Revision 17f16cdd9b081336b9e908508e9ec9bf4ce993a6 authored by Gilles Chabert on 17 May 2018, 09:41:13 UTC, committed by Gilles Chabert on 17 May 2018, 09:41:13 UTC
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**NOTE:** This page is *under construction* and a lot of references are still missing.

Articles in Journal and Conferences

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|                    | Author(s)                    | Title                           | Journal/Conference      | Year | Link                |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Jaulin14:      | **L. Jaulin, B. Desrochers** | *Introduction to the Algebra of | Engineering Applications| 2014 | |Jaulin14-pdf|_     |
|                    |                              | Separators with Application to  | of Artificial           |      |                     |
| [Jaulin &          |                              | Path Planning*                  | Intelligence            |      |                     |
| Desrochers 2014]   |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Araya14:       | **I. Araya, G. Trombettoni,  | *Upper Bounding in Inner        | Journal of Global       | 2014 | |Araya14-pdf|_      |
|                    | B. Neveu and G. Chabert**    | Regions for Global Optimization | Optimization            |      |                     |
|[Araya et al. 2014] |                              | under Inequality Constraints*   |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Jaulin12:      | **L. Jaulin**                | *Solving set-valued constraint  | Computing               | 2012 | |Jaulin12-pdf|_     |
|                    |                              | satisfaction problem*           |                         |      |                     |
| [Jaulin 2012]      |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Araya12:       | **I. Araya, G. Trombettoni,  | *A Contractor Based on Convex   | CPAIOR                  | 2012 | |Araya12-pdf|_      |
|                    | and B. Neveu**               | Interval Taylor*                |                         |      |                     |
|[Araya et al. 2012] |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     | 
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     | 
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Trombettoni11: | **G. Trombettoni, I. Araya,  | *Inner Regions and Interval     | AAAI                    | 2011 | |Trombettoni11-pdf|_|
|                    | B. Neveu and G. Chabert**    | Linearizations for Global       |                         |      |                     |
|[Trombettoni et al. |                              | Optimization*                   |                         |      |                     | 
|2011]               |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     | 
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Chabert10:     |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|[Chabert &          | **G. Chabert and             | *Sweeping with Continuous       | CP                      | 2010 | |Chabert10-pdf|_    |
|Beldiceanu 2010]    | N. Beldiceanu**              | Domains*                        |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Ninin09:       |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|[Ninin & Messine,   | **J. Ninin and F. Messine**  | *An Automatic Linear            | ISMP                    | 2009 | |Ninin09-pdf|_      |
|2009]               |                              | Reformulation Technique Based   |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              | on Affine Arithmetic*            |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Chabert09b:    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|[Chabert & Jaulin,  | **G. Chabert and L. Jaulin** | *Contractor Programming*        | Artificial Intelligence | 2009 | |Chabert09b-pdf|_   |
|2009]               |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Chabert09a:    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    | **G. Chabert and L. Jaulin** | *Hull Consistency under         | CP                      | 2009 | |Chabert09a-pdf|_   |
|[Chabert & Jaulin,  |                              | Monotonicity*                   |                         |      |                     |
|2009bis]            |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Trombettoni07: |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    | **G. Trombettoni and         | *Constructive Interval          | CP                      | 2007 ||Trombettoni07-pdf|_ |
|[Trombettoni &      | G. Chabert**                 | Disjunction*                    |                         |      |                     |
|Chabert 2007]       |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Bessiere04:    | **C. Bessiere and            | *Theoretical Analysis of        | ECAI                    | 2004 ||Bessiere04-pdf|_    |
|                    | R. Debruyne**                | Singleton Arc Consistency*      |                         |      |                     |
| [Bessiere &        |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| Debruyne 2004]     |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Benhamou06:    | **F. Benhamou and            | *Continuous and Interval        | Handbook of Constraint  | 2006 |                     |
|                    | L. Granvilliers**            | Constraints*                    | Programming             |      |                     |
| [Benhamou &        |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| Granvilliers, 2006]|                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Bessiere06:    | **C. Bessiere**              | *Constraint Propagation*        | Handbook of Constraint  | 2006 |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 | Programming             |      |                     |
| [Bessiere 2006]    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Benhamou99:    | **F. Benhamou, F. Goualard,  | *Revising Hull and Box          | ICLP                    | 1999 |                     |
|                    | L. Granvilliers and J.F.     | Consistency*                    |                         |      |                     |
| [Benhamou et al.   | Puget**                      |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| 1999]              |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Collavizza98:  | **H. Collavizza**            | *A Note on Partial Consistencies| CP                      | 1998 |                     |
|                    |                              | over Continuous Domains Solving |                         |      |                     |
| [Collavizza, 1998] |                              | Solving Techniques*             |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Lhomme93:      | **O. Lhomme**                | *Consistency Techniques for     | IJCAI                   | 1993 |                     |
|                    |                              | Numeric CSPs*                   |                         |      |                     |
| [Lhomme 1993]      |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Jaulin93:      | **L. Jaulin and E. Walter**  | *Set inversion via interval     | Automatica              | 1993 | |Jaulin93-pdf|_     |
|                    |                              | analysis for nonlinear          |                         |      |                     |
| [Jaulin & Walter,  |                              | bounded-error estimation*       |                         |      |                     |
| 1993]              |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
|                    |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |
| .. _Hansen80:      | **E.R. Hansen and            | *Bounding Solutions of Systems  | BIT Numerical           | 1980 |                     |
|                    | S. Sengupta**                | of Equations Using Interval     | Mathematics             |      |                     |
| [Hansen &          |                              | Analysis*                       |                         |      |                     |
| Sengupta 1980]     |                              |                                 |                         |      |                     |


|                          | Author(s)                    | Title                                         | Publisher                 | Year |
|                          |                              |                                               |                           |      |
| .. _Jaulin01:            | **L. Jaulin, M. Kieffer,     | *Applied Interval Analysis*                   | Springer                  | 2001 |
|                          | O. Didrit and E. Walter**    |                                               |                           |      |
| [Jaulin et al. 2001]     |                              |                                               |                           |      |
| [Kearfott 1996]          | **R.B. Kearfott**            | *Rigorous Global Search: Continuous Problems* | Springer                  | 1996 |
| [Hansen 1992]            | **E.R. Hansen**              | *Global Optimization using Interval Analysis* | Marcel Dekker             | 1992 |
|                          |                              |                                               |                           |      |
| .. _Neumaier90:          |                              |                                               |                           |      |
|                          |                              |                                               |                           |      |
|[Neumaier 1990]           | **A. Neumaier**              | *Interval Methods for Systems of Equations*   | Cambridge University Press| 1990 |
|                          |                              |                                               |                           |      |
| .. _Moore66:             |                              |                                               |                           |      |
|                          |                              |                                               |                           |      |
|[Moore 1966]              | **R. Moore**                 | *Interval Analysis*                           | Prentice-Hall             | 1966 |

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