Revision 1cf578945c6bd3b90cf6d6e052ce2fb2f829b4e4 authored by Collin Capano on 01 August 2017, 15:44:20 UTC, committed by Ian Harry on 03 August 2017, 08:43:37 UTC
1 parent 01f1db2
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# Copyright (C) 2017 Collin Capano, Chris Biwer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
This modules provides spin distributions of CBCs.

import numpy
from pycbc import conversions
from pycbc.distributions.uniform import Uniform
from pycbc.distributions.angular import UniformAngle
from pycbc.distributions.power_law import UniformPowerLaw
from pycbc.distributions.arbitrary import Arbitrary
from pycbc.distributions.bounded import get_param_bounds_from_config, \
    VARARGS_DELIM, BoundedDist

class IndependentChiPChiEff(Arbitrary):
    r"""A distribution such that :math:`\chi_{\mathrm{eff}}` and
    :math:`\chi_p` are uniform and independent of each other.

    To ensure constraints are applied correctly, this distribution produces all
    three components of both spins as well as the component masses.

    mass1 : BoundedDist, Bounds, or tuple
        The distribution or bounds to use for mass1. Must be either a
        BoundedDist giving the distribution on mass1, or bounds (as
        either a Bounds instance or a tuple) giving the minimum and maximum
        values to use for mass1. If the latter, a Uniform distribution will
        be used.
    mass2 : BoundedDist, Bounds, or tuple
        The distribution or bounds to use for mass2. Syntax is the same as
    chi_eff : BoundedDist, Bounds, or tuple; optional
        The distribution or bounds to use for :math:`chi_eff`. Syntax is the
        same as mass1, except that None may also be passed. In that case,
        `(-1, 1)` will be used for the bounds. Default is None.
    chi_a : BoundedDist, Bounds, or tuple; optional
        The distribution or bounds to use for :math:`chi_a`. Syntax is the
        same as mass1, except that None may also be passed. In that case,
        `(-1, 1)` will be used for the bounds. Default is None.
    xi_bounds : Bounds or tuple, optional
        The bounds to use for :math:`\xi_1` and :math:`\xi_2`. Must be
        :math:`\in (0, 1)`. If None (the default), will be `(0, 1)`.
    nsamples : int, optional
        The number of samples to use for the internal kde. The larger the
        number of samples, the more accurate the pdf will be, but the longer
        it will take to evaluate. Default is 10000.
    seed : int, optional
        Seed value to use for the number generator for the kde. The current
        random state of numpy will be saved prior to setting the seed. After
        the samples are generated, the state will be set back to what it was.
        If None provided, will use 0.
    name = "independent_chip_chieff"
    _params = ['mass1', 'mass2', 'xi1', 'xi2', 'chi_eff', 'chi_a',
               'phi_a', 'phi_s']

    def __init__(self, mass1=None, mass2=None, chi_eff=None, chi_a=None,
                 xi_bounds=None, nsamples=None, seed=None):

        if isinstance(mass1, BoundedDist):
            self.mass1_distr = mass1
            self.mass1_distr = Uniform(mass1=mass1)
        if isinstance(mass2, BoundedDist):
            self.mass2_distr = mass2
            self.mass2_distr = Uniform(mass2=mass2)
        # chi eff
        if isinstance(chi_eff, BoundedDist):
            self.chieff_distr = chi_eff
            if chi_eff is None:
                chi_eff = (-1., 1.)
            self.chieff_distr = Uniform(chi_eff=chi_eff)
        if isinstance(chi_a, BoundedDist):
            self.chia_distr = chi_a
            if chi_a is None:
                chi_a = (-1., 1.)
            self.chia_distr = Uniform(chi_a=chi_a)
        # xis
        if xi_bounds is None:
            xi_bounds = (0, 1.)
        if (xi_bounds[0] > 1. or xi_bounds[0] < 0.) or (
            xi_bounds[1] > 1. or xi_bounds[1] < 0.):
            raise ValueError("xi bounds must be in [0, 1)")
        self.xi1_distr = UniformPowerLaw(dim=0.5, xi1=xi_bounds)
        self.xi2_distr = UniformPowerLaw(dim=0.5, xi2=xi_bounds)
        # the angles
        self.phia_distr = UniformAngle(phi_a=(0,2))
        self.phis_distr = UniformAngle(phi_s=(0,2))
        self.distributions = {'mass1': self.mass1_distr,
                              'mass2': self.mass2_distr,
                              'xi1': self.xi1_distr,
                              'xi2': self.xi2_distr,
                              'chi_eff': self.chieff_distr,
                              'chi_a': self.chia_distr,
                              'phi_a': self.phia_distr,
                              'phi_s': self.phis_distr}
        # create random variables for the kde
        if nsamples is None:
            nsamples = 1e4
        # save the current random state
        rstate = numpy.random.get_state()
        # set the seed
        if seed is None:
            seed = 0
        rvals = self.rvs(size=int(nsamples))
        # reset the random state back to what it was
        bounds = dict(b for distr in self.distributions.values()
                        for b in distr.bounds.items())
        super(IndependentChiPChiEff, self).__init__(mass1=rvals['mass1'],
            mass2=rvals['mass2'], xi1=rvals['xi1'], xi2=rvals['xi2'],
            chi_eff=rvals['chi_eff'], chi_a=rvals['chi_a'],
            phi_a=rvals['phi_a'], phi_s=rvals['phi_s'],

    def _constraints(self, values):
        """Applies physical constraints to the given parameter values.

        values : {arr or dict}
            A dictionary or structured array giving the values.

