Revision 226ce0dab5018739e8793d5cc421a5e39590e51b authored by Ron Burkey on 24 September 2021, 13:52:10 UTC, committed by Ron Burkey on 24 September 2021, 13:52:10 UTC
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    <title>Virtual AGC yaYUL Page</title>
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      <li><a href="#What_is_YUL">What is YUL?</a><br>
      <li><a href="#What_is_yaYUL_">What is yaYUL?</a></li>
      <li><a href="#Invoking_yaYUL">Invoking yaYUL</a></li>
      <li><a href="#Apollo_Source-Code_Naming">Apollo Source-Code Naming</a></li>
      <li><a href="#AGC4_Assembly_Language">AGC4 Assembly Language</a></li>
    <h2><a name="What_is_YUL" id="What_is_YUL"></a>What is YUL?</h2>
    <p>Apollo Command Module software (<span style="font-weight: bold;">Colossus</span>)
      or Lunar Module software (<span style="font-weight: bold;">Luminary</span>)
      was written in a computer language (AGC assembly language)
      invented at MIT's Instrumentation/Draper lab.&nbsp; Software whose
      source code is in "assembly language" must be processed to turn it
      into a binary format ("machine language") understood by the
      computer itself.&nbsp; The program that converts the human-written
      source code into machine-readable binary code is called an
      "assembler".&nbsp; The conversion from source code to machine code
      took place prior to loading the software into the AGC, so the
      assembly-language code was actually not actually run by the AGC
      itself, but rather was processed by ground computers weeks or
      months prior to the actual Apollo flights.&nbsp;<br>
      (Incidentally, for debugging purposes, the original developers had
      a special read-write module which could be programmed from a paper
      tape and then plugged into the AGC and used as if it were a core
      rope.&nbsp; While this process was apparently not easy, it was
      certainly more convenient than manufacturing a core rope.&nbsp;
      The assembler produced the data for creating the paper tape.)<br>
    <p>Actually, the situation is slightly more-complex than this.&nbsp;
      For one thing, in talking about "assembly language" above, I was
      using generic programming terminology, not necessarily used by the
      AGC development team.&nbsp; In fact, the programs were generally
      in a <i>combination of</i> <i>two</i> <i>different programming
        languages</i>, intermixed:<br>
      <li>The assembly language, which was referred to as "basic"
        (though having nothing whatever to do with Kemeny &amp; Kurtz's
        BASIC programming language, invented in roughly the same time
      <li>Interpreter language, a higher-level language which was
        executed by an "interpreter" written in basic.<br>
    <p>In the second place, as the AGC hardware and the developers'
      ideas changed over time, so did these programming languages, going
      through various stages.&nbsp; In other words, the programming
      language itself was not just one thing, but was several different
      things over time, although it remained constant throughout all the
      manned missions which actually flew.<br>
    <p>The original AGC assembler, which turned this mixture of
      programming languages into an executable program that could be
      stored in core memories and run on the AGC, was called <span
        style="font-weight: bold;">YUL</span> (from "yuletide") because
      the projected delivery date of the MOD 1A guidance computer, with
      system software, was Christmas, 1959.&nbsp; As time went on, it
      had to support all of the different "target" languages I mentioned
      above, and Hugh Blair-Smith, the program's author, tells us that
      YUL eventually supported the MOD 1A, MOD 1B, MOD 3S, MOD 3C, AGC4
      (Block I AGC), and two versions of the final Block II AGC, which
      is seven different targets by my count.&nbsp; In real life, <span
        style="font-weight: bold;">YUL</span> was eventually succeeded
      by the <span style="font-weight: bold;">GAP</span> (General
      Assembler Program), but "YUL" sounds much niftier than "GAP"
      (which, sorry, sounds like something from Accounting), so we'll
      keep calling it "YUL".<br>
    <p>There's a pretty extensive <a href="Documents/agcis_13_yul.pdf">AGC

        Series document covering YUL and its operation</a>.&nbsp; And <a
        href="Documents/yul_punched_cards.pdf">here's a short excerpt
        from the same document</a>, describing the punched-card format,
      but with the additional enticement of a couple of images of actual
      cards.&nbsp; These days, we also have the "<a
        href="Documents/Users_Guide_GAP_text.pdf">User's Guide for the
        General Assembler Program (GAP)</a>", which I'm sorry to say I
