Revision 229241a2c767c7f741b51f486502ec456c0ab329 authored by Bob Owen on 06 March 2020, 22:10:52 UTC, committed by Bob Owen on 06 March 2020, 22:10:52 UTC
When we are running from a network drive the new feature in part 1 doesn't work.
So this uses DuplicateHandle instead of OpenThread to get the thread handle used
by the profiler.
It also removes a DuplicateHandle THREAD_ALL_ACCESS call that also fails and a
DuplicateHandle to get a real process handle, which only seems to have been to
fix something on Windows XP.
The handle passed in is always the profiler one, so already has the necessary
permissions. If no thread handle is passed then the pseudo handle is used.
1 parent 40f9041
Raw File
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */


#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>

#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/CompositorHitTestInfo.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/IpcResourceUpdateQueue.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/ScrollableLayerGuid.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/SyncObject.h"
#include "mozilla/Range.h"
#include "mozilla/webrender/webrender_ffi.h"
#include "mozilla/webrender/WebRenderTypes.h"
#include "GLTypes.h"
#include "Units.h"

class nsDisplayItem;
class nsDisplayTransform;

namespace mozilla {

struct ActiveScrolledRoot;

namespace widget {
class CompositorWidget;

namespace layers {
class CompositorBridgeParent;
class WebRenderBridgeParent;
class RenderRootStateManager;
struct RenderRootDisplayListData;
}  // namespace layers

namespace layout {
class TextDrawTarget;

namespace wr {

class DisplayListBuilder;
class RendererOGL;
class RendererEvent;

// This isn't part of WR's API, but we define it here to simplify layout's
// logic and data plumbing.
struct Line {
  wr::LayoutRect bounds;
  float wavyLineThickness;
  wr::LineOrientation orientation;
  wr::ColorF color;
  wr::LineStyle style;

/// A handler that can be bundled into a transaction and notified at specific
/// points in the rendering pipeline, such as after scene building or after
/// frame building.
/// If for any reason the handler is dropped before reaching the requested
/// point, it is notified with the value Checkpoint::TransactionDropped.
/// So it is safe to assume that the handler will be notified "at some point".
class NotificationHandler {
  virtual void Notify(wr::Checkpoint aCheckpoint) = 0;
  virtual ~NotificationHandler() = default;

class TransactionBuilder final {
  explicit TransactionBuilder(bool aUseSceneBuilderThread = true);


  void SetLowPriority(bool aIsLowPriority);

  void UpdateEpoch(PipelineId aPipelineId, Epoch aEpoch);

  void SetRootPipeline(PipelineId aPipelineId);

  void RemovePipeline(PipelineId aPipelineId);

  void SetDisplayList(gfx::Color aBgColor, Epoch aEpoch,
                      const wr::LayoutSize& aViewportSize,
                      wr::WrPipelineId pipeline_id,
                      const wr::LayoutSize& content_size,
                      wr::BuiltDisplayListDescriptor dl_descriptor,
                      wr::Vec<uint8_t>& dl_data);

  void ClearDisplayList(Epoch aEpoch, wr::WrPipelineId aPipeline);

  void GenerateFrame();

  void InvalidateRenderedFrame();

  void UpdateDynamicProperties(
      const nsTArray<wr::WrOpacityProperty>& aOpacityArray,
      const nsTArray<wr::WrTransformProperty>& aTransformArray);

  void SetDocumentView(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aDocRect);

  void UpdateScrollPosition(
      const wr::WrPipelineId& aPipelineId,
      const layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID& aScrollId,
      const wr::LayoutPoint& aScrollPosition);

  bool IsEmpty() const;

  bool IsResourceUpdatesEmpty() const;

  bool IsRenderedFrameInvalidated() const;

  void AddImage(wr::ImageKey aKey, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
                wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes);

  void AddBlobImage(wr::BlobImageKey aKey, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
                    wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes);

  void AddExternalImageBuffer(ImageKey key, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
                              ExternalImageId aHandle);

  void AddExternalImage(ImageKey key, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
                        ExternalImageId aExtID,
                        wr::WrExternalImageBufferType aBufferType,
                        uint8_t aChannelIndex = 0);

  void UpdateImageBuffer(wr::ImageKey aKey, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
                         wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes);

