to the filename
// in which they will be stored in reportCmds.
func (kub *Kubectl) GeneratePodLogGatheringCommands(ctx context.Context, reportCmds map[string]string) {
	if reportCmds == nil {
		reportCmds = make(map[string]string)
	pods, err := kub.GetAllPods(ctx, ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})
	if err != nil {
		kub.Logger().WithError(err).Error("Unable to get pods from Kubernetes via kubectl")

	for _, pod := range pods {
		containerStatuses := append(pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses, pod.Status.ContainerStatuses...)
		for _, containerStatus := range containerStatuses {
			logCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s logs --timestamps %s -c %s", KubectlCmd, pod.Namespace, pod.Name, containerStatus.Name)
			logfileName := fmt.Sprintf("pod-%s-%s-%s.log", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, containerStatus.Name)
			reportCmds[logCmd] = logfileName

			if containerStatus.RestartCount > 0 {
				previousLogCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s logs --timestamps %s -c %s --previous", KubectlCmd, pod.Namespace, pod.Name, containerStatus.Name)
				previousLogfileName := fmt.Sprintf("pod-%s-%s-%s-previous.log", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, containerStatus.Name)
				reportCmds[previousLogCmd] = previousLogfileName

// getCiliumPodOnNodeByName returns the name of the Cilium pod that is running on / in
// the specified node / namespace.
func (kub *Kubectl) getCiliumPodOnNodeByName(node string) (string, error) {
	filter := fmt.Sprintf(
		"-o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.spec.nodeName == \"%s\")]}'", node)

	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf(
		"%s -n %s get pods -l k8s-app=cilium %s", KubectlCmd, CiliumNamespace, filter))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Cilium pod not found on node '%s'", node)

	return res.Stdout(), nil

// GetNodeInfo provides the node name and IP address based on the label
// (eg helpers.K8s1 or helpers.K8s2)
func (kub *Kubectl) GetNodeInfo(label string) (nodeName, nodeIP string) {
	nodeName, err := kub.GetNodeNameByLabel(label)
	gomega.ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(gomega.BeNil(), "Cannot get node by label "+label)
	nodeIP, err = kub.GetNodeIPByLabel(label, false)
	gomega.ExpectWithOffset(1, err).Should(gomega.BeNil(), "Can not retrieve Node Internal IP for "+label)
	return nodeName, nodeIP

// GetCiliumPodOnNode returns the name of the Cilium pod that is running on node with label
func (kub *Kubectl) GetCiliumPodOnNode(label string) (string, error) {
	node, err := kub.GetNodeNameByLabel(label)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Unable to get nodes with label '%s': %s", label, err)

	return kub.getCiliumPodOnNodeByName(node)

// GetCiliumPodOnNodeByName returns the name of the Cilium pod that is running on node with the given name.
func (kub *Kubectl) GetCiliumPodOnNodeByName(nodeName string) (string, error) {
	return kub.getCiliumPodOnNodeByName(nodeName)

func (kub *Kubectl) validateCilium() error {
	var g errgroup.Group

	g.Go(func() error {
		if err := kub.ciliumStatusPreFlightCheck(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("status is unhealthy: %s", err)
		return nil

	g.Go(func() error {
		if err := kub.ciliumControllersPreFlightCheck(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("controllers are failing: %s", err)
		return nil

	g.Go(func() error {
		if err := kub.ciliumHealthPreFlightCheck(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("connectivity health is failing: %s", err)
		return nil

	g.Go(func() error {
		if err := kub.ciliumHostEndpointRegenerated(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("host EP is not ready: %s", err)
		return nil

	g.Go(func() error {
		err := kub.fillServiceCache()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to fill service cache: %s", err)
		err = kub.ciliumServicePreFlightCheck()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cilium services are not set up correctly: %s", err)
		err = kub.servicePreFlightCheck("kubernetes", "default")
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("kubernetes service is not ready: %s", err)
		return nil

	return g.Wait()

