Revision 1d86751599e4e2629dc63709cb8eeff9b4a1e865 authored by Steven Johnson on 16 December 2021, 19:30:06 UTC, committed by GitHub on 16 December 2021, 19:30:06 UTC
* Grab Bag of minor cleanups to LowerParallelTasks

Basically OCD code stuff I noted down when debugging the issues, this restructures the inner loop to avoid calling a local function that has non-obvious side effects (setting just the right slot in the closure args), as well as consolidating via helper functions, hoisting common stuff used in both paths, using std::move where seemingly appropriate, adding some (hopefully correct) comments about arg expectations, and other things that aren't likely to really move the needle in terms of Halide compile speed, but (hopefully) make the code a little bit more understandable after some time away.

(There was a todo about "find a better place for generate_closure_ir()"; this PR eliminates it entirely, just inlining it into the caller, which I think is reasonable given thhe number of assumptions the caller has to make in the first place...)

* Update LowerParallelTasks.cpp
1 parent dffae98
Raw File
// Halide tutorial lesson 14: The Halide type system

// This lesson more precisely describes Halide's type system.

// On linux, you can compile and run it like so:
// g++ lesson_14*.cpp -g -I <path/to/Halide.h> -L <path/to/> -lHalide -lpthread -ldl -o lesson_14 -std=c++17
// LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path/to/> ./lesson_14

// On os x:
// g++ lesson_14*.cpp -g -I <path/to/Halide.h> -L <path/to/> -lHalide -o lesson_14 -std=c++17
// DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path/to/libHalide.dylib> ./lesson_14

// If you have the entire Halide source tree, you can also build it by
// running:
//    make tutorial_lesson_14_types
// in a shell with the current directory at the top of the halide
// source tree.

#include "Halide.h"
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace Halide;

// This function is used to demonstrate generic code at the end of
// this lesson.
Expr average(Expr a, Expr b);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    // All Exprs have a scalar type, and all Funcs evaluate to one or
    // more scalar types. The scalar types in Halide are unsigned
    // integers of various bit widths, signed integers of the same set
    // of bit widths, floating point numbers in single and double
    // precision, and opaque handles (equivalent to void *). The
    // following array contains all the legal types.

    Type valid_halide_types[] = {
        UInt(8), UInt(16), UInt(32), UInt(64),
        Int(8), Int(16), Int(32), Int(64),
        Float(32), Float(64), Handle()};

    // Constructing and inspecting types.
        // You can programmatically examine the properties of a Halide
        // type. This is useful when you write a C++ function that has
        // Expr arguments and you wish to check their types:
        assert(UInt(8).bits() == 8);

        // You can also programmatically construct Types as a function of other Types.
        Type t = UInt(8);
        t = t.with_bits(t.bits() * 2);
        assert(t == UInt(16));

        // Or construct a Type from a C++ scalar type
        assert(type_of<float>() == Float(32));

        // The Type struct is also capable of representing vector types,
        // but this is reserved for Halide's internal use. You should
        // vectorize code by using Func::vectorize, not by attempting to
        // construct vector expressions directly. You may encounter vector
        // types if you programmatically manipulate lowered Halide code,
        // but this is an advanced topic (see Func::add_custom_lowering_pass).

        // You can query any Halide Expr for its type. An Expr
        // representing a Var has type Int(32):
        Var x;
        assert(Expr(x).type() == Int(32));

        // Most transcendental functions in Halide cast their inputs to a
        // Float(32) and return a Float(32):
        assert(sin(x).type() == Float(32));

        // You can cast an Expr from one Type to another using the cast operator:
        assert(cast(UInt(8), x).type() == UInt(8));

        // This also comes in a template form that takes a C++ type.
        assert(cast<uint8_t>(x).type() == UInt(8));

        // You can also query any defined Func for the types it produces.
        Func f1;
        f1(x) = cast<uint8_t>(x);
        assert(f1.output_types()[0] == UInt(8));

        Func f2;
        f2(x) = {x, sin(x)};
        assert(f2.output_types()[0] == Int(32) &&
               f2.output_types()[1] == Float(32));

    // Type promotion rules.
        // When you combine Exprs of different types (e.g. using '+',
        // '*', etc), Halide uses a system of type promotion
        // rules. These differ to C's rules. To demonstrate these
        // we'll make some Exprs of each type.
        Var x;
        Expr u8 = cast<uint8_t>(x);
        Expr u16 = cast<uint16_t>(x);
        Expr u32 = cast<uint32_t>(x);
        Expr u64 = cast<uint64_t>(x);
        Expr s8 = cast<int8_t>(x);
        Expr s16 = cast<int16_t>(x);
        Expr s32 = cast<int32_t>(x);
        Expr s64 = cast<int64_t>(x);
        Expr f32 = cast<float>(x);
        Expr f64 = cast<double>(x);

        // The rules are as follows, and are applied in the order they are
        // written below.

