Revision 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC, committed by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
1 parent db932cf
Tip revision: 2323d9f6471bbf5dc63979216a3ed3c97ff3538a authored by Weidner on 13 July 2018, 15:37:58 UTC
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Solver solving using old deform grad method. Still some bugs, but going to clean up force filling
Tip revision: 2323d9f
#include "parseParams.h"
#include "external\Json\json.h"
#include "external\ArcSim\util.hpp"
#include "external\ArcSim\vectors.hpp"
#include "external\ArcSim\referenceshape.hpp"
#include "Cloth.h"
#include "Obstacles.h"
#include "Points.h"
#include "Box.h"
#include "Shape.h"
#include "GeneralizedSolver.h"
#include <Eigen\Core>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <omp.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
// Borrowed from ArcSim
void complain(const Json::Value &json, const string &expected) {
cout << "Expected " << expected << ", found " << json << " instead" << endl;
void complainM(int msize, int gotsize) {
cout << "Expected " << msize << "elements, found " << gotsize << " instead" << endl;
template <typename T> void parse(vector<T> &v, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++)
parse(v[i], json[i]);
template <typename T> void parse(T &x, const Json::Value &json, const T &x0) {
if (json.isNull())
x = x0;
parse(x, json);
void parse(bool &b, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isBool()) complain(json, "boolean");
b = json.asBool();
void parse(int &n, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isIntegral()) complain(json, "integer");
n = json.asInt();
void parse(double &x, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isNumeric()) complain(json, "real");
x = json.asDouble();
void parse(string &s, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isString()) complain(json, "string");
s = json.asString();
struct Range {
double &min, &max;
Range(double &min, double &max) : min(min), max(max) {}
void parse(Range range, const Json::Value &json, Vec2 range0, const string key) {
if (json.isNull()) {
range.min = range0[0];
range.max = range0[1];
if (json.size() != 2) {
cout << "The array value " << key << "was defined unproperly" << endl;
cout << "Do so with the JSON key:" << endl;
cout << " \"" << key << "\": [#,#]" << endl;
parse(range.min, json[0u]);
parse(range.max, json[1]);
// End borrowed from ArcSim
void parse(Vector2i &v, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
v(i) = json[i].asInt();
void parse(Vector2d &v, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
v(i) = json[i].asDouble();
void parse(Vector3d &v, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
v(i) = json[i].asDouble();
void load_genset(const shared_ptr<genSet> genset, const string &JSON_FILE)
Json::Value json;
Json::Reader reader;
ifstream file(JSON_FILE.c_str());
bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(file, json);
if (!parsingSuccessful) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file: %s\n", JSON_FILE.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "%s", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages().c_str());
parse(genset->online, json["online"], false);
parse(genset->exportObjs, json["exportObjs"], false);
parse(genset->exportTimings, json["exportTimings"], false);
parse(genset->RESOURCE_DIR, json["RESOURCE_DIR"], string(""));
if (genset->RESOURCE_DIR == "") {
cout << "Resource directory was not specified." << endl;
cout << "Do so with the JSON key:" << endl;
cout << " \"RESOURCE_DIR\": <path-to-resource-dir>" << endl;
if (genset->exportObjs) {
parse(genset->OUTPUT_DIR, json["OUTPUT_DIR"], string(""));
if (genset->OUTPUT_DIR == "") {
cout << "Export set to on, but no output directory specified." << endl;
cout << "Do so with the JSON key:" << endl;
