Revision 1a416fbbb7edb6eefb801fbd17c767db086dc51a authored by Jeff Bezanson on 15 January 2018, 02:32:46 UTC, committed by GitHub on 15 January 2018, 02:32:46 UTC
also rename `HasOrder` to `Ordered` and `ArithmeticOverflows` to
1 parent 1c68f8a
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

    LibGit2.GitStatus(repo::GitRepo; status_opts=StatusOptions())

Collect information about the status of each file in the git
repository `repo` (e.g. is the file modified, staged, etc.).
`status_opts` can be used to set various options, for instance
whether or not to look at untracked files or whether to include
submodules or not. See [`StatusOptions`](@ref) for more information.
function GitStatus(repo::GitRepo; status_opts=StatusOptions())
    stat_ptr_ptr = Ref{Ptr{Cvoid}}(C_NULL)
    @check ccall((:git_status_list_new, :libgit2), Cint,
                  (Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{StatusOptions}),
                  stat_ptr_ptr, repo.ptr, Ref(status_opts))
    return GitStatus(repo, stat_ptr_ptr[])

function Base.length(status::GitStatus)
    return Int(ccall((:git_status_list_entrycount, :libgit2), Csize_t,
                      (Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}},), status.ptr))

function Base.getindex(status::GitStatus, i::Integer)
    1 <= i <= length(status) || throw(BoundsError())
    Base.@gc_preserve status begin
        entry_ptr = ccall((:git_status_byindex, :libgit2),
                          (Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t),
                          status.ptr, i-1)
        entry_ptr == C_NULL && throw(Error.GitError(Error.ERROR))
        entry = unsafe_load(entry_ptr)
    return entry

    LibGit2.status(repo::GitRepo, path::String) -> Union{Cuint, Cvoid}

Lookup the status of the file at `path` in the git
repository `repo`. For instance, this can be used
to check if the file at `path` has been modified
and needs to be staged and committed.
function status(repo::GitRepo, path::String)
    status_ptr = Ref{Cuint}(0)
    ret =  ccall((:git_status_file, :libgit2), Cint,
                  (Ref{Cuint}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Cstring),
                  status_ptr, repo.ptr, path)
    (ret == Cint(Error.ENOTFOUND) || ret == Cint(Error.EAMBIGUOUS)) && return nothing
    return status_ptr[]
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