  void UpdateBlobImage(wr::BlobImageKey aKey,
                       const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
                       wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes,
                       const wr::LayoutIntRect& aDirtyRect);

  void UpdateExternalImage(ImageKey aKey, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
                           ExternalImageId aExtID,
                           wr::WrExternalImageBufferType aBufferType,
                           uint8_t aChannelIndex = 0);

  void UpdateExternalImageWithDirtyRect(
      ImageKey aKey, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor, ExternalImageId aExtID,
      wr::WrExternalImageBufferType aBufferType,
      const wr::DeviceIntRect& aDirtyRect, uint8_t aChannelIndex = 0);

  void SetImageVisibleArea(BlobImageKey aKey, const wr::DeviceIntRect& aArea);

  void DeleteImage(wr::ImageKey aKey);

  void DeleteBlobImage(wr::BlobImageKey aKey);

  void AddRawFont(wr::FontKey aKey, wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes, uint32_t aIndex);

  void AddFontDescriptor(wr::FontKey aKey, wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes,
                         uint32_t aIndex);

  void DeleteFont(wr::FontKey aKey);

  void AddFontInstance(wr::FontInstanceKey aKey, wr::FontKey aFontKey,
                       float aGlyphSize,
                       const wr::FontInstanceOptions* aOptions,
                       const wr::FontInstancePlatformOptions* aPlatformOptions,
                       wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aVariations);

  void DeleteFontInstance(wr::FontInstanceKey aKey);

  void Notify(wr::Checkpoint aWhen, UniquePtr<NotificationHandler> aHandler);

  void Clear();

  bool UseSceneBuilderThread() const { return mUseSceneBuilderThread; }
  Transaction* Raw() { return mTxn; }

  bool mUseSceneBuilderThread;
  Transaction* mTxn;

class TransactionWrapper final {
  explicit TransactionWrapper(Transaction* aTxn);

  void AppendTransformProperties(
      const nsTArray<wr::WrTransformProperty>& aTransformArray);
  void UpdateScrollPosition(
      const wr::WrPipelineId& aPipelineId,
      const layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID& aScrollId,
      const wr::LayoutPoint& aScrollPosition);
  void UpdatePinchZoom(float aZoom);

  Transaction* mTxn;

class WebRenderAPI final {

  /// This can be called on the compositor thread only.
  static already_AddRefed<WebRenderAPI> Create(
      layers::CompositorBridgeParent* aBridge,
      RefPtr<widget::CompositorWidget>&& aWidget,
      const wr::WrWindowId& aWindowId, LayoutDeviceIntSize aSize);

  static void SendTransactions(
      const RenderRootArray<RefPtr<WebRenderAPI>>& aApis,
      RenderRootArray<TransactionBuilder*>& aTxns);

  already_AddRefed<WebRenderAPI> CreateDocument(LayoutDeviceIntSize aSize,
                                                int8_t aLayerIndex,
                                                wr::RenderRoot aRenderRoot);

  already_AddRefed<WebRenderAPI> Clone();

  wr::WindowId GetId() const { return mId; }

  bool HitTest(const wr::WorldPoint& aPoint, wr::WrPipelineId& aOutPipelineId,
               layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID& aOutScrollId,
               gfx::CompositorHitTestInfo& aOutHitInfo);

  void SendTransaction(TransactionBuilder& aTxn);

  void SetFrameStartTime(const TimeStamp& aTime);

  void RunOnRenderThread(UniquePtr<RendererEvent> aEvent);

  void Readback(const TimeStamp& aStartTime, gfx::IntSize aSize,
                const gfx::SurfaceFormat& aFormat,
                const Range<uint8_t>& aBuffer);

  void ClearAllCaches();

  void Pause();
  bool Resume();

  void WakeSceneBuilder();
  void FlushSceneBuilder();

  void NotifyMemoryPressure();
  void AccumulateMemoryReport(wr::MemoryReport*);

  wr::WrIdNamespace GetNamespace();
  wr::RenderRoot GetRenderRoot() const { return mRenderRoot; }
  uint32_t GetMaxTextureSize() const { return mMaxTextureSize; }
  bool GetUseANGLE() const { return mUseANGLE; }
  bool GetUseDComp() const { return mUseDComp; }
  bool GetUseTripleBuffering() const { return mUseTripleBuffering; }
  layers::SyncHandle GetSyncHandle() const { return mSyncHandle; }

  void Capture();

