Revision 1d86751599e4e2629dc63709cb8eeff9b4a1e865 authored by Steven Johnson on 16 December 2021, 19:30:06 UTC, committed by GitHub on 16 December 2021, 19:30:06 UTC
* Grab Bag of minor cleanups to LowerParallelTasks

Basically OCD code stuff I noted down when debugging the issues, this restructures the inner loop to avoid calling a local function that has non-obvious side effects (setting just the right slot in the closure args), as well as consolidating via helper functions, hoisting common stuff used in both paths, using std::move where seemingly appropriate, adding some (hopefully correct) comments about arg expectations, and other things that aren't likely to really move the needle in terms of Halide compile speed, but (hopefully) make the code a little bit more understandable after some time away.

(There was a todo about "find a better place for generate_closure_ir()"; this PR eliminates it entirely, just inlining it into the caller, which I think is reasonable given thhe number of assumptions the caller has to make in the first place...)

* Update LowerParallelTasks.cpp
1 parent dffae98
Raw File

set -e

ROOT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"

[[ "$1" != "" && "$1" != "-fix" ]] && echo "The only supported argument is -fix" && exit


# We are currently standardized on using LLVM/Clang12 for this script.
# Note that this is totally independent of the version of LLVM that you
# are using to build Halide itself. If you don't have LLVM12 installed,
# you can usually install what you need easily via:
# sudo apt-get install llvm-12 clang-12 libclang-12-dev clang-tidy-12
# export CLANG_TIDY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib/llvm-12

[ -z "$CLANG_TIDY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR" ] && echo "CLANG_TIDY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR must point to an LLVM installation dir for this script." && exit

VERSION=$(${CLANG_TIDY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/clang-tidy --version)
if [[ ${VERSION} =~ .*version\ 12.* ]]
    echo "clang-tidy version 12 found."
    echo "CLANG_TIDY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR must point to an LLVM 12 install!"
    exit 1

# Use a temp folder for the CMake stuff here, so it's fresh & correct every time

# Specify Halide_SHARED_LLVM=ON because some installers may provide only that.
echo Building compile_commands.json...
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
      -DHalide_CLANG_TIDY_BUILD=ON \
      -DHalide_SHARED_LLVM=ON \
      -DLLVM_DIR=${CLANG_TIDY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR}/lib/cmake/llvm \
      -S ${ROOT_DIR} \
      > /dev/null

[ -a ${CLANG_TIDY_BUILD_DIR}/compile_commands.json ]

# We must populate the includes directory to check things outside of src/
cmake --build ${CLANG_TIDY_BUILD_DIR} --target HalideIncludes


# We deliberately skip apps/ and test/ for now, as the compile commands won't include
# generated headers files from Generators.
# Skip DefaultCostModel.cpp as it relies on cost_model.h.
# Skip GenGen.cpp and RunGenMain.cpp as they bring clang-tidy to its knees,
# for reasons that aren't entirely clear yet.
     "${ROOT_DIR}/src" \
     "${ROOT_DIR}/python_bindings" \
     "${ROOT_DIR}/tools" \
     "${ROOT_DIR}/util" \
     \( -name *.cpp -o -name *.h -o -name *.c \) -and -not -wholename "*/.*" \
     ! -name DefaultCostModel.cpp \
     ! -name GenGen.cpp \
     ! -name RunGenMain.cpp)

# clang-tidy doesn't have a sane way to exclude third-party headers (e.g. pybind11),
# so we will instead build an include filter

    ${FIX} \
    -header-filter="${CLANG_TIDY_HEADER_FILTER}" \
    -quiet \
    -clang-tidy-binary ${CLANG_TIDY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/clang-tidy \
    -clang-apply-replacements-binary ${CLANG_TIDY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/clang-apply-replacements \
    2>&1 | grep -v "warnings generated" | sed "s|.*/||"


echo run-clang-tidy finished with status ${RESULT}


exit $RESULT
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