Revision 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC, committed by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
1 parent db932cf
Tip revision: 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Tip revision: 2323d9f
#include <cmath>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include "boxTriCollision.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
#include "mex.h"
void mexPrintMat(const MatrixXd &A, const char *name = NULL)
if (name) {
mexPrintf("%s = [\n", name);
for (int i = 0; i < A.rows(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j) {
mexPrintf("% 0.6f ", A(i, j));
if (name) {
void mexPrintMati(const MatrixXi &A, const char *name = NULL)
if (name) {
mexPrintf("%s = [\n", name);
for (int i = 0; i < A.rows(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j) {
mexPrintf("%d ", A(i, j));
if (name) {
void printMat(const MatrixXd &A, const char *name, const char *filename)
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "a");
fprintf(fp, "%s = [\n", name);
for (int i = 0; i < A.rows(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j) {
fprintf(fp, "% 0.6f ", A(i, j));
fprintf(fp, "\n");
fprintf(fp, "];");
fprintf(fp, "\n");
void printMati(const MatrixXi &A, const char *name, const char *filename)
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "a");
fprintf(fp, "%s = [\n", name);
for (int i = 0; i < A.rows(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j) {
fprintf(fp, "%d ", A(i, j));
fprintf(fp, "\n");
fprintf(fp, "];");
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// From raytri.c by Thomas Akenine-Moller
int intersect_triangle3_inc(
const double *orig, const double *dir,
const double *vert0, const double *vert1, const double *vert2,
double *t, double *u, double *v);
namespace btc
verts = Vector4i::Zero();
faces = Vector2i::Zero();
internal = false;
angle = 0;
normals[0] = Vector3d::Zero();
normals[1] = Vector3d::Zero();
dist = 0;
nor1 = Vector3d::Zero();
nor2 = Vector3d::Zero();
pos1 = Vector3d::Zero();
pos2 = Vector3d::Zero();
count1 = 0;
count2 = 0;
verts1 = Vector3i::Zero();
verts2 = Vector3i::Zero();
weights1 = Vector3d::Zero();
weights2 = Vector3d::Zero();
tri1 = -1;
tri2 = -1;
edge2 = -1;
* Output: an array of structures corresponds to an edge. The vertex ordering
* is as follows:
* x2
* / \
* / t0 \
* / \
* x0--edge--x1
* \ /
* \ t1 /
* \ /
* x3
void createEdges(
vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > &edges, // output
const MatrixXi &faces, // input
const MatrixXd &verts // input
// First, create a list of edges from the triangle list. The third row
// stores the "other" vertex. The fourth row stores the triangle index.
int nf = faces.cols();
int nv = verts.cols();
struct FaceEdge
Vector3i verts;
int face;
int hash;
int n = 3 * nf;
vector<shared_ptr<FaceEdge> > tmp;
for (int k = 0; k < nf; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
auto faceEdge = make_shared<FaceEdge>();
faceEdge->verts << (i + 0) % 3, (i + 1) % 3, (i + 2) % 3;
faceEdge->face = k;
int v0 = faceEdge->verts(0);
int v1 = faceEdge->verts(1);
int kmin = min(faces(v0, k), faces(v1, k)) + 1;
int kmax = max(faces(v0, k), faces(v1, k)) + 1;
faceEdge->hash = kmin + (n + 1)*kmax;
// Sort by hash number
struct FaceEdgeComp
bool operator() (const shared_ptr<FaceEdge> &e0, const shared_ptr<FaceEdge> &e1) const
return (e0->hash < e1->hash);
FaceEdgeComp comp;
// We don't need a stable sort, but this will make the ordering the same as
// Matlab, making it easier to debug.
