Revision 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC, committed by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
1 parent db932cf
Tip revision: 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Tip revision: 2323d9f
#pragma once
#ifndef __ComputeInertial__
#define __ComputeInertial__
void ComputeInertial(
const double *xa, // [input 3x1] World position of vertex A
const double *xb, // [input 3x1] World position of vertex B
const double *xc, // [input 3x1] World position of vertex C
const double *Xa, // [input 2x1] Material position of vertex A
const double *Xb, // [input 2x1] Material position of vertex B
const double *Xc, // [input 2x1] Material position of vertex C
const double *g, // [input 3x1] 3D gravity vector
double rho, // [input 1x1] Density (mass per area)
double *W, // [output 1x1] Gravitational potential energy
double *f, // [output 9x1] Gravity force vector
double *M) // [output 9x9] Inertia matrix
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