Revision 25d7504145c07e4345a472338a8616b023fc8243 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 11 July 2015, 19:03:40 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 12 July 2015, 12:14:23 UTC
1 parent 9b8598c
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(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012-2015 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B licence.
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

require import Logic.
require export Pred.
require import Int.
require import Real.
require import Fun.

op charfun (p:'a -> bool) x: real = if p x then 1%r else 0%r.

op mu_x (d:'a distr) x: real = mu d (pred1 x).

op weight (d:'a distr): real = mu d predT.

op in_supp x (d:'a distr) : bool = 0%r < mu_x d x.

op support (d:'a distr) x = in_supp x d.

pred is_lossless (d : 'a distr) = mu d predT = 1%r.

pred is_full (d : 'a distr) = forall x, support d x.

pred is_subuniform (d : 'a distr) = forall (x y:'a),
  support d x =>
  support d y =>
  mu d (pred1 x) = mu d (pred1 y).

pred is_uniform (d : 'a distr) =
     is_lossless d
  /\ is_subuniform d.

pred is_subuniform_over (d : 'a distr) (p : 'a -> bool) =
     (forall x, support d x <=> p x)
  /\ is_subuniform d.

pred is_uniform_over (d : 'a distr) (p : 'a -> bool) =
     (forall x, support d x <=> p x)
  /\ is_uniform d.

(** Point-wise equality *)
pred (==)(d d':'a distr) =
  (forall x, mu_x d x = mu_x d' x).

(** Event-wise equality *)
pred (===)(d d':'a distr) =
  forall p, mu d p = mu d' p.

(** Axioms *)
axiom mu_bounded (d:'a distr) (p:'a -> bool):
  0%r <= mu d p <= 1%r.

axiom mu_false (d:'a distr): mu d pred0 = 0%r.

axiom mu_sub (d:'a distr) (p q:('a -> bool)):
  p <= q => mu d p <= mu d q.

axiom mu_supp_in (d:'a distr) p:
  mu d p = mu d predT <=>
  support d <= p.

axiom mu_or (d:'a distr) (p q:('a -> bool)):
  mu d (predU p q) = mu d p + mu d q - mu d (predI p q).

axiom pw_eq (d d':'a distr):
  d == d' <=> d = d'.

axiom uniform_unique (d d':'a distr):
  support d = support d' =>
  is_uniform d  =>
  is_uniform d' =>
  d = d'.

(** Lemmas *)
lemma witness_nzero P (d:'a distr):
  0%r < mu d P => (exists x, P x ).
  cut: P <> pred0 => (exists x, P x).
    apply absurd=> /=.
    have -> h: (!exists (x:'a), P x) = forall (x:'a), !P x by smt.
    by apply fun_ext=> x; rewrite h.

lemma ew_eq (d d':'a distr):
  d === d' => d = d'.
intros=> ew_eq; rewrite -pw_eq=> x.
by rewrite /mu_x ew_eq.

lemma nosmt mu_or_le (d:'a distr) (p q:'a -> bool) r1 r2:
  mu d p <= r1 => mu d q <= r2 =>
  mu d (predU p q) <= r1 + r2 by [].

lemma nosmt mu_and  (d:'a distr) (p q:'a -> bool):
  mu d (predI p q) = mu d p + mu d q - mu d (predU p q)
by [].

lemma nosmt mu_and_le_l (d:'a distr) (p q:'a -> bool) r:
  mu d p <= r =>
  mu d (predI p q) <= r.
apply (Real.Trans _ (mu d p)).
by apply mu_sub; rewrite /predI=> x.

lemma nosmt mu_and_le_r (d:'a distr) (p q:'a -> bool) r :
  mu d q <= r => 
  mu d (predI p q) <= r.
apply (Real.Trans _ (mu d q)).
by apply mu_sub; rewrite /predI=> x.

lemma mu_supp (d:'a distr):
  mu d (support d) = mu d predT.
proof. by rewrite mu_supp_in. qed.

lemma mu_eq (d:'a distr) (p q:'a -> bool):
  p == q => mu d p = mu d q.
by intros=> ext_p_q; congr=> //; apply fun_ext.

lemma mu_disjoint (d:'a distr) (p q:('a -> bool)):
  (predI p q) <= pred0 =>
  mu d (predU p q) = mu d p + mu d q.
intros=> and_p_q_false; rewrite mu_or.
cut ->: (predI p q) = pred0 by apply subpred_asym.
by rewrite mu_false.