stable_sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), comp);
// Now the twin edges are neighbors in the list
int k = 0;
while (k < n) {
int f0 = tmp[k]->face;
Vector2i e;
e(0) = faces(tmp[k]->verts(0), f0);
e(1) = faces(tmp[k]->verts(1), f0);
Vector3d xa0 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(0, f0));
Vector3d xb0 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(1, f0));
Vector3d xc0 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(2, f0));
Vector3d n0 = (xb0 - xa0).cross(xc0 - xa0).normalized();
if (k < n - 1 && tmp[k]->hash == tmp[k + 1]->hash) {
// k and k+1 are twins
int f1 = tmp[k + 1]->face;
Vector3d xa1 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(0, f1));
Vector3d xb1 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(1, f1));
Vector3d xc1 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(2, f1));
Vector3d n1 = (xb1 - xa1).cross(xc1 - xa1).normalized();
double angle = acos(;
auto edge = make_shared<Edge>();
edge->verts.segment<2>(0) = e; // edge vertex indices
edge->verts(2) = faces(tmp[k]->verts(2), f0); // x2 index in figure
edge->verts(3) = faces(tmp[k + 1]->verts(2), f1); // x3 index in figure
edge->faces << f0, f1; // t0 and t1 in figure
edge->internal = true;
edge->angle = angle; // (TODO: concave edges)
edge->normals[0] = n0;
edge->normals[1] = n1;
k += 2;
else {
// k is an external edge (singleton)
auto edge = make_shared<Edge>();
edge->verts.segment<2>(0) = e; // edge vertex indices
edge->verts(2) = faces(tmp[k]->verts(2), f0); // x2 index in figure
edge->verts(3) = -1; // x3 index in figure
edge->faces << f0, -1; // t0 and t1 in figure
edge->internal = false;
edge->angle = 1e9; // infinite dihedral angle
edge->normals[0] = n0;
k += 1;
MatrixXd createFaceNormals(const MatrixXi &faces, const MatrixXd &verts)
int nf = faces.cols();
MatrixXd normals = MatrixXd::Zero(3, nf);
for (int k = 0; k < nf; ++k) {
const Vector3i &f = faces.col(k);
const Vector3d &xa = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(0));
const Vector3d &xb = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(1));
const Vector3d &xc = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(2));
Vector3d dba = xb - xa;
Vector3d dac = xa - xc;
normals.col(k) = dba.cross(-dac).normalized();
return normals;
MatrixXd createVertNormals(const MatrixXi &faces, const MatrixXd &verts)
int nv = verts.cols();
int nf = faces.cols();
MatrixXd normals = MatrixXd::Zero(3, nv);
vector<double> angles(nv, 0); // Running sum of angles at the vertex
for (int k = 0; k < nf; ++k) {
const Vector3i &f = faces.col(k);
const Vector3d &xa = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(0));
const Vector3d &xb = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(1));
const Vector3d &xc = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(2));
Vector3d dba = xb - xa;
Vector3d dcb = xc - xb;
Vector3d dac = xa - xc;
Vector3d nor = dba.cross(-dac);
double angle1 = acos(;
double angle2 = acos(;
double angle3 = acos(;
normals.col(f(0)) += angle1*nor;
normals.col(f(1)) += angle2*nor;
normals.col(f(2)) += angle3*nor;
angles[f(0)] += angle1;
angles[f(1)] += angle2;
angles[f(2)] += angle3;
for (int k = 0; k < nv; ++k) {
Vector3d nor = normals.col(k) / angles[k];
normals.col(k) = nor.normalized();
return normals;
// Box geometry data
double verts1_data[] = {
-1, -1, -1, 1,
-1, -1, 1, 1,
-1, 1, -1, 1,
-1, 1, 1, 1,
1, -1, -1, 1,
1, -1, 1, 1,
1, 1, -1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1,
-1, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 1,
0, -1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 0, -1, 1,
0, 0, 1, 1,
int faces1_data[] = {
0, 8, 2,
1, 8, 0,
3, 8, 1,
2, 8, 3,
4, 10, 0,
5, 10, 4,
1, 10, 5,
0, 10, 1,
6, 9, 4,
7, 9, 6,
5, 9, 7,
4, 9, 5,
2, 11, 6,
3, 11, 2,
7, 11, 3,
6, 11, 7,
1, 13, 3,
5, 13, 1,
7, 13, 5,
3, 13, 7,
0, 12, 4,
2, 12, 0,
6, 12, 2,
4, 12, 6,
int edgeVerts1_data[] = {
0, 1, 8,10,
2, 0, 8,12,
1, 3, 8,13,
3, 2, 8,11,
0, 4,10,12,
5, 1,10,13,
4, 5,10, 9,
6, 2,11,12,
4, 6, 9,12,
3, 7,11,13,
7, 5, 9,13,
6, 7, 9,11,
// This is for keeping track of which edges each corner point is made up of
int vertsEdge1_data[] = {
