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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
282b41c [RF][HS3] Fix typos in RooFitHS3 15 September 2023, 11:16:41 UTC
b03e65a [RF][HS3] Allow for non-exact matching in unit tests - off by default This is useful for debugging, but off by default. 15 September 2023, 11:16:41 UTC
6e9a07f [RF][HS3] Updated importers and exporters to match changes in standard 15 September 2023, 11:16:41 UTC
38a30c2 [RF][HS3] Added methods to automatically transform variables Also, renamed "bounds" to "edges" for data export. 15 September 2023, 11:16:41 UTC
807e256 [RF] Added a few getters and setters 15 September 2023, 11:16:41 UTC
b22c152 [RF] Explain behavior of Extended() command in fitTo() and chi2FitTo() This commit improves the documentation of `RooAbsPdf::fitTo()` and `RooAbsReal::chi2FitTo()` by adding a more detailed explanation of the `Extended()` command argument. 15 September 2023, 09:59:19 UTC
408feb3 [RF] Fix some typos in the RooFit documentation 15 September 2023, 09:59:19 UTC
1fd6bfd [RF] Don't recommend direct use of RooChi2Var in RooPlot documentation The test statistic classes should not be used directly, but always via the `createNLL()` (or in this case `createChi2()`) wrapper. 15 September 2023, 09:59:19 UTC
2e12da4 [RF] Avoid code duplication in RooAbsPdf and RooAbsReal `chi2FitTo()` 15 September 2023, 09:59:19 UTC
1df034b [RF] Make extended fit default of RooAbsPdf::fitChi2() same as in fitTo It is confusing to the users that the chi2 fit is by default not extended, even if the pdf is extended. Because this is what happens in normal likelihood fits. This commit makes that behavior consistent and explains it in the release notes. Also, a new error message is added for the case you forcing a non extended fit on a pdf that must be extended, because this is guaranteed to give wrong results. 15 September 2023, 09:59:19 UTC
a7008eb [RF] Fix skipping of zero weights in tests statistic caching There was an evil hack in `RooAbsOptTestStatistic`: ```c++ _dataClone->cacheArgs(this,_cachedNodes,_normSet,!_funcClone->getAttribute("BinnedLikelihood")) ; ``` The final parameter determins if zero weights should be skipped when recalculating the caches. Indeed, for the NLL case, this corresponds to the BinnedLikelihood attrribute being present or not, but it broke the other test statistics for which zero weights should not be skipped at all. This commit suggests a safer way to manage this with a new `RooAbOptTestStatistic::_skipZeroWeights` flag. In particular, this change fixed a bug that got uncovered during a forum discussion: 15 September 2023, 09:58:30 UTC
1c5d7af [tmva][pymva] Use less events on testPyKerasRegression Reduce number of events to avoid timeout of the test. Do this separtly for MAcOSX, since we cannot disable there eager execution 14 September 2023, 22:03:37 UTC
352c353 [tmva][sofie] Add in RSofieReader specialization for single output 14 September 2023, 22:03:37 UTC
ead7963 [tmva][sofie] Add in RSofieReader support for multiple inputs and custom operators To add the custom operator the function Load is added in RSofieReader Fix also the Keras parsing tests to use RSofieReader Add also a function to print the output tensors in RModel 14 September 2023, 22:03:37 UTC
08e9192 [tmva][pymva] Fixes for latest version of scikit-learn 14 September 2023, 22:03:37 UTC
8b005a0 [tmva][pymva] Do not disable tensorflow eager execution on MacoS Disbaling it causes an interference with multiprocessing and a restart of the process after it is endeded. This fixes the timeout of the PyKeras tests on MacOS. This commits apply also some small fixes/improvements on the deletetion of some TMVA objects. 14 September 2023, 22:03:37 UTC
0139f28 [tmva][sofie] Add dependency on sklearn for TMVA_SOFIE_Models tutorial 14 September 2023, 22:03:37 UTC
7793c20 [tmva][pymva] Use .h5 file instead of .keras Go back to use .h5 files instead of .keras due to a problem in Keras loading .keras files on MacOS ARM (see ) 14 September 2023, 22:03:37 UTC
