Revision 1e058cedcf99481f56311da64e8b949804209999 authored by Bowen Bao on 04 July 2018, 01:34:11 UTC, committed by Bowen Bao on 04 July 2018, 01:34:11 UTC
* the error was due to that we pad 0 as default value for missing gaps. All these then each contribute 1 to the gradient of reference at index 0. The fix is to mask missing values in indices matrix to negative, and in Matrix scatter implementation to check and skip negative indices. (previous Matrix CPU implementation already checks for negative indices)
1 parent 07fd96f
Raw File
Tip revision: 1e058cedcf99481f56311da64e8b949804209999 authored by Bowen Bao on 04 July 2018, 01:34:11 UTC
fix Gather op's incorrect gradient value.
Tip revision: 1e058ce
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