22d4d4c | Pieter P | 13 February 2022, 15:40:31 UTC | Update README to point to https://github.com/kul-optec/QPALM | 13 February 2022, 15:40:31 UTC |
5afae42 | Ben Hermans | 03 September 2021, 14:53:17 UTC | Ifdef cplusplus in headers | 03 September 2021, 14:53:17 UTC |
5c89bc3 | Ben Hermans | 03 September 2021, 14:47:34 UTC | Fix some allocations for empty matrix (or 0 columns) | 03 September 2021, 14:47:34 UTC |
5af7a8d | Ben Hermans | 30 June 2021, 14:58:57 UTC | Updated minunit | 30 June 2021, 14:58:57 UTC |
5c409b3 | Ben Hermans | 30 June 2021, 13:15:54 UTC | Fix type issue between ladel and amd on Windows (long is not 64 there) | 30 June 2021, 13:15:54 UTC |
585b766 | Ben Hermans | 13 January 2021, 10:37:09 UTC | Try comparing cmake_install_dir to empty var | 13 January 2021, 10:37:09 UTC |
8020cbe | Ben Hermans | 12 January 2021, 14:15:26 UTC | Compile option for long (casadi interface) | 12 January 2021, 14:15:26 UTC |
b9d94a8 | Ben Hermans | 05 January 2021, 17:15:25 UTC | Minor mods to account for empty matrices | 05 January 2021, 17:15:25 UTC |
2ddabda | Ben Hermans | 05 January 2021, 15:01:49 UTC | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Benny44/LADEL | 05 January 2021, 15:01:49 UTC |
9dc08ee | Ben Hermans | 05 January 2021, 15:00:51 UTC | Compilation target for casadi | 05 January 2021, 15:00:51 UTC |
83230ee | Ben Hermans | 17 November 2020, 14:46:43 UTC | Reshuffle options in mex file (put factorize in the back) | 17 November 2020, 14:46:43 UTC |
2a4d6bb | Ben Hermans | 17 November 2020, 14:06:07 UTC | Redefine constant so no overlap occurs | 17 November 2020, 14:06:07 UTC |
50dccd6 | Ben Hermans | 11 August 2020, 14:06:16 UTC | Print error when diagonal element is too small (abs < 1e-15) | 11 August 2020, 14:06:16 UTC |
ddb4258 | Ben Hermans | 16 July 2020, 09:23:17 UTC | Detect parent directory to set or not set build dirs | 16 July 2020, 09:23:17 UTC |
929faff | Ben Hermans | 09 July 2020, 16:10:41 UTC | Allow for Python memory allocation | 09 July 2020, 16:10:41 UTC |
bd3d195 | Ben Hermans | 08 July 2020, 18:25:10 UTC | Fix to upper diag for UPPER matrices (same as default) | 08 July 2020, 18:25:10 UTC |
144b967 | Ben Hermans | 08 July 2020, 18:08:41 UTC | Fix upper diag for lower storage (transpose in place) | 08 July 2020, 18:08:41 UTC |
9d6957b | Ben Hermans | 08 July 2020, 15:55:22 UTC | Account for symmetric storage during to_upper_diag | 08 July 2020, 15:55:22 UTC |
b8ed8ba | Ben Hermans | 08 July 2020, 15:54:57 UTC | Allow for unitialized workspace during transpose | 08 July 2020, 15:54:57 UTC |
f194a0a | Ben Hermans | 08 July 2020, 08:14:12 UTC | Include minunit as a submodule | 08 July 2020, 08:14:12 UTC |
1261d9b | Ben Hermans | 26 June 2020, 10:19:22 UTC | Updated documentation | 26 June 2020, 10:19:22 UTC |
a692a14 | Ben Hermans | 26 June 2020, 10:19:07 UTC | Finish documenting all the files | 26 June 2020, 10:19:07 UTC |
d234bf9 | Ben Hermans | 25 June 2020, 08:45:14 UTC | Updated documentation | 25 June 2020, 08:45:25 UTC |
5371c91 | Ben Hermans | 25 June 2020, 08:45:07 UTC | Add documentation and change some function signatures | 25 June 2020, 08:45:07 UTC |
97025d4 | Ben Hermans | 24 June 2020, 14:51:29 UTC | Updated documentation | 24 June 2020, 14:51:29 UTC |
9edeec5 | Ben Hermans | 24 June 2020, 14:49:32 UTC | Added documentation to several files | 24 June 2020, 14:51:13 UTC |
47e31cb | Ben Hermans | 23 June 2020, 15:06:34 UTC | Updated docs | 23 June 2020, 15:06:34 UTC |
4ad16e2 | Ben Hermans | 23 June 2020, 15:06:24 UTC | Add documentation in some files | 23 June 2020, 15:06:24 UTC |
904f709 | Ben Hermans | 22 June 2020, 15:29:41 UTC | Add main API documentation (move updates to ladel.h) | 22 June 2020, 15:29:41 UTC |
eedbe0e | Ben Hermans | 22 June 2020, 13:23:11 UTC | Add references to Tim Davis book/articles | 22 June 2020, 13:23:11 UTC |
ce5e220 | Ben Hermans | 22 June 2020, 13:13:08 UTC | Add link to docs in Readme | 22 June 2020, 13:13:08 UTC |
c856217 | Ben Hermans | 22 June 2020, 13:12:05 UTC | Initial docs (only mainpage) | 22 June 2020, 13:12:05 UTC |
258644b | Ben Hermans | 22 June 2020, 12:54:19 UTC | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Benny44/LADEL | 22 June 2020, 12:54:19 UTC |
d2e6207 | Ben Hermans | 22 June 2020, 12:53:50 UTC | Small fix | 22 June 2020, 12:53:50 UTC |
3470744 | Benny44 | 22 June 2020, 12:52:30 UTC | Create LICENSE | 22 June 2020, 12:52:30 UTC |
6b2128a | Ben Hermans | 22 June 2020, 12:50:35 UTC | Update readme with license and references | 22 June 2020, 12:50:35 UTC |
9a17501 | Ben Hermans | 22 June 2020, 09:29:15 UTC | Configure doxyfile for documentation | 22 June 2020, 09:29:15 UTC |
7ddd5b4 | Ben Hermans | 22 June 2020, 09:27:39 UTC | Minimal frontpage for the docs | 22 June 2020, 09:27:39 UTC |
5df3b28 | Ben Hermans | 22 June 2020, 09:26:42 UTC | Move matlab demos to separate folder | 22 June 2020, 09:26:42 UTC |
b7cd687 | Ben Hermans | 18 June 2020, 14:59:01 UTC | Remove multipliers from pattern add | 18 June 2020, 14:59:01 UTC |
ec54788 | Ben Hermans | 18 June 2020, 08:38:08 UTC | Function declaration added in header | 18 June 2020, 08:38:08 UTC |
18e0a4b | Ben Hermans | 18 June 2020, 08:33:24 UTC | Add some functionality for pattern only matrices | 18 June 2020, 08:33:24 UTC |
2fbe550 | Ben Hermans | 18 June 2020, 08:20:52 UTC | Update ladel mex with newest files | 18 June 2020, 08:20:52 UTC |
8b8a835 | Ben Hermans | 12 June 2020, 12:36:56 UTC | Fix warnings and some other small things | 12 June 2020, 12:36:56 UTC |
2b73ae5 | Ben Hermans | 12 June 2020, 12:36:25 UTC | Extract util function for ladel mex into separate file | 12 June 2020, 12:36:25 UTC |
b079316 | Ben Hermans | 12 June 2020, 09:10:10 UTC | Fix matmat without diag | 12 June 2020, 09:10:10 UTC |
5b8c068 | Ben Hermans | 11 June 2020, 09:08:03 UTC | Add function to take submatrix from column set | 11 June 2020, 09:08:03 UTC |
b226191 | Ben Hermans | 11 June 2020, 09:06:18 UTC | Fix bug for implicit declaration in matmat | 11 June 2020, 09:06:18 UTC |
26cce48 | Ben Hermans | 11 June 2020, 08:16:47 UTC | Add mat_mat_transpose function | 11 June 2020, 08:16:47 UTC |
76d9fd1 | Ben Hermans | 04 June 2020, 08:03:04 UTC | Fix symmetry after upper diag | 04 June 2020, 08:03:04 UTC |
c231f7f | Ben Hermans | 02 June 2020, 15:06:31 UTC | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Benny44/LADEL | 02 June 2020, 15:06:31 UTC |
e5ecd40 | Ben Hermans | 02 June 2020, 15:06:03 UTC | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Benny44/LADEL | 02 June 2020, 15:06:03 UTC |
b63a655 | Ben Hermans | 02 June 2020, 15:05:22 UTC | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Benny44/LADEL | 02 June 2020, 15:05:22 UTC |
e8cd511 | Ben Hermans | 02 June 2020, 15:04:39 UTC | Add function to add matrices | 02 June 2020, 15:04:39 UTC |
073b795 | Ben Hermans | 27 May 2020, 20:21:00 UTC | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Benny44/LADEL | 27 May 2020, 20:21:00 UTC |
60ff008 | Ben Hermans | 27 May 2020, 13:33:11 UTC | Add test with factorization after mat*diag*mat' | 27 May 2020, 13:33:11 UTC |
94bc0d6 | Ben Hermans | 27 May 2020, 13:24:47 UTC | Test mat*diag*mat' with matvec afterwards | 27 May 2020, 13:24:47 UTC |
aeb0dab | Ben Hermans | 27 May 2020, 13:18:35 UTC | Add mat*diag*mat' function with test (result is unsorted) | 27 May 2020, 13:18:50 UTC |
c51ff11 | Ben Hermans | 27 May 2020, 08:10:38 UTC | Delete comment | 27 May 2020, 08:10:38 UTC |
307fc4f | Ben Hermans | 25 May 2020, 14:44:33 UTC | Move all include files to main include for easier interface | 25 May 2020, 14:44:33 UTC |
ff1a92b | Ben Hermans | 25 May 2020, 09:19:26 UTC | Fix the modification of row in row_add when permuting | 25 May 2020, 09:19:26 UTC |
7e3459d | Ben Hermans | 25 May 2020, 09:18:59 UTC | Add a printing function for all entries in a matrix | 25 May 2020, 09:18:59 UTC |
01ef618 | Ben Hermans | 20 May 2020, 12:21:55 UTC | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Benny44/LADEL | 20 May 2020, 12:21:55 UTC |
61925ec | Ben Hermans | 20 May 2020, 12:20:26 UTC | Fix bugs with nz | 20 May 2020, 12:20:26 UTC |
d97b37a | Ben Hermans | 20 May 2020, 12:06:10 UTC | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Benny44/LADEL | 20 May 2020, 12:06:10 UTC |
07dff9b | Ben Hermans | 20 May 2020, 12:05:31 UTC | Fix Mpp to not allocate nz | 20 May 2020, 12:05:31 UTC |
936ac85 | Ben Hermans | 20 May 2020, 12:04:40 UTC | Fix bug of permutation of diag | 20 May 2020, 12:04:40 UTC |
757ebdd | Ben Hermans | 19 May 2020, 14:32:51 UTC | Function for matvec with symmetric matrix | 19 May 2020, 14:32:51 UTC |
d1a35f7 | Ben Hermans | 19 May 2020, 09:57:35 UTC | Add additional factorization functions with diag | 19 May 2020, 09:57:35 UTC |
99abcbf | Ben Hermans | 19 May 2020, 09:54:59 UTC | Remove prints | 19 May 2020, 09:54:59 UTC |
b4ba8c5 | Ben Hermans | 19 May 2020, 09:46:15 UTC | Fix small bug in printing | 19 May 2020, 09:46:15 UTC |
21596af | Ben Hermans | 19 May 2020, 09:45:58 UTC | Add test where nz is used in a factorization | 19 May 2020, 09:45:58 UTC |
ac65882 | Ben Hermans | 19 May 2020, 09:12:50 UTC | Define loop over column dependent on nz == NULL | 19 May 2020, 09:12:50 UTC |
1a9c12e | Ben Hermans | 19 May 2020, 08:52:13 UTC | Add nz flag to sparse_alloc, so nz = NULL indicates nz not used I want the matrix (like the lower factor L) to have the possibility of containing more space than nonzeros. The latter would then be indicated by nz. This is the first step towards that. | 19 May 2020, 08:52:13 UTC |
29c2f90 | Ben Hermans | 19 May 2020, 07:28:12 UTC | Test with partial diagonal adding | 19 May 2020, 07:28:12 UTC |
205e02c | Ben Hermans | 18 May 2020, 18:12:25 UTC | Add option for diagonal addition during factorization | 18 May 2020, 18:12:25 UTC |
a2d6465 | Ben Hermans | 18 May 2020, 18:12:02 UTC | Fix bug in etree with simple col counts and delete prints | 18 May 2020, 18:12:02 UTC |
6af506b | Ben Hermans | 18 May 2020, 18:01:19 UTC | Small error in test row_at_the_end | 18 May 2020, 18:01:19 UTC |
3297347 | Ben Hermans | 18 May 2020, 11:49:48 UTC | Update renaming test file | 18 May 2020, 11:49:48 UTC |
a928aa8 | Ben Hermans | 18 May 2020, 11:46:42 UTC | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Benny44/LADEL | 18 May 2020, 11:46:42 UTC |
fb9812d | Ben Hermans | 18 May 2020, 11:40:29 UTC | Detail | 18 May 2020, 11:40:29 UTC |
06d41e4 | Ben Hermans | 15 May 2020, 07:05:09 UTC | Double vector copy | 15 May 2020, 07:05:09 UTC |
6f18e54 | Ben Hermans | 14 May 2020, 19:21:52 UTC | Update cmakelists to conform to QPALM | 14 May 2020, 19:21:52 UTC |
cb62938 | Ben Hermans | 14 May 2020, 16:01:07 UTC | Prepend ladel to the include files to avoid conflict with QPALM | 14 May 2020, 16:01:07 UTC |
d1998af | Ben Hermans | 12 May 2020, 12:07:42 UTC | Add a function to factorize without redoing the ordering and the col counts | 12 May 2020, 12:07:42 UTC |
4ff0f8b | Ben Hermans | 12 May 2020, 10:05:53 UTC | Fix bug: update the etree in a row deletion | 12 May 2020, 10:05:53 UTC |
496fe1b | Ben Hermans | 12 May 2020, 10:05:13 UTC | Fix bug of resetting the zero workspace | 12 May 2020, 10:05:13 UTC |
ceeb68b | Ben Hermans | 12 May 2020, 10:04:13 UTC | Add functionality to update multiple rows | 12 May 2020, 10:04:13 UTC |
7a49819 | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 15:43:40 UTC | Add examples of changing the first and last row | 06 May 2020, 15:43:40 UTC |
ac24132 | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 11:26:10 UTC | Add some timings in the example | 06 May 2020, 11:26:10 UTC |
dcae7da | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 08:50:41 UTC | Fix sorting bug | 06 May 2020, 08:50:41 UTC |
4d37b52 | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 08:49:17 UTC | Add other tests for permutation and add cholmod tests to compare | 06 May 2020, 08:49:17 UTC |
1c5c28b | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 08:21:20 UTC | Fix nz in copy (free if originally NULL) | 06 May 2020, 08:21:20 UTC |
c91bc78 | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 08:18:56 UTC | Copy the matlab argument so it is not changed in mex | 06 May 2020, 08:20:50 UTC |
c64a159 | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 08:16:24 UTC | Fix bug in delete to skip over empty columns | 06 May 2020, 08:16:24 UTC |
5cc7879 | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 07:24:33 UTC | Add permutation of row_in_L if permutation present | 06 May 2020, 07:24:33 UTC |
30bc69e | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 07:24:07 UTC | Fix sparse permutation bug | 06 May 2020, 07:24:07 UTC |
6d4767b | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 07:23:45 UTC | Include debug print function for int vector | 06 May 2020, 07:23:45 UTC |
4bf0f44 | Ben Hermans | 06 May 2020, 07:22:20 UTC | Include inverse permutation vector in LD | 06 May 2020, 07:22:20 UTC |
e839082 | Ben Hermans | 04 May 2020, 14:31:43 UTC | Add factorization example for testing LADEL with permutation | 04 May 2020, 14:31:43 UTC |