0, 1, 4,
0, 2, 5,
1, 3, 7,
2, 3, 9,
4, 6, 8,
5, 6, 10,
7, 8, 11,
9, 10, 11
double vertEdgeWeights1_data[] = {
1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0
int edgeFaces1_data[] = {
Map<Matrix<int, 3, 24, ColMajor> > faces1(faces1_data);
Map<Matrix<int, 4, 12, ColMajor> > edgeVerts1(edgeVerts1_data);
Map<Matrix<int, 3, 8, ColMajor> > vertEdges1(vertsEdge1_data); // ADDED BY NICK
Map<Matrix<double, 3, 8, ColMajor> > vertEdgeWeights1(vertEdgeWeights1_data);
Map<Matrix<int, 2, 12, ColMajor> > edgeFaces1(edgeFaces1_data);
Map<Matrix<double, 4, 14, ColMajor> > verts1_(verts1_data);
Matrix<double, 4, 14> verts1;
Matrix<double, 3, 12> edgeNors1c;
Matrix<double, 3, 12> edgeNors1d;
MatrixXd faceNors1;
MatrixXd vertNors1;
void createBox(vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > &edges1, const Vector3d &whd1, const Matrix4d &E1)
Matrix4d S = Matrix4d::Identity();
S(0, 0) = 0.5*whd1(0);
S(1, 1) = 0.5*whd1(1);
S(2, 2) = 0.5*whd1(2);
Matrix4d E = E1 * S;
verts1 = E * verts1_;
faceNors1 = createFaceNormals(faces1, verts1);
vertNors1 = createVertNormals(faces1, verts1);
for (int k = 0; k < 12; ++k) {
auto edge = make_shared<Edge>();
edge->verts = edgeVerts1.col(k);
edge->faces = edgeFaces1.col(k);
edge->internal = false; // for boxes only
edge->normals[0] = faceNors1.col(edge->faces(0));
edge->normals[1] = faceNors1.col(edge->faces(1));
edge->angle = acos(edge->normals[0].dot(edge->normals[1]));
// AABB Body
void build_AABB_B(Matrix<double, 6, 1> &aabb, const MatrixXd &V)
aabb(0) = V.row(0).minCoeff();
aabb(1) = V.row(1).minCoeff();
aabb(2) = V.row(2).minCoeff();
aabb(3) = V.row(0).maxCoeff();
aabb(4) = V.row(1).maxCoeff();
aabb(5) = V.row(2).maxCoeff();
// AABB face
void build_AABB_F(MatrixXd &aabb, const MatrixXd &V, const MatrixXi &F)
for (int k = 0; k < F.cols(); ++k) {
Vector3i f = F.col(k);
Vector3d xa = V.block<3, 1>(0, f(0));
Vector3d xb = V.block<3, 1>(0, f(1));
Vector3d xc = V.block<3, 1>(0, f(2));
aabb.block<3, 1>(0, k) = xa;
aabb.block<3, 1>(3, k) = xa;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
aabb(i, k) = min(xb(i), aabb(i, k));
aabb(i, k) = min(xc(i), aabb(i, k));
aabb(i + 3, k) = max(xb(i), aabb(i + 3, k));
aabb(i + 3, k) = max(xc(i), aabb(i + 3, k));
// AABB edge
void build_AABB_E(MatrixXd &aabb, const MatrixXd &V, const vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > &edges)
for (int k = 0; k < edges.size(); ++k) {
Vector4i e = edges[k]->verts;
Vector3d x0 = V.block<3, 1>(0, e(0));
Vector3d x1 = V.block<3, 1>(0, e(1));
aabb.block<3, 1>(0, k) = x0;
aabb.block<3, 1>(3, k) = x0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
aabb(i, k) = min(x1(i), aabb(i, k));
aabb(i + 3, k) = max(x1(i), aabb(i + 3, k));
// Check between two AABBs
bool check_AABB(const Matrix<double, 6, 1> &aabb1, const Matrix<double, 6, 1> &aabb2)
double thresh = 1e-3;
Vector3d threshVec(thresh, thresh, thresh);
Vector3d min1 = aabb1.segment<3>(0) - threshVec;
Vector3d max1 = aabb1.segment<3>(3) + threshVec;
Vector3d min2 = aabb2.segment<3>(0) - threshVec;
Vector3d max2 = aabb2.segment<3>(3) + threshVec;
max1(0) >= min2(0) &&
min1(0) <= max2(0) &&
max1(1) >= min2(1) &&
min1(1) <= max2(1) &&
max1(2) >= min2(2) &&
min1(2) <= max2(2);
void barycentric(
double &alpha, double &beta,
const Vector3d &a, const Vector3d &b, const Vector3d &c,
const Vector3d &p)
Vector3d v0 = b - a;
Vector3d v1 = c - a;
Vector3d v2 = p - a;
double d00 =;
double d01 =;
double d11 =;
double d20 =;
double d21 =;
double denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01;
beta = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom;
double gamma = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom;
alpha = 1.0 - beta - gamma;
void lineline(
double &a, double &b,
const Vector3d &A1, const Vector3d &A2,
const Vector3d &B1, const Vector3d &B2)
// Closest points are
// A0 = (1-a)*A1 + a*A2;
// B0 = (1-b)*B1 + b*B2;
Vector3d B2B1 = B2 - B1;
Vector3d A1B1 = A1 - B1;
Vector3d A2A1 = A2 - A1;
Vector3d A2A1xB2B1 = A2A1.cross(B2B1);
double nA = B2B1.cross(A1B1).dot(A2A1xB2B1);
double nB = A2A1.cross(A1B1).dot(A2A1xB2B1);
double d = A2A1.cross(B2B1).dot(A2A1xB2B1);
a = nA / d;
