Revision 1e7040c9ab44c31b4754aa0cdd3ca0555c8f8142 authored by Steven Johnson on 31 January 2022, 21:30:55 UTC, committed by GitHub on 31 January 2022, 21:30:55 UTC
* Various fixes to static-dimensioned Buffer

- Buffer needed to make some methods constexpr, and also had a broken return value for `as<>()`
- Various templated methods needed to add `int Dims` as a parameter
- Generator::add_input() and add_output() needed specializations for static-buffer types
- sliced() and embedded() should use the default values for InClassDimStorage
- halide_image_io should use a named constant

* Convert Buffer<> usage in python_bindings/ to use static dimensions

...where it seems sensible to do so, that is.

* Update Generator.h
1 parent b9a4cb3
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