Revision 1968ec86fdb6f632c2770979cd677ff86246bdf0 authored by Alain Mebsout on 04 July 2023, 13:20:44 UTC, committed by Alain Mebsout on 04 July 2023, 13:20:44 UTC
This fixes an issue occurring in the scenario:
- The L1 node is down for 1 hour
- The L1 node is back up for a bit
- The L1 node is down for a few seconds
The second time, the rollup node would have waited ~1h to reconnect.
1 parent 0eaebb7
Raw File

# This scripts runs in the CI where echo flags are supported.
# shellcheck disable=SC3037

set -eu

# This script is called in the opam tests of the Gitlab CI. It
# collects the outputs of the opam builds, puts them in the folder
# opam_logs for storage as artifacts. Additionally, it merges the
# logs to a single file HTML for easier browsing. Finally, it outputs
# the first 1000 lines of the merged output.


# artifacts:paths requires a relative path. to avoid calculating the
# relative path, we use rsync to move all outputs to a sub-directory
# of the current working directory, as specified by the environment
# variable OPAM_LOGS, defaulting to opam_logs.
mkdir -p "$OPAM_LOGS"

rsync --recursive --prune-empty-dirs \
      "$OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX"/.opam-switch/build \
      --include="*/" \
      --include '*.output' \
      --exclude '*' \

rsync --recursive "$OPAM_DIR"/log \
      --include "*/" \
      --include '*.info' \
      --include '*.out' \
      --exclude '*' "$OPAM_LOGS"

 # for ease of readability, produce a merged log

IFS=$(printf '\n') \
   find "$OPAM_LOGS" -type f |
    # Sort files by modification time
    while read -r file; do
        printf '%d %s\n' "$(stat -c +%Y "$file")" "$file"
    done | sort -k1nr | cut -f 2- -d ' ' |
    while read -r file; do
        echo "------------------- $file -------------------"
        cat "$file"
    done > "$merged"

    echo "<html><body><pre>"
    cat "$merged"
    echo "</pre></body></html>"
) > "${merged_html}"

if [ "$CI_JOB_STATUS" != 'success' ]; then


    # Print the first $cutoff_head lines
    header="-- Job was non-successful (job status: ${CI_JOB_STATUS:-N/A}), merged output:"
    echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:$(date +%s):merged_opam_output_head[collapsed=false]\r\e[0K$header"
    echo ""
    head -n $cutoff_head "$merged"
    echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:$(date +%s):merged_opam_output_head\r\e[0K"

    # Then print the remaining $cutoff_tail lines in a collapsed section
    line_count=$(wc -l "$merged" | cut -d' ' -f1)
    if [ "$line_count" -gt $(( cutoff_head )) ]; then
        header="... more merged opam output:"
        echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:$(date +%s):merged_opam_output_tail[collapsed=true]\r\e[0K$header"
        tail -n+$((cutoff_head + 1)) "$merged" | head -n$cutoff_tail
        echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:$(date +%s):merged_opam_output_tail\r\e[0K"

    # If there are even more lines, link to the artifacts
    if [ "$line_count" -gt $(( cutoff_head + cutoff_tail )) ]; then
        echo "... see artifacts for full output at $merged_output_url";
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