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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
171c15c Added function to check if a formula is prenex. Now the term extraction algorithm throws an exception if not all formulas from the end-sequent are prenex. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 21 September 2012, 14:38:12 UTC
37e4338 Fixing Herbrand Extraction tests. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 21 September 2012, 09:09:33 UTC
978bd3f Added herbrand sequent extraction function to the top level and documented it. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 20 September 2012, 22:06:36 UTC
32eaa5a - added isAncestor to FormulaOccurrence - added WeakeningsElimination algorithm that removes all formulas in the end sequent of a proof if they originated in weakenings - use this algorithm in the robinsonToLK algorithm since we multiple formulas in the end sequent by using weakenings. Important! we might need to add weakenings at the end if end formulas which are needed are inserted using weakenings. I am not sure it can happen in robinsonToLK though. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 20 September 2012, 18:25:19 UTC
c8607b0 added to CLI.Robinson2LK the option to accept a sequent and returns an LK proof of the sequent 's' based on the resolution proof if the resolution proof is obtained from clauses in CNF(-s) issues: - Imp(right and left) is not supported and should be added (simple exercise) - there are redundancy occurring due to the multipicative nature of the calculus. in binary rules I duplicate the context formulas. This can be handled either by: -- postprocessing - either add contractions or cancel contractions with weakenings -- inprocessing but pretty complex a simple example (forall x P(x) |- P(a)): al f1 = parse.fol("Forall x P(x)") val Pa = parse.fol("P(a)") val Px = parse.fol("P(x)") val resProof = refuteFOL(List(FSequent(List(Pa),List()),FSequent(List(),List(Px)))) val seq = FSequent(List(f1),List(Pa)) val lkProof = Robinson2LK(resProof.get, seq) fixes issue 196 git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 19 September 2012, 13:23:37 UTC
ab68c1d completed interpolation algorithm. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 19 September 2012, 13:00:03 UTC
d5b867e transformation of a grounded resolution term (resolution refutation) to a tree (LKProof with cuts and contractions only) git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 September 2012, 20:11:11 UTC
150fcad Created a new package called dssupport inside utils to put auxiliar methods on basic data structures (e.g. cartesian product of list or maps). Each data structure has its own scala file with the auxiliar functions. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 September 2012, 18:02:18 UTC
02ddc15 Fixed issue 200 git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 September 2012, 15:11:57 UTC
497c9c7 added the computation of projections as defined in Issue 196 git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 September 2012, 15:08:34 UTC
1baa81b The resolution refutation is produced for the journal example after fixing the second-order substitution. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 September 2012, 12:50:18 UTC
920af95 Very nice printing in Console for the struct. I also integrated it into ProofTool. The names of the proofs (greek symbols) are substituted by the correct symbols, i.e. \sigma by σ etc... git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 September 2012, 01:43:52 UTC
c057a91 added preliminary version of interpolation algorithm fixing the interface. current functionality: extracts interpolants from proofs consisting of disjunction-left and disjunction-right inferences only. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 17 September 2012, 20:32:08 UTC
de85f1f Convenient feature ContinueAutoProp(seq: FSequent): Option[LKProof] has been added. This was requested by Issue 200 : "AutoProp should return None in case its input is not provable". git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 17 September 2012, 18:50:54 UTC
7f751f9 Unfolding of FO schematic proofs is integrated in ProofTool. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 17 September 2012, 16:36:31 UTC
2ffaf81 The new feature of unfolding is completed. Now it can be integrated also in prooftool. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 17 September 2012, 13:02:34 UTC
d611a69 git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 17 September 2012, 03:17:05 UTC
c56c2d6 The unfolding was optimized. The intermediate step with the rewriting rules was skipped. The rewriting starts at the same time with the unfolding/instantiating. The jounal_example also works now. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 17 September 2012, 03:09:23 UTC
7c59a16 I forgot to add the .slk file before I do a commit. I apologize. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 16 September 2012, 11:24:14 UTC
25c33a6 git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 15 September 2012, 22:04:15 UTC
438ed81 1)The unfolded LK proof with ↠ rules has been transformed to an LK proof without ↠ rules, i.e. all the term-rewriting takes place in the axioms. Now we can extract the clause set with the usual CERES method. 2)some functionality for the resolution schema has been added. Soon I will improve it. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 15 September 2012, 21:34:06 UTC