160d396 [math] Don't incl. "Math/Error.h" and "Math/Util.h" in Minuit2 headers The "Math/Error.h" header is not shipped with standalone Minuit2. It is not a perfect solution to just ship it with Minuit2, because the Error.h header behaves differently depending on the `MATHCORE_STANDALONE` macro being defined or not. The code would only work correctly if the user defines the `MATHCORE_STANDALONE` herself in the user code that uses standalone Minuit2, which would be annoying. Instead, this commit proposes another solution to the problem: for all headers also used in Minuit2 standalone, MathCore moves the definitions of all functions that use `Math/Error.h` out of the header files in the cxx files. Like this, the `Math/Error.h` is only a build dependency of standalone Minuit2, and the user doesn't need to define the `MATHCORE_STANDALONE` macro for it to work. Including the "Math/Util.h" header needs to be avoided for similar reasons (it's about another preprocessor macro related to `veccore`). 14 September 2023, 16:04:37 UTC
ca43bce [Doc] Reformulate Doxy doc not to trigger a compiler warning which is `root/net/net/src/TNetFile.cxx:19:29: warning: '/*' within block comment [-Wcomment]` on clang on macos 13.5.1 14 September 2023, 15:06:46 UTC
2b3dd4f [RF][PyROOT] Avoid boolean operators on numpy arrays in unit test The `n_in_range` reference value in the unit test `roodataset_numpy.TestRooDataSetNumpy.test_ignoring_out_of_range` apparently doesn't get computed right on some 32 platforms. I can't reproduce the problem, but I'm sure it will be fixed by avoiding the use of the operators `&` and `|` with numpy arrays. Just doing a manual loop in Python should be more platform independent. Closes #12162. 14 September 2023, 12:33:14 UTC
9c3558a [Doc] Revamp and Doxygenize doc of T(X)NetFile and TS3WebFile 14 September 2023, 10:16:11 UTC
5c43684 [ci] Add title to list of failed tests. 13 September 2023, 10:39:53 UTC
8ce465c [minuit2] pick up ROOT version from ROOTConfig-version.cmake: build/version_number is gone. 13 September 2023, 10:38:20 UTC
f4a2971 [proofd] Include RVersion.hxx instead of parsing it. 13 September 2023, 10:38:20 UTC
7c72f78 [base] Diagnose errors when version version date. 13 September 2023, 10:38:20 UTC
f45f2c2 [config] root-config: use CMake variable instead of parsing RVersion.h. 13 September 2023, 10:38:20 UTC
13b0706 [core,cmake,build] Define ROOT version in header: This simplifies the release procedure: no more bootstrapping, no more running of scripts; the source is the source. Given that the source now has the authoritative version number for releases (unlike for dev branches, of course) the ROOT package version is now determined from that header, rather than git describe which is less reliable. The updated release procedure will appear at 13 September 2023, 10:38:20 UTC
9b2b237 [rootx] Remove "core developers" from splash window: We do not show this anymore, and this requires complex operations and - in its current implementation - a working ROOT build as part of the version update. 13 September 2023, 10:38:20 UTC
c1dbe06 [TMVA] Remove dependency on torch.onnx submodule As seen in This removes the `TypeError: 'torch._C.Node' object is not subscriptable` error. 12 September 2023, 15:32:01 UTC
917b19c [jsroot] dev 12/09/2023 Fix axis labels tilt Fix THStack update Support e1hist combination of draw options th1 render order of filled area and markers 12 September 2023, 14:30:36 UTC
ea666a2 [RF] Give example for multiple categories plot in rf501_simultaneouspdf Also, throw an exception with a helpful error message if the user attempts to use `RooFit::Slice()` with a comma-separates list of category states, which is not supported. This addresses a question on the forum: 12 September 2023, 13:36:11 UTC
03dd288 [webcanvas] correctly check first normal connection Now first connection in list is batch connection, used for async update. 12 September 2023, 07:34:57 UTC
972cf90 [pyroot] in case of web display update web canvas in EventInputHook This function called regularly from interactive python session and can be used for proper update of the active canvas 12 September 2023, 07:34:57 UTC
