Revision 1b3eb74607b471ab58965b6b645de315564b68f5 authored by Toni Giorgino on 18 May 2018, 04:47:54 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 18 May 2018, 04:47:54 UTC
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\title{Step patterns for DTW}

\description{ A \code{stepPattern} object lists the transitions
 allowed while searching for the minimum-distance path.  DTW variants
 are implemented by passing one of the objects described in this page
 to the \code{stepPattern} argument of the \code{\link{dtw}}  call.  }

## Well-known step patterns

## Step patterns classified according to Rabiner-Juang [Rabiner1993]

## Slope-constrained step patterns from Sakoe-Chiba [Sakoe1978]
  symmetricP0;  asymmetricP0
  symmetricP05; asymmetricP05
  symmetricP1;  asymmetricP1
  symmetricP2;  asymmetricP2

## Step patterns classified according to Rabiner-Myers [Myers1980]
  typeIa;   typeIb;   typeIc;   typeId;
  typeIas;  typeIbs;  typeIcs;  typeIds;  # smoothed
  typeIIa;  typeIIb;  typeIIc;  typeIId;
  typeIIIc; typeIVc;

## Miscellaneous




  \item{x}{a step pattern object}
  \item{type}{path specification, integer 1..7 (see [Rabiner1993], table 4.5)}
  \item{slope.weighting}{slope weighting rule: character \code{"a"}
    to \code{"d"} (see [Rabiner1993],    sec.}
  \item{smoothed}{logical, whether to use smoothing (see [Rabiner1993],
  fig. 4.44) }
  \item{v}{a vector defining the stepPattern structure}
  \item{norm}{normalization hint (character)}
  \item{...}{additional arguments to \code{\link{print}}.}


  A step pattern characterizes the matching model and slope constraint
  specific of a DTW variant. They also known as local- or
  slope-constraints, transition types, production or recursion rules

  \code{print.stepPattern} prints an user-readable
  description of the recurrence equation defined by the given pattern.

  \code{plot.stepPattern} graphically displays the step patterns
  productions which can lead to element (0,0). Weights are 
  shown along the step leading to the corresponding element.

  \code{t.stepPattern} transposes the productions and normalization hint
  so that roles of query and reference become reversed.

  A variety of classifications have been proposed for step patterns,
  including Sakoe-Chiba [Sakoe1978]; Rabiner-Juang [Rabiner1993]; and Rabiner-Myers [Myers1980].
  The \code{dtw} package implements all of the transition types found in
  those papers, with the exception of Itakura's and Velichko-Zagoruyko's
  steps, which require subtly different algorithms (this may be rectified
  in the future). Itakura recursion is almost, but not quite, equivalent
  to \code{typeIIIc}.
  For convenience, we shall review pre-defined step patterns grouped by
  classification. Note that the same pattern may be listed under
  different names. Refer to paper [GiorginoJSS] for full details.

\strong{1. Well-known step patterns}

  Common DTW implementations are based on one of the following transition types.

  \code{symmetric2} is the normalizable, symmetric, with no local slope
  constraints.  Since one diagonal step costs as much as the two
  equivalent steps along the sides, it can be normalized dividing by
  \code{N+M} (query+reference lengths). It is widely used and 
  the default.

  \code{asymmetric} is asymmetric, slope constrained between 0 and
  2. Matches each element of the query time series exactly once, so
  the warping path \code{index2~index1} is guaranteed to
  be single-valued.  Normalized by \code{N} (length of query).

  \code{symmetric1} (or White-Neely) is quasi-symmetric, 
  no local constraint, non-normalizable. It is biased
  in favor of oblique steps.

%    \item{\code{asymmetricItakura}}{asymmetric, slope contrained 0.5
%	-- 2 from reference [Itakura1975]. This is the recursive definition
%	that generates the Itakura parallelogram; }

%    \item{\code{symmetricVelichkoZagoruyko}}{symmetric, reproduced from
%    [Sakoe1978]. Use distance matrix \code{1-d}}

\strong{2. The Rabiner-Juang set}

  A comprehensive table of step patterns is proposed in Rabiner-Juang's
  book [Rabiner1993], tab. 4.5.  All of them can be constructed through
  the \code{rabinerJuangStepPattern(type,slope.weighting,smoothed)}

  The classification foresees seven families, labelled with Roman
  numerals I-VII; here, they are selected through the integer argument
  \code{type}. Each family has four slope weighting sub-types, named in
  sec. as "Type (a)" to "Type (d)"; they are selected passing a
  character argument \code{slope.weighting}, as in the table
  below. Furthermore, each subtype can be either plain or smoothed (figure
  4.44); smoothing is enabled setting the logical argument
  \code{smoothed}.  (Not all combinations of arguments make sense.)