cout << " \"OUTPUT_DIR\": <path-to-output-dir>" << endl;
genset->RESOURCE_DIR += string("/"); // Just in case
void load_solver(shared_ptr<GeneralizedSolver> gs, const Json::Value& json)
if (!json.isString()) complain(json, "string");
string which = json.asString();
if (which == "mosek") {
#ifndef EOLC_MOSEK
cout << "ERROR:" << endl;
cout << "You've specified using the mosek solver, but you haven't built with mosek support" << endl;
#endif // !EOLC_MOSEK
gs->whichSolver = GeneralizedSolver::Mosek;
else if (which == "gurobi") {
cout << "ERROR:" << endl;
cout << "You've specified using the gurobi solver, but you haven't built with gurobi support" << endl;
#endif // !EOLC_GUROBI
gs->whichSolver = GeneralizedSolver::Gurobi;
else {
cout << "Unrecognized solver:" << endl;
cout << " \"" << which << "\"" << endl;
cout << "Check spelling" << endl;
void load_matset(Material& material, const Json::Value& json)
parse(material.density, json["density"], 0.05);
parse(material.e, json["youngs"], 50.0);
parse(, json["poissons"], 0.01);
parse(material.beta, json["stiffness"], 1.0e-5);
parse(Range(material.dampingA, material.dampingB),
json["damping"], Vec2(0.0, 1.0), "damping");
// Borrowed from ArcSim
void load_remeshset(Remeshing& remeshing, const Json::Value& json)
parse(remeshing.refine_angle, json["refine_angle"], infinity);
parse(remeshing.refine_compression, json["refine_compression"], infinity);
parse(remeshing.refine_velocity, json["refine_velocity"], infinity);
parse(Range(remeshing.size_min, remeshing.size_max),
json["size"], Vec2(-infinity, infinity), "size");
parse(remeshing.aspect_min, json["aspect_min"], -infinity);
// Individual object settings loaders
void load_defclothset(shared_ptr<Cloth> cloth, const Json::Value& json)
Vector2i res;
parse(res, json["initial_cloth_res"], Vector2i(2, 2));
Vector3d p00, p01, p10, p11;
parse(p00, json["corner1"], Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
parse(p01, json["corner2"], Vector3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
parse(p10, json["corner3"], Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
parse(p11, json["corner4"], Vector3d(1.0, 0.0, 1.0));
cloth->build(res, p00, p01, p10, p11);
cloth->mesh.parent = cloth;
cloth->mesh.ref = new ReferenceLinear(cloth->mesh);
void load_clothset(shared_ptr<Cloth> cloth, const Json::Value& json)
if (json.isMember("cloth_obj") && json["cloth_obj"] != "") {
else if (json.isMember("init")) {
load_defclothset(cloth, json["init"]);
if (json.isMember("Material")) load_matset(cloth->material, json["Material"]);
if (json.isMember("Remeshing")) load_remeshset(cloth->remeshing, json["Remeshing"]);
void load_pointsset(shared_ptr<Points> p, const Json::Value& json)
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
if (p->num_points != 0) {
MatrixXd pxyzfromfile = p->pxyz;
MatrixXd normsfromfile = p->norms;
p->pxyz.resize(3, p->num_points + json.size());
p->norms.resize(3, p->num_points + json.size());
p->pxyz.block(0, 0, 3, p->num_points) = pxyzfromfile;
p->norms.block(0, 0, 3, p->num_points) = normsfromfile;
for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++) {
if (!json[i].isArray()) complain(json, "array");
if (json[i].size() != 6) {
cout << "Invalid point define." << endl;
cout << "Do so with the JSON key:" << endl;
cout << " \"points\": [x, y, z, nx, ny, nz]" << endl;
p->pxyz.block(0, i + p->num_points, 3, 1) = Vector3d(json[i][0].asDouble(), json[i][1].asDouble(), json[i][2].asDouble());
p->norms.block(0, i + p->num_points, 3, 1) = Vector3d(json[i][3].asDouble(), json[i][4].asDouble(), json[i][5].asDouble());
p->num_points += json.size();
else {
p->num_points = json.size();
p->pxyz.resize(3, json.size());
p->norms.resize(3, json.size());
for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++) {
if (!json[i].isArray()) complain(json, "array");