  WebRenderAPI(wr::DocumentHandle* aHandle, wr::WindowId aId,
               uint32_t aMaxTextureSize, bool aUseANGLE, bool aUseDComp,
               bool aUseTripleBuffering, layers::SyncHandle aSyncHandle,
               wr::RenderRoot aRenderRoot);

  // Should be used only for shutdown handling
  void WaitFlushed();

  void UpdateDebugFlags(uint32_t aFlags);

  wr::DocumentHandle* mDocHandle;
  wr::WindowId mId;
  int32_t mMaxTextureSize;
  bool mUseANGLE;
  bool mUseDComp;
  bool mUseTripleBuffering;
  layers::SyncHandle mSyncHandle;
  wr::DebugFlags mDebugFlags;
  wr::RenderRoot mRenderRoot;

  // We maintain alive the root api to know when to shut the render backend
  // down, and the root api for the document to know when to delete the
  // document. mRootApi is null for the api object that owns the channel (and is
  // responsible for shutting it down), and mRootDocumentApi is null for the api
  // object owning (and responsible for destroying) a given document. All api
  // objects in the same window use the same channel, and some api objects write
  // to the same document (but there is only one owner for each channel and for
  // each document).
  RefPtr<wr::WebRenderAPI> mRootApi;
  RefPtr<wr::WebRenderAPI> mRootDocumentApi;

  friend class DisplayListBuilder;
  friend class layers::WebRenderBridgeParent;

// This is a RAII class that automatically sends the transaction on
// destruction. This is useful for code that has multiple exit points and we
// want to ensure that the stuff accumulated in the transaction gets sent
// regardless of which exit we take. Note that if the caller explicitly calls
// mApi->SendTransaction() that's fine too because that empties out the
// TransactionBuilder and leaves it as a valid empty transaction, so calling
// SendTransaction on it again ends up being a no-op.
class MOZ_RAII AutoTransactionSender {
  AutoTransactionSender(WebRenderAPI* aApi, TransactionBuilder* aTxn)
      : mApi(aApi), mTxn(aTxn) {}

  ~AutoTransactionSender() { mApi->SendTransaction(*mTxn); }

  WebRenderAPI* mApi;
  TransactionBuilder* mTxn;

 * A set of optional parameters for stacking context creation.
struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS StackingContextParams : public WrStackingContextParams {
      : WrStackingContextParams{WrStackingContextClip::None(),
                                /* is_backface_visible = */ true,
                                /* cache_tiles = */ false,
                                wr::MixBlendMode::Normal} {}

  void SetPreserve3D(bool aPreserve) {
    transform_style =
        aPreserve ? wr::TransformStyle::Preserve3D : wr::TransformStyle::Flat;

  nsTArray<wr::FilterOp> mFilters;
  nsTArray<wr::WrFilterData> mFilterDatas;
  wr::LayoutRect mBounds = wr::ToLayoutRect(LayoutDeviceRect());
  const gfx::Matrix4x4* mBoundTransform = nullptr;
  const gfx::Matrix4x4* mTransformPtr = nullptr;
  Maybe<nsDisplayTransform*> mDeferredTransformItem;
  // Whether the stacking context is possibly animated. This alters how
  // coordinates are transformed/snapped to invalidate less when transforms
  // change frequently.
  bool mAnimated = false;
  // Whether items should be rasterized in a local space that is (mostly)
  // invariant to transforms, i.e. disabling subpixel AA and screen space pixel
  // snapping on text runs that would only make sense in screen space.
  bool mRasterizeLocally = false;

/// This is a simple C++ wrapper around WrState defined in the rust bindings.
/// We may want to turn this into a direct wrapper on top of
/// WebRenderFrameBuilder instead, so the interface may change a bit.
class DisplayListBuilder final {
  DisplayListBuilder(wr::PipelineId aId, const wr::LayoutSize& aContentSize,
                     size_t aCapacity = 0,
                     RenderRoot aRenderRoot = RenderRoot::Default);
  DisplayListBuilder(DisplayListBuilder&&) = default;


  void Save();
  void Restore();
  void ClearSave();
  usize Dump(usize aIndent, const Maybe<usize>& aStart,
             const Maybe<usize>& aEnd);

  void Finalize(wr::LayoutSize& aOutContentSizes,
                wr::BuiltDisplayList& aOutDisplayList);
  void Finalize(layers::RenderRootDisplayListData& aOutTransaction);