// CiliumPreFlightCheck specify that it checks that various subsystems within
// Cilium are in a good state. If one of the multiple preflight fails it'll
// return an error.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumPreFlightCheck() error {
	ginkgoext.By("Validating Cilium Installation")
	// Doing this withTimeout because the Status can be ready, but the other
	// nodes cannot be show up yet, and the cilium-health can fail as a false positive.
	var (
		lastError           string
		consecutiveFailures int

	body := func() bool {
		if err := kub.validateCilium(); err != nil {
			if lastError != err.Error() || consecutiveFailures >= 5 {
				ginkgoext.By("Cilium is not ready yet: %s", err)
				lastError = err.Error()
				consecutiveFailures = 0
			} else {
			return false
		return true

	if err := RepeatUntilTrue(body, &TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Cilium validation failed: %s: Last polled error: %s", err, lastError)
	return nil

func (kub *Kubectl) ciliumStatusPreFlightCheck() error {
	ginkgoext.By("Performing Cilium status preflight check")
	ciliumPods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve cilium pods: %s", err)
	reNoQuorum := regexp.MustCompile(`^.*KVStore:.*has-quorum=false.*$`)
	for _, pod := range ciliumPods {
		status := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.TODO(), pod, "cilium status --all-health --all-nodes")
		if !status.WasSuccessful() {
			return fmt.Errorf("cilium-agent '%s' is unhealthy: %s", pod, status.OutputPrettyPrint())
		if reNoQuorum.Match(status.GetStdOut().Bytes()) {
			return fmt.Errorf("KVStore doesn't have quorum: %s", status.OutputPrettyPrint())

	return nil

func (kub *Kubectl) ciliumControllersPreFlightCheck() error {
	ginkgoext.By("Performing Cilium controllers preflight check")
	var controllersFilter = `{range .controllers[*]}{.name}{"="}{.status.consecutive-failure-count}{"\n"}{end}`
	ciliumPods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve cilium pods: %s", err)
	for _, pod := range ciliumPods {
		status := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.TODO(), pod, fmt.Sprintf(
			"cilium status --all-controllers -o jsonpath='%s'", controllersFilter))
		if !status.WasSuccessful() {
			return fmt.Errorf("cilium-agent '%s': Cannot run cilium status: %s",
				pod, status.OutputPrettyPrint())
		for controller, status := range status.KVOutput() {
			if status != "0" {
				failmsg := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.TODO(), pod, "cilium status --all-controllers")
				return fmt.Errorf("cilium-agent '%s': controller %s is failing: %s",
					pod, controller, failmsg.OutputPrettyPrint())

	return nil

func (kub *Kubectl) ciliumHealthPreFlightCheck() error {
	ginkgoext.By("Performing Cilium health check")
	var nodesFilter = `{.nodes[*].name}`
	var statusPaths = []string{

	ciliumPods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve cilium pods: %s", err)
	for _, pod := range ciliumPods {
		status := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.TODO(), pod, "cilium-health status -o json --probe")
		if !status.WasSuccessful() {
			return fmt.Errorf(
				"Cluster connectivity is unhealthy on '%s': %s",
				pod, status.OutputPrettyPrint())

		// By Checking that the node list is the same
		nodes, err := status.Filter(nodesFilter)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Cannot unmarshal health status: %s", err)

		nodeCount := strings.Split(nodes.String(), " ")
		if len(ciliumPods) != len(nodeCount) {
			return fmt.Errorf(
				"cilium-agent '%s': Only %d/%d nodes appeared in cilium-health status. nodes = '%+v'",
				pod, len(ciliumPods), len(nodeCount), nodeCount)

		for _, statusPath := range statusPaths {
			kvExpr := fmt.Sprintf(`{range .nodes[*]}{.name}{"%s="}{%s}{"\n"}{end}`, statusPath, statusPath)
			healthStatus, err := status.Filter(kvExpr)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Cannot unmarshal health status: %s", err)

			for path, status := range healthStatus.KVOutput() {
				if status != "" {
					return fmt.Errorf("cilium-agent '%s': connectivity to path '%s' is unhealthy: '%s'",
						pod, path, status)

	return nil

func (kub *Kubectl) ciliumHostEndpointRegenerated() error {
	ginkgoext.By("Checking whether host EP regenerated")
	ciliumPods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve cilium pods: %s", err)
	for _, pod := range ciliumPods {
		state, err := kub.GetCiliumHostEndpointState(pod)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if state != "ready" {
			return fmt.Errorf("cilium-agent %q host EP is not in ready state: %q", pod, state)
	return nil

// GetFilePath is a utility function which returns path to give fale relative to BasePath
func (kub *Kubectl) GetFilePath(filename string) string {
	return filepath.Join(kub.BasePath(), filename)

// serviceCache keeps service information from
// k8s, Cilium services and Cilium bpf load balancer map
type serviceCache struct {
	services  v1.ServiceList
	endpoints v1.EndpointsList
	pods      []ciliumPodServiceCache