lemma mu_not (d:'a distr) (p:('a -> bool)):
  mu d (predC p) = mu d predT - mu d p.
have: mu d (predC p) + mu d p = mu d predT; [rewrite -mu_disjoint | smt].
+ by rewrite predCpredI; apply/(subpred_refl<:'a> pred0). (* rewrite seems to unroll too much *)
+ by rewrite predCpredU.

lemma mu_split (d:'a distr) (p q:('a -> bool)):
  mu d p = mu d (predI p q) + mu d (predI p (predC q)).
rewrite -mu_disjoint; first smt.
by apply mu_eq=> x; rewrite /predI /predC /predU !(andC (p x)) orDandN.

lemma mu_support (p:('a -> bool)) (d:'a distr):
  mu d p = mu d (predI p (support d)).
apply Antisymm; last by apply/mu_sub/predIsubpredl.
have ->: forall (p q:'a -> bool), (predI p q) = predC (predU (predC p) (predC q)).
  by (move=> p1 p2; apply fun_ext; delta; smt). (* delta *)
by rewrite mu_not mu_or !mu_not mu_supp; smt.

lemma witness_support P (d:'a distr):
  0%r < mu d P <=> (exists x, P x /\ in_supp x d).
split=> [|[] x [x_in_P x_in_d]].
  rewrite mu_support=> nzero.
  apply witness_nzero in nzero; case nzero=> x.
  rewrite /predI //= => p_supp.
  by exists x.
cut: mu d (pred1 x) <= mu d P /\ 0%r < mu d (pred1 x); last smt.
split=> [|//=].
by rewrite mu_sub // /Pred.(<=) /pred1 => x0 <<-.

lemma mu_sub_support (d:'a distr) (p q:('a -> bool)):
  (predI p (support d)) <= (predI q (support d)) =>
  mu d p <= mu d q.
by move=> ple_p_q; rewrite (mu_support p) (mu_support q);
   apply mu_sub.

lemma mu_eq_support (d:'a distr) (p q:('a -> bool)):
  (predI p (support d)) = (predI q (support d)) =>
  mu d p = mu d q.
by move=> eq_supp;
   rewrite (mu_support p) (mu_support q);
   apply mu_eq; rewrite eq_supp.

lemma weight_0_mu (d:'a distr):
  weight d = 0%r => forall p, mu d p = 0%r
by [].

lemma mu_one (P:'a -> bool) (d:'a distr):
  P == predT => 
  weight d = 1%r =>
  mu d P = 1%r.
intros=> heq <-.
rewrite /weight.
congr=> //.
by apply fun_ext.

(*** Some useful distributions *)
(** Empty distribution *)
theory Dempty.
  op dempty : 'a distr.

  axiom mu_def (p:'a -> bool): mu dempty p = 0%r.

  lemma unique (d:'a distr):
    weight d = 0%r <=> d = dempty.
  split; last smt.
  by intros weight_0; rewrite -(pw_eq<:'a> d dempty); smt.

  lemma demptyU: is_subuniform dempty<:'a> by smt.
end Dempty.

(** Point distribution *)
theory Dunit.
  op dunit: 'a -> 'a distr.

  axiom mu_def x (p:'a -> bool):
    mu (dunit x) p = charfun p x.

  lemma nosmt mu_def_in x (p:'a -> bool):
    p x => mu (dunit x) p = 1%r
  by [].

  lemma nosmt mu_def_notin x (p:('a -> bool)):
    !p x => mu (dunit x) p = 0%r
  by [].

  lemma nosmt mu_x_def (x y:'a):
    mu_x (dunit y) x = if x = y then 1%r else 0%r
  by rewrite /mu_x mu_def /charfun pred1E.

  lemma nosmt mu_x_def_eq (x:'a):
    mu_x (dunit x) x = 1%r
  by rewrite mu_x_def.

  lemma nosmt mu_x_def_neq (x y:'a):
    x <> y => mu_x (dunit x) y = 0%r
  by (rewrite mu_x_def; smt).

  lemma supp_def (x y:'a):
    in_supp x (dunit y) <=> x = y
  by (rewrite /in_supp mu_x_def; case (x = y)).

  lemma lossless (x:'a):
    weight (dunit x) = 1%r
  by [].

  lemma dunitU (x:'a):
    is_uniform (dunit x)
  by [].
end Dunit.

