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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
24e1381 [dexter] clean up lemmas wip 2 wip 3 temp 09 October 2020, 16:45:35 UTC
5bd5324 [mi-cho-coq] add compare_gt_lt to comparable.v 09 October 2020, 16:45:29 UTC
f5addb1 [mi-cho-coq] move fold_eval_precond to semantics.v 09 October 2020, 16:45:29 UTC
3a640c9 [dexter] update proof for exchange entrypoints 28 September 2020, 21:48:12 UTC
e27ce6c [dexter] update spec exchange entrypoints 28 September 2020, 21:48:12 UTC
a3ba9dc [dexter] refactorise proof of removeLiquidity 28 September 2020, 21:48:12 UTC
f8a1dce [dexter] update spec and proofs for addLiquidity 28 September 2020, 21:48:12 UTC
f00a1db [dexter] update contract to 4e24123 28 September 2020, 21:48:12 UTC
8a2402e [dexter] Prove ep_[tokenToXtz|xtzToToken|tokenToToken]_correct 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
38efb61 [dexter] Add and re-organize lemmas 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
2bdaa67 [dexter] Fix spec for ep_tokenToXtz, ep_xtzToToken and ep_tokenToToken 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
b459984 [dexter] prove removeLiquidity_correct 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
532a73f [dexter] fix removeLqt specification Errors fixed in the formalization w.r.t. informal specification: - the allowance was never updated in set_allowance - allowance check should be performed in owners account - allowance check should fail if the owner has no allowances for owner - order of emitted operations - require that 0 < lqt_burned <= lqt_total 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
b7e9a40 [dexter] refactorise addLiquidity_correct 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
b029a55 [dexter] prove ep_approve_correct 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
04e1d5a [dexter] move up all auxiliary lemmas 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
67a04e1 [dexter] prove cmp_mutez_lt_zero 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
b070580 [dexter] prove ep_addLiquidity_correct 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
0ec93d3 [dexter] prove injectivity of tez.to_Z 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
9c3387f [dexter] prove lower bound on tez.to_Z 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
3660a5a [dexter] proof for ep_updateTokenPoolInternal_correct 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
9b9796d [dexter] proof for ep_updateTokenPool_correct 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
bed2d35 [dexter] refactor proofs for default, setBaker, setManager 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
8b0671c [dexter] move generic lemmas out of the entry_points section 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
84e78b1 [dexter] update contract to 05a3088 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
36e8d88 [dexter] update contract to 24e701a Fixes problem deadline checks 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
4ed9363 [dexter] fix spec: no /0 in remLqt, tokenToXtz, tokenToToken 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
4e95dc3 [dexter] fix spec: tokenToToken requires min_tokens_bought <> 0 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
4cef434 [dexter] fix spec: tokenToToken does not require that to exists 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
0dcfb18 [dexter] updates to the spec of addLiquidity - xtz_pool must be larger than zero (o/w divisiion by zero) - token_deposited must be larger than zero - min_lqt_minted should be lt or eq to lqt_created 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
2745656 [dexter] Fix List notation error Works better with older versions of Coq 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
0dbb5e8 [dexter] Replace String.eqb with String.string_dec For compability reasons with older versions of Coq 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
f093f80 [dexter] fix spec: lqt_created is rounded down, token_dep rounded up 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
6ec12a3 fixup! [dexter] fix spec: amount required for first liquidity provider 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
0f342f1 [dexter] fix spec: owner is credited with added liquidity 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
9937c18 [dexter] update to new informal spec of check_deadline 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
30c13e5 [dexter] fix spec: amount required for first liquidity provider 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
3fe2f0a [dexter] fix spec: percentage in fa1.2 annotations 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
3313689 [dexter] fix check_deadline 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
8f7cd98 [dexter] split-addLqt: split proofs 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
54b20fb [dexter] split-addLqt: add split spec 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
f64a288 [dexter] split-addLqt: add definition 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
f424b38 [dexter] updates for new contract/address formalization 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
606ca11 [dexter] update contract to 325f021b 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
57a7178 [dexter] conform coq spec informal spec dated [September 10, 5:16 PM] 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
37e98af [dexter] conform coq spec informal spec dated [August 31, 4:20 PM] 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
0887c40 [dexter] add version e8e7096c of Dexter from branch develop 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
802414c [dexter] proof for ep_setBaker_correct 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
cc0dbb4 [dexter] proof for ep_default_correct 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
bb81c4a [dexter] proof for ep_setManager_correct 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
375887e [dexter] add version 6d1798cb of Dexter from branch develop 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
09ccea6 [dexter] conform coq spec informal spec dated [August 26, 1:02 PM] Remove resolved TODOs from the specification: - the behavior of approve when allowance[spender] is undefined has been confirmed by james - as there is nothing that suggests that dexter verifies that token_bought <= token_pool, i'm removing that comment - the operations emitted by tokentotoken has been clarified by james 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
7c5515d [dexter] conform coq spec informal spec dated [August 12, 2:16 PM] 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
f40ab3d [dexter] add version ad6ddd89 of Dexter from branch develop, update 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
5f7bcb3 [dexter] Fixes to ep_approve due to Kristina 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
