Revision 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC, committed by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
1 parent db932cf
Tip revision: 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Tip revision: 2323d9f
#include "Constraints.h"
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp>
#include "glm/ext.hpp"
#include "online/Program.h"
#include "online/MatrixStack.h"
#endif // EOLC_ONLINE
#include "Obstacles.h"
#include "Box.h"
#include "Points.h"
#include "Rigid.h"
#include "Collisions.h"
//#include "external\ArcSim\mesh.hpp"
#include "external\ArcSim\util.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
Constraints::Constraints() :
void Constraints::init(const shared_ptr<Obstacles> obs)
int total_size = obs->points->num_points;
for (int b = 0; b < obs->boxes.size(); b++) {
total_size += (obs->boxes[b]->num_points + obs->boxes[b]->num_edges);
for (int p = 0; p < obs->points->num_points; p++) {
constraintTable.block(0, p, 3, 1) = obs->points->norms.col(p);
for (int b = 0; b < obs->boxes.size(); b++) {
for (int p = 0; p < obs->boxes[b]->num_points; p++) {
int index = obs->points->num_points + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_points) + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_edges) + p;
Vector3d corner_nor = Vector3d::Zero();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
corner_nor += obs->boxes[b]->faceNorms.col(obs->boxes[b]->edgeFaces(j, obs->boxes[b]->vertEdges1(i, p)));
corner_nor /= 6.0;
constraintTable.block(0, index, 3, 1) = corner_nor.normalized();
for (int e = 0; e < obs->boxes[b]->num_edges; e++) {
int index = obs->points->num_points + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_points) + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_edges) + (obs->boxes[b]->num_points + e);
constraintTable.block(0, index, 3, 1) = obs->boxes[b]->faceNorms.col(obs->boxes[b]->edgeFaces(0, e));
constraintTable.block(3, index, 3, 1) = obs->boxes[b]->faceNorms.col(obs->boxes[b]->edgeFaces(1, e));
constraintTable.block(6, index, 3, 1) = obs->boxes[b]->faceNorms.col(obs->boxes[b]->edgeTan(e));
void Constraints::updateTable(const shared_ptr<Obstacles> obs)
int total_size = obs->points->num_points;
for (int b = 0; b < obs->boxes.size(); b++) {
total_size += (obs->boxes[b]->num_points + obs->boxes[b]->num_edges);
for (int p = 0; p < obs->points->num_points; p++) {
constraintTable.block(0, p, 3, 1) = obs->points->norms.col(p);
for (int b = 0; b < obs->boxes.size(); b++) {
for (int p = 0; p < obs->boxes[b]->num_points; p++) {
int index = obs->points->num_points + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_points) + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_edges) + p;
Vector3d corner_nor = Vector3d::Zero();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
corner_nor += obs->boxes[b]->faceNorms.col(obs->boxes[b]->edgeFaces(j, obs->boxes[b]->vertEdges1(i, p)));
corner_nor /= 6.0;
constraintTable.block(0, index, 3, 1) = corner_nor.normalized();
for (int e = 0; e < obs->boxes[b]->num_edges; e++) {
int index = obs->points->num_points + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_points) + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_edges) + (obs->boxes[b]->num_points + e);
constraintTable.block(0, index, 3, 1) = obs->boxes[b]->faceNorms.col(obs->boxes[b]->edgeFaces(0, e));
constraintTable.block(3, index, 3, 1) = obs->boxes[b]->faceNorms.col(obs->boxes[b]->edgeFaces(1, e));
constraintTable.block(6, index, 3, 1) = obs->boxes[b]->faceNorms.col(obs->boxes[b]->edgeTan(e));