      did <i>not</i> have when I originally wrote our modern AGC
      assembler and was making the initial transcriptions of the two
      listings of AGC software we had back then.&nbsp; Without it,
      everything I did back then was based on eyeballing the AGC code
      rather than on a reliable description of how it was supposed to
      work in principle.<br>
    <p><a href="klabs/images/IMG_9203.JPG"><img alt=""
          src="HughAndYUL.jpg" width="400" height="300" border="2"
          align="right"></a>YUL, by the way, originally ran on the IBM
      650, which quickly ran out of capacity, and hence it was ported to
      the more-powerful Honeywell 800.&nbsp; Now, I don't have a
      Honeywell 800 in my pocket, so I have no way to run YUL, but I can
      show you YUL's complete source code, because Hugh has allowed us
      to have it scanned.&nbsp; If you demand the absolute highest
      visual quality (by which I mean huge, huge files), you can go to <a
        href="">our Virtual
        AGC Project at</a> and download the imagery of the
      source code in various formats.&nbsp; However, if you're willing
      to get much smaller files, which will download much quicker, but
      at a slight loss in quality, we've hosted the page images here as
      <li><a href="YUL/01%20-%20Intro/">Introduction</a></li>
      <li><a href="YUL/02%20-%20Pass%200/">Pass 0</a></li>
      <li><a href="YUL/03%20-%20Pass%201/">Pass 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="YUL/04%20-%20Pass%202/">Pass 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="YUL/05%20-%20Pass%203/">Pass 3</a></li>
      <li><a href="YUL/06%20-%20System%20Manufacturing%20-%20AGC4/">
          System manufacturing for AGC4</a></li>
      <li><a href="YUL/07%20-%20System%20Manufacturing%20-%20SACO/">
          System manufacturing for SACO</a></li>
      <li><a href="YUL/08%20-%20System%20Manufacturing%20-%20BLK2/">
          System manufacturing for BLK2</a></li>
      <li><a href="YUL/09%20-%20System%20Simulators%20-%20AGC4/"> System
          simulators, AGC4</a></li>
      <li><a href="YUL/10%20-%20System%20Simulators%20-%20SACO/"> System
          simulators, SACO</a><br>
    <p>It has been pointed out to me that if this program were for the
      Honeywell 800 computer, it should be in the ARGUS language:&nbsp;
      i.e., the input language of the Honeywell 800's ARGUS
      assembler.&nbsp; However, it is <i>not</i> in ARGUS
      language.&nbsp; What's the deal with that?&nbsp; Well, there were
      things the AGC developers wished to do that ARGUS did not support,
      such as having space characters in symbols, and spreading out the
      code for readability purposes.&nbsp; So they invented a new
      format, which they called MITIGUS, and YUL is written in
      MITIGUS.&nbsp; There was a separate program, a pre-processor,
      which converted MITIGUS to ARGUS.&nbsp; Unfortunately, we do not
      have this pre-processor, nor an exact list of rules defining the
      relationship between MITIGUS and ARGUS, but have been told that
      it's pretty straightforward, and hopefully won't affect your
      ability to read the program (and certainly not the comments
      embedded in the program!) even if you happen to be an expert in
    <p>Before you turn up your nose at this idea of looking at this
      code, though, I'd recommend at least looking over the
      "Introduction", which contains no actual code, because you may
      find yourself amused at the peculiar brand of humor you'll find
      there.&nbsp; There's also <a href="klabs/video/blair-smith.wmv">a
        video of Hugh giving a talk about "Pass 0" of the assembler</a>
      at the MAPLD '04 conference.&nbsp; The picture above is him
      showing the YUL listing to an interested attendee.<br>
    <p>The original <span style="font-weight: bold;">YUL</span>
      accepted a complete program (such as <span style="font-weight:
        bold;">Luminary</span> or <span style="font-weight: bold;">Colossus</span>)
      as decks of punch-cards, and seemingly preserved the code in tape
      libraries; an actual assembly run therefore worked on chunks of
      code extracted from the tape libraries.&nbsp; The assembler
      directly outputs binary machine code.&nbsp; There is no linker.</p>
    <h1><a name="What_is_yaYUL_" id="What_is_yaYUL_"></a><small>What is
    Since most people do not have a Honeywell 800 on which to run YUL —
    and frankly, here at this project we needed to assemble AGC code
    beginning in 2003, and didn't even have a copy of YUL's program
    listing until 2016 — I have created a completely new assembler,
    duplicating the features of the original <span style="font-weight:
      bold;">YUL</span> to the extent I think important, called <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span>.&nbsp; In other words, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span> is used to convert <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">Luminary</span> or <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">Colossus</span> source code to a binary
    format usable by the <span style="font-weight: bold;">yaAGC</span>
    As I mentioned above, YUL itself would accept and assemble language
    from 7 different (though related) versions of the AGC.&nbsp; <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span> is not so clever as this,
    and limits itself merely to the variants of Block 1 and Block 2
    languages found in the versions of the AGC programs we've been able
    to get our hands on.&nbsp; Even though YUL was succeeded by GAP, I
    don't feel that "yaGAP" has quite the ring to it that "yaYUL" does,
    so I feel entitled to ignore that fact.<br>
    It is important to understand that when I wrote <b>yaYUL</b>, there
    was almost no available documentation of how the assembler was <span
      style="font-style: italic;">supposed</span> to operate—i.e., of
    the syntax of AGC assembly language.&nbsp; (Well, the manual for <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">GAP</span> does exist, but I'd not seen
    it.)&nbsp; In the end, most that is known of the syntax of AGC
    assembly language has been deduced from <span style="font-weight:
      bold;">Luminary</span> and/or <span style="font-weight: bold;">Colossus</span>
    assembly listings and, frankly, some of this syntax is very
    obscure.&nbsp; I have written down what I have learned and what I
    have deduced in the <a href="assembly_language_manual.html">assembly-language

      manual</a>.&nbsp; Therefore, <span style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span>
    is not so much an assembler for AGC assembly language (which is
    fairly nebulous idea), as much as it is a utility which processes <i>existing

    </i><span style="font-weight: bold;">Luminary</span> and/or <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">Colossus</span> source-code to produce
    good core-rope images for those specific programs.&nbsp; But we've
    had good luck in feeding most AGC programs into it.<br>
    Finally, of course,&nbsp; <span style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span>
    accepts source-code <i>files</i> rather than punch-card decks or
    source-code libraries from magnetic tape.&nbsp; But like YUL, <b>yaYUL</b>
    directly outputs binary machine code, and there is no linker.<br>
    <h2><a name="Invoking_yaYUL" id="Invoking_yaYUL"></a>Invoking yaYUL</h2>
    Running the assembler is very simple.&nbsp; <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span> is a command-line program,
    invoked as follows:<br>
    <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-family:
        monospace;">yaYUL [OPTIONS]</span> <span style="font-style:
        italic; font-family: monospace;">SourceFile</span><br>
    The binary executable is automatically created if no fatal errors
    have occurred during assembly.&nbsp; The binary file has the same
    name as the input source-code file, but with ".bin" added to the end
    of the filename.&nbsp; For example,<br>
    <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-family:
        monospace;">yaYUL Luminary131.agc</span><br>
    would produce a file named "Luminary131.agc.bin", which would be
    directly usable by the <span style="font-weight: bold;">yaAGC</span>
    program. &nbsp; An annotated program listing (including any error
    messages) is written to the screen, or may be captured for later
    <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-family:
        monospace;">yaYUL</span> <span style="font-style: italic;
        font-family: monospace;">SourceFile</span> <span
        style="font-family: monospace;">&gt;</span><span
        style="font-style: italic; font-family: monospace;">ProgramListing</span><br>
    As of version 20050728 or later, <span style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span>
    also outputs a symbol-table file that can be used in conjunction
    with <span style="font-weight: bold;">yaAGC</span>'s "--debug"
    switch.&nbsp; This file will have the same name as the source-file,
    but with ".symtab" suffixed to it.<br>
    In the unlikely event that you choose to create and/or modify some
    AGC assembly language, it is very important to understand that <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span> requires at least one free
    word in each memory bank to store the "bugger word" (checksum) for
    that memory bank.&nbsp; You can only use 1777 words (octal) out of
    each 2000-word memory bank.&nbsp; If you completely fill a memory