b = nB / d;
double linepoint(const Vector3d &A, const Vector3d &B, const Vector3d &P)
// Line: A -> B
// Point: P
Vector3d AP = P - A;
Vector3d AB = B - A;
double ab2 =;
double apab =;
return apab / ab2;
Vector3d linepointMinDist(const Vector3d &A, const Vector3d &B, const Vector3d &P)
// Line: A -> B
// Point: P
Vector3d AP = P - A;
Vector3d AB = B - A;
double ab2 =;
double apab =;
double t = apab / ab2;
return (1.0 - t)*A + t*B;
int intersect_square(
const Vector3d &x0, const Vector3d &dx,
const Vector3d &xa, const Vector3d &xb, const Vector3d &xc,
double &t)
// Intersects a ray with a square defined by three points
// x0: Ray origin
// dx: Ray direction
// xa, xb, xc: Triangle forming a quarter of the square
// xb--------------xa
// | \ / |
// | \ / |
// | \ / |
// | xc |
// | / \ |
// | / \ |
// | / \ |
// xd--------------xe
// Assume that xc is in the center of the quad
int intersect = 0;
double unused1, unused2;
// Compute xd and xe
Vector3d xd = xa + 2.0*(xc - xa);
Vector3d xe = xb + 2.0*(xc - xb);
// Slow: check all four triangles
intersect = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &t, &unused1, &unused2);
if (intersect) {
return 1;
intersect = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &t, &unused1, &unused2);
if (intersect) {
return 1;
intersect = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &t, &unused1, &unused2);
if (intersect) {
return 1;
intersect = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &t, &unused1, &unused2);
if (intersect) {
return 1;
// No intersection
t = -1.0;
return 0;
void boxTriCollision(
vector<shared_ptr<Collision> > &collisions,
double threshold,
const Vector3d &whd1,
const Matrix4d &E1,
const MatrixXd &verts2,
const MatrixXi &faces2,
const VectorXi &isEOL2,
bool EOL)
vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > edges2;
createEdges(edges2, faces2, verts2);
boxTriCollision(collisions, threshold, whd1, E1, verts2, faces2, isEOL2, EOL, edges2);
void boxTriCollision(
vector<shared_ptr<Collision> > &collisions,
double threshold,
const Vector3d &whd1,
const Matrix4d &E1,
const MatrixXd &verts2_,
const MatrixXi &faces2,
const VectorXi &isEOL2_,
bool EOL,
const vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > &edges2)
// Make a copy first so we can perturb
MatrixXd verts2 = verts2_;
// Assume isEOL=false by default
VectorXi isEOL2(verts2.cols());
if (isEOL2_.size() == verts2.cols()) {
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
isEOL2(i2) = isEOL2_(i2);
else {
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
isEOL2(i2) = 0;
// The first body is always the box
vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > edges1;
createBox(edges1, whd1, E1);
// Perturb cloth verts
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen;
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(-1.0, 1.0);
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
Vector3d r;
r(0) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
r(1) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
r(2) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
verts2.block<3, 1>(0, i2) += r;
// Precompute the face normals for the cloth
MatrixXd faceNors2 = createFaceNormals(faces2, verts2);
// Build AABBs
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbB1;
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbB2;
build_AABB_B(aabbB1, verts1);
build_AABB_B(aabbB2, verts2);
MatrixXd aabbF1(6, faces1.cols());
build_AABB_F(aabbF1, verts1, faces1);
MatrixXd aabbE2(6, edges2.size());
build_AABB_E(aabbE2, verts2, edges2);
// We don't need any vert2-face1 collisions when creating conformal geometry in EOL
if (!EOL) {
// Vertex2-Triangle1
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
Vector3d x2 = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, i2);
// AABB test: check Vertex2 against Body1
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbV2;
aabbV2.segment<3>(0) = x2;
aabbV2.segment<3>(3) = x2;
if (!check_AABB(aabbV2, aabbB1)) {
shared_ptr<Collision> cmin = NULL;
// Is this vertex inside Body2? If Body2 is convex, we can verify this
// by doing a half-space test on all the triangles from Body2.