        // 1) It is an error to cast or use arithmetic operators on Exprs of type Handle().

        // 2) If the types are the same, then no type conversions occur.
        for (Type t : valid_halide_types) {
            // Skip the handle type.
            if (t.is_handle()) continue;
            Expr e = cast(t, x);
            assert((e + e).type() == e.type());

        // 3) If one type is a float but the other is not, then the
        // non-float argument is promoted to a float (possibly causing a
        // loss of precision for large integers).
        assert((u8 + f32).type() == Float(32));
        assert((f32 + s64).type() == Float(32));
        assert((u16 + f64).type() == Float(64));
        assert((f64 + s32).type() == Float(64));

        // 4) If both types are float, then the narrower argument is
        // promoted to the wider bit-width.
        assert((f64 + f32).type() == Float(64));

        // The rules above handle all the floating-point cases. The
        // following three rules handle the integer cases.

        // 5) If one of the arguments is an C++ int, and the other is
        // a Halide::Expr, then the int is coerced to the type of the
        // expression.
        assert((u32 + 3).type() == UInt(32));
        assert((3 + s16).type() == Int(16));

        // If this rule would cause the integer to overflow, then Halide
        // will trigger an error, e.g. uncommenting the following line
        // will cause this program to terminate with an error.
        // Expr bad = u8 + 257;

        // 6) If both types are unsigned integers, or both types are
        // signed integers, then the narrower argument is promoted to
        // wider type.
        assert((u32 + u8).type() == UInt(32));
        assert((s16 + s64).type() == Int(64));

        // 7) If one type is signed and the other is unsigned, both
        // arguments are promoted to a signed integer with the greater of
        // the two bit widths.
        assert((u8 + s32).type() == Int(32));
        assert((u32 + s8).type() == Int(32));

        // Note that this may silently overflow the unsigned type in the
        // case where the bit widths are the same.
        assert((u32 + s32).type() == Int(32));

        // When an unsigned Expr is converted to a wider signed type in
        // this way, it is first widened to a wider unsigned type
        // (zero-extended), and then reinterpreted as a signed
        // integer. I.e. casting the UInt(8) value 255 to an Int(32)
        // produces 255, not -1.
        int32_t result32 = evaluate<int>(cast<int32_t>(cast<uint8_t>(255)));
        assert(result32 == 255);

        // When a signed type is explicitly converted to a wider unsigned
        // type with the cast operator (the type promotion rules will
        // never do this automatically), it is first converted to the
        // wider signed type (sign-extended), and then reinterpreted as
        // an unsigned integer. I.e. casting the Int(8) value -1 to a
        // UInt(16) produces 65535, not 255.
        uint16_t result16 = evaluate<uint16_t>(cast<uint16_t>(cast<int8_t>(-1)));
        assert(result16 == 65535);

    // The type Handle().
        // Handle is used to represent opaque pointers. Applying
        // type_of to any pointer type will return Handle()
        assert(type_of<void *>() == Handle());
        assert(type_of<const char *const **>() == Handle());

        // Handles are always stored as 64-bit, regardless of the compilation
        // target.
        assert(Handle().bits() == 64);

        // The main use of an Expr of type Handle is to pass
        // it through Halide to other external code.

    // Generic code.
        // The main explicit use of Type in Halide is to write Halide
        // code parameterized by a Type. In C++ you'd do this with
        // templates. In Halide there's no need - you can inspect and
        // modify the types dynamically at C++ runtime instead. The
        // function defined below averages two expressions of any
        // equal numeric type.
        Var x;
        assert(average(cast<float>(x), 3.0f).type() == Float(32));
        assert(average(x, 3).type() == Int(32));
        assert(average(cast<uint8_t>(x), cast<uint8_t>(3)).type() == UInt(8));


    return 0;

Expr average(Expr a, Expr b) {
    // Types must match.
    assert(a.type() == b.type());

    // For floating point types:
    if (a.type().is_float()) {
        // The '2' will be promoted to the floating point type due to
        // rule 3 above.
        return (a + b) / 2;

    // For integer types, we must compute the intermediate value in a
    // wider type to avoid overflow.
    Type narrow = a.type();
    Type wider = narrow.with_bits(narrow.bits() * 2);
    a = cast(wider, a);
    b = cast(wider, b);
    return cast(narrow, (a + b) / 2);
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