Revision 272ac623c984dbf5defce76b6495c05accafe79f authored by Patrick Schratz on 17 December 2019, 04:08:28 UTC, committed by Patrick Schratz on 17 December 2019, 04:08:28 UTC
Build URL:
1 parent 9de9c6e
Raw File
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/TuneResult.R
\title{Result of tuning.}
Container for results of hyperparameter tuning.
Contains the obtained point in search space, its performance values
and the optimization path which lead there.

Object members:
\item{learner (\link{Learner})}{Learner that was optimized.}
\item{control (\link{TuneControl})}{Control object from tuning.}
\item{x (\link{list})}{Named list of hyperparameter values identified as optimal.
Note that when you have trafos on some of your params, \code{x} will always be
on the TRANSFORMED scale so you directly use it.}
\item{y (\link{numeric})}{Performance values for optimal \code{x}.}
\item{threshold (\link{numeric})}{Vector of finally found and used thresholds
if \code{tune.threshold} was enabled in \link{TuneControl}, otherwise not present and
hence \code{NULL}.}
\item{opt.path (\link[ParamHelpers:OptPath]{ParamHelpers::OptPath})}{Optimization path which lead to \code{x}.
Note that when you have trafos on some of your params, the opt.path always contains the
UNTRANSFORMED values on the original scale. You can simply call \code{trafoOptPath(opt.path)} to
transform them, or, \code{{trafoOptPath(opt.path)}}.
If mlr option \code{on.error.dump} is \code{TRUE}, \code{OptPath} will have a \code{.dump} object
in its \code{extra} column which contains error dump traces from failed optimization evaluations.
It can be accessed by \code{getOptPathEl(opt.path)$extra$.dump}.}
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