    bank, the <span style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span> is going to
    overwrite the final word of the bank with a bugger word, and you may
    or may not see an error message.&nbsp; (Sorry about that.)<br>
    Since nobody is likely to be developing much new software for the
    AGC, <span style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span> doesn't need to
    have very many command-line options.&nbsp; (Actually, in spite of
    saying there will be no new AGC software, I <span
      style="font-style: italic;">do</span> provide a newly-written AGC
    program in assembly language, for validating the CPU's instruction
    set, and <span style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span> is perfectly
    adequate for assembling the validation suite.)&nbsp; Those options
    are as follows:<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> This causes the available options
      to be listed.<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> (As of 20160824.)&nbsp; Indicates
      that Block 1 assembly-language is processed rather than Block 2
      assembly-language.&nbsp; See also the "--blk2" switch below.<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> (As of 20161009.)&nbsp; Indicates
      that the assembly target is BLK2.&nbsp; The topic of "assembly
      targets" is confusing, and in particular you should note that
      "--blk2" is not the opposite of "--block1", though the two are
      indeed mutually exclusive, nor does it comprise all software for
      the Block 2 AGC.&nbsp; It's important to understand that the
      original <b>YUL</b> program had to support an evolving range of
      AGC computer hardware designs, and roughly corresponding to them,
      an evolving range of language designs, both in terms of the basic
      instructions (the assembly language) and the interpreter
      language.&nbsp; As such, <b>YUL</b> supported a variety of
      "target" systems, each with a short alphanumeric designation (such
      as "BLK2"), with each corresponding more-or-less to a given
      hardware architecture <i>plus</i> a given software
      architecture.&nbsp; However, <b>yaYUL</b> makes no effort to
      support the same large range of assembly targets as <b>YUL</b>,
      but merely focuses on those target systems for which we have
      complete AGC program listings have survived and are available to
      us now.&nbsp; The specific targets supported by <b>yaYUL</b> are:<br>
        <li>The AGC4 target ("--block1" command-line switch) comprises
          all programs for Block 1 AGC systems, of which the only
          example we have at this writing is the Solarium 055 program,
          though Solarium 054 (which exists though we can't get it at
          present) also falls into this category.</li>
        <li>The BLK2 target ("--blk2" command-line switch) comprises
          programs written in an early dialect for Block 2 AGC systems,
          of which the only example we have at this writing is Aurora 12
          program, though Retread 44 (coming soon, according to plans)
          presumably also falls into this category.</li>
        <li>The AGC target (the default, no command-line switch needed)
          comprises all of the AGC programs in the later dialect used
          for actually-flown manned missions, and most other Block 2
          programs that we have in our inventory as well.</li>
      An example of a <b>YUL</b> target <i>not</i> supported by <b>yaYUL</b>
      is AGC3.<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> AGC memory-bank "bugger words" are
      not necessarily unique; sometimes they are, but sometimes they are
      not, and in that case there are two distinct bugger words which
      could be added to a memory bank, with the self-test accepting
      either of these as being valid.&nbsp; For one of these possible
      bugger words, the memory-bank's checksum is equal to the bank
      number, and for the other it is equal to the negative of the bank
      number.&nbsp; Normally, when <b>yaYUL</b> adds bugger word to an
      assembled memory bank, it chooses the one leading to the positive
      checksum <i>if possible</i>, but uses the one leading to the
      negative checksum if not.&nbsp; With the --flip=<i>b</i> switch,
      where <i>b</i> is the number of a fixed-memory bank, in octal,
      this behavior is reversed for memory-bank <i>b</i>; in other
      words, for memory bank <i>b</i>, <b>yaYUL</b> will try to use
      the bugger word leading to a negative checksum, and will fall back
      on the one leading to a positive checksum otherwise.&nbsp; The
      only known use of this switch is for bank <i>b</i>=7 of the
      SUNBURST program.&nbsp; There are notes in the original <b>YUL</b>
