Revision 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC, committed by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
1 parent db932cf
Tip revision: 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Tip revision: 2323d9f
#include "Collisions.h"
#include "Box.h"
#include "Points.h"
#include <Eigen\Dense>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
void CD(const Mesh& mesh, const shared_ptr<Obstacles> obs, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<btc::Collision> > &cls)
MatrixXd verts2(3, mesh.nodes.size());
MatrixXi faces2(3, mesh.faces.size());
//VectorXi EoLs(1, mesh.nodes.size());
VectorXi EoLs;
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.nodes.size(); i++) {
verts2.col(i) = Vector3d(mesh.nodes[i]->x[0], mesh.nodes[i]->x[1], mesh.nodes[i]->x[2]);
if (mesh.nodes[i]->EoL) EoLs(i) = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.faces.size(); i++) {
faces2.col(i) = Vector3i(mesh.faces[i]->v[0]->node->index, mesh.faces[i]->v[1]->node->index, mesh.faces[i]->v[2]->node->index);
// Compute these first so they form the base of our collision list
btc::pointTriCollision(cls, obs->cdthreshold, obs->points->pxyz, obs->points->norms, verts2, faces2, false);
int c = cls.size();
for (int b = 0; b < obs->num_boxes; b++) {
vector<shared_ptr<btc::Collision> > clst;
btc::boxTriCollision(clst, obs->cdthreshold, obs->boxes[b]->dim, obs->boxes[b]->E1, verts2, faces2, EoLs, false);
cls.insert(cls.end(), clst.begin(), clst.end());
// We need to augment the indices of the box geometry by the object number
// TODO:: Internally?
for (c; c < cls.size(); c++) {
if (cls[c]->count1 == 1 && cls[c]->count2 == 3) {
//cls[c]->verts1(0) = obs->points->num_points + (obs->boxes[b]->num_points * b) + cls[c]->verts1(0);
cls[c]->verts1(0) = obs->points->num_points + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_points) + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_edges) + cls[c]->verts1(0);
for (int e = 0; e < cls[c]->edge1.size(); e++) {
//cls[c]->edge1[e] = obs->points->num_points + (obs->boxes[b]->num_edges * b) + cls[c]->edge1[e];
//cls[c]->edge1[e] = (obs->boxes[b]->num_edges * b) + cls[c]->edge1[e];
cls[c]->edge1[e] = obs->points->num_points + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_points) + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_edges) + (obs->boxes[b]->num_points + cls[c]->edge1[e]);
void CD2(const Mesh& mesh, const shared_ptr<Obstacles> obs, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<btc::Collision> > &cls)
MatrixXd verts2(3, mesh.nodes.size());
MatrixXi faces2(3, mesh.faces.size());
VectorXi EoLs;
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.nodes.size(); i++) {
verts2.col(i) = Vector3d(mesh.nodes[i]->x[0], mesh.nodes[i]->x[1], mesh.nodes[i]->x[2]);
if (mesh.nodes[i]->EoL) EoLs(i) = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.faces.size(); i++) {
faces2.col(i) = Vector3i(mesh.faces[i]->v[0]->node->index, mesh.faces[i]->v[1]->node->index, mesh.faces[i]->v[2]->node->index);
// Compute these first so they form the base of our collision list
btc::pointTriCollision(cls, obs->cdthreshold, obs->points->pxyz, obs->points->norms, verts2, faces2, false);
for (int b = 0; b < obs->num_boxes; b++) {
vector<shared_ptr<btc::Collision> > clst;
btc::boxTriCollision(clst, obs->cdthreshold, obs->boxes[b]->dim, obs->boxes[b]->E1, verts2, faces2, EoLs, false);
cls.insert(cls.end(), clst.begin(), clst.end());
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