  RenderRoot GetRenderRoot() const { return mRenderRoot; }
  bool HasSubBuilder(RenderRoot aRenderRoot);
  DisplayListBuilder& CreateSubBuilder(const wr::LayoutSize& aContentSize,
                                       size_t aCapacity,
                                       RenderRoot aRenderRoot);
  DisplayListBuilder& SubBuilder(RenderRoot aRenderRoot);

  bool GetSendSubBuilderDisplayList(RenderRoot aRenderRoot) {
    if (aRenderRoot == RenderRoot::Default) {
      return true;
    return mSubBuilders[aRenderRoot] &&

  void SetSendSubBuilderDisplayList(RenderRoot aRenderRoot) {
    mSubBuilders[aRenderRoot]->mSendSubBuilderDisplayList = true;

  Maybe<wr::WrSpatialId> PushStackingContext(
      const StackingContextParams& aParams, const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
      const wr::RasterSpace& aRasterSpace);
  void PopStackingContext(bool aIsReferenceFrame);

  wr::WrClipChainId DefineClipChain(const nsTArray<wr::WrClipId>& aClips,
                                    bool aParentWithCurrentChain = false);

  wr::WrClipId DefineClip(
      const Maybe<wr::WrSpaceAndClip>& aParent, const wr::LayoutRect& aClipRect,
      const nsTArray<wr::ComplexClipRegion>* aComplex = nullptr,
      const wr::ImageMask* aMask = nullptr);

  wr::WrSpatialId DefineStickyFrame(const wr::LayoutRect& aContentRect,
                                    const float* aTopMargin,
                                    const float* aRightMargin,
                                    const float* aBottomMargin,
                                    const float* aLeftMargin,
                                    const StickyOffsetBounds& aVerticalBounds,
                                    const StickyOffsetBounds& aHorizontalBounds,
                                    const wr::LayoutVector2D& aAppliedOffset);

  Maybe<wr::WrSpaceAndClip> GetScrollIdForDefinedScrollLayer(
      layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID aViewId) const;
  wr::WrSpaceAndClip DefineScrollLayer(
      const layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID& aViewId,
      const Maybe<wr::WrSpaceAndClip>& aParent,
      const wr::LayoutRect& aContentRect, const wr::LayoutRect& aClipRect,
      const wr::LayoutPoint& aScrollOffset);

  void PushRect(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
                bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::ColorF& aColor);
  void PushRoundedRect(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
                       const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
                       const wr::ColorF& aColor);
  void PushHitTest(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
                   bool aIsBackfaceVisible);
  void PushClearRect(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds);
  void PushClearRectWithComplexRegion(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
                                      const wr::ComplexClipRegion& aRegion);

  void PushLinearGradient(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
                          const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
                          const wr::LayoutPoint& aStartPoint,
                          const wr::LayoutPoint& aEndPoint,
                          const nsTArray<wr::GradientStop>& aStops,
                          wr::ExtendMode aExtendMode,
                          const wr::LayoutSize aTileSize,
                          const wr::LayoutSize aTileSpacing);

  void PushRadialGradient(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
                          const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
                          const wr::LayoutPoint& aCenter,
                          const wr::LayoutSize& aRadius,
                          const nsTArray<wr::GradientStop>& aStops,
                          wr::ExtendMode aExtendMode,
                          const wr::LayoutSize aTileSize,
                          const wr::LayoutSize aTileSpacing);

  void PushImage(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
                 bool aIsBackfaceVisible, wr::ImageRendering aFilter,
                 wr::ImageKey aImage, bool aPremultipliedAlpha = true,
                 const wr::ColorF& aColor = wr::ColorF{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f});

  void PushImage(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
                 bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::LayoutSize& aStretchSize,
                 const wr::LayoutSize& aTileSpacing, wr::ImageRendering aFilter,
                 wr::ImageKey aImage, bool aPremultipliedAlpha = true,
                 const wr::ColorF& aColor = wr::ColorF{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f});