if (json[i].size() != 6) {
cout << "Invalid point define." << endl;
cout << "Points are formated as:" << endl;
cout << " [x, y, z, nx, ny, nz]" << endl;
p->pxyz.block(0, i, 3, 1) = Vector3d(json[i][0].asDouble(), json[i][1].asDouble(), json[i][2].asDouble());
p->norms.block(0, i, 3, 1) = Vector3d(json[i][3].asDouble(), json[i][4].asDouble(), json[i][5].asDouble());
void load_boxset(vector<shared_ptr<Box> > &boxes, shared_ptr<Shape> shape, const Json::Value& json)
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++) {
if (json[i].size() != 12) {
cout << "Invalid box define." << endl;
cout << "Boxes are formated as:" << endl;
cout << " [scalex, scaley, scalez, x, y, z, agvx, angvy, angvz, vx, vy, vz]" << endl;
auto b = make_shared<Box>(shape);
b->dim = Vector3d(json[i][0].asDouble(), json[i][1].asDouble(), json[i][2].asDouble());
b->E1.block<3,1>(0,3) = Vector3d(json[i][3].asDouble(), json[i][4].asDouble(), json[i][5].asDouble());
b->E1inv = b->E1.inverse();
b->v << json[i][6].asDouble(), json[i][7].asDouble(), json[i][8].asDouble(), json[i][9].asDouble(), json[i][10].asDouble(), json[i][11].asDouble();
void load_obsset(shared_ptr<Obstacles> obs, const Json::Value& json)
if(json.isMember("threshold")) parse(obs->cdthreshold, json["threshold"], 5e-3);
if (json.isMember("points_file")); // TODO
if (json.isMember("points")) load_pointsset(obs->points, json["points"]);
if (json.isMember("box_file")); // TODO
if (json.isMember("boxes")) load_boxset(obs->boxes, obs->shapes[0], json["boxes"]);
obs->num_boxes = obs->boxes.size();
void printSimSet(shared_ptr<Scene> scene);
void load_simset(shared_ptr<Scene> scene, const string &JSON_FILE)
Json::Value json;
Json::Reader reader;
ifstream file(JSON_FILE.c_str());
bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(file, json);
if (!parsingSuccessful) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file: %s\n", JSON_FILE.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "%s", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages().c_str());
if (json.isMember("solver")) load_solver(scene->GS, json["solver"]);
parse(scene->h, json["timestep"], 0.005);
parse(scene->grav, json["gravity"], Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, -9.8));
parse(scene->EOLon, json["EOL"], false);
if (json.isMember("Cloth")) load_clothset(scene->cloth, json["Cloth"]);
if (json.isMember("Obstacles")) load_obsset(scene->obs, json["Obstacles"]);
string printSimBool(bool b) {
if (b) return "True";
return "False";
void printSimSet(shared_ptr<Scene> scene)
cout << "Simulation settings" << endl;
cout << " Timestep: " << scene->h << endl;
cout << " EOL: " << printSimBool(scene->EOLon) << endl;
cout << " Cloth:" << endl;
cout << " cloth_obj: " << "" << endl;
cout << " Material: " << endl;
cout << " density: " << scene->cloth->material.density << endl;
cout << " youngs: " << scene->cloth->material.e << endl;
cout << " poissons: " << scene->cloth-> << endl;
cout << " stiffness: " << scene->cloth->material.beta << endl;
cout << " damping: [" << scene->cloth->material.dampingA << ", " << scene->cloth->material.dampingA << "]" << endl;
cout << " Remeshing: " << endl;
cout << " refine_angle: " << scene->cloth->remeshing.refine_angle << endl;
cout << " refine_compression: " << scene->cloth->remeshing.refine_compression << endl;
cout << " refine_velocity: " << scene->cloth->remeshing.refine_velocity << endl;
cout << " size: [" << scene->cloth->remeshing.size_min << ", " << scene->cloth->remeshing.size_max << "]" << endl;
cout << " aspect_min: " << scene->cloth->remeshing.aspect_min << endl;
cout << " Obstacles:" << endl;
cout << " points_file: " << "" << endl;
cout << " total_points: " << scene->obs->points->num_points << endl;
cout << " box_file: " << "" << endl;
cout << " total_boxes" << scene->obs->num_boxes << endl;
Computing file changes ...