Revision 1efd5e782d050f16be9ce27465980b4567f2eae8 authored by Rene Locher on 08 April 2009, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 08 April 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent 1bd94fb
Raw File
2005-02-16 Rene Locher
 	IDPmisc V0.2.3

2005-03-22 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.3.1
	* inf.omit, ok added

2005-04-20  Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.3.2
	* inf.omit deprecated
	* inf.omit renamed to the more precise name NaRV.omit.
	  NaRV = Not A Regular Value
	* ipairs, iplot, image: densities are now displayed centered over
	  the corresponding factor levels

2005-04-21 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.3.3
	* ipairs: factor levels are now correctely labeled
	* Image, ipairs, ilagplot: argument ztrans renamed to ztransf

2005-04-27 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.3.4
	* iplot: factor levels are now correctely labeled

2005-06-03 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.3.5
	* zoom: example in help and text output of zoom are improved

2005-07-22 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.3.6
	* zoom: example in help further improved
	* ixyplot: limits for nonfactors minimized

2005-10-05 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.4.1 not published

	IDPmisc V0.4.2
	* ipairs, ilagplot: additional examples on dataset AirQual{SwissAir}
	* Image, ipairs, ilagplot, ixyplot: additional argument
	  'ztransf', which allows transformation of counts by a user
	  defined function.

2005-11-15 Rene Locher
	Quick fix for CRAN because version 0.5 is not yet ready to be
	* Arrows: 'atan(y,x)' replaced by 'atan2(y,x)'

2005-10-12 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.0, not published
	* draw.leg: new function
	* rose-class: new class
	* rose: new function
	* plot: new S4-Method for class rose
	* RhoPhi2xy: new function
	* xy2RhoPhi: new function

2005-10-12 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.1, not published
	* plot: S4-Method, argument 'del.vp' removed

2005-10-17 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.2, not published
	* plot: S4-Method, help to argument 'stacked' and
	  corresponding error message in code updated.
	  Interpretation of argument 'rev.col' changed, so that stacked
	  and unstacked roses have now the same order in the legend.
	* rose: new argument 'right'
	  'na.warning=TRUE': warns now also for x values out of breaks

2005-10-18 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.3, not published
	* plot: S4-Method
	  Several new warnings added.
	  Argument 'trans' added, help revised
	* rose: argument 'na.warning' changed to 'warn'

2005-10-18 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.4, not published
	  several improvements on help pages
	* RhoPhi2xy changed to 'clock2cart'
	* xy2RhoPhi changed to 'cart2clock'
	* plot.rose completely revised, including argument list and
	            help pages

2005-12-06 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.5
	* plot.rose: several bugs fixed

2005-12-16 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.6
	* plot.rose works now correctly with ray.lim set manually
	  in grid.control
	* general.control: arguments reordered and new arguments for
	  manual setting of rose dimensions. Help expanded and corrected.
	* grid.control: default values for argument cyclVar.lab
	  corrected. SW replaced by SE

2005-12-19 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.7
	* general.control: Help expanded
	* IDPmisc.package: Help expanded

2005-12-22 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.8
	* plot.rose: Bug for roses with negative values in slot rho

2006-01-19 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.9
	* general.control for plot.rose with new argument shift

2006-06-20 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.6.0, not published
	* clock2cart, cart2clock: processing of arguments changed
	  to make input more flexible
	* Arrows default settings of arguments h.lwd and h.lty changed
	* getXY: new function to read in data with 1 or 2 dimension
	* peaks: new function to evaluate peaks in data without
	  smoothing them first
	* MS: New dataset included: SELDI TOF MS of sheep blood

2006-07-03 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.6.1
	* getXY, peaks, MS: Improvement of help,
	  change of some argument names for better understanding

2006-07-12 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.6.2
	* peaks: Improvement of help

2006-07-14 Rene Locher
        IDPmisc V0.7.0, not published
	* longts.plot New function for plotting very long time series

2006-07-24 Rene Locher
        IDPmisc V0.7.1
	* longts.plot Help improved, some names of arguments changed

2006-07-25 Rene Locher
        IDPmisc V0.7.2
	* longts.plot Default of arguments 'y1lim' and 'y2lim' changed
	to 'range(y1,na.rm=T,finite=TRUE)'.

2006-07-25 Rene Locher
        IDPmisc V0.7.3
	* draw.leg code adapted to new grid version

2006-07-26 Rene Locher
        IDPmisc V0.7.4
	* longts.plot Argument names changed changed back to old version
	  in V0.7.2 because these are more consistent to arguments in
	  par(). Sorry for this inconvenience!
	  Bug for color in axis removed.

2006-07-27 Rene Locher
        IDPmisc V0.7.5
	* peaks In rare cases peak width was undefined.

2006-11-08 Rene Locher
        IDPmisc V0.8.0
	* rfbaseline New function for baseline subtraction
	* rfbaselineScale New function

2007-02-07 Rene Locher
        IDPmisc V0.9.0, not published
	* itermplot New function for termplots with very large numbers
	  of observations
	* ipanel.smooth New panelfunction for itermplot
	* help Typing errors corrected

2007-02-19 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.9.1
	* longts.plot
	  New arguments cex.axis, mar, filename, extension, filetype.
	  Spacing between individual figures has been optimized.
	  Automatic constructed and manually defined titles
	  are now positioned identically.
          Default value of 'mgp' changed from c(1.7,0.7,0) to
	* rose-class Help updated, so that it is found now in the
	  subject index by rose-class

2007-02-19 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.9.2
	* IDPcolorRamp
	  Makes now sure that argument 'n' is an integer so that no
	  warning is issued any more.
	* Image
	  Makes now sure that the returned maximum counts is an integer
	  for any function in argument 'ztransf'.
	* Arrows
	  When some elements of (x1,y1,x2,y2) result in an undefined
	  direction, an warning is issued and the corresponding
	  arrow is not drawn.
	* draw.leg
	  updated to new version of grid graphics

2007-08-14 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.9.3
	* iterm New argument scale.

