Revision 16c4e7222dbf786e6378afdcf1bd05a3a483e91e authored by Joshua Cogliati on 22 November 2020, 23:02:19 UTC, committed by GitHub on 22 November 2020, 23:02:19 UTC
ISSUE-67: Pass the output of getc as int.
Tip revision: 16c4e7222dbf786e6378afdcf1bd05a3a483e91e authored by Joshua Cogliati on 22 November 2020, 23:02:19 UTC
Merge pull request #68 from dmalec/ISSUE-67
Merge pull request #68 from dmalec/ISSUE-67
Tip revision: 16c4e72
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char line[100], line2[100], line3[100];
char name[30] = "helpfiles/";
char name2[30] = "helpfiles/";
char tocname[20], tocname2[20];
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *in=fopen("usermanual", "r");
FILE *fp, *fp2;
FILE *toc=fopen("helpfiles/HELPCONTENTS", "w");
FILE *tmp=fopen("helptemp", "w");
FILE *all=fopen("helpfiles/ALL_NAMES", "w");
char ch, *cp, *np, *tp;
int intab, three;
if (toc == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open HELPCONTENTS.\n");
fputs("Help is available on the following:\n\n", toc);
fgets(line, 100, in);
while (line[0] != '-') fgets(line, 100, in);
while (!feof(in)) {
for (cp = line, np = &name[10], tp = tocname;
(ch = *cp) == '.' || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == '`'
|| ch == '0' || ch == '1';
cp++) {
*tp++ = tolower(ch);
if (ch == '.') ch='d';
*np++ = tolower(ch);
if (cp == line || (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n')) {
fgets(line, 100, in);
*tp = *np = '\0';
if (name[11] == '\0' && name[10] != '`') {
fgets(line, 100, in);
line2[1] = 'x';
fgets(line2, 100, in);
if ((ch = line2[1]) == '-' || ch == '=') {
fgets(line, 100, in);
fp = fopen(name, "w");
if (fp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s\n", name);
fprintf(tmp, "%s\n", tocname);
fprintf(all, "%s\n", tocname);
three = 0;
ch = line2[0];
if (ch == '.' || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')) {
for (cp = line2, np = &name2[10], tp = tocname2;
(ch = *cp) == '.' || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == '?';
cp++) {
*tp++ = tolower(ch);
if (ch == '.') ch='d';
if (ch == '?') three++;
*np++ = tolower(ch);
*tp = *np = '\0';
if (tp != tocname2 && strcmp(tocname, tocname2))
fprintf(all, "%s\n", tocname2);
if (three) {
fp2 = NULL;
fgets(line3, 100, in);
tp = tocname2;
if ((ch = line3[0]) == '.' || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')) {
for (cp = line3, np = &name2[10];
(ch = *cp) == '.' || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == '?';
cp++) {
*tp++ = tolower(ch);
if (ch == '.') ch='d';
*np++ = tolower(ch);
*tp = *np = '\0';
} else name2[10] = '\0';
if (tp != tocname2) fprintf(all, "%s\n", tocname);
if (name2[10] != '\0') {
fp2 = fopen(name2, "w");
if (fp2 == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s\n", name2);
} else fp2 = NULL;
} else fp2 = NULL;
fputs(line, fp);
fputs(line2, fp);
if (three) fputs(line3, fp);
if (fp2) {
fputs(line, fp2);
fputs(line2, fp2);
if (three) fputs(line3, fp);
intab = 0;
fgets(line, 100, in);
while (!feof(in)) {
if (intab && line[0] != '\t' && line[0] != '\n') break;
if (!intab && line[0] == '\t') intab++;
fputs(line, fp);
if (fp2) fputs(line, fp2);
fgets(line, 100, in);
if (fp2) fclose(fp2);
fprintf(tmp, ".defmacro\n"); /* looks like abbrev for .macro */
fprintf(tmp, "+\n-\n*\n/\n=\n<\n>\n"); /* infix operators */
fprintf(tmp, "<=\n>=\n<>\n"); /* two-char infix */
fprintf(all, "+\n-\n*\n/\n=\n<\n>\n"); /* infix operators */
fprintf(all, "<=\n>=\n<>\n"); /* two-char infix */
Computing file changes ...