  void PushYCbCrPlanarImage(
      const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
      bool aIsBackfaceVisible, wr::ImageKey aImageChannel0,
      wr::ImageKey aImageChannel1, wr::ImageKey aImageChannel2,
      wr::WrColorDepth aColorDepth, wr::WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
      wr::ImageRendering aFilter);

  void PushNV12Image(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
                     bool aIsBackfaceVisible, wr::ImageKey aImageChannel0,
                     wr::ImageKey aImageChannel1, wr::WrColorDepth aColorDepth,
                     wr::WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
                     wr::ImageRendering aFilter);

  void PushYCbCrInterleavedImage(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
                                 const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
                                 bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
                                 wr::ImageKey aImageChannel0,
                                 wr::WrColorDepth aColorDepth,
                                 wr::WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
                                 wr::ImageRendering aFilter);

  void PushIFrame(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
                  wr::PipelineId aPipeline, bool aIgnoreMissingPipeline);

  // XXX WrBorderSides are passed with Range.
  // It is just to bypass compiler bug. See Bug 1357734.
  void PushBorder(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
                  bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aWidths,
                  const Range<const wr::BorderSide>& aSides,
                  const wr::BorderRadius& aRadius,
                  wr::AntialiasBorder = wr::AntialiasBorder::Yes);

  void PushBorderImage(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
                       const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
                       const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aWidths,
                       wr::ImageKey aImage, const int32_t aWidth,
                       const int32_t aHeight,
                       const wr::SideOffsets2D<int32_t>& aSlice,
                       const wr::SideOffsets2D<float>& aOutset,
                       const wr::RepeatMode& aRepeatHorizontal,
                       const wr::RepeatMode& aRepeatVertical);

  void PushBorderGradient(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
                          const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
                          const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aWidths,
                          const int32_t aWidth, const int32_t aHeight,
                          const wr::SideOffsets2D<int32_t>& aSlice,
                          const wr::LayoutPoint& aStartPoint,
                          const wr::LayoutPoint& aEndPoint,
                          const nsTArray<wr::GradientStop>& aStops,
                          wr::ExtendMode aExtendMode,
                          const wr::SideOffsets2D<float>& aOutset);

  void PushBorderRadialGradient(
      const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
      bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aWidths,
      const wr::LayoutPoint& aCenter, const wr::LayoutSize& aRadius,
      const nsTArray<wr::GradientStop>& aStops, wr::ExtendMode aExtendMode,
      const wr::SideOffsets2D<float>& aOutset);

  void PushText(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
                bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::ColorF& aColor,
                wr::FontInstanceKey aFontKey,
                Range<const wr::GlyphInstance> aGlyphBuffer,
                const wr::GlyphOptions* aGlyphOptions = nullptr);

  void PushLine(const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
                const wr::Line& aLine);

  void PushShadow(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
                  bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::Shadow& aShadow,
                  bool aShouldInflate);

  void PopAllShadows();

  void PushBoxShadow(const wr::LayoutRect& aRect, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
                     bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::LayoutRect& aBoxBounds,
                     const wr::LayoutVector2D& aOffset,
                     const wr::ColorF& aColor, const float& aBlurRadius,
                     const float& aSpreadRadius,
                     const wr::BorderRadius& aBorderRadius,
                     const wr::BoxShadowClipMode& aClipMode);

  uint64_t CurrentClipChainId() const {
    return mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain.clip_chain;

  // Checks to see if the innermost enclosing fixed pos item has the same
  // ASR. If so, it returns the scroll target for that fixed-pos item.
  // Otherwise, it returns Nothing().
  Maybe<layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID> GetContainingFixedPosScrollTarget(
      const ActiveScrolledRoot* aAsr);

  // Set the hit-test info to be used for all display items until the next call
  // to SetHitTestInfo or ClearHitTestInfo.
  void SetHitTestInfo(const layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID& aScrollId,
                      gfx::CompositorHitTestInfo aHitInfo);
  // Clears the hit-test info so that subsequent display items will not have it.
  void ClearHitTestInfo();

  already_AddRefed<gfxContext> GetTextContext(
      wr::IpcResourceUpdateQueue& aResources,
      const layers::StackingContextHelper& aSc,
      layers::RenderRootStateManager* aManager, nsDisplayItem* aItem,
      nsRect& aBounds, const gfx::Point& aDeviceOffset);

