Revision 27bfa7b1b87d081df9d714144cf1e6aae2b87b19 authored by Damien Doligez on 19 August 2004, 12:52:17 UTC, committed by Damien Doligez on 19 August 2004, 12:52:17 UTC

git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
1 parent 510ea35
Raw File
(* $Id$ *)
   Polymorphic methods are now available in the main branch.

(* Tests for explicit polymorphism *)
open StdLabels;;

type 'a t = { t : 'a };;
type 'a fold = { fold : 'b. f:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> init:'b -> 'b };;
let f l = { fold = List.fold_left l };;
(f [1;2;3]).fold ~f:(+) ~init:0;;

class ['b] ilist l = object
  val l = l
  method add x = {< l = x :: l >}
  method fold : 'a. f:('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> init:'a -> 'a =
    List.fold_left l
class virtual ['a] vlist = object (_ : 'self)
  method virtual add : 'a -> 'self
  method virtual fold : 'b. f:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> init:'b -> 'b
class ilist2 l = object
  inherit [int] vlist
  val l = l
  method add x = {< l = x :: l >}
  method fold = List.fold_left l
let ilist2 l = object
  inherit [_] vlist
  val l = l
  method add x = {< l = x :: l >}
  method fold = List.fold_left l
class ['a] ilist3 l = object
  inherit ['a] vlist
  val l = l
  method add x = {< l = x :: l >}
  method fold = List.fold_left l
class ['a] ilist4 (l : 'a list) = object
  val l = l
  method virtual add : _
  method add x = {< l = x :: l >}
  method virtual fold : 'b. f:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> init:'b -> 'b
  method fold = List.fold_left l
class ['a] ilist5 (l : 'a list) = object (self)
  val l = l
  method add x = {< l = x :: l >}
  method virtual fold : 'b. f:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> init:'b -> 'b
  method virtual fold2 : 'b. f:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> init:'b -> 'b
  method fold2 ~f ~init = self#fold ~f ~init:(self#fold ~f ~init)
  method fold = List.fold_left l
class ['a] ilist6 l = object (self)
  inherit ['a] vlist
  val l = l
  method add x = {< l = x :: l >}
  method virtual fold2 : 'b. f:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> init:'b -> 'b
  method fold2 ~f ~init = self#fold ~f ~init:(self#fold ~f ~init)
  method fold = List.fold_left l
class virtual ['a] olist = object
  method virtual fold : 'c. f:('a -> 'c -> 'c) -> init:'c -> 'c
class ['a] onil = object
  inherit ['a] olist
  method fold ~f ~init = init
class ['a] ocons ~hd ~tl = object (_ : 'b)
  inherit ['a] olist
  val hd : 'a = hd
  val tl : 'a olist = tl
  method fold ~f ~init = f hd (tl#fold ~f ~init)
class ['a] ostream ~hd ~tl = object (_ : 'b)
  inherit ['a] olist
  val hd : 'a = hd
  val tl : _ #olist = (tl : 'a ostream)
  method fold ~f ~init = f hd (tl#fold ~f ~init)
  method empty = false
class ['a] ostream1 ~hd ~tl = object (self : 'b)
  inherit ['a] olist
  val hd = hd
  val tl : 'b = tl
  method hd = hd
  method tl = tl
  method fold ~f ~init =
    self#tl#fold ~f ~init:(f self#hd init)

class vari = object
  method virtual m : 'a. ([< `A|`B|`C] as 'a) -> int
  method m = function `A -> 1 | `B|`C  -> 0
class vari = object
  method m : 'a. ([< `A|`B|`C] as 'a) -> int = function `A -> 1 | `B|`C -> 0
module V =
    type v = [`A | `B | `C]
    let m : [< v] -> int = function `A -> 1 | #v -> 0
class varj = object
  method virtual m : 'a. ([< V.v] as 'a) -> int
  method m = V.m

module type T = sig
  class vari : object method m : 'a. ([< `A | `B | `C] as 'a) -> int end
module M0 = struct
  class vari = object
    method virtual m : 'a. ([< `A|`B|`C] as 'a) -> int
    method m = function `A -> 1 | `B|`C -> 0
module M : T = M0
let v = new M.vari;;
v#m `A;;

class point ~x ~y = object
  val x : int = x
  val y : int = y
  method x = x
  method y = y
class color_point ~x ~y ~color = object
  inherit point ~x ~y
  val color : string = color
  method color = color
class circle (p : #point) ~r = object
  val p = (p :> point)
  val r = r
  method virtual distance : 'a. (#point as 'a) -> float
  method distance p' =
    let dx = p#x - p'#x and dy = p#y - p'#y in
    let d = sqrt (float (dx * dx + dy * dy)) -. float r in
    if d < 0. then 0. else d
let p0 = new point ~x:3 ~y:5
let p1 = new point ~x:10 ~y:13
let cp = new color_point ~x:12 ~y:(-5) ~color:"green"
let c = new circle p0 ~r:2
let d = c#distance cp
let f (x : < m : 'a. 'a -> 'a >) = (x : < m : 'b. 'b -> 'b >)
let f (x : < m : 'a. 'a -> 'a list >) = (x : < m : 'b. 'b -> 'c >)