// ciliumPodServiceCache
type ciliumPodServiceCache struct {
	name          string
	services      []models.Service
	loadBalancers map[string][]string

func (kub *Kubectl) fillServiceCache() error {
	cache := serviceCache{}

	svcRes := kub.GetFromAllNS("service")
	err := svcRes.GetErr("Unable to get k8s services")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = svcRes.Unmarshal(&

	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to unmarshal K8s services: %s", err.Error())

	epRes := kub.GetFromAllNS("endpoints")
	err = epRes.GetErr("Unable to get k8s endpoints")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = epRes.Unmarshal(&cache.endpoints)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to unmarshal K8s endpoints: %s", err.Error())

	ciliumPods, err := kub.GetCiliumPods()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot retrieve cilium pods: %s", err)
	ciliumSvcCmd := "cilium service list -o json"
	ciliumBpfLbCmd := "cilium bpf lb list -o json"

	cache.pods = make([]ciliumPodServiceCache, 0, len(ciliumPods))
	for _, pod := range ciliumPods {
		podCache := ciliumPodServiceCache{name: pod}

		ciliumServicesRes := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.TODO(), pod, ciliumSvcCmd)
		err := ciliumServicesRes.GetErr(
			fmt.Sprintf("Unable to retrieve Cilium services on %s", pod))
		if err != nil {
			return err

		err = ciliumServicesRes.Unmarshal(&
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to unmarshal Cilium services: %s", err.Error())

		ciliumLbRes := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.TODO(), pod, ciliumBpfLbCmd)
		err = ciliumLbRes.GetErr(
			fmt.Sprintf("Unable to retrieve Cilium bpf lb list on %s", pod))
		if err != nil {
			return err

		err = ciliumLbRes.Unmarshal(&podCache.loadBalancers)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to unmarshal Cilium bpf lb list: %s", err.Error())
		cache.pods = append(cache.pods, podCache)
	kub.serviceCache = &cache
	return nil

// KubeDNSPreFlightCheck makes sure that kube-dns is plumbed into Cilium.
func (kub *Kubectl) KubeDNSPreFlightCheck() error {
	var dnsErr error
	body := func() bool {
		dnsErr = kub.fillServiceCache()
		if dnsErr != nil {
			return false
		dnsErr = kub.servicePreFlightCheck("kube-dns", KubeSystemNamespace)
		return dnsErr == nil

	err := WithTimeout(body, "DNS not ready within timeout", &TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout})
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("kube-dns service not ready: %s", dnsErr)
	return nil

// servicePreFlightCheck makes sure that k8s service with given name and
// namespace is properly plumbed in Cilium
func (kub *Kubectl) servicePreFlightCheck(serviceName, serviceNamespace string) error {
	ginkgoext.By("Performing K8s service preflight check")
	var service *v1.Service
	for _, s := range {
		if s.Name == serviceName && s.Namespace == serviceNamespace {
			service = &s

	if service == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s/%s service not found in service cache", serviceName, serviceNamespace)

	for _, pod := range kub.serviceCache.pods {

		err := validateK8sService(*service, kub.serviceCache.endpoints.Items,, pod.loadBalancers)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error validating Cilium service on pod %v: %s", pod, err.Error())
	return nil

func validateK8sService(k8sService v1.Service, k8sEndpoints []v1.Endpoints, ciliumSvcs []models.Service, ciliumLB map[string][]string) error {
	var ciliumService *models.Service
	for _, cSvc := range ciliumSvcs {
		if cSvc.Status.Realized.FrontendAddress.IP == k8sService.Spec.ClusterIP {
			for _, port := range k8sService.Spec.Ports {
				if int32(cSvc.Status.Realized.FrontendAddress.Port) == port.Port {
					ciliumService = &cSvc

	if ciliumService == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to find Cilium service corresponding to %s/%s k8s service", k8sService.Namespace, k8sService.Name)

	temp := map[string]bool{}
	err := validateCiliumSvc(*ciliumService, []v1.Service{k8sService}, k8sEndpoints, temp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return validateCiliumSvcLB(*ciliumService, ciliumLB)