bool inside = true;
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < faces1.cols(); ++j1) {
Vector3i f1 = faces1.col(j1);
Vector3d x1a = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, f1(0));
Vector3d nor = faceNors1.col(j1);
Vector3d dx = x2 - x1a;
if ( > 0.0) {
inside = false;
if (!inside) {
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < faces1.cols(); ++j1) {
Vector3i f1 = faces1.col(j1);
Vector3d x1a = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, f1(0));
Vector3d x1b = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, f1(1));
Vector3d x1c = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, f1(2));
// Project x2 onto the triangle 1
Vector3d nor1 = faceNors1.col(j1);
Vector3d dx = x2 - x1a;
double proj =;
if (proj > 0.0) {
// Outside the box
Vector3d x1 = x2 - proj*nor1;
dx = x2 - x1;
double dist = dx.norm();
if (dist > 5.0*threshold) {
// Too far
double u, v;
barycentric(u, v, x1a, x1b, x1c, x1);
double w = 1.0 - u - v;
if (u < 0.0 || 1.0 < u || v < 0.0 || 1.0 < v || w < 0.0 || 1.0 < w) {
// Projected point is outside the triangle
// Compute cloth normal
Vector3d nor2 = faceNors2.col(i2);
if ( < 0.0) {
nor2 = -nor2;
// Create contact object
auto c = make_shared<Collision>();
c->dist = dist;
c->nor1 = nor1;
c->nor2 = nor2;
c->pos1 = x1;
c->pos2 = x2;
c->count1 = 3;
c->count2 = 1;
c->verts1 = f1;
c->verts2 << i2, -1, -1;
c->weights1 << u, v, w;
c->weights2 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
c->tri1 = j1;
c->tri2 = -1;
// Is this the closest one so far?
if (cmin == NULL) {
cmin = c;
else {
if (c->dist < cmin->dist) {
cmin = c;
if (cmin != NULL) {
int nVertCol = collisions.size();
int nFaceCol = 0;
int nEdgeCol = 0;
// Vertex1-Triangle2
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 8; ++i1) { // only up to 8 corner points (ignore face points)
const Vector3d &x1 = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, i1);
// AABB test: check Vertex1 against Body2
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbV1;
aabbV1.segment<3>(0) = x1;
aabbV1.segment<3>(3) = x1;
if (!check_AABB(aabbV1, aabbB2)) {
shared_ptr<Collision> cmin = NULL;
Vector3d nor1 = vertNors1.block<3, 1>(0, i1); // vertex normal
for (int j2 = 0; j2 < faces2.cols(); ++j2) {
const Vector3i &f2 = faces2.col(j2);
const Vector3d &x2a = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(0));
const Vector3d &x2b = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(1));
const Vector3d &x2c = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(2));
Vector3d nor2 = faceNors2.col(j2);
// Make sure the triangle normal points outward wrt the box.
if ( < 0.0) {
nor2 = -nor2;
// Is x1 on the correct side?