class id = object
  method virtual id : 'a. 'a -> 'a
  method id x = x

class type id_spec = object
  method id : 'a -> 'a
class id_impl = object (_ : #id_spec)
  method id x = x

class a = object
  method m = (new b : id_spec)#id true
and b = object (_ : #id_spec)
  method id x = x

class ['a] id1 = object
  method virtual id : 'b. 'b -> 'a
  method id x = x
class id2 (x : 'a) = object
  method virtual id : 'b. 'b -> 'a
  method id x = x
class id3 x = object
  val x = x
  method virtual id : 'a. 'a -> 'a
  method id _ = x
class id4 () = object
  val mutable r = None
  method virtual id : 'a. 'a -> 'a
  method id x =
    match r with
      None -> r <- Some x; x
    | Some y -> y
class c = object
  method virtual m : 'a 'b. 'a -> 'b -> 'a
  method m x y = x

let f1 (f : id) = f#id 1, f#id true
let f2 f = (f : id)#id 1, (f : id)#id true
let f3 f = f#id 1, f#id true
let f4 f = ignore(f : id); f#id 1, f#id true

class c = object
  method virtual m : 'a. (#id as 'a) -> int * bool
  method m (f : #id) = f#id 1, f#id true

class id2 = object (_ : 'b)
  method virtual id : 'a. 'a -> 'a
  method id x = x
  method mono (x : int) = x
let app = new c #m (new id2)
type 'a foo = 'a foo list

class ['a] bar (x : 'a) = object end
type 'a foo = 'a foo bar

fun x -> (x : < m : 'a. 'a * 'b > as 'b)#m;;
fun x -> (x : < m : 'a. 'b * 'a list> as 'b)#m;;
let f x = (x : < m : 'a. 'b * (< n : 'a; .. > as 'a) > as 'b)#m;;

fun (x : < p : 'a. < m : 'a ; n : 'b ; .. > as 'a > as 'b) -> x#p;;

type sum = T of < id: 'a. 'a -> 'a > ;;
fun (T x) -> x#id;;

type record = { r: < id: 'a. 'a -> 'a > } ;;
fun x -> x.r#id;;
fun {r=x} -> x#id;;

class myself = object (self)
  method self : 'a. 'a -> 'b = fun _ -> self

class number = object (self : 'self)
  val num = 0
  method num = num
  method succ = {< num = num + 1 >}
  method prev =
    self#switch ~zero:(fun () -> failwith "zero") ~prev:(fun x -> x)
  method switch : 'a. zero:(unit -> 'a) -> prev:('self -> 'a) -> 'a =
    fun ~zero ~prev ->
      if num = 0 then zero () else prev {< num = num - 1 >}

let id x = x
class c = object
  method id : 'a. 'a -> 'a = id
class c' = object
  inherit c
  method id = id
class d = object
  inherit c as c
  val mutable count = 0
  method id x = count <- count+1; x
  method count = count
  method old : 'a. 'a -> 'a = c#id
class ['a] olist l = object
  val l = l
  method fold : 'b. f:('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> init:'b -> 'b
      = List.fold_right l
  method cons a = {< l = a :: l >}
let sum (l : 'a #olist) = l#fold ~f:(fun x acc -> x+acc) ~init:0
let count (l : 'a #olist) = l#fold ~f:(fun _ acc -> acc+1) ~init:0
let append (l : 'a #olist) (l' : 'b #olist) =
  l#fold ~init:l' ~f:(fun x acc -> acc#cons x)

type 'a t = unit
class o = object method x : 'a. ([> `A] as 'a) t -> unit = fun _ -> () end

class c = object method m = new d () end and d ?(x=0) () = object end;;
class d ?(x=0) () = object end and c = object method m = new d () end;;

class type numeral = object method fold : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a end
class zero = object (_ : #numeral) method fold f x = x end
class next (n : #numeral) =
  object (_ : #numeral) method fold f x = n#fold f (f x) end

class type node_type =  object
  method as_variant : [> `Node of node_type]
class node : node_type = object (self)
  method as_variant : 'a. [> `Node of node_type] as 'a
                    = `Node (self :>  node_type)
class node = object (self : #node_type)
  method as_variant = `Node (self :> node_type)

type bad = {bad : 'a. 'a option ref};;
let bad = {bad = ref None};;
type bad2 = {mutable bad2 : 'a. 'a option ref option};;
let bad2 = {bad2 = None};;
bad2.bad2 <- Some (ref None);;

(* PR#1374 *)

type 'a t= [`A of 'a];;
class c = object (self)
  method m :  'a. ([> 'a t] as 'a) -> unit
    = fun x -> self#m x
class c = object (self)
  method m : 'a. ([> 'a t] as 'a) -> unit = function
    | `A x' -> self#m x'
    | _ -> failwith "c#m"
class c = object (self)
  method m :  'a. ([> 'a t] as 'a) -> 'a = fun x -> self#m x