// CiliumServiceAdd adds the given service on a 'pod' running Cilium
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumServiceAdd(pod string, id int64, frontend string, backends []string, svcType, trafficPolicy string) error {
	var opts []string
	switch strings.ToLower(svcType) {
	case "nodeport":
		opts = append(opts, "--k8s-node-port")
	case "externalip":
		opts = append(opts, "--k8s-external")
	case "localredirect":
		opts = append(opts, "--local-redirect")
	case "clusterip":
		// this is the default
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid service type: %q", svcType)

	trafficPolicy = strings.Title(strings.ToLower(trafficPolicy))
	switch trafficPolicy {
	case "Cluster", "Local":
		opts = append(opts, "--k8s-ext-traffic-policy "+trafficPolicy)
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid traffic policy: %q", svcType)

	optsStr := strings.Join(opts, " ")
	backendsStr := strings.Join(backends, ",")
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	return kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, fmt.Sprintf("cilium service update --id %d --frontend %q --backends %q %s",
		id, frontend, backendsStr, optsStr)).GetErr("cilium service update")

// CiliumServiceDel deletes the service with 'id' on a 'pod' running Cilium
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumServiceDel(pod string, id int64) error {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	return kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, pod, fmt.Sprintf("cilium service delete %d", id)).GetErr("cilium service delete")

// ciliumServicePreFlightCheck checks that k8s service is plumbed correctly
func (kub *Kubectl) ciliumServicePreFlightCheck() error {
	ginkgoext.By("Performing Cilium service preflight check")
	for _, pod := range kub.serviceCache.pods {
		k8sServicesFound := map[string]bool{}

		for _, cSvc := range {
			err := validateCiliumSvc(cSvc,, kub.serviceCache.endpoints.Items, k8sServicesFound)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error validating Cilium service on pod %v: %s", pod, err.Error())

		notFoundServices := make([]string, 0, len(
		for _, k8sSvc := range {
			key := serviceKey(k8sSvc)
			// ignore headless services
			if k8sSvc.Spec.Type == v1.ServiceTypeClusterIP &&
				k8sSvc.Spec.ClusterIP == v1.ClusterIPNone {
			// TODO(brb) check NodePort and LoadBalancer services
			if k8sSvc.Spec.Type == v1.ServiceTypeNodePort ||
				k8sSvc.Spec.Type == v1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer {
			if _, ok := k8sServicesFound[key]; !ok {
				notFoundServices = append(notFoundServices, key)

		if len(notFoundServices) > 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to find Cilium service corresponding to k8s services %s on pod %v",
				strings.Join(notFoundServices, ", "), pod)

		for _, cSvc := range {
			err := validateCiliumSvcLB(cSvc, pod.loadBalancers)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error validating Cilium service on pod %v: %s", pod, err.Error())
		if len( != len(pod.loadBalancers) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Length of Cilium services doesn't match length of bpf LB map on pod %v", pod)
	return nil

// reportMapContext saves the output of the given commands to the specified filename.
// Function needs a directory path where the files are going to be written
// commands are run on all pods matching selector
func (kub *Kubectl) reportMapContext(ctx context.Context, path string, reportCmds map[string]string, ns, selector string) {
	for cmd, logfile := range reportCmds {
		results, err := kub.ExecInPods(ctx, ns, selector, cmd, ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})
		if err != nil {
			log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot retrieve command output '%s': %s", cmd, err)

		for name, res := range results {
			err := os.WriteFile(
				fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s-%s", path, name, logfile),
			if err != nil {
				log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot create test results for command '%s' from pod %s", cmd, name)

// reportMapHost saves executed commands to files based on provided map
func (kub *Kubectl) reportMapHost(ctx context.Context, path string, reportCmds map[string]string) {
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	for cmd, logfile := range reportCmds {
		go func(cmd, logfile string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			res := kub.ExecContext(ctx, cmd, ExecOptions{SkipLog: true})

			if !res.WasSuccessful() {
				log.WithError(res.GetErr("reportMapHost")).Errorf("command %s failed", cmd)

			err := os.WriteFile(
				fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", path, logfile),
			if err != nil {
				log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot create test results for command '%s'", cmd)
		}(cmd, logfile)

// HelmAddCiliumRepo installs the repository that contain Cilium helm charts.
func (kub *Kubectl) HelmAddCiliumRepo() *CmdRes {
	return kub.ExecMiddle("helm repo add cilium")