Vector3d dx = x1 - x2a;
double proj =;
if (proj < 0.0) {
// Project x1 onto the triangle
Vector3d x2 = x1 - proj*nor2;
dx = x2 - x1;
double dist = dx.norm();
if (dist > 5.0*threshold) {
// Too far
// Compute barycentric coords of x1 wrt tri2
double u, v;
barycentric(u, v, x2a, x2b, x2c, x1);
double w = 1.0 - u - v;
if (u < 0.0 || 1.0 < u || v < 0.0 || 1.0 < v || w < 0.0 || 1.0 < w) {
// Projected point is outside the triangle
// Create contact object
auto c = make_shared<Collision>();
c->dist = dist;
c->nor1 = nor1;
c->nor2 = nor2;
c->pos1 = x1;
c->pos2 = x2;
c->count1 = 1;
c->count2 = 3;
c->verts1 << i1, -1, -1;
c->verts2 = f2;
c->weights1 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
c->weights2 << u, v, w;
c->edge1.push_back(vertEdges1(0, i1));
c->edge1.push_back(vertEdges1(1, i1));
c->edge1.push_back(vertEdges1(2, i1));
c->tri1 = -1;
c->tri2 = j2;
// Is this the closest one so far?
if (cmin == NULL) {
cmin = c;
else {
if (c->dist < cmin->dist) {
cmin = c;
if (cmin != NULL) {
nFaceCol = collisions.size() - nVertCol;
// Edge2-Edge1
for (int k2 = 0; k2 < edges2.size(); ++k2) {
auto e2 = edges2[k2];
const Vector3d &x2a = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, e2->verts(0));
const Vector3d &x2b = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, e2->verts(1));
Vector3d dx2 = x2b - x2a;
double len2 = dx2.norm();
Vector3d nor2 = (e2->normals[0] + e2->normals[1]).normalized();
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbE2k = aabbE2.col(k2);
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < edges1.size(); ++k1) {
auto e1 = edges1[k1];
if (e1->angle < M_PI / 6.0) {
// Soft edge
// AABB test: check the two triangles of Edge1 against Edge2
bool aabbC = check_AABB(aabbF1.col(e1->faces(0)), aabbE2k);
if (!aabbC) {
bool aabbD = check_AABB(aabbF1.col(e1->faces(1)), aabbE2k);
if (!aabbD) {
// x1a and x1b are the vertices of the edge.
const Vector3d &x1a = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, e1->verts(0));
const Vector3d &x1b = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, e1->verts(1));
Vector3d dx1 = x1b - x1a;
double len1 = dx1.norm();
Vector3d tan1 = dx1 / len1;
// Is the box edge parallel to the cloth normal?
double threshAng = 2.0*M_PI / 180.0;
double angle = acos(;
if (fabs(angle) < threshAng || fabs(M_PI - angle) < threshAng) {
// Are the two edges parallel?
angle = acos( / len2);
if (fabs(angle) < threshAng || fabs(M_PI - angle) < threshAng) {
Vector3d nor = dx1.cross(dx2).normalized();
// The two triangles of the edge are (a,b,c) and (b,a,d), and n1c
// and n1d are the two triangle normals
const Vector3d &x1c = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, e1->verts(2));
const Vector3d &x1d = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, e1->verts(3));
const Vector3d &n1c = e1->normals[0];
const Vector3d &n1d = e1->normals[1];
// Make the computed normal point along the edge normal.
Vector3d nor1 = n1c + n1d;
if ( < 0.0) {
nor = -nor;
// The computed normal must lie between the two edge normals.
// n1d nor
// | /
// |/
// +--- n1c
double angleCD = acos(; // should be the same as e1.angle modulo sign
double angleCN = acos(; // angle between n1c to the computed normal
if (angleCD < 0.0) {
angleCD = -angleCD;
angleCN = -angleCN;
// angleCN must be between 0 and angleCD
if (angleCN < -threshAng || angleCN - angleCD > threshAng) {
// Where does the line intersect the box?
double u2c, u2d, unused1, unused2;
//int i2c = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &u2c, &unused1, &unused2);
//int i2d = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &u2d, &unused1, &unused2);
int i2c = intersect_square(x2a, dx2, x1a, x1b, x1c, u2c);
int i2d = intersect_square(x2a, dx2, x1b, x1a, x1d, u2d);
// Are these ray collisions line segment collisions?
i2c = i2c && (0.0 <= u2c && u2c <= 1.0);
i2d = i2d && (0.0 <= u2d && u2d <= 1.0);
// Compute closest points on the two lines.
double u1, u2;
lineline(u1, u2, x1a, x1b, x2a, x2b);
// Check if this is a vertex (rather than edge) collision. It is an
// edge collision if both u1 and u2 are between 0 and 1.