10c48fc [dexter] Conform coq spec informal spec dated [July 17, 12:39 AM] 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
42653f7 [dexter] take a stab at proving derived properties from full spec 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
5b8b7bb [dexter] add tentative specification of tokenToToken entrypoint 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
4acb18d [dexter] conform coq spec informal spec dated [July 13, 10:31 AM] 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
d092477 [dexter] update contract to 26a6dd13 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
4d21328 Adapt proofs to simplified formulas from eval_precond 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
1c25b39 [dexter] Removing sender <> spender check in approve As per trail of bits security issue 6. 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
1d2aa8e [dexter] Fix the spec for entrypoint approve - I had forgotten the allowance = current_allowance check - Added the case where there is no account for sender, as per the discussion with James in the informal spec 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
f0b4cff [dexter] add spec for updateTokenPool & updateTokenPoolInternal 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
e496495 [dexter] add version 333cfb87 of dexter, update as follows From James: "There have been a few changes in the morley version to fix bugs. - The storage reorganized a bit so that the bigmap is at the top (pair (bigmap) ...) , that way we can still use the old POST big map rpc (just used in development with tezos-client, it is much easier, production uses the newer GET rpc which has a few more steps). The pair structure changed, the data is all the same. - There were one or two errors with transfer. to_ sending to owner instead of the other way around. init liquidity in addLiquidity was not setting the tokenPool. Fixed that." Also add some tactics for robustness: - use destruct_sto to destruct contract - use autofuel instead of "do X more_fuel; simpl". hopefully, this will be more robust." Also, this include the latest changes in updateTokenPool that fixes the issue brought up in the trail of bits security report. 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
01ad2a3 [dexter] prove ep_update_TokenPool_correct. 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
2ff53fe [dexter] prove ep_setBaker_correct. 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
5daade9 [dexter] add the addLiquidity entrypoint definition 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
3da9b45 [dexter] add lqt_total to storage and update affected EPs 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
ba5abce [dexter] replace iff w/ and in setBaker, default spec 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
0aeb0ce [dexter] use same semantics module in spec and verification 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
e44022c [dexter] boilerplate to verify main 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
356da2f [dexter] specify xtzToToken and tokenToXtz 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
42a55e9 [dexter] specify removeLiquidity 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
b268b8f parse wip 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
4dd558f [dexter] rebase on dev, spec addLiquidity entry point 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
63f6386 [dexter] specify ep_addLiquidity 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
1cfeb5b [dexter] add morley contract 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
dcf4d74 [dexter] update contract definition from wip morley contract 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
a5c3ed2 [dexter] update parameter and main with new morley definition 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
c2a8459 [dexter] add wip spec for approve 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
023acf3 [dexter] use shorthands in parameter type declaration 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
68bd203 [dexter] clarify fuel comment 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
7e77296 [dexter] stubs for spec/def/verification of each entrypoint 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
0c0f575 [dexter] add setBaker formal specification 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
4b697bd [dexter] add stubs for all entrypoints and main 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
bb6bc22 test 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
c287b4c rename 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
c1bc44b [dexter] Specify entrypoints vote 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
3d30375 [dexter] Specify entrypoints xtzToToken and tokenToXtz 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
1a25e53 [dexter] Specify entrypoint removeLiquidity 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
cf79373 [dexter] Specify baker election (provisional version) 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
7a66b03 [dexter] Relational input-output specification of entrypoint add_liquidity 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
5314b5c A more "classic relational" specification of the add_liquidity entrypoint 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
dd3dc15 Monadic specification -- dead end? to handle errors, i would have to make the specicification monad very close to the error monad... then what is the point of the specificiation monad ? maybe more point if I rewrite it as a reader / writer. For the moment, i will rather try to make a more simple specification DSL and go from there. 28 September 2020, 13:12:58 UTC
a4d37fa [Michocoq] Allow FAILWITH in LOOP, LOOP_LEFT, and ITER Fixes #27. 17 September 2020, 11:45:12 UTC
5796046 Simplification of the formula produced by eval_precond The following simplifications are applied: - eval_seq_precond immediately returns `False` on instruction sequences ending with a `FAILWITH` (it does so by looking at the tail-fail flag) - `match x with C1 y => phi y | C2 y => False` becomes `exists y, x = C1 y /\ phi y` - the code produced for `IF_ f` depends on the if-family `f` to avoid the previous double pattern matching: for example for options it produces `match o with | Some x -> ... | None -> ... end` instead of `match (match o with Some x -> inl x | None -> inr tt end) with inl x -> ... | inr y -> ... end`. Thanks to these simplifications, the proofs in the contract_coq directory are simpler. 15 September 2020, 12:28:46 UTC
1f739de [Michocoq] Improve checking time of the SLC proof On my machine, it is now checked in 16s instead of 56s. 29 August 2020, 15:21:54 UTC
02388f8 [michocoq] Fix typing of chain_id constants (bytes instead of strings) 24 August 2020, 12:51:55 UTC
d7cd730 [michocoq] Foramlise byte sequences 24 August 2020, 12:51:55 UTC
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