typedef Eigen::Triplet<double> T;
void Constraints::fill(const Mesh& mesh, const shared_ptr<Obstacles> obs, double h)
hasCollisions = false;
vector<T> Aeq_;
vector<T> Aineq_;
vector< pair<int, double> > beq_;
vector< pair<int, double> > bineq_;
//vector<T> beq_;
//vector<T> bineq_;
int eqsize = 0;
int ineqsize = 0;
// We need to do some rigid body calculations for moving collisions
shared_ptr<Rigid> rigid;
for (int n = 0; n < mesh.nodes.size(); n++) {
if (mesh.nodes[n]->EoL) {
if (mesh.nodes[n]->cornerID >= 0) {
Vector3d nor = constraintTable.block(0, mesh.nodes[n]->cornerID, 3, 1);
Vector3d ortho1 = Vector3d(0.0, -nor(2), nor(1));
Vector3d ortho2 = (ortho1.cross(nor)).normalized();
// Get the movement data for moving obects
Vector4d xdot;
double bfill;
bool movement = false;
// It's simple if we just have a point collision
if (mesh.nodes[n]->cornerID < obs->points->num_points) {
// Box corners take more work
else {
// This will int arithmetic down to the box number since there are a combined 20 box corners and edges
int boxnum = (mesh.nodes[n]->cornerID - obs->points->num_points) / 20.0;
if (obs->boxes[boxnum]->v.segment(0,3).norm() != 0.0 || obs->boxes[boxnum]->v.segment(3, 3).norm() != 0.0) {
movement = true;
Vector4d xl = obs->boxes[boxnum]->E1inv*Vector4d(mesh.nodes[n]->x[0], mesh.nodes[n]->x[1], mesh.nodes[n]->x[2], 1.0);
Matrix4d et = rigid->integrate(obs->boxes[boxnum]->E1, obs->boxes[boxnum]->v, h);
xdot = ((et*xl) - (obs->boxes[boxnum]->E1*xl)) / h;
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3, -nor(0)));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3 + 1, -nor(1)));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3 + 2, -nor(2)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, mesh.nodes[n]->x[0], nor(0)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, mesh.nodes[n]->x[1], nor(1)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, mesh.nodes[n]->x[2], nor(2)));
if (movement) {
bfill = nor.transpose() * xdot.segment<3>(0);
bineq_.push_back(make_pair(ineqsize, -bfill));
Aeq_.push_back(T(eqsize, n * 3, ortho1(0)));
Aeq_.push_back(T(eqsize, n * 3 + 1, ortho1(1)));
Aeq_.push_back(T(eqsize, n * 3 + 2, ortho1(2)));
//drawAeq.push_back(Vector3d(eqsize, mesh.nodes[n]->x[0], ortho1(0)));
//drawAeq.push_back(Vector3d(eqsize, mesh.nodes[n]->x[1], ortho1(1)));
//drawAeq.push_back(Vector3d(eqsize, mesh.nodes[n]->x[2], ortho1(2)));
if (movement) {
bfill = ortho1.transpose() * xdot.segment<3>(0);
beq_.push_back(make_pair(eqsize, bfill));
Aeq_.push_back(T(eqsize, n * 3, ortho2(0)));
Aeq_.push_back(T(eqsize, n * 3 + 1, ortho2(1)));
Aeq_.push_back(T(eqsize, n * 3 + 2, ortho2(2)));
//drawAeq.push_back(T(eqsize, mesh.nodes[n]->x[0], ortho2(0)));
//drawAeq.push_back(T(eqsize, mesh.nodes[n]->x[1], ortho2(1)));
//drawAeq.push_back(T(eqsize, mesh.nodes[n]->x[2], ortho2(2)));
if (movement) {
bfill = ortho2.transpose() * xdot.segment<3>(0);
beq_.push_back(make_pair(eqsize, bfill));
else {
Node* node = mesh.nodes[n];
// Get the movement data for moving obects
Vector4d xdot;
double bfill;
bool movement = false;
// This will int arithmetic down to the box number since there are a combined 20 box corners and edges
int boxnum = (node->cdEdges[0] - obs->points->num_points) / 20.0;
if (obs->boxes[boxnum]->v.segment(0, 3).norm() != 0.0 || obs->boxes[boxnum]->v.segment(3, 3).norm() != 0.0) {
movement = true;
Vector4d xl = obs->boxes[boxnum]->E1inv*Vector4d(node->x[0], node->x[1], node->x[2], 1.0);
