Revision 2303d5e71454cd7e4141d935a587d74d4baccbc4 authored by Lorenzo Stella on 27 January 2017, 13:37:57 UTC, committed by Lorenzo Stella on 27 January 2017, 13:37:57 UTC
1 parent 0402dad
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Tip revision: 2303d5e71454cd7e4141d935a587d74d4baccbc4 authored by Lorenzo Stella on 27 January 2017, 13:37:57 UTC
fixed bug
Tip revision: 2303d5e
% FORBES Solver for nonsmooth, nonconvex optimization problems.
%   Composite problems
%   ------------------
%   (1)    minimize f(Cx + d) + g(x)
%   We assume that f is continuously differentiable, and that g is closed
%   and proper. C is a linear mapping and can be a MATLAB matrix, or any
%   other matrix-like object, which essentially supports matrix-vector
%   products, transposition and 'size'. For example operators from the Spot
%   toolbox [1] can be used to form C.
%   out = FORBES(f, g, init, aff, [], opt) solves the problem with the
%   specified f and g. init is the initial value for x, aff is a cell array
%   containing {C, d} (in this order). opt is a structure defining the
%   options for the solver (more on this later).
%   Separable problems
%   ------------------
%   (2)    minimize    f(x) + g(z)
%          subject to  Ax + Bz = b
%   We assume that f is strongly convex, and that g is closed and proper. A
%   and B are matrix-like objects (just like C in the composite case) and
%   such that B*B' = a*Id for some a > 0.
%   out = FORBES(f, g, init, [], constr, opt) solves the specified problem.
%   init is the initial *dual* variable, constr is a cell array defining
%   the constraint, i.e., constr = {A, B, b}. the options are specified in
%   the opt structure (more on this later).
%   Functions and linear mappings
%   -----------------------------
%   Functions f and g in the cost can be selected in a library of functions
%   available in the "library" directory inside of FORBES directory. Linear
%   mappings (C in problem (1) and A, B in problem (2) above) can either be
%   MATLAB's matrices or can themselves be picked from a library of
%   standard linear operators.
%   For example, to define f and g:
%       f = logLoss() % logistic loss function
%       g = l1Norm() % l1 regularization term
%   Consider looking into the "library" directory for specific information
%   on any of the functions.
%   Options
%   -------
%   In opt the user can specify the behaviour of the algorithm to be used.
%   The following options can be set:
%       opt.tol: Tolerance on the optimality condition.
%       opt.maxit: Maximum number of iterations.
%       opt.solver: Internal solver to use. Can select between:
%           * 'minfbe' (only for problems where g is convex)
%           * 'zerofpr' (default, can handle also nonconvex g)
%       opt.method: Algorithm to use. Can select between:
%           * 'bfgs' (BFGS quasi-Newton method)
%           * 'lbfgs' (default, limited memory BFGS).
%       opt.linesearch: Line search strategy to use. Can select between:
%           * 'backtracking' (default, simple backtracking),
%           * 'backtracking-armijo' (backtracking satisfying Armijo condition),
%           * 'backtracking-nm' (nonmonotone backtracking),
%           * 'lemarechal' (line search for the Wolfe conditions).
%   References
%   ----------
%   [1] Spot linear operators toolbox:
% Authors: Lorenzo Stella (lorenzo.stella -at-
%          Panagiotis Patrinos (panos.patrinos -at-

% Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Lorenzo Stella and Panagiotis Patrinos
% This file is part of ForBES.
% ForBES is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% ForBES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
% along with ForBES. If not, see <>.

function out = forbes(fs, gs, init, aff, constr, opt)

    t0 = tic();

    if nargin < 3, error('you must provide at least 3 arguments'); end
    if nargin < 4, aff = []; end
    if nargin < 5, constr = []; end
    if nargin < 6, opt = []; end

    [prob, id] = Process_Problem(fs, gs, init, aff, constr);
    opt = Process_Options(opt);
    lsopt = Process_LineSearchOptions(opt);

    preprocess = toc(t0);

    out = opt.solverfun(prob, opt, lsopt);

    if id == 2
        out = Process_PrimalOutput(prob, out);

    ttime = toc(t0);

    out.prob = prob;
    out.opt = opt;
    out.lsopt = lsopt;

    out.preprocess = preprocess;
    out.time = ttime;
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