e8f2d34 The resolution schemata is 99% ready. NB: The program even showed that the resolution refutation (ρ, \cal R) in example 6.8 from the journal paper is NOT correct. The given substitution θ = {x ← λk.h(k,x)} does not work because the formulas P(σ'(Sk)) and P(σ(Sk,x,SK)) never unify according to the rewriting rules for σ and σ' given in example 6.5 git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 15 September 2012, 02:40:02 UTC
8f0b535 Display view for Expansion Tree is refined. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 14 September 2012, 15:05:04 UTC
45b95fc Export of several proofs in tex (useful for proof schemata) is implemented. Also skeleton to display expansion trees is started. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 13 September 2012, 16:21:31 UTC
5fa7f4c a resolution term and a resolution deduction are already implemented and successfully tested git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 13 September 2012, 14:47:39 UTC
ba394ba Double click with right button on formulas popup a latex representation of it, which can be copied. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 12 September 2012, 18:59:00 UTC
7c121af Latex exporting is improved. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 11 September 2012, 15:40:28 UTC
f379fc2 Scrolling works now also with mouse wheel. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 10 September 2012, 17:36:45 UTC
a5e0fcd - moved Clause and ResolutionProof to base from robinson package - moved Robinson2LK from transformations to algorithms git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 10 September 2012, 11:27:28 UTC
53dd79d Integrating the substitution of the clause variable. Rewriting the clause-set schema to a clause-set schema term. Transforming the clause-set term to a set. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 10 September 2012, 02:05:49 UTC
688ea83 Some println-es and useless code are removed. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 09 September 2012, 21:00:57 UTC
63c2ca3 The relevant characteristic clause set is extracted now. Joint work with Mikheil. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 09 September 2012, 15:45:47 UTC
bead79b The implementation for the Resolution proof schemata has been started. The Ex. 6.8 from the journal paper is the running example and it will be finished soon. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 09 September 2012, 03:06:46 UTC
aeeefb8 Two new tests for quiantified formulas have been added in addition to the tests in NNFTest.scala from r1187. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 08 September 2012, 13:27:47 UTC
ae575e8 Renamed NNF tests. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 08 September 2012, 07:51:25 UTC
0f26deb The unfolding of a ground schema clause term has been implemented. (Example 6.5 from the journal paper) The unfolding is with respect to the arithmetical variables only. For the case of clause variables and schema clause term variables will be ready soon. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 08 September 2012, 02:03:42 UTC
8d8c56f A test file for the Negation Normal Form. P.S. As a gift for my friend Tomer :) git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 07 September 2012, 21:20:49 UTC
a262535 LaTeX export is refined and added in context menu to export a subproof. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 07 September 2012, 15:36:51 UTC
6d2b0d4 moved the NNF transformation from ceres to algorithms. We have some problem with names of modules which we should clarify. I think transformations should contain only programs for transformations and things like NNF be placed under algorithms. Anyway, it should not be in CERes as it can be used by other programs. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 07 September 2012, 13:09:16 UTC
bba132c Now Prooftool can export proof in latex. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 06 September 2012, 22:18:59 UTC
90a115f Clause schema term has been implemented. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 06 September 2012, 01:42:00 UTC
2d7e51e Clause schemata has been tested successfully on the example 6.1 from the journal paper. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 04 September 2012, 02:10:43 UTC
fd8e598 Small step for clause schemata, giant leap for resolution schemata. :) git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 03 September 2012, 02:15:34 UTC
d1ea576 The nice printing in console has been improved including the case for the sTerm git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 02 September 2012, 18:23:58 UTC
f3ee4e7 the console printing of the exptype of a lambdaTerm has been improved. For example, instead "ind" now is printed "ω" for the indexed expressions. Instead of "i" now is printed "ι". git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 02 September 2012, 17:44:55 UTC
d569621 continue implementation of the clause schemata. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 30 August 2012, 01:36:48 UTC
963d879 Error messages are better displayed now. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 28 August 2012, 16:11:09 UTC
966aa61 Added information to the user's manual and organized more the ceresHelp string. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 28 August 2012, 15:20:57 UTC