Matrix4d et = rigid->integrate(obs->boxes[boxnum]->E1, obs->boxes[boxnum]->v, h);
xdot = ((et*xl) - (obs->boxes[boxnum]->E1*xl)) / h;
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3, -constraintTable(0,node->cdEdges[0])));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3 + 1, -constraintTable(1, node->cdEdges[0])));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3 + 2, -constraintTable(2, node->cdEdges[0])));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, node->x[0], constraintTable(0, node->cdEdges[0])));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, node->x[1], constraintTable(1, node->cdEdges[0])));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, node->x[2], constraintTable(2, node->cdEdges[0])));
if (movement) {
Vector3d nor = constraintTable.block(0, node->cdEdges[0], 3, 1); // Only works if stored for some reason
bfill = nor.transpose() * xdot.segment<3>(0);
bineq_.push_back(make_pair(ineqsize, -bfill));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3, -constraintTable(3, node->cdEdges[0])));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3 + 1, -constraintTable(4, node->cdEdges[0])));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3 + 2, -constraintTable(5, node->cdEdges[0])));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, node->x[0], constraintTable(3, node->cdEdges[0])));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, node->x[1], constraintTable(4, node->cdEdges[0])));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, node->x[2], constraintTable(5, node->cdEdges[0])));
if (movement) {
Vector3d nor = constraintTable.block(3, node->cdEdges[0], 3, 1); // Only works if stored for some reason
bfill = nor.transpose() * xdot.segment<3>(0);
bineq_.push_back(make_pair(ineqsize, -bfill));
//Aeq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3, constraintTable[mesh.nodes[n]->cdEdges[0]](6)));
//Aeq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3 + 1, constraintTable[mesh.nodes[n]->cdEdges[0]](7)));
//Aeq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, n * 3 + 2, constraintTable[mesh.nodes[n]->cdEdges[0]](8)));
// If a boundary, the Eulerian constraint stops it from moving outside
if (is_seam_or_boundary(node)) {
// Is this sufficient enough?
Edge* edge;
for (int e = 0; e < node->adje.size(); e++) {
if (is_seam_or_boundary(node->adje[e])) {
edge = node->adje[e];
Node* opp_node = other_node(edge, node);
Vector2d orth_border = Vector2d(node->verts[0]->u[1] - opp_node->verts[0]->u[1], -node->verts[0]->u[0] - opp_node->verts[0]->u[0]).normalized(); // This should be orthogonal to the edge connecting the two nodes
Aeq_.push_back(T(eqsize, mesh.nodes.size() * 3 + node->EoL_index * 2, orth_border(0)));
Aeq_.push_back(T(eqsize, mesh.nodes.size() * 3 + node->EoL_index * 2 + 1, orth_border(1)));
// If internal, the Eulerian constraint forces tangential motion to realize in the Lagrangian space
else {
Vector2d tan_ave = Vector2d::Zero();
int tot_conf = 0;
for (int e = 0; e < node->adje.size(); e++) {
if (node->adje[e]->preserve) {
Edge* edge = node->adje[e];
tan_ave += Vector2d(edge->n[1]->verts[0]->u[0] - edge->n[0]->verts[0]->u[0], edge->n[1]->verts[0]->u[1] - edge->n[0]->verts[0]->u[1]).normalized();
Aeq_.push_back(T(eqsize, mesh.nodes.size() * 3 + node->EoL_index * 2, tan_ave(0)));
Aeq_.push_back(T(eqsize, mesh.nodes.size() * 3 + node->EoL_index * 2 + 1, tan_ave(1)));
// CD2
// We use another collision detection step for 3 reasons
// - We need to detect Cloth-vert to Box-face collisions post remeshing