// HelmTemplate renders given helm template. TODO: use go helm library for that
// We use --validate with `helm template` to properly populate the built-in objects like
// .Capabilities.KubeVersion with the values from associated cluster.
// This comes with a caveat that the command might fail if helm is not able to validate the
// chart install on the cluster, like if a previous cilium install is not cleaned up properly
// from the cluster. For this the caller has to make sure that there are no leftover cilium
// components in the cluster.
func (kub *Kubectl) HelmTemplate(chartDir, namespace, filename string, options map[string]string) *CmdRes {
	optionsString := ""

	for k, v := range options {
		optionsString += fmt.Sprintf(" --set %s=%s ", k, v)

	return kub.ExecMiddle("helm template --validate " +
		chartDir + " " +
		fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%s %s > %s", namespace, optionsString, filename))

// HubbleObserve runs `hubble observe --output=jsonpb <args>` on 'ns/pod' and
// waits for its completion.
func (kub *Kubectl) HubbleObserve(pod string, args string) *CmdRes {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	return kub.ExecPodCmdContext(ctx, CiliumNamespace, pod, fmt.Sprintf("hubble observe --output=jsonpb %s", args))

// HubbleObserveFollow runs `hubble observe --follow --output=jsonpb <args>` on
// the Cilium pod 'ns/pod' in the background. The process is stopped when ctx is cancelled.
func (kub *Kubectl) HubbleObserveFollow(ctx context.Context, pod string, args string) *CmdRes {
	return kub.ExecPodCmdBackground(ctx, CiliumNamespace, pod, "cilium-agent", fmt.Sprintf("hubble observe --follow --output=jsonpb %s", args))

// WaitForIPCacheEntry waits until the given ipAddr appears in "cilium bpf ipcache list"
// on the given node.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForIPCacheEntry(node, ipAddr string) error {
	ciliumPod, err := kub.GetCiliumPodOnNode(node)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	body := func() bool {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
		defer cancel()
		cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cilium bpf ipcache list | grep -q %s`, ipAddr)
		return kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, ciliumPod, cmd).WasSuccessful()

	return WithTimeout(body,
		fmt.Sprintf("ipcache entry for %s was not found in time", ipAddr),
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout})

func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForEgressPolicyEntries(node string, expectedCount int) error {
	ciliumPod, err := kub.GetCiliumPodOnNode(node)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	body := func() bool {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
		defer cancel()
		cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cilium bpf egress list | tail -n +2 | wc -l`)
		out := kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, ciliumPod, cmd)
		if !out.WasSuccessful() {
				WithFields(logrus.Fields{"cmd": cmd}).
				Warning("Failed to list bpf egress policy map")

			return false

		count, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(out.Stdout()))
		if err != nil {
				WithFields(logrus.Fields{"cmd": cmd}).
				Warning("Failed to parse command output")

			return false

		return count == expectedCount

	return WithTimeout(body,
		fmt.Sprintf("could not ensure egress policy entries count is equal to %d", expectedCount),
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout})

// RepeatCommandInBackground runs command on repeat in goroutine until quit channel
// is closed and closes run channel when command is first run
func (kub *Kubectl) RepeatCommandInBackground(cmd string) (quit, run chan struct{}) {
	quit = make(chan struct{})
	run = make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		firstRun := true
		for {
			select {
			case <-quit:
				res := kub.Exec(cmd)
				if !res.WasSuccessful() {
						"cmd": cmd,
					}).Warning("Command failed running in the background")
				if firstRun {
				firstRun = false

func serviceKey(s v1.Service) string {
	return s.Namespace + "/" + s.Name

// validateCiliumSvc checks if given Cilium service has corresponding k8s services and endpoints in given slices
func validateCiliumSvc(cSvc models.Service, k8sSvcs []v1.Service, k8sEps []v1.Endpoints, k8sServicesFound map[string]bool) error {
	var k8sService *v1.Service

	// TODO(brb) validate NodePort, LoadBalancer and HostPort services
	if cSvc.Status.Realized.Flags != nil {
		switch cSvc.Status.Realized.Flags.Type {
		case models.ServiceSpecFlagsTypeNodePort,
			return nil
		case "LoadBalancer":
			return nil

	for _, k8sSvc := range k8sSvcs {
		if k8sSvc.Spec.ClusterIP == cSvc.Status.Realized.FrontendAddress.IP {
			k8sService = &k8sSvc
		for _, clusterIP := range k8sSvc.Spec.ClusterIPs {
			if clusterIP == cSvc.Status.Realized.FrontendAddress.IP {
				k8sService = &k8sSvc
		if k8sService != nil {

	if k8sService == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Could not find Cilium service with ip %s in k8s", cSvc.Spec.FrontendAddress.IP)