d2a6cad regularization now adds curly brackets around the indices of fresh variants of given variables git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 28 August 2012, 13:20:35 UTC
0857aa2 Added export to pdf files. Also some improvements of the code like removed outdated test examples and constraints (minimal and maximal values of fonts) for zooming changed. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 28 August 2012, 12:50:38 UTC
abe86b3 Some of the propositional schemata examples were failing, so to keep the algorithms monotone, i.e. the new algorithms to work on the older examples, some type-casting has been done. An interesting question is why the BetaNormalization fails now, for example: // require( betaNormalize( App(Abs(v, f), ub) ) == auxf.formula ) fails as well as all requirements in slk.scala fail. The only change is that auxf.formula is not a SchemaFormula anymore, but a HOLFormula. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 27 August 2012, 22:13:09 UTC
6f1e9be git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 27 August 2012, 20:26:34 UTC
5fcbb0c The subtraction (minus 1) was extended to the first-order schemata. This was needed for getting the corresponding formula occurrences in the base case of a proof schema which is essential step for extracting the projection term for a given cut-configuration. As a sequence the projection term for the example in the journal paper is extracted correctly now. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 27 August 2012, 20:18:39 UTC
e1e6aa2 A nasty printing was commented out. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 27 August 2012, 15:27:08 UTC
7a77412 removed post autopropositional transformations from the project, as it is now contained in shlk git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 27 August 2012, 15:09:14 UTC
e01593e A superfluous information has been removed from the extraction of the proj.term. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 27 August 2012, 15:05:56 UTC
5c13d72 Small typo is fixed in FOL schema parser. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 26 August 2012, 20:12:27 UTC
e3ad592 A bug in the matching has been fixed. The nice printing in Console is again OK. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 26 August 2012, 17:56:57 UTC
e4fefcd Projection term for first-order schema has been done. The relevant cut-configuration for the clause set have been started. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 26 August 2012, 15:01:28 UTC
9c34518 The proof projections have been modified in order to capture the schematic first-order CERES. This change requiered some minor change in the following files. The projections for schematic first-order still do not work because of the skolemization. There was a problem which Martin found a few months ago. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 25 August 2012, 13:25:21 UTC
5ae9149 The case for t.r.s. Rule has been added to the projections. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 24 August 2012, 14:19:32 UTC
cd83fde indexed first-order variables are now printed in prooftool correctly. Also the journal example is completed (with autopropositional). git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 23 August 2012, 14:58:19 UTC
570773d A journal example has been parsed. Autoprop works as well. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 23 August 2012, 13:57:30 UTC
44c4e05 By mistake yesterday I commited a .iml file. Now I fix this mistake. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 23 August 2012, 10:34:32 UTC
9c7f778 git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 23 August 2012, 00:47:38 UTC
a227c2b A normalization for the base case of the t.r.s. has been fixed (and tested) A substitution has been added (i.e. redundant) in the file schema.scala, because due ti the cycles of dependencies it was not visible. The parsing of first-order variable was made more precisely using the class foVar defined in schema.scala Example using indexed variables has been almost completed. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 23 August 2012, 00:28:37 UTC
5eaa6bd Some cosmetic improvements in prooftool. Also one more example file is added in integration tests git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 22 August 2012, 16:08:49 UTC
7c24f98 FOL parser for schemata is integrated in prooftool. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 22 August 2012, 12:53:43 UTC
13ef277 The arrow sign of the ArrowRule for nice printing in prooftoof has been added. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 22 August 2012, 12:32:40 UTC
0a36f29 Auto-propositional has been added to the parser and successfully tested on the example from the journal paper git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 22 August 2012, 12:17:01 UTC
7895d50 added a transformation from Robinson resolution calculus to LK. Can be called from CLI using Robinson2LK git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 22 August 2012, 09:44:56 UTC
3f4b3a9 a missing cases in the cloning have been added. One of the base cases in the example has been completed. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 21 August 2012, 21:38:53 UTC
