Revision 1e790220feb1cb3f461915da11954d8b7fcb4c6b authored by Martin Maechler on 23 December 2013, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 23 December 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent d1f70fa
Raw File
useDynLib(Matrix, .registration=TRUE)

## Import non-base functions we need explicitly,
## notably for which we define methods:
importFrom("lattice", levelplot, panel.levelplot.raster)
importFrom("graphics", image)
importFrom("utils", head, tail, assignInNamespace)
importFrom("stats", cov2cor, toeplitz, update#, vcov

importFrom("grid", grid.rect, gpar, grob)# others via 'grid::'

## try to import all we need, but not more
	   ## still needed {group generics needed to be explicitly imported} ?
	   Ops, Arith, Compare, Logic, Math, Math2, Summary, Complex,
	   ## generics for which we export new methods:
	   cbind2, rbind2, coerce, show
	   , kronecker
	   ## things we call,.. necessary when Matrix is loaded, but not attached, as in
	   ## Rscript --vanilla -e 'require(methods);(M <- Matrix::Matrix(0:1,3,3));as(M,"sparseMatrix")'
	   , callGeneric, as, is, extends, new
	   , getClass, getClassDef, validObject
	   , setClass, setClassUnion, setMethod, setOldClass
	   , setValidity, slot, "slot<-"
	   , signature, representation, prototype)

## Generics and functions defined in this package
export("Cholesky", ".SuiteSparse_version",
       "Diagonal", ".symDiagonal", ".sparseDiagonal",
       "Hilbert", "KhatriRao",
       "abIseq", "abIseq1", "rep2abI",
       "bdiag", ".bdiag",
## no longer; implicit generics now
       ## "colMeans", "colSums", ## these needed a "..." added
       ## "rowMeans", "rowSums",
       "condest", "onenormest",
       "det",# << "identical" as base - but with correct determinant()
       ## "mkDet", # <- useful in other packages (Rmpfr, gmp) .. hmm --> 'stats' ?
       ".diag.dsC",# -> R/dsCMatrix.R --has FIXME
       "diagN2U", "diagU2N", ".diagU2N", ".diag2tT", ".diag2sT",
       "facmul", "fac2sparse", "fac2Sparse",
       ## 'graph' package (and class) related:
       "T2graph", "graph2T",
       "formatSpMatrix", "formatSparseM", ".formatSparseSimple",
       "pack", "unpack"
       , ".updateCHMfactor"
       , ".validateCsparse"
       , "writeMM"
if(getRversion() < "2.15.0")

## substitute for using  cbind() / rbind()

	      ## Class unions:
	      "replValue", # if we don't export it, things fail in dispatch
## LOGIC      "logic",
	      "abIndex", "rleDiff",

	      ## --- 'Matrix' mother and all its daughters : ---------------
	      ## also intermediate `virtual' ones:
	      ## not yet used, but as sub-classes;
	      ## must provide them for 'hierarchy-analysis':








	      "corMatrix", # unused

	      ## --- inheriting "Matrix", but also factorizations:
	      ## "LDL",

	      ## --- 'MatrixFactorization' mother and all its daughters : ---



	      "nCHMsuper",# unused
	      "nCHMsimpl",# unused

##	      "SPQR",


	      "sparseVector", ## --- and daughters : ---
	      "xsparseVector" # the class union of all 'x' lost sparseVector's

exportMethods(## for both own and "other" generics:

	      ## Group Methods

	      ## re-export S4 methods, for "stats"-S3-generics:

	      "+",# for dgT(Matrix) only


	      "diag", "diag<-",
	      "is.finite", "is.infinite",
	      "print",# print(x, ...) when show(x) is not sufficient
	      "qr.R", "qr.Q",
##               "spqr",
if(getRversion() > "3.1.0")


S3method(print, sparseSummary)
S3method(print, diagSummary)
S3method(c, abIndex)# < for now -- S4 method on c() seems "difficult"

## So that such dispatch also works inside base functions:
S3method(as.array, Matrix)
S3method(as.matrix, Matrix)
S3method(as.vector, Matrix)
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