	var k8sServicePort *v1.ServicePort
	for _, k8sPort := range k8sService.Spec.Ports {
		if k8sPort.Port == int32(cSvc.Status.Realized.FrontendAddress.Port) {
			k8sServicePort = &k8sPort
			k8sServicesFound[serviceKey(*k8sService)] = true
	if k8sServicePort == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Could not find Cilium service with address %s:%d in k8s", cSvc.Spec.FrontendAddress.IP, cSvc.Spec.FrontendAddress.Port)

	for _, backAddr := range cSvc.Status.Realized.BackendAddresses {
		foundEp := false
		for _, k8sEp := range k8sEps {
			for _, epAddr := range getK8sEndpointAddresses(k8sEp) {
				if addrsEqual(backAddr, epAddr) {
					foundEp = true
		if !foundEp {
			return fmt.Errorf(
				"Could not match cilium service backend address %s:%d with k8s endpoint",
				*backAddr.IP, backAddr.Port)
	return nil

func validateCiliumSvcLB(cSvc models.Service, lbMap map[string][]string) error {
	scope := ""
	if cSvc.Status.Realized.FrontendAddress.Scope == models.FrontendAddressScopeInternal {
		scope = "/i"

	frontendAddress := net.JoinHostPort(
		strconv.Itoa(int(cSvc.Status.Realized.FrontendAddress.Port))) + scope
	bpfBackends, ok := lbMap[frontendAddress]
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s bpf lb map entry not found", frontendAddress)

	for _, addr := range cSvc.Status.Realized.BackendAddresses {
		backend := net.JoinHostPort(*addr.IP, strconv.Itoa(int(addr.Port)))
		for _, bpfAddr := range bpfBackends {
			if strings.Contains(bpfAddr, backend) {
				continue BACKENDS
		return fmt.Errorf("%s not found in bpf map for frontend %s", backend, frontendAddress)
	return nil

func getK8sEndpointAddresses(ep v1.Endpoints) []*models.BackendAddress {
	result := []*models.BackendAddress{}
	for _, subset := range ep.Subsets {
		for _, addr := range subset.Addresses {
			ip := addr.IP
			for _, port := range subset.Ports {
				ba := &models.BackendAddress{
					IP:   &ip,
					Port: uint16(port.Port),
				result = append(result, ba)
	return result

func addrsEqual(addr1, addr2 *models.BackendAddress) bool {
	return *addr1.IP == *addr2.IP && addr1.Port == addr2.Port

// GenerateNamespaceForTest generates a namespace based off of the current test
// which is running.
// Note: Namespaces can only be 63 characters long (to comply with DNS). We
// ensure that the namespace here is shorter than that, but keep it unique by
// prefixing with timestamp
func GenerateNamespaceForTest(seed string) string {
	lowered := strings.ToLower(ginkgoext.CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().FullTestText)
	// K8s namespaces cannot have spaces, underscores or slashes.
	replaced := strings.Replace(lowered, " ", "", -1)
	replaced = strings.Replace(replaced, "_", "", -1)
	replaced = strings.Replace(replaced, "/", "", -1)

	timestamped := time.Now().Format("200601021504") + seed + replaced

	if len(timestamped) <= 63 {
		return timestamped

	return timestamped[:63]

// TimestampFilename appends a "timestamp" to the name. The goal is to make this
// name unique to avoid collisions in tests. The nanosecond precision should be
// more than enough for that.
func TimestampFilename(name string) string {
	// Split the name, then reassemble it so we can generate
	// filename-abcdef.extension
	parts := strings.Split(name, ".")
	extension := parts[len(parts)-1]
	filename := strings.Join(parts[:len(parts)-1], "")

	return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%x.%s", filename, time.Now().UnixNano(), extension)

// logGathererSelector returns selector for log-gatherer pods which run on each
// node in a host netns.
// If NO_CILIUM_ON_NODE is non empty and allNodes is not set, then the returned
// selector will exclude log-gatherer running on the NO_CILIUM_ON_NODE node.
func logGathererSelector(allNodes bool) string {
	selector := "k8s-app=cilium-test-logs"

	if allNodes {
		return selector

	noCiliumNodes := GetNodesWithoutCilium()
	if len(noCiliumNodes) > 0 {
		var fieldSelectors []string
		for _, n := range noCiliumNodes {
			fieldSelectors = append(fieldSelectors, fmt.Sprintf("spec.nodeName!=%s", n))
		selector = fmt.Sprintf("%s --field-selector='%s'", selector, strings.Join(fieldSelectors, ","))