(* usage avant instance *)
class c = object method m : 'a. 'a option -> ([> `A] as 'a) = fun x -> `A end;;

(* various old bugs *)
class virtual ['a] visitor =
object method virtual caseNil : 'a end
and virtual int_list =
object method virtual visit : 'a.('a visitor -> 'a) end;;

type ('a,'b) list_visitor = < caseNil : 'a; caseCons : 'b -> 'b list -> 'a >
type 'b alist = < visit : 'a. ('a,'b) list_visitor -> 'a >

(* PR#1607 *)
class type ct = object ('s)
  method fold : ('b -> 's -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
type t = {f : 'a 'b. ('b -> (#ct as 'a) -> 'b) -> 'b};;

(* PR#1663 *)
type t = u and u = t;;

(* PR#1731 *)
class ['t] a = object constraint 't = [> `A of 't a] end
type t = [ `A of t a ];;

(* Wrong in 3.06 *)
type ('a,'b) t constraint 'a = 'b and ('a,'b) u = ('a,'b) t;;

(* Full polymorphism if we do not expand *)
type 'a t = 'a and u = int t;;

(* Loose polymorphism if we expand *)
type 'a t constraint 'a = int;;
type 'a u = 'a and 'a v = 'a u t;;
type 'a u = 'a and 'a v = 'a u t constraint 'a = int;;

(* Behaviour is unstable *)
type g = int;;
type 'a t = unit constraint 'a = g;;
type 'a u = 'a and 'a v = 'a u t;;
type 'a u = 'a and 'a v = 'a u t constraint 'a = int;;

(* Example of wrong expansion *)
type 'a u = < m : 'a v > and 'a v = 'a list u;;

(* PR#1744: Ctype.matches *)
type 'a t = 'a
type 'a u = A of 'a t;;

(* Unification of cyclic terms *)
type 'a t = < a : 'a >;;
fun (x : 'a t as 'a) -> (x : 'b t);;
type u = 'a t as 'a;;

(* Variant tests *)
type t = A | B;;
function `A,_ -> 1 | _,A -> 2 | _,B -> 3;;
function `A,_ -> 1 | _,(A|B) -> 2;;
function Some `A, _ -> 1 | Some _, A -> 2 | None, A -> 3 | _, B -> 4;;
function Some `A, A -> 1 | Some `A, B -> 1
       | Some _, A -> 2  | None, A -> 3 | _, B -> 4;;
function A, `A -> 1 | A, `B -> 2 | B, _ -> 3;;
function `A, A -> 1 | `B, A -> 2 | _, B -> 3;;
function (`A|`B), _ -> 0 | _,(`A|`B) -> 1;;
function `B,1 -> 1 | _,1 -> 2;;
function 1,`B -> 1 | 1,_ -> 2;;

(* pass typetexp, but fails during Typedecl.check_recursion *)
type ('a, 'b) a = 'a -> unit constraint 'a = [> `B of ('a, 'b) b as 'b] 
and  ('a, 'b) b = 'b -> unit constraint 'b = [> `A of ('a, 'b) a as 'a];;

(* PR#1917: expanding may change original in Ctype.unify2 *)
class type ['a, 'b] a = object
  method b: ('a, 'b) #b as 'b
  method as_a: ('a, 'b) a
end and ['a, 'b] b = object
  method a: ('a, 'b) #a as 'a
  method as_b: ('a, 'b) b 

class type ['b] ca = object ('s) inherit ['s, 'b] a end
class type ['a] cb = object ('s) inherit ['a, 's] b end
type bt = 'b ca cb as 'b

(* final classes, etc... *)
class c = object method m = 1 end;;
let f () = object (self:c) method m = 1 end;;
let f () = object (self:c) method private n = 1 method m = self#n end;;
let f () = object method private n = 1 method m = {<>}#n end;;
let f () = object (self:c) method n = 1 method m = 2 end;;
let f () = object (_:'s) constraint 's = < n : int > method m = 1 end;;
class c = object (_ : 's)
  method x = 1
  method private m =
    object (self: 's) method x = 3 method private m = self end
let o = object (_ : 's)
  method x = 1
  method private m =
    object (self: 's) method x = 3 method private m = self end

(* Unsound! *)
fun (x : <m : 'a. 'a * <m: 'b. 'a * 'foo> > as 'foo) ->
  (x : <m : 'a. 'a * (<m:'b. 'a * <m:'c. 'c * 'bar> > as 'bar) >);;
type 'a foo = <m: 'b. 'a * 'a foo>
type foo' =   <m: 'a. 'a * 'a foo>
type 'a bar = <m: 'b. 'a * <m: 'c. 'c * 'a bar> >
type bar' =   <m: 'a. 'a * 'a bar >
let f (x : foo') = (x : bar');;
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