Revision 25d7504145c07e4345a472338a8616b023fc8243 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 11 July 2015, 19:03:40 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 12 July 2015, 12:14:23 UTC
1 parent 9b8598c
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(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012-2015 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B licence.
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

require Int.

  (* prime fields GF(q) for q prime *)
theory F.
  (* the order of field is a prime q *)
  op q: int.
  axiom q_pos:  Int.(<) 0 q.
  (* TODO: Add an axiom asserting primality of q. *)

  (* Type of elements of the field *)
  type t.
  op zero : t. (* zero *)
  op one  : t. (* one *)
  op ( * ): t -> t -> t.  (* multiplication modulo q *)
  op ( + ): t -> t -> t.  (* addition modulo q *)
  op [ - ]: t -> t.       (* the additive inverse *)
  op inv: t -> t.         (* the multiplicative inverse *)

  op (-) : t -> t -> t.   (* subtraction modulo q *)
  op (/) : t -> t -> t.   (* division modulo q for y <> 0 *)
  op (^) : t -> int -> t. (* exponentiation *)

  axiom non_trivial: zero <> one.

  (* Addition/Subtraction *)
  axiom addC (x y:t): x + y = y + x.
  axiom addA (x y z:t) : x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z.
  axiom addf0 (x:t): x + zero = x.
  axiom addfN (x:t): x + -x = zero.
  axiom sub_def (x y:t) : x - y = x + -y.   

  (* Multiplication *)
  axiom mulC (x y:t): x * y = y * x.
  axiom mulA (x y z:t): x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z.
  axiom mulf1 (x:t): x * one = x.
  axiom mulfV (x:t): x <> zero => (x * (inv x)) = one.
  axiom mulfDl (x y z:t): x * y + x * z = x * (y + z).
  axiom div_def (x y:t): x / y = x * (inv y). 

  (* Exponentiation *)
  axiom pow0 (x:t): x ^ 0 = one.
  axiom powS (x:t) (n:int): Int.(<=) 0 n => x ^ (Int.(+) n 1) = x * x ^ n.
  axiom powN (x:t) (n:int): Int.(<=) 0 n => x ^ (Int.([-]) n) = inv (x ^ n).

  (** conversion between int and gf_q *)
  op ofint : int -> t.
  op toint : t -> int.

  axiom ofint0: ofint 0 = zero.
  axiom ofintS (n:int): Int.(<=) 0 n => ofint (Int.(+) n 1) = (ofint n) + one.
  axiom ofintN (n:int): ofint (Int.([-]) n) = -(ofint n).

  import Int.
  axiom toint_bounded (x:t): 0 <= toint x < q.
  axiom oftoint (x:t): ofint (toint x) = x.
  axiom toofint_mod (x:int): toint (ofint x) = Int.(%%) x q. 
end F.
export F.

(* Declaring the ring and field structure *)
require AlgTactic.
require Ring.

instance ring with t
  op rzero =
  op rone  =
  op add   = F.( + )
  op opp   = F.([-])
  op mul   = F.( * )
  op expr  = F.( ^ ) 
  op sub   = F.(-)
  op ofint = ofint

  proof oner_neq0 by smt
  proof addr0     by smt
  proof addrA     by smt
  proof addrC     by smt
  proof addrN     by smt
  proof mulr1     by smt
  proof mulrA     by smt
  proof mulrC     by smt
  proof mulrDl    by smt
  proof expr0     by smt
  proof exprS     by smt
  proof subrE     by smt
  proof ofint0    by smt
  proof ofint1    by smt
  proof ofintS    by smt
  proof ofintN    by smt.

instance field with t
  op rzero =
  op rone  =
  op add   = F.( + )
  op opp   = F.([-])
  op mul   = F.( * )
  op expr  = F.( ^ )
  op sub   = F.(-)
  op ofint = ofint
  op inv   = inv
  op div   = F.(/)

  proof oner_neq0 by smt
  proof addr0     by smt
  proof addrA     by smt
  proof addrC     by smt
  proof addrN     by smt
  proof mulr1     by smt
  proof mulrA     by smt
  proof mulrC     by smt
  proof mulrDl    by smt
  proof mulrV     by smt
  proof expr0     by smt
  proof exprS     by smt
  proof exprN     by smt
  proof subrE     by smt
  proof divrE     by smt
  proof ofint0    by smt
  proof ofint1    by smt
  proof ofintS    by smt
  proof ofintN    by smt.

(** Lemmas *)
lemma nosmt subff (x:t): (x - x) = zero
by ringeq.

lemma nosmt add0f (x:t): zero + x = x
by ringeq.

lemma nosmt mulf0 (x:t): x * zero = zero
by ringeq.

lemma nosmt mulNf (x y:t): (-x) * y = - (x * y)
by ringeq.

lemma nosmt mulfN (x y:t): y * (-x)= - (y * x)
by ringeq.  

lemma nosmt oppK (x:t): -(-x) = x
by ringeq.

lemma nosmt mulfNl (x y z:t): x * y - x * z = x * (y - z)
by ringeq.

lemma nosmt mulN1f (x:t): (-one) * x = -x
by ringeq.

lemma nosmt oppfD (x y:t): (-x) + (-y) = -(x + y)
by ringeq.

import Int.
lemma nosmt toint_pos (x:t): 0 <= toint x
by [].

lemma nosmt toint_lt (x:t): toint x < q
by [].

lemma nosmt toint_le (x:t): toint x <= q - 1
by [].

lemma nosmt toofint (x:int): 0 <= x => x < q => toint (ofint x) = x.
  intros Hp Hlt;rewrite toofint_mod.
  smt all.

lemma nosmt ofint1_: ofint 1 = 
by [].

theory FDistr.

  require import Distr.
  require import Real.
  (* distrinution *)
  op dt: t distr.

  axiom supp_def: forall (s:t),
    in_supp s dt.

  axiom mu_x_def_in: forall (s:t),
    mu_x dt s = (1%r/q%r)%Real.

  axiom lossless: weight dt = 1%r.

end FDistr.

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