	return selector

// GetDNSProxyPort returns the port the Cilium DNS proxy is listening on
func (kub *Kubectl) GetDNSProxyPort(ciliumPod string) int {
	// We could fetch this from Cilium as per the below if an endpoint is
	// configured with policy prior to calling this function:
	// # cilium status -o jsonpath='{.proxy.redirects[?(@.proxy=="cilium-dns-egress")].proxy-port}'
	// However, the callees don't reliably do this. So revert back to 'ss':
	// #  ss -uap | grep cilium-agent
	// UNCONN 0 0 *:33647 *:* users:(("cilium-agent",pid=9745,fd=28))
	const pickDNSProxyPort = `ss -uap | grep cilium-agent | awk '{ print $4 }' | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }'`

	// Find out the DNS proxy ports in use
	res := kub.CiliumExecContext(context.TODO(), ciliumPod, pickDNSProxyPort)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		ginkgoext.Failf("Cannot find DNS proxy port on %s", ciliumPod)
	portStr := res.GetStdOut().String()
	gomega.ExpectWithOffset(1, portStr).ShouldNot(gomega.BeEmpty(), "No DNS proxy port found on %s", ciliumPod)
	port, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(portStr))
	if err != nil || port == 0 {
		ginkgoext.Failf("Invalid DNS proxy port on %s: %s", ciliumPod, portStr)
	return port

// AddIPRoute adds a route to a given subnet address and a gateway on a given
// node via the iproute2 utility suite. The function takes in a flag called
// replace which will convert the action to replace the  route being added if
// another route exists and matches. This allows for idempotency as the "replace"
// action will not fail if another matching route exists, whereas "add" will fail.
func (kub *Kubectl) AddIPRoute(nodeName, subnet, gw string, replace bool) *CmdRes {
	action := "add"
	if replace {
		action = "replace"
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("ip route %s %s via %s", action, subnet, gw)

	res := kub.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), nodeName, cmd)

	if !replace && res.GetExitCode() != 0 &&
		strings.Contains(res.GetStdErr().String(), "File exists") {

		kub.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), nodeName, "ip route list")

	return res

// DelIPRoute deletes a route to a given IP address and a gateway on a given
// node via the iproute2 utility suite.
func (kub *Kubectl) DelIPRoute(nodeName, subnet, gw string) *CmdRes {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("ip route del %s via %s", subnet, gw)

	return kub.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), nodeName, cmd)

// CleanupCiliumComponents removes all the cilium related components from the cluster, including CRDs.
// This means that CiliumNode resources get deleted, too. This causes any new Cilium nodes to get
// reassigned IP allocation pools, which may be different than before. This then causes all endpoints
// to fail restore and get in a bad shape. This means that all Cilium-managed pods must also be deleted
// when this is called!
// This is best effort, any error occurring when deleting resources is ignored.
func (kub *Kubectl) CleanupCiliumComponents() {
	ginkgoext.By("Cleaning up Cilium components")

	var (
		wg sync.WaitGroup

		resourcesToDelete = map[string]string{
			"configmap":          "cilium-config hubble-relay-config",
			"daemonset":          "cilium cilium-node-init",
			"deployment":         "cilium-operator hubble-relay",
			"clusterrolebinding": "cilium cilium-operator hubble-relay",
			"clusterrole":        "cilium cilium-operator hubble-relay hubble-ui",
			"serviceaccount":     "cilium cilium-operator hubble-relay",
			"service":            "cilium-agent hubble-metrics hubble-relay hubble-peer",
			"secret":             "hubble-relay-client-certs hubble-server-certs hubble-ca-secret cilium-ca",
			"resourcequota":      "cilium-resource-quota cilium-operator-resource-quota",
			"role":               "cilium-config-agent",

		crdsToDelete = synced.AllCiliumCRDResourceNames()

	for resourceType, resource := range resourcesToDelete {
		go func(resource, resourceType string) {
			_ = kub.DeleteResource(resourceType, "-n "+CiliumNamespace+" "+resource)
		}(resource, resourceType)

	for _, crd := range crdsToDelete {
		// crd is of format `type:name`, e.g. ""
		parts := strings.SplitN(crd, ":", 2)
		go func(resource, resourceType string) {
			_ = kub.DeleteResource(resourceType, resource)
		}(parts[1], parts[0])