3d41fa5 this is to make Jenkins again stable git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 21 August 2012, 20:27:23 UTC
cf5fd8f the example from the journal paper is unfolded for a given instance and the formulas/terms are normalized with respect to a t.r.s. which is parsed from the .lks input file. The arrow rule has been added. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 21 August 2012, 19:52:49 UTC
287b935 this file was renamed and removed to shlk and to integration_tests. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 21 August 2012, 11:23:02 UTC
b786819 another renaming of files has been performed. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 21 August 2012, 11:21:01 UTC
9f8821f a renaming which is more intuitive has been done git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 21 August 2012, 11:08:31 UTC
858ec3f added sbt support for two nested module which makes compilation and testing much faster (due to incremental compilation) in order to use it one must install sbt and execute sbt from the appropriate module root directory. Some notes: - I am using an old sbt jar file (0.7.7) as I could not make the newest one (0.12.0) use the maven repository) - the target directories for classes and test-classes are the same as for maven - I did not find how to make a maven timestamp in the target folder so maven will recompile everything when creating the jar - the current workflow is therefore: - sbt is now installed per module and therefore cannot be called from a super module -- compile and test using sbt -- call maven install after finishing which will recompile everything git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 August 2012, 20:38:43 UTC
e8212e4 a test for testing autopropositional. A generator given me by Stefan is used. In the integration test can be visualised by prooftool. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 August 2012, 15:30:24 UTC
73784e2 otimizing some imports git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 August 2012, 15:12:32 UTC
2e6027a The last one from a series of optimizing imports. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 August 2012, 14:26:17 UTC
bfc410a the superflous imports have been removed git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 August 2012, 11:45:07 UTC
afa2b07 pointing to the corerct import git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 August 2012, 11:14:59 UTC
beffbd9 some refactoring git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 August 2012, 10:49:43 UTC
602bca8 Some reorganization of the code has been performed. The reason to do is that I could not import projects to another projects due to cycles in the .pom This also why I had code duplications before. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 18 August 2012, 09:42:57 UTC
2bffb9e Some improvements for autopropositional git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 17 August 2012, 11:06:28 UTC
092157f commenting out 2 lines which make Jenkins unstable. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 16 August 2012, 19:10:41 UTC
5ce9e51 some indeces have been adjusted. The unfolding of the example is ready. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 16 August 2012, 18:29:43 UTC
4f7b01a The example from the journal paper. Later I will find a better name. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 16 August 2012, 18:26:55 UTC
6d28f84 Small changes git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 15 August 2012, 23:06:57 UTC
89c772a This will fix Jenkins git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 15 August 2012, 22:23:57 UTC
4ad20b5 this will fix Jenkins :) git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 15 August 2012, 22:07:04 UTC
5e7e3ea some small changes git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 15 August 2012, 21:53:28 UTC
da2d04e A few examples from FOL provided by Stefan have been tested successfully. This caused some failures to the schemata tests, but they are fixed so far. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 15 August 2012, 21:49:34 UTC
5246368 The t.r.s is parsed git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 15 August 2012, 13:37:01 UTC
fd96f75 A missing case for the non-schematic sequent has been added. This is motivated by a discussion which I have with Stefan for the autoprop feature in iCERES. We are very close to fix this problem in general. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 14 August 2012, 20:17:44 UTC
f7ad7f6 Some data structures for first-order schemata have been added. The unfolding of a first-order schema proof was successfully tested with the term-rewriting system. Some rules have been changed in a way that the term-rewriting system is applied to the auxiliary formulas, i.e. modulo t.r.s. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 13 August 2012, 11:22:08 UTC
772ff73 enhancements to CLI - moved AutoProp to top-level git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 27 July 2012, 18:42:08 UTC
8872430 Exclude one of the redundant files for autoProp. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 26 July 2012, 11:02:46 UTC
54cb901 The same problem as in the prevoius commit has been fixed. P.S. The code should be splitted at some point. git-svn-id: 85d21ef8-add0-11de-ae77-5bfb9c5a3f34 25 July 2012, 11:21:14 UTC
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