2007-10-02 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.9.4
	* DESCRPTION: 'SaveImage: TRUE' removed,
	  Authors E-mail address changed
          License standardized
	* RD-Files: non-ASCII values from help pages removed.
	* plot.rose new argument 'warn' added
	* title.control default for argument 'cex' 1.5 (before 1.7)
	* longts.plot default for argument 'cex.leg' par("cex")
	              (before 1.5)
	. example adapted to SwissAir(>= 1.08)

2007-10-03 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.9.5
	* DESCRIPTION: 'Encoding: latin1' added

2008-07-08 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.9.6
	* plot.longts replaces function 'longts.plot' with
	  new argument 'xpd' to define whether data points are
	  clipped to plot region (=FALSE) or not (=TRUE). Horizontal
	  lines will be always clipped.
	  Arguments 'automain' and 'main' can now be combined.
	  New defaults for 'upf', 'fpp', 'overlap', 'col.y2', 'lwd2', 'mar'.
	  New arguments for defining labeling and tick marking axes.
	  Beware: Definition of x-axis has completely changed and is now
	  closer to standard approach.
	  Restores parameters of par() which were in use before call of

	* longts.plot deprecated
	* ixyplot deprecated and replaced by iplot. Reason: ixyplot()
	  produces classical graphics contrary to xyplot().
	* showColors
	  Restores parameters of par() which were in use before call
	* poster.plot
	  Restores parameters of par() which were in use before call
	* Image: New argument matrix. Zmax is not rounded any more.

2008-07-08 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.9.7
	* longts.plot: examples in help removed
	* ixyplot: examples in help removed
	* Image: example with ixyplot replaced by iplot

2008-07-08 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.9.8
	* longtsPlot: Restores parameters of par() which were in use
	before call function.

2008-07-21 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.9.9
	Typos in help removed

2008-03-13 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V1.0.00
	* inf.omit: removed. Was replaced by NaRV.omit() .
	* longts.plot: help reduced and function defunct. Use longtsPlot
	* rd-files: Adaption to new rules for R 2.9.x, examples added
	  and \ or improved.
	* ixyplot: Help reduced and function defunct'ed. Use iplot()
	* IDPcolorRamp: Help extended.
	* Image: matrix=TRUE delivered 'zmax' instead of matrix. This
	  resulted also in wrong behaviour for ilagplot() and ipairs()
	  for zmax=fixed value.
	  Comments on package 'fields' removed.
	* ilagplot: Argument 'zmax' did not work correctly.
	  Position of title optimized.
	  New arguments 'cex.axis', 'd.main', 'legend', 'd.legend',
	  'mar', 'oma'.
	  Defaults for cex.main changed.
	  Help slightly improved.
	* ipairs: Argument 'zmax' did not work correctly.
	  Axes were not clipped to the plot region.
	  Arguments 'labels', 'cex.lab', 'nlab', 'minL.lab' are now
	  called 'lab.diag', 'cex.lag', 'nlab.axis', 'minL.axis'.
          New arguments 'cex.axis', 'd.main', 'legend', 'd.legend',
	  'mar', 'oma'.
	  Defaults for cex.diag and cex.main changed.
 	  Argument 'verbose' removed.
	  Compacter figure. By default no margins around individual
	  scatter plots.
	  Examples in help slightly improved.
	* iplotLegend: New function to plot legends of color ramp.
	* iplot: Plotting Legend first, to allow further additions
	  to plot.
	  'nx.lab', 'ny.lab', 'minL.lab' renamed to 'nlab.xaxis',
	  'nlab.yaxis', 'minL.axis'.
	  New arguments 'd.main', 'legend', 'd.legend', 'cex.axis',
	  'las', 'oma', '...'
	* longtsPlot: Axes have sometimes not been clipped to the plot
	region. Help improved.
	* MS: Help improved.
	* peak: Help improved.
	* poster.plot: Help improved.
	* showColors: New argument mar.
	  After exiting showColors, original arguments of par() are
2008-03-16 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V1.0.01
	* plot.rose Shows warning only when warn = TRUE
	* Help: Typos corrected, text improved.
2008-03-26 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V1.1.00
	* plotdat devided into plotdat and griddat
	* plot.rose:
	  Rose will now be plotted in segments by default.
	  Help slightly changed.
	* general.control: New argument 'type'. Cf. 'plot.rose'.
	* draw.leg: if (any(textLocations)) replaced by
	  if (length(textLocations))
	* ilagplot: Default distances and character sizes optimized.
	  New arguments 'cex','mgp','tcl'.
	* ipairs: Default distances and character sizes optimized.
	  New arguments 'cex','mgp','tcl'.
	* iplot: Default distances and character sizes optimized.
	  New arguments 'cex','mgp','tcl'.

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