            Whether or not the values satisfy physical
        mass1 = conversions._ensurearray(values['mass1'])
        mass2 = conversions._ensurearray(values['mass2'])
        phi_a = conversions._ensurearray(values['phi_a'])
        phi_s = conversions._ensurearray(values['phi_s'])
        chi_eff = conversions._ensurearray(values['chi_eff'])
        chi_a = conversions._ensurearray(values['chi_a'])
        xi1 = conversions._ensurearray(values['xi1'])
        xi2 = conversions._ensurearray(values['xi2'])
        s1x = conversions.spin1x_from_xi1_phi_a_phi_s(xi1, phi_a, phi_s)
        s2x = conversions.spin2x_from_mass1_mass2_xi2_phi_a_phi_s(mass1, mass2,
            xi2, phi_a, phi_s)
        s1y = conversions.spin1y_from_xi1_phi_a_phi_s(xi1, phi_a, phi_s)
        s2y = conversions.spin2y_from_mass1_mass2_xi2_phi_a_phi_s(mass1, mass2,
            xi2, phi_a, phi_s)
        s1z = conversions.spin1z_from_mass1_mass2_chi_eff_chi_a(mass1, mass2,
            chi_eff, chi_a)
        s2z = conversions.spin2z_from_mass1_mass2_chi_eff_chi_a(mass1, mass2,
            chi_eff, chi_a)
        test = ((s1x**2. + s1y**2. + s1z**2.) < 1.) & \
               ((s2x**2. + s2y**2. + s2z**2.) < 1.)
        return test

    def __contains__(self, params):
        """Determines whether the given values are in each parameter's bounds
        and satisfy the constraints.
        isin = all([params in dist for dist in self.distributions.values()])
        if not isin:
            return False
        # in the individual distributions, apply constrains
        return self._constraints(params)

    def _draw(self, size=1, **kwargs):
        """Draws random samples without applying physical constrains.
        # draw masses
            mass1 = kwargs['mass1']
        except KeyError:
            mass1 = self.mass1_distr.rvs(size=size)['mass1']
            mass2 = kwargs['mass2']
        except KeyError:
            mass2 = self.mass2_distr.rvs(size=size)['mass2']
        # draw angles
            phi_a = kwargs['phi_a']
        except KeyError:
            phi_a = self.phia_distr.rvs(size=size)['phi_a']
            phi_s = kwargs['phi_s']
        except KeyError:
            phi_s = self.phis_distr.rvs(size=size)['phi_s']
        # draw chi_eff, chi_a
            chi_eff = kwargs['chi_eff']
        except KeyError:
            chi_eff = self.chieff_distr.rvs(size=size)['chi_eff']
            chi_a = kwargs['chi_a']
        except KeyError:
            chi_a = self.chia_distr.rvs(size=size)['chi_a']
        # draw xis
            xi1 = kwargs['xi1']
        except KeyError:
            xi1 = self.xi1_distr.rvs(size=size)['xi1']
            xi2 = kwargs['xi2']
        except KeyError:
            xi2 = self.xi2_distr.rvs(size=size)['xi2']
        dtype = [(p, float) for p in self.params]
        arr = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=dtype)
        arr['mass1'] = mass1
        arr['mass2'] = mass2
        arr['phi_a'] = phi_a
        arr['phi_s'] = phi_s
        arr['chi_eff'] = chi_eff
        arr['chi_a'] = chi_a
        arr['xi1'] = xi1
        arr['xi2'] = xi2
        return arr

    def apply_boundary_conditions(self, **kwargs):
        return kwargs

    def rvs(self, size=1, **kwargs):
        """Returns random values for all of the parameters.
        size = int(size)
        dtype = [(p, float) for p in self.params]
        arr = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=dtype)
        remaining = size
        keepidx = 0
        while remaining:
            draws = self._draw(size=remaining, **kwargs)
            mask = self._constraints(draws)
            addpts = mask.sum()
            arr[keepidx:keepidx+addpts] = draws[mask]
            keepidx += addpts
            remaining = size - keepidx
        return arr

    def from_config(cls, cp, section, variable_args):
        """Returns a distribution based on a configuration file. The parameters
        for the distribution are retrieved from the section titled
        "[`section`-`variable_args`]" in the config file.

        cp : pycbc.workflow.WorkflowConfigParser
            A parsed configuration file that contains the distribution
        section : str
            Name of the section in the configuration file.
        variable_args : str
            The names of the parameters for this distribution, separated by
            `prior.VARARGS_DELIM`. These must appear in the "tag" part
            of the section header.

            A distribution instance.
        tag = variable_args
        variable_args = variable_args.split(VARARGS_DELIM)
        if not set(variable_args) == set(cls._params):
            raise ValueError("Not all parameters used by this distribution "
                             "included in tag portion of section name")
        # get the bounds for the setable parameters
        mass1 = get_param_bounds_from_config(cp, section, tag, 'mass1')
        mass2 = get_param_bounds_from_config(cp, section, tag, 'mass2')
        chi_eff = get_param_bounds_from_config(cp, section, tag, 'chi_eff')
        chi_a = get_param_bounds_from_config(cp, section, tag, 'chi_a')
        xi_bounds = get_param_bounds_from_config(cp, section, tag, 'xi_bounds')
        if cp.has_option('-'.join([section, tag]), 'nsamples'):
            nsamples = int(cp.get('-'.join([section, tag]), 'nsamples'))
            nsamples = None
        return cls(mass1=mass1, mass2=mass2, chi_eff=chi_eff, chi_a=chi_a,
                   xi_bounds=xi_bounds, nsamples=nsamples)

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