      source code highlighting bank 7 of SUNBURST as a special case, and
      you are invited to read that source code if interested in this
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> Forces creation of the core-rope
      image file, which is normally bypassed when fatal errors are
      detected.&nbsp; (As of 2005-09-05, there are no known bugs left in
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">yaYUL</span> that need this
      switch as a workaround.)<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> (As of 20161009.)&nbsp; Simply
      reformat the source file into a normalized form (i.e., with
      standardized alignment of columns), outputting it on stdout, and
      then exit.&nbsp; This does rely on the input file being at least
      partially formatted correctly, in the sense that labels begin at
      column 1 and opcodes at column 17.&nbsp; Either spaces or tabs
      (interpreted as moving to the next multiple of 8 spaces) can be
      used in the input but at present, tabs will be converted to spaces
      in the output.<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> (20090629 and later.)&nbsp; Causes
      creation of an HTML version of the assembly listing.&nbsp; The
      top-level HTML filename is the same as <span style="font-style:
        italic;">SourceFile</span>, except that the .agc
      filename-extension (if present) is replaced with .html.&nbsp; An
      additional HTML file is created for every source file included by
      the top-level source file, and you can browse to them through
      links in the top-level file.&nbsp; Additionally, the HTML is
      syntax-highlighted, so that it is easy to distinguish
      basic-language opcodes from interpreter opcodes from line labels,
      etc.&nbsp; Finally, the HTML contains hyperlinking from where
      symbols are used to where they are defined.&nbsp; <a
        href="SourceAnnotations.html">It is also possible to add modern
        annotations to the source code.</a><br>
    --ascii, --ebcdic, --honeywell<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> (20210420 and later.)&nbsp; By
      default (or with --ebcdic), yaYUL sorts AGC symbol tables in the
      ordering implied by an EBCDIC character encoding, which matches
      the ordering of symbol tables produced by the original GAP
      assembler.&nbsp; With the --honeywell switch, yaYUL instead sorts
      according to the character encoding of the Honeywell H-800
      computer system, which is the ordering that symbol tables created
      by the original YUL assembler followed; the AGC programs RETREAD,
      AURORA, SUNBURST, TRIVIUM, and SOLARIUM should be assembled with
      the --honeywell switch.&nbsp; Finally, with the --ascii switch,
      the native (ASCII) ordering is used; prior to the 20210420 version
      of yaYUL, ASCII was the only available option.<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> (20220422 and later.)&nbsp;
      Provides reconstruction support in assembly-listing files.&nbsp;
      This command-line switch could optionally be used during the
      engineering process of reconstructing source code, but then should
      be removed once the reconstructed AGC source code was
      released.&nbsp; To understand what that means, the following
      background info is needed.<br>
      For AGC source-code versions which are "reconstructed" rather than
      transcribed from a contemporary assembly-listing printout — for
      example, as of this writing, Comanche 44, 45, 45/2, and 51 are all
      reconstructed versions of COLOSSUS — it is usual to add modern
      ##-style comments to the reconstructed code at each point where
      the reconstructed code differs from a baseline version of the code
      used as a starting point for the reconstruction process.&nbsp;
      Each change is documented and justified by an added comment.&nbsp;
      For example, Comanche 51 was reconstructed starting from Comanche
      55 as a baseline, so each difference between Comanche 51 and 55 is
      justified by a ##-style comment.&nbsp; Actually, these justifying
      comments tend to be <i>sequences</i> of ##-style comments rather
      than just a single comment line, with the very first line
      containing the string "Reconstruction:" somewhere within it.<br>
      <i>Normally</i>, however, ##-style comments contain HTML tags in
      addition to plain-text descriptions, because they are really
      intended to be viewed in HTML versions of the assembly
      listings.&nbsp; (See the --html command-line switch above.)&nbsp;
      Therefore, ##-comments are not really very suitable for the
      plain-text assembly-listing files output by yaYUL, and hence most
      such comments are omitted from the plain-text assembly listings.
