Revision 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC, committed by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
1 parent db932cf
Tip revision: 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Tip revision: 2323d9f
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
// Throughout this code, `1` refers to the box and `2` refers to the cloth.
// For example, `pos1` is the collision point on the box, and `pos2` is the
// collision point on the cloth.
namespace btc
* The vertex ordering is as follows:
* x2
* / \
* / t0 \
* / \
* x0--edge--x1
* \ /
* \ t1 /
* \ /
* x3
class Edge
virtual ~Edge();
Eigen::Vector4i verts;
Eigen::Vector2i faces;
bool internal;
double angle;
Eigen::Vector3d normals[2];
void createEdges(
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Edge> > &edges, // output
const Eigen::MatrixXi &faces, // input
const Eigen::MatrixXd &verts // input
class Collision
virtual ~Collision();
// The collision can be Vert-Face, Face-Vert, or Edge-Edge.
// Vert-Face:
// count1 = 1
// count2 = 3
// verts1 = [i -1 -1], where i is the vertex index for box
// verts2 = [i j k], where i, j, k are the vertex indices for cloth
// weights1 = [a 0 0], where a is the box vertex weight for i
// weights2 = [a b c], where a, b, c, are the cloth vertex weights for i, j, k
// tri1 = -1
// tri2 = i, where i is the triangle index for cloth
// edge1 = [a b c ...], wher a, b, c, etc. are the edge indices of the surrounding edges
// edge2 = -1
// Edge-Edge:
// count1 = 2
// count2 = 2
// verts1 = [i j -1], where i, j are the vertex indices for box
// verts2 = [i j -1], where i, j are the vertex indices for cloth
// weights1 = [a b 0], where a, b are the box vertex weight for i, j
// weights2 = [a b 0], where a, b are the cloth vertex weights for i, j
// tri1 = -1
// tri2 = -1
// edge1 = [i], where i is the edge index for box
// edge2 = i, where i is the edge index for cloth
// Face-Vert:
// count1 = 3
// count2 = 1
// verts1 = [i j k], where i, j, k are the vertex indices for box
// verts2 = [i -1 -1], where i is the vertex index for cloth
// weights1 = [a b c], where a, b, c, are the cloth vertex weights for i, j, k
// weights2 = [a 0 0], where a is the box vertex weight for i
// tri1 = i, where i is the triangle index for box
// tri2 = -1
// edge1 = []
// edge2 = -1
double dist; // distance
Eigen::Vector3d nor1; // normal
Eigen::Vector3d nor2; // normal on cloth
Eigen::Vector3d pos1; // position on box
Eigen::Vector3d pos2; // position on cloth
Eigen::Vector3d pos1_; // position on box offset to be slightly inside
int count1; // Collision type for box: 1=vert, 2=edge, 3=face
int count2; // Collision type for cloth: 1=vert, 2=edge, 3=face
Eigen::Vector3i verts1; // The collided vertices on box
Eigen::Vector3i verts2; // The collided vertices on cloth
Eigen::Vector3d weights1; // The vertex weights on box
Eigen::Vector3d weights2; // The vertex weights on cloth
int tri1; // Triangle index for box
int tri2; // Triangle index for cloth
std::vector<int> edge1; // all surrounding edge indices for he box
int edge2; // edge index for cloth
* Main function
* collisions: a vector of detected collisions
* threshold: detection threshold (e.g., 1e-5)
* whd1: box dimensions
* E1: box frame
* verts2: 3xn matrix of cloth vertices
* faces2: 3xm matrix of cloth faces
void boxTriCollision(
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Collision> > &collisions,
double threshold,
const Eigen::Vector3d &whd1,
const Eigen::Matrix4d &E1,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &verts2,
const Eigen::MatrixXi &faces2,
const Eigen::VectorXi &isEOL2,
bool EOL);
* Same as above, but doesn't create the edge structure. If the edge structure
* is already created, then call this function. Otherwise, call the function
* above, which creates the edge structure based on verts2 and faces2.
void boxTriCollision(
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Collision> > &collisions,
double threshold,
const Eigen::Vector3d &whd1,
const Eigen::Matrix4d &E1,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &verts2,
const Eigen::MatrixXi &faces2,
const Eigen::VectorXi &isEOL2,
bool EOL,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Edge> > &edges2);
void pointTriCollision(
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Collision> > &collisions,
double threshold,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &verts1,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &norms1,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &verts2,
const Eigen::MatrixXi &faces2,
bool EOL);
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