// For the threshold, use edgeLen to convert to world units.
double thresh1 = 1.0*threshold / len1;
double thresh2 = 1.0*threshold / len2;
if (u1 < -thresh1 || u1 > 1.0 + thresh1 || u2 < -thresh2 || u2 > 1.0 + thresh2) {
// This is a vertex collision.
Vector3d x1, x2, dx;
if (i2c && i2d) {
// The cloth edge intersects both box triangles
x1 = (1.0 - u1)*x1a + u1*x1b;
x2 = (1.0 - u2)*x2a + u2*x2b;
else if (i2c && !i2d) {
// Only intersects Triangle C.
// Is x2a inside the box?
dx = x2a - x1a;
if ( < 0.0) {
// Inside... the valid range for u2 is [0, u2c].
u2 = max(0.0, min(u2c, u2));
else {
// Outside... the valid range for u2 is [u2c, 1.0].
u2 = max(u2c, min(1.0, u2));
x2 = (1.0 - u2)*x2a + u2*x2b;
// Recompute u1 based on the new x2.
u1 = linepoint(x1a, x1b, x2);
x1 = (1.0 - u1)*x1a + u1*x1b;
else if (!i2c && i2d) {
// Only intersects Triangle D.
// Is x2a inside the box?
dx = x2a - x1b;
if ( < 0.0) {
// Inside... the valid range for u2 is [0, u2d].
u2 = max(0.0, min(u2d, u2));
else {
// Outside... the valid range for u2 is [u2d, 1.0].
u2 = max(u2d, min(1.0, u2));
x2 = (1.0 - u2)*x2a + u2*x2b;
// Recompute u1 based on the new x2.
u1 = linepoint(x1a, x1b, x2);
x1 = (1.0 - u1)*x1a + u1*x1b;
else {
// The cloth edge does not intersect either of the box triangles
if (u1 < -thresh1 || u1 > 1.0 + thresh1 || u2 < -thresh2 || u2 > 1.0 + thresh2) {
// This is a vertex, not edge, collision. We need another check
// here because we modify u1 and u2 in the if block above.
// At this point, x2 is the collision point on the cloth and x1 is
// the collision point on the box.
dx = x2 - x1;
double thresh = 2.0*threshold;
if ( > thresh*thresh) {
// Too far
// Final check: are the collided points close to the box edge?
thresh = 2.0*threshold;
dx = x2 - x1;
if ( > thresh*thresh) {
auto c = make_shared<Collision>();
c->dist = dx.norm();
c->nor1 = nor1;
c->nor2 = nor;
c->pos1 = x1;
c->pos2 = x2;
c->count1 = 2;
c->count2 = 2;
c->verts1 << e1->verts.segment<2>(0), -1;
c->verts2 << e2->verts.segment<2>(0), -1;
c->weights1 << 1.0 - u1, u1, 0.0;
c->weights2 << 1.0 - u2, u2, 0.0;
c->edge2 = k2;
nEdgeCol = collisions.size() - nFaceCol - nVertCol;
// Each box corner should have at most 1 collision with the cloth (can't be
// two or more). We'll keep the closest cloth collision to the box corner.
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 8; ++i1) {
const Vector3d &x1 = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, i1);
// Find the closest collision to the box corner
int kmin = -1;
double dmin = 1e9;
for (int k = 0; k < collisions.size(); ++k) {
if (collisions[k]->count1 == 1 && collisions[k]->verts1(0) == i1) {
const Vector3d &x2 = collisions[k]->pos2;
Vector3d dx = x2 - x1;
double d =;
if (d < dmin) {
kmin = k;
dmin = d;
if (kmin != -1) {
// Make a list of collisions to delete
vector<int> dlist;
for (int k = 0; k < collisions.size(); ++k) {
if (collisions[k]->count1 == 1 && collisions[k]->verts1(0) == i1 && k != kmin) {
// Delete collisions in reverse order
for (int kdel : dlist) {
collisions[kdel] = collisions.back();
// Go through the collisions and create `pos1_`, the position of the
// collision on the box offset by a small amount so that it is inside the
// box.