      (Exceptions are page-numbering and file-header ##-comments, which
      are always included.)&nbsp; Nevertheless, even though not suitable
      for normal plain-text assembly listings, the reconstruction
      ##-style comments can be very useful tools in the plain-text
      assembly listings during the actual process of reconstructing
      source code.&nbsp; What the --reconstruction switch does,
      therefore, is to add the reconstruction ##-comments into the
      plain-text assembly listings, while continuing to omit all other
      ##-comments from them.&nbsp; The HTML assembly listings are not
      affected, and always contain all ##-comments, regardless of the
      use or absence of the --reconstruction switch.<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> (20100220 and later.)&nbsp; If
      --html is used, causes bypassing of "## Page ..." to be treated as
      a regular AGC assembly-language comment.&nbsp; This may be useful
      if you are debugging source-code created from a scanned assembly
      listing, but probably not otherwise.<br>
    --max-passes=<span style="font-style: italic;">n</span><br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> This sets the maximum number of
      passes used by the assembler to the number <span
        style="font-style: italic;">n</span>. The assembler will stop as
      soon as it can—i.e., it won't necessarily use all of the allowed
      passes, if it does not need to. For example, you might set <span
        style="font-style: italic;">n</span> to 10.&nbsp;<br>
    <table summary="" style="width: 95%; text-align: left; margin-left:
      auto; margin-right: auto;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"
          <td style="vertical-align: top;"> At this point, you may be
            reasonably be wondering why a mere assembler would ever need
            to make 10 passes through the source code.&nbsp; Naively,
            one would expect a simple assembler to take 2 passes: one to
            resolve the values assigned to address labels, and one to
            generate the code.&nbsp; However, there is a complication,
            in that pseudo-ops like <span style="font-family:
              monospace;">EQUALS</span> (see the <a
              manual</a>) allow forward-references to other <span
              style="font-family: monospace;">EQUALS</span> pseudo-ops.