// checks dig output for ip address
func hasIPAddress(output []string) (bool, string) {
	for _, line := range output {
		ip := net.ParseIP(line)
		if ip != nil {
			return true, line
	return false, ""

func (kub *Kubectl) ensureKubectlVersion() error {
	//check current kubectl version
	type Version struct {
		ClientVersion struct {
			Major string `json:"major"`
			Minor string `json:"minor"`
		} `json:"clientVersion"`
	res := kub.ExecShort(fmt.Sprintf("%s version --client -o json", KubectlCmd))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to run kubectl version")

	var v Version

	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(res.GetStdOut().String()), &v)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// For some -rc versions we observe minor versions with trailing non-numeric characters,
	// e.g. minor: "23+". Strip these.
	minor := strings.TrimRightFunc(v.ClientVersion.Minor, func(r rune) bool {
		return !unicode.IsNumber(r)
	versionstring := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", v.ClientVersion.Major, minor)
	if versionstring == GetCurrentK8SEnv() {
		//version available on host is matching current env
		return nil

	err = os.MkdirAll(GetKubectlPath(), os.ModePerm)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	path := path.Join(GetKubectlPath(), "kubectl")
	rcVersion := fmt.Sprintf("v%s.0-rc.0", GetCurrentK8SEnv())
	switch GetCurrentK8SEnv() {
	// These versions never released a ".0". Only since 1.19 Kubernetes started
	// to release RC starting from '0'. We can then use the '.0' release for
	// these versions.
	case "1.16", "1.17", "1.18":
		rcVersion = fmt.Sprintf("v%s.0", GetCurrentK8SEnv())
	res = kub.Exec(
		fmt.Sprintf("curl --output %s && chmod +x %s",
			path, rcVersion, path))
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to download kubectl")
	return nil

// NslookupInPod executes 'nslookup' in the given pod until it succeeds or times out.
func (kub *Kubectl) NslookupInPod(namespace, pod string, target string) (err error) {
	err2 := WithTimeout(func() bool {
		res := kub.ExecPodCmd(namespace, pod, fmt.Sprintf("nslookup %s", target))
		if res.WasSuccessful() {
			return true
		err = fmt.Errorf("error looking up %s from %s/%s: %s", target, namespace, pod, res.CombineOutput().String())
		return false
	}, "Could not resolve target name", &TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout})
	if err2 != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// CiliumOptions returns the most recently used set of options for installing
// Cilium into the cluster.
func (kub *Kubectl) CiliumOptions() map[string]string {
	return kub.ciliumOptions

// WaitForServiceFrontend waits until the service frontend with the given ipAddr
// appears in "cilium bpf lb list --frontends" on the given node.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForServiceFrontend(nodeName, ipAddr string) error {
	ciliumPod, err := kub.GetCiliumPodOnNodeByName(nodeName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	body := func() bool {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
		defer cancel()
		cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cilium bpf lb list --frontends | grep -q %s`, ipAddr)
		return kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, ciliumPod, cmd).WasSuccessful()

	return WithTimeout(body,
		fmt.Sprintf("frontend entry for %s was not found in time", ipAddr),
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout})

// WaitForServiceBackend waits until the service backend with the given ipAddr
// appears in "cilium bpf lb list --backends" on the given node.
func (kub *Kubectl) WaitForServiceBackend(node, ipAddr string) error {
	ciliumPod, err := kub.GetCiliumPodOnNode(node)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	body := func() bool {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ShortCommandTimeout)
		defer cancel()
		cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cilium bpf lb list --backends | grep -q %s`, ipAddr)
		return kub.CiliumExecContext(ctx, ciliumPod, cmd).WasSuccessful()

	return WithTimeout(body,
		fmt.Sprintf("backend entry for %s was not found in time", ipAddr),
		&TimeoutConfig{Timeout: HelperTimeout})

func (kub *Kubectl) AddVXLAN(nodeName, remote, dev, addr string, vxlanId int) *CmdRes {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("ip link add vxlan%d type vxlan id %d remote %s dstport 4789 dev %s",
		vxlanId, vxlanId, remote, dev)
	res := kub.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), nodeName, cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return res

	cmd = fmt.Sprintf("ip addr add dev vxlan%d %s", vxlanId, addr)
	res = kub.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), nodeName, cmd)
	if !res.WasSuccessful() {
		return res

	cmd = fmt.Sprintf("ip link set dev vxlan%d up", vxlanId)
	return kub.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), nodeName, cmd)

func (kub *Kubectl) DelVXLAN(nodeName string, vxlanId int) *CmdRes {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("ip link del dev vxlan%d", vxlanId)
	return kub.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), nodeName, cmd)
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