  // Try to avoid using this when possible.
  wr::WrState* Raw() { return mWrState; }

  void SetClipChainLeaf(const Maybe<wr::LayoutRect>& aClipRect) {
    mClipChainLeaf = aClipRect;

  // A chain of RAII objects, each holding a (ASR, ViewID) tuple of data. The
  // topmost object is pointed to by the mActiveFixedPosTracker pointer in
  // the wr::DisplayListBuilder.
  class MOZ_RAII FixedPosScrollTargetTracker final {
    FixedPosScrollTargetTracker(DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder,
                                const ActiveScrolledRoot* aAsr,
                                layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID aScrollId);
    Maybe<layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID> GetScrollTargetForASR(
        const ActiveScrolledRoot* aAsr);

    FixedPosScrollTargetTracker* mParentTracker;
    DisplayListBuilder& mBuilder;
    const ActiveScrolledRoot* mAsr;
    layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID mScrollId;

  wr::LayoutRect MergeClipLeaf(const wr::LayoutRect& aClip) {
    if (mClipChainLeaf) {
      return wr::IntersectLayoutRect(*mClipChainLeaf, aClip);
    return aClip;

  // See the implementation of PushShadow for details on these methods.
  void SuspendClipLeafMerging();
  void ResumeClipLeafMerging();

  wr::WrState* mWrState;

  // Track each scroll id that we encountered. We use this structure to
  // ensure that we don't define a particular scroll layer multiple times,
  // as that results in undefined behaviour in WR.
  std::unordered_map<layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID, wr::WrSpaceAndClip>

  wr::WrSpaceAndClipChain mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain;

  // Contains the current leaf of the clip chain to be merged with the
  // display item's clip rect when pushing an item. May be set to Nothing() if
  // there is no clip rect to merge with.
  Maybe<wr::LayoutRect> mClipChainLeaf;

  // Versions of the above that are on hold while SuspendClipLeafMerging is on
  // (see the implementation of PushShadow for details).
  Maybe<wr::WrSpaceAndClipChain> mSuspendedSpaceAndClipChain;
  Maybe<wr::LayoutRect> mSuspendedClipChainLeaf;

  RefPtr<layout::TextDrawTarget> mCachedTextDT;
  RefPtr<gfxContext> mCachedContext;

  FixedPosScrollTargetTracker* mActiveFixedPosTracker;

  NonDefaultRenderRootArray<UniquePtr<DisplayListBuilder>> mSubBuilders;
  wr::PipelineId mPipelineId;
  wr::LayoutSize mContentSize;

  RenderRoot mRenderRoot;
  bool mSendSubBuilderDisplayList;

  friend class WebRenderAPI;
  friend class SpaceAndClipChainHelper;

// This is a RAII class that overrides the current Wr's SpatialId and
// ClipChainId.
class MOZ_RAII SpaceAndClipChainHelper final {
  SpaceAndClipChainHelper(DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder,
                          wr::WrSpaceAndClipChain aSpaceAndClipChain
      : mBuilder(aBuilder),
        mOldSpaceAndClipChain(aBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain) {
    aBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain = aSpaceAndClipChain;
  SpaceAndClipChainHelper(DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder,
                          wr::WrSpatialId aSpatialId
      : mBuilder(aBuilder),
        mOldSpaceAndClipChain(aBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain) { = aSpatialId;
  SpaceAndClipChainHelper(DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder,
                          wr::WrClipChainId aClipChainId
      : mBuilder(aBuilder),
        mOldSpaceAndClipChain(aBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain) {
    aBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain.clip_chain =;

  ~SpaceAndClipChainHelper() {
    mBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain = mOldSpaceAndClipChain;

  SpaceAndClipChainHelper(const SpaceAndClipChainHelper&) = delete;

  DisplayListBuilder& mBuilder;
  wr::WrSpaceAndClipChain mOldSpaceAndClipChain;

Maybe<wr::ImageFormat> SurfaceFormatToImageFormat(gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat);

}  // namespace wr
}  // namespace mozilla

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