     Subtype \tab    Rule  \tab     Norm  \tab   Unbiased    \cr
%    --------------------------------
        a    \tab  min step \tab    --    \tab   NO          \cr
        b    \tab  max step \tab    --    \tab   NO          \cr
        c    \tab  Di step    \tab    N   \tab   YES         \cr
        d    \tab  Di+Dj step \tab   N+M  \tab   YES         \cr

\strong{3. The Sakoe-Chiba set}

  Sakoe-Chiba [Sakoe1978] discuss a family of slope-constrained
  patterns; they are implemented as shown in page 47, table I.  Here,
  they are called \code{symmetricP<x>} and \code{asymmetricP<x>}, where
  \code{<x>} corresponds to Sakoe's integer slope parameter \emph{P}.
  Values available are accordingly: \code{0} (no constraint), \code{1},
  \code{05} (one half) and \code{2}. See [Sakoe1978] for details.


\strong{4. The Rabiner-Myers set}
  The \code{type<XX><y>} step patterns follow the older Rabiner-Myers'
  classification proposed in [Myers1980] and [MRR1980]. Note that this
  is a subset of the Rabiner-Juang set [Rabiner1993], and the latter should be
  preferred in order to avoid confusion. \code{<XX>} is a Roman numeral
  specifying the shape of the transitions; \code{<y>} is a letter in the
  range \code{a-d} specifying the weighting used per step, as above;
  \code{typeIIx} patterns also have a version ending in \code{s},
  meaning the smoothing is used (which does not permit skipping
  points). The \code{typeId, typeIId} and \code{typeIIds} are unbiased
  and symmetric.

\strong{5. Other}

  The \code{rigid} pattern enforces a fixed unitary slope. It only makes
  sense in combination with \code{open.begin=T}, \code{open.end=T} to
  find gapless subsequences. It may be seen as the \eqn{P \to
  \infty}{P->inf} limiting case in Sakoe's classification.

  \code{mori2006} is Mori's asymmetric step-constrained pattern
  [Mori2006]. It is normalized by the matched reference length.
  \code{\link{mvmStepPattern}()} implements Latecki's Minimum
  Variance Matching algorithm, and it is described in its own page.


\note{ Constructing \code{stepPattern} objects is tricky and thus
  undocumented. For a commented example please see source code for
  \code{symmetricP1}.  }

  [GiorginoJSS] Toni Giorgino. \emph{Computing and Visualizing Dynamic Time Warping Alignments in R: The dtw Package.}  Journal of Statistical   Software, 31(7), 1-24. \url{} \cr \cr
  [Itakura1975] Itakura, F., \emph{Minimum prediction residual principle applied to speech recognition,} Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing [see also IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing], IEEE Transactions on ,  vol.23, no.1, pp.  67-72, Feb 1975. URL:   \url{} \cr \cr
  [MRR1980] Myers, C.; Rabiner, L. & Rosenberg, A. \emph{Performance tradeoffs in dynamic time warping algorithms for isolated word recognition}, IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process., 1980, 28, 623-635. URL: \url{} \cr \cr
  [Mori2006] Mori, A.; Uchida, S.; Kurazume, R.; Taniguchi, R.; Hasegawa, T. & Sakoe, H. Early Recognition and Prediction of Gestures Proc. 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2006, 2006, 3, 560-563. URL: \url{} \cr \cr
  [Myers1980] Myers, Cory S.  \emph{A Comparative Study Of Several Dynamic Time  Warping Algorithms For Speech Recognition}, MS and BS thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, archived Jun 20 1980, \url{} \cr \cr
  [Rabiner1993] Rabiner, L. R., & Juang, B.-H. (1993). \emph{Fundamentals of speech  recognition.} Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. \cr \cr
  [Sakoe1978] Sakoe, H.; Chiba, S., \emph{Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for spoken word recognition,} Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing [see also IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing], IEEE Transactions on , vol.26, no.1, pp. 43-49, Feb 1978 URL: \url{} \cr \cr

\seealso{\code{\link{mvmStepPattern}},  implementing 
    Latecki's Minimal Variance Matching algorithm.}

\author{Toni Giorgino}


## The usual (normalizable) symmetric step pattern
## Step pattern recursion, defined as:
## g[i,j] = min(
##      g[i,j-1] + d[i,j] ,
##      g[i-1,j-1] + 2 * d[i,j] ,
##      g[i-1,j] + d[i,j] ,
##   )

print(symmetric2)   # or just "symmetric2"

## The well-known plotting style for step patterns

plot(symmetricP2,main="Sakoe's Symmetric P=2 recursion")

## Same example seen in ?dtw , now with asymmetric step pattern


## Do the computation 

dtwPlot(asy,type="density",main="Sine and cosine, asymmetric step")

##  Hand-checkable example given in [Myers1980] p 61

`tm` <-
structure(c(1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 2,
3, 3, 2, 5, 3, 4, 4, 1), .Dim = c(5L, 5L))


\concept{Dynamic Time Warp}
\concept{Dynamic Programming}
\concept{Step pattern}
\concept{Local constraint}
\concept{Asymmetric DTW}
\concept{Symmetric DTW}

\keyword{ ts }
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