// - If we run a non EOL simulation we want our constraints to be based on remeshed geometry,
// - We want to revert parts of EOL simulation to traditional LAG
vector<shared_ptr<btc::Collision> > clsLAG;
CD2(mesh, obs, clsLAG);
for (int i = 0; i < clsLAG.size(); i++) {
if (clsLAG[i]->count1 == 3 && clsLAG[i]->count2 == 1) {
if (mesh.nodes[clsLAG[i]->verts2(0)]->EoL) continue;
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->verts2(0) * 3, -clsLAG[i]->nor1(0)));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->verts2(0) * 3 + 1, -clsLAG[i]->nor1(1)));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->verts2(0) * 3 + 2, -clsLAG[i]->nor1(2)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->pos2(0), clsLAG[i]->nor1(0)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->pos2(1), clsLAG[i]->nor1(1)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->pos2(2), clsLAG[i]->nor1(2)));
else if (clsLAG[i]->count1 == 2 && clsLAG[i]->count2 == 2) {
if (mesh.nodes[clsLAG[i]->verts2(0)]->EoL ||
mesh.nodes[clsLAG[i]->verts2(1)]->EoL) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->verts2(j) * 3, -clsLAG[i]->nor2(0) * clsLAG[i]->weights2(j)));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->verts2(j) * 3 + 1, -clsLAG[i]->nor2(1) * clsLAG[i]->weights2(j)));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->verts2(j) * 3 + 2, -clsLAG[i]->nor2(2) * clsLAG[i]->weights2(j)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->pos2(0), clsLAG[i]->nor1(0)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->pos2(1), clsLAG[i]->nor1(1)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->pos2(2), clsLAG[i]->nor1(2)));
else if (clsLAG[i]->count1 == 1 && clsLAG[i]->count2 == 3) {
if (mesh.nodes[clsLAG[i]->verts2(0)]->EoL ||
mesh.nodes[clsLAG[i]->verts2(1)]->EoL ||
mesh.nodes[clsLAG[i]->verts2(2)]->EoL) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->verts2(j) * 3, -clsLAG[i]->nor2(0) * clsLAG[i]->weights2(j)));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->verts2(j) * 3 + 1, -clsLAG[i]->nor2(1) * clsLAG[i]->weights2(j)));
Aineq_.push_back(T(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->verts2(j) * 3 + 2, -clsLAG[i]->nor2(2) * clsLAG[i]->weights2(j)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->pos2(0), clsLAG[i]->nor1(0)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->pos2(1), clsLAG[i]->nor1(1)));
drawAineq.push_back(Vector3d(ineqsize, clsLAG[i]->pos2(2), clsLAG[i]->nor1(2)));
if (ineqsize > 0) hasCollisions = true;
Aeq.resize(eqsize, mesh.nodes.size() * 3 + mesh.EoL_Count * 2);
Aineq.resize(ineqsize, mesh.nodes.size() * 3 + mesh.EoL_Count * 2);
Aeq.setFromTriplets(Aeq_.begin(), Aeq_.end());
Aineq.setFromTriplets(Aineq_.begin(), Aineq_.end());
for (int i = 0; i < beq_.size(); i++) {
beq(beq_[i].first) = beq_[i].second;
for (int i = 0; i < bineq_.size(); i++) {
bineq(bineq_[i].first) = bineq_[i].second;
void Constraints::drawSimple(shared_ptr<MatrixStack> MV, const shared_ptr<Program> prog) const
glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
int connum = -1, inerdex = 0;
Vector3d tcon, tpos;
for (int i = 0; i < drawAineq.size(); i++) {
if (connum != drawAineq[i](0)) {
connum = drawAineq[i](0);
inerdex = 0;
//cout << drawAineq[i](1) << endl;
tpos(inerdex) = drawAineq[i](1);
tcon(inerdex) = drawAineq[i](2);
if (inerdex > 2) {
glVertex3f(tpos(0), tpos(1), tpos(2));
glVertex3f(tpos(0) + tcon(0), tpos(1) + tcon(1), tpos(2) + tcon(2));
//cout << "end" << endl;
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