double snapDepth = 0.1*threshold;
for (auto collision : collisions) {
collision->pos1_ = collision->pos1 - snapDepth*collision->nor1;
void pointTriCollision(
vector<shared_ptr<Collision> > &collisions,
double threshold,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &verts1,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &norms1,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &verts2_,
const Eigen::MatrixXi &faces2,
bool EOL)
// Make a copy first so we can perturb
MatrixXd verts2 = verts2_;
// Perturb cloth verts
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen;
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(-1.0, 1.0);
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
Vector3d r;
r(0) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
r(1) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
r(2) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
verts2.block<3, 1>(0, i2) += r;
// Precompute the face normals for the cloth
MatrixXd faceNors2 = createFaceNormals(faces2, verts2);
// Build AABBs
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbB2;
build_AABB_B(aabbB2, verts2);
if (EOL) {
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
Vector3d x2 = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, i2);
shared_ptr<Collision> cmin = NULL;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < verts1.cols(); ++i1) {
Vector3d x1 = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, i1);
Vector3d dx = x2 - x1;
double dist = dx.norm();
if (dist < threshold) {
Vector3d nor1 = norms1.block<3, 1>(0, i1); // vertex normal
// Create contact object
auto c = make_shared<Collision>();
c->dist = dist;
c->nor1 = nor1;
c->nor2 = nor1; // We don't care so hack
c->pos1 = x1;
c->pos2 = x2;
c->count1 = 3;
c->count2 = 1;
c->verts1 << i1, -1, -1;
c->verts2 << i2, -1, -1;
c->weights1 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
c->weights2 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
c->tri1 = -1;
c->tri2 = -1;
// Is this the closest one so far?
if (cmin == NULL) {
cmin = c;
else {
if (c->dist < cmin->dist) {
cmin = c;
if (cmin != NULL) {
// Vertex1-Triangle2
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < verts1.cols(); ++i1) {
const Vector3d &x1 = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, i1);
// AABB test: check Vertex1 against Body2
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbV1;
aabbV1.segment<3>(0) = x1;
aabbV1.segment<3>(3) = x1;
if (!check_AABB(aabbV1, aabbB2)) {
shared_ptr<Collision> cmin = NULL;
Vector3d nor1 = norms1.block<3, 1>(0, i1); // vertex normal
for (int j2 = 0; j2 < faces2.cols(); ++j2) {
const Vector3i &f2 = faces2.col(j2);
const Vector3d &x2a = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(0));
const Vector3d &x2b = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(1));
const Vector3d &x2c = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(2));
Vector3d nor2 = faceNors2.col(j2);
// Make sure the triangle normal points outward wrt the box.
if ( < 0.0) {
nor2 = -nor2;
// Is x1 on the correct side?
Vector3d dx = x1 - x2a;
double proj =;
if (proj < 0.0) {
// Project x1 onto the triangle
Vector3d x2 = x1 - proj*nor2;
dx = x2 - x1;
double dist = dx.norm();
if (dist > 5.0*threshold) {
// Too far
// Compute barycentric coords of x1 wrt tri2
double u, v;
barycentric(u, v, x2a, x2b, x2c, x1);
double w = 1.0 - u - v;
if (u < 0.0 || 1.0 < u || v < 0.0 || 1.0 < v || w < 0.0 || 1.0 < w) {
// Projected point is outside the triangle
// Create contact object
auto c = make_shared<Collision>();
c->dist = dist;
c->nor1 = nor1;
c->nor2 = nor2;
c->pos1 = x1;
c->pos2 = x2;
c->count1 = 1;
c->count2 = 3;
c->verts1 << i1, -1, -1;
c->verts2 = f2;
c->weights1 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
c->weights2 << u, v, w;
c->tri1 = -1;
c->tri2 = j2;
// Is this the closest one so far?
if (cmin == NULL) {
cmin = c;
else {
if (c->dist < cmin->dist) {
cmin = c;
if (cmin != NULL) {
// Go through the collisions and create `pos1_`, the position of the
// collision on the box offset by a small amount so that it is inside the
// box.
double snapDepth = 0.1*threshold;
for (auto collision : collisions) {
collision->pos1_ = collision->pos1 - snapDepth*collision->nor1;
Computing file changes ...