70d03dc [webgui] immediately assign main thread in python case In such special mode web canvas or any other web components created from the main python thread - which stored at the moment when web win manager created. Callback only from this thread are allowed - all other threads has to be ignored. 12 September 2023, 07:34:57 UTC
73da3aa [webgui] always checks callbacks processing in web window Internally web window has special checks for thread id - when it assigned. With external events processing such thread is not set 12 September 2023, 07:34:57 UTC
bc9d21a [webgui] let use TWebCanvas also without connection It is intermediate state when web window is shown, but no active connection is established. At such moment canvas->Update() was not updating objects - like invoking THStack::BuildPrimitives() to introduce all necessary histograms. Therefore create artificial batch connection which do exactly same job as active web window connection - but does not send any data. Also improve timer handling in TWebCanvas. Instead of enabling/disabling this timer just use fast or slow mode - changing intervals Instead 12 September 2023, 07:34:57 UTC
8d1d9d4 [webwindow] let use http server processing thread for widgets This is very special mode will be used only for the python, which creates special thread for events processing. And this thread is changing with the time 12 September 2023, 07:34:57 UTC
cb86a11 [http] adjust timer interval depending on the load If there are no requests are processed during last 500 attempts, timer switch to the slow mode with 100 ms period. But immediately switched back to fast mode if new if new requests are processed. 12 September 2023, 07:34:57 UTC
4b2df16 [Math] Respawn genvector tests because they accidentally dropped out from the building and testing process during the migration to CMake. Minimal changes to the code were applied to let them run, respecting the original coding style. 12 September 2023, 06:50:38 UTC
4ebc357 More fixes for stressGraphics (#13636) 12 September 2023, 06:25:15 UTC
0a0bcaa [RF] Don't recompile when requesting the same class instance twice If you call `makePdfInstance` or `makeFunctionInstance` twice in a row with the same arguments, the RooClassFactory should not have to recompile anything. This is particularly important to support the jupyter notebook workflow, where the same cell might be run several times. In fact, before this commit, calling the `makeClassInstance` function twice in a row with the same arguments resulted in a crash. 11 September 2023, 12:15:20 UTC
b01408a [RF] Use `std::string` instead of C-style strings in RooClassFactory This should preserve backwards compatibility, because `const char*` implicitly casts to `std::string`. 11 September 2023, 12:15:20 UTC
e3f3a1f [RF] Support expressions with complex numbers in RooClassFactory This is to enable support for expressions representing the complicated amplitudes in partial wave analysis. 11 September 2023, 12:15:20 UTC
b9d6616 [RF] Reduce code duplication in RooClassFactory 11 September 2023, 12:15:20 UTC
8181b7d [RF] Consistent RooCmdArg names for all `RooFit::Import()` overloads There are different overloads of `RooFit::Import()` for importing different object types to RooFit dataset classes. However, they return a `RooCmdArg` that is named after the type of the imported object. That causes some inconsistencies. For example, if you import a map of `std::unique_ptr<RooDataHist>`, the name will be different than for `RooDataHist*` because there is a special overload for the latter. It is better to fixup this inconsistency, and then disentangle the different types in the functions that consume these `RooFit::Import()` command arguments. This caused some trouble when importing RooDataHists into a combined dataset, which is why this fix is coming now. These changes are covered by the tutorial tests. 11 September 2023, 12:13:54 UTC
567cba8 [RF] Limit maximum number of thread blocks in RooFit CUDA code The number of thread blocks in kernel calls should not be excