Revision 22edd92d06c201b1f40a656e5bbca84a5f483f2d authored by st-- on 14 February 2020, 14:49:30 UTC, committed by GitHub on 14 February 2020, 14:49:30 UTC
- clean up of the documentation
- changes initialization from W=zeros() to W=0.1*ones() which makes it easier to use out of the box - no longer requires manual assigning of symmetry-breaking values to the W matrix after kernel construction
- adds output_covariance() method that computes the covariance between outputs (and output_variance() for its diagonal)
1 parent fea9f0c
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Tip revision: 22edd92d06c201b1f40a656e5bbca84a5f483f2d authored by st-- on 14 February 2020, 14:49:30 UTC
Improve documentation and behaviour of Coregion kernel (#1255)
Tip revision: 22edd92
import numpy as np
import pytest
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

import gpflow
from gpflow import default_float
from gpflow.base import PriorOn
from gpflow.config import set_default_float
from gpflow.utilities import to_default_float
from tensorflow_probability.python.bijectors import Exp
from tensorflow_probability.python.distributions import Uniform


def build_data():
    N = 30
    X = np.random.rand(N, 1)
    Y = np.sin(12*X) + 0.66*np.cos(25*X) + np.random.randn(N, 1)*0.1 + 3
    return (X, Y)

def build_model(data):

    kernel = gpflow.kernels.Matern52(lengthscale=0.3)

    meanf = gpflow.mean_functions.Linear(1.0, 0.0)
    model = gpflow.models.GPR(data, kernel, meanf)
    return model

def test_mcmc_helper_parameters():
    data = build_data()
    model = build_model(data)

    hmc_helper = gpflow.optimizers.SamplingHelper(
        model.log_marginal_likelihood, model.trainable_parameters

    for i in range(len(model.trainable_parameters)):
        assert model.trainable_parameters[i].shape == hmc_helper.current_state[i].shape
        assert model.trainable_parameters[i] == hmc_helper._parameters[i]
        if isinstance(model.trainable_parameters[i], gpflow.Parameter):
            assert model.trainable_parameters[i].unconstrained_variable == hmc_helper.current_state[i]

def test_mcmc_helper_target_function_constrained():
    """ Set up priors on the model parameters such that we can
    readily compute their expected values. """
    data = build_data()
    model = build_model(data)

    prior_width = 200.0

    hmc_helper = gpflow.optimizers.SamplingHelper(
        model.log_marginal_likelihood, model.trainable_parameters
    target_log_prob_fn = hmc_helper.target_log_prob_fn

    # Priors which are set on the constrained space
    expected_log_prior = 0.
    for param in model.trainable_parameters:
        if param.value() < 1e-3:
            # Avoid values which would be pathological for the Exp transform

        param.transform = Exp()

        low_value = -100
        high_value = low_value + prior_width

        param.prior = Uniform(low=np.float64(low_value), high=np.float64(high_value))
        param.prior_on = PriorOn.CONSTRAINED

        prior_density_on_constrained = 1 / prior_width
        prior_density_on_unconstrained = prior_density_on_constrained * param.value()

        expected_log_prior += np.log(prior_density_on_unconstrained)

    log_likelihood = model.log_likelihood().numpy()
    expected_log_prob = log_likelihood + expected_log_prior

    np.testing.assert_allclose(target_log_prob_fn(), expected_log_prob)

def test_mcmc_helper_target_function_unconstrained():
    """ Verifies the objective for a set of priors which are defined on the unconstrained space.
    data = build_data()
    model = build_model(data)

    # Set up priors on the model parameters such that we can readily compute their expected values.
    expected_log_prior = 0.
    prior_width = 200.0

    hmc_helper = gpflow.optimizers.SamplingHelper(
        model.log_marginal_likelihood, model.trainable_parameters

    for param in model.trainable_parameters:
        low_value = -100
        high_value = low_value + prior_width
        param.prior = Uniform(low=np.float64(low_value), high=np.float64(high_value))
        param.prior_on = 'unconstrained'

        prior_density = 1 / prior_width
        expected_log_prior += np.log(prior_density)

    target_log_prob_fn = hmc_helper.target_log_prob_fn
    expected_log_prob = model.log_likelihood().numpy() + expected_log_prior

    np.testing.assert_allclose(target_log_prob_fn(), expected_log_prob)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("prior_on", ["constrained", "unconstrained"])
def test_mcmc_helper_target_function_no_transforms(prior_on):
    """ Verifies the objective for a set of priors where no transforms are set.
    data = build_data()
    model = build_model(data)
    expected_log_prior = 0.
    prior_width = 200.0

    hmc_helper = gpflow.optimizers.SamplingHelper(
        model.log_marginal_likelihood, model.trainable_parameters

    for param in model.trainable_parameters:
        param.transform = None
        low_value = -100
        high_value = low_value + prior_width
        param.prior = Uniform(low=np.float64(low_value), high=np.float64(high_value))
        param.prior_on = prior_on

        prior_density = 1 / prior_width
        expected_log_prior += np.log(prior_density)

    log_likelihood = model.log_likelihood().numpy()
    expected_log_prob = log_likelihood + expected_log_prior
    target_log_prob_fn = hmc_helper.target_log_prob_fn

    np.testing.assert_allclose(target_log_prob_fn(), expected_log_prob)

    # Test the wrapped closure
    log_prob, grad_fn = target_log_prob_fn.__original_wrapped__()
    grad, nones = grad_fn(1, [None] * len(model.trainable_parameters))
    assert len(grad) == len(model.trainable_parameters)
    assert nones == [None] * len(model.trainable_parameters)

def test_mcmc_sampler_integration():
    data = build_data()
    model = build_model(data)

    hmc_helper = gpflow.optimizers.SamplingHelper(
        model.log_marginal_likelihood, model.trainable_parameters

    hmc = tfp.mcmc.HamiltonianMonteCarlo(

    adaptive_hmc = tfp.mcmc.SimpleStepSizeAdaptation(

    num_samples = 5

    def run_chain_fn():
        return tfp.mcmc.sample_chain(
            trace_fn=lambda _, pkr: pkr.inner_results.is_accepted
    samples, _ = run_chain_fn()

    assert len(samples) == len(model.trainable_parameters)
    parameter_samples = hmc_helper.convert_constrained_values(samples)
    assert len(parameter_samples) == len(samples)

    for i in range(len(model.trainable_parameters)):
        assert len(samples[i]) == num_samples
        assert hmc_helper.current_state[i].numpy() == samples[i][-1]
        assert hmc_helper._parameters[i].numpy() == parameter_samples[i][-1]
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