            For example, consider the following code fragment:<br>
            <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span style="font-family:
                EQUALS&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SYMBOL4</span><br
                style="font-family: monospace;">
              <span style="font-family: monospace;">SYMBOL4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

                SYMBOL3</span><br style="font-family: monospace;">
              <span style="font-family: monospace;">SYMBOL3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

                SYMBOL2</span><br style="font-family: monospace;">
              <span style="font-family: monospace;">SYMBOL2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

                SYMBOL1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;">
              <span style="font-family: monospace;">SYMBOL1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

            In this example, the value of <span style="font-family:
              monospace;">SYMBOL1</span> isn't known until the end of
            pass 1, the value of <span style="font-family: monospace;">SYMBOL2</span>
            isn't known until the end of pass 2, and so on. There is no
            practical limit to the number of passes needed—if symbol
            resolution is handled in a straightforward way—because it
            depends on how many constructs like those above appear
            within the assembly-language source code.&nbsp; Besides,
            this simple-minded use of multiple passes is eerily
            reminiscent of certain behaviors of the original <span
              style="font-weight: bold;">YUL</span> assembler, as
            evidenced by the following amusing quote from Hugh
            Blair-Smith (<span style="font-weight: bold;">YUL</span>'s
            <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> <small>"... [the]
                observation about assemblies being so long that they
                were performed as overnight batch jobs, brings me to a
                confession of one thing I wish I had done better, and I
                really think I could have at the time. When it became
                clear, early in the project, that the number of words in
                AGC memory was going to be greater than the number of
                words in the assembling machine's (i.e., the Honeywell
                800/1800's) memory, I gave up any attempt to retain the
                object program in memory and just wrote each patch of
                object code on tape. Then there was a "third "pass of
                the assembly process which sorted the object code by
                what is perhaps the dumbest sort algorithm possible:
                running that tape back and forth and writing the object
                code in its proper order on another tape. As long as
                programs were just a few thousand instructions, this
                went like the wind, but the full-size programs of 36000
                or so instructions made Pass 3 pretty boring and
                frustrating to watch. We did have a hard disk drive from
                1965 or 1966, so I could and should have written my
                object code onto that and read off the sorted code in a
                flash. There wasn't anything like DOS to keep disk files
                out of each other's hair, so this effort would have
                involved learning and overcoming some risks of data
                getting stepped on. And there were always other little
                enhancements that had to be done, so it wouldn't have
                been easy—but I still wish I'd found a way to get it
                done. I guess one thing that decreased the motivation
                was that each assembly had to be printed, in about 3 or
                4 hours on the noisy 600 line-per-minute printer, so
                there wasn't anything the disk could do about assembly
                being an overnight batch process. I had no notion, at
                the time, of assembling modules separately and then
                linking the object modules, and the long and difficult
                history of PC linkers suggests that it wouldn't have
                been a good idea to try it even if I had thought of it."</small><br>
            This quote was taken from conference transcripts at MIT's
            Dibner Institute's now-discontinued History of Recent
            Science and Technology website.<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> (As of 20161009.)&nbsp; Simply
      check the syntax and then quit.&nbsp; This is useful, for example,
      for checking the accuracy of transcriptions of source code, when
      only portions of the code rather than the entire AGC program are
    There may be some additional options available for certain
    specialized purposes, which you can view with "yaYUL --help".<br>
    <h2><a name="Apollo_Source-Code_Naming"
        id="Apollo_Source-Code_Naming"></a>Apollo Source-Code Naming</h2>
    In the case of each of the original Apollo programs provided by this
    project, the main source-code file will be named MAIN.agc, and will
    be located in a directory appropriate to that particular program
    (Luminary131, Colossus249, or whatever).&nbsp; For example, to
    assemble the Luminary (rev. 131) source-code I provide, the
    appropriate steps (in Linux) might be<br>
    <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> <span style="font-family:
        monospace;">cd Luminary131</span><br style="font-family:
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">yaYUL MAIN.agc
        &gt;Luminary131.lst</span><br style="font-family: monospace;">
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">mv MAIN.agc.bin
        mv MAIN.agc.symtab Luminary131.symtab<br>
      </span> </div>
    (In MS-Windows, use "rename" rather than "mv" in the last line
    <h2><a name="AGC4_Assembly_Language" id="AGC4_Assembly_Language"></a>AGC4

    For a full explanation of the formatting of assembly-language files,
    and of available AGC4 assembly-language instructions, refer to the
    separately-provided <a href="assembly_language_manual.html">assembly-language

      manual</a>.&nbsp; Anyone who's determined to write AGC4
    assembly-language will probably also need to consult the <a
      href="developer.html">developer-info page</a>, which covers
    important supplementary topics such as the relationships between
    "i/o channels" and hardware peripherals.&nbsp; For the latter
    information, however, comments within <span style="font-weight:
      bold;">Luminary</span>/<span style="font-weight: bold;">Colossus</span>
    source code are the definitive references.<br>
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      <i><font size="-1">Last modified by <a
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