(** Uniform distribution on (closed) integer intervals *)
(* A concrete realization of this distribution using uniform
   distributions on finite sets of integers is available as
   FSet.Dinter_uni.dinter, so these axioms are untrusted. *)
theory Dinter.
  op dinter: int -> int -> int distr.

  axiom supp_def (i j x:int):
    in_supp x (dinter i j) <=> i <= x <= j.

  axiom weight_def (i j:int):
    weight (dinter i j) = if i <= j then 1%r else 0%r.

  axiom mu_x_def (i j x:int):
    mu_x (dinter i j) x =
      if in_supp x (dinter i j)
      then 1%r / (j - i + 1)%r
      else 0%r.

  lemma nosmt mu_x_def_in (i j x:int):
    in_supp x (dinter i j) =>
    mu_x (dinter i j) x = 1%r / (j - i + 1)%r
  by rewrite mu_x_def=> ->.

  lemma nosmt mu_x_def_notin (i j x:int):
    !in_supp x (dinter i j) =>
    mu_x (dinter i j) x = 0%r
  by rewrite mu_x_def -neqF=> ->.

  lemma mu_in_supp (i j : int):
    i <= j => 
    mu (dinter i j) (fun x, i <= x <= j) = 1%r.
  proof strict.
    move=> h; rewrite -(mu_eq_support (dinter i j) predT).
      by apply/fun_ext=> x /=; smt.
      by smt.

  lemma dinterU (i j:int):
    is_subuniform (dinter i j)
  by admit.
end Dinter.

(** Normalization of a sub-distribution *)
theory Dscale.
  op dscale: 'a distr -> 'a distr.

  axiom supp_def (x:'a) (d:'a distr):
    in_supp x (dscale d) <=> in_supp x d.

  axiom mu_def_0 (d:'a distr):
    weight d = 0%r =>
    forall (p:'a -> bool), mu (dscale d) p = 0%r.

  axiom mu_def_pos (d:'a distr):
    0%r < weight d =>
    forall (p:'a -> bool), mu (dscale d) p = mu d p / weight d.  

  lemma weight_0 (d:'a distr):
    weight d = 0%r => weight (dscale d) = 0%r
  by [].

  lemma weight_pos (d:'a distr):
    0%r < weight d => weight (dscale d) = 1%r.
  proof strict.
  by intros=> H; rewrite /weight mu_def_pos /weight=> //; smt.

  lemma dscaleU (d:'a distr):
    mu d predT <> 0%r => is_subuniform d => is_uniform (dscale d)
  by [].
end Dscale.

(** Distribution resulting from applying a function to a distribution *)
theory Dapply.
  op dapply: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a distr -> 'b distr.

  axiom mu_def (d:'a distr) (f:'a -> 'b) P:
    mu (dapply f d) P = mu d (preim f P).

  lemma mu_x_def (d:'a distr) (f:'a -> 'b) x:
    mu_x (dapply f d) x = mu d (preim f (pred1 x)).
  proof. by rewrite /mu_x mu_def. qed.

  lemma supp_def (d:'a distr) (f:'a -> 'b) y:
    in_supp y (dapply f d) <=> exists x, y = f x /\ in_supp x d.
  rewrite /in_supp /mu_x mu_def; split.
    rewrite mu_support /predI /= => in_sup. smt.
    intros=> [x]; rewrite /in_supp /mu_x=> [y_def nempty].
    have: pred1 x <= preim f (pred1 y)
      by move=> w; rewrite !pred1E. 

  lemma lossless (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b):
    weight (dapply f d) = weight d.
  by rewrite /weight mu_def.

  lemma dapply_preim (d:'a distr) (f:'a -> 'b) P:
    mu (dapply f d) P = mu d (preim f P)
  by rewrite mu_def.

  lemma mux_dapply_bij (d:'a distr) (f:'a -> 'b) g x:
    cancel g f => cancel f g =>
    mu (dapply f d) (fun y, y = x) = mu d (fun y, y = g x).
  proof. move=> fK gK; rewrite mu_def; apply mu_eq; smt. qed.

  lemma mux_dapply_pbij (d:'a distr) (f:'a -> 'b) g x P:
    (forall x, P x => g (f x) = x) =>
    (forall y, f (g y) = y) =>
    support d <= P =>
    mu (dapply f d) (pred1 x) = mu d (pred1 (g x)).
    move=> fK gK leq_supp_P.
    rewrite mu_def /= (mu_support (preim f (pred1 x))) (mu_support (pred1 (g x))); apply mu_eq=> x0.
    rewrite /predI eq_iff /=; split.
      by case => f_x0 sup_x0; split=> //; rewrite -fK 1:leq_supp_P//;
         move: f_x0; rewrite /preim /pred1. (* Why? *)
      by case => x0_g sup_x0; split=> //; rewrite -(gK x) /preim /pred1;
         move: x0_g; rewrite /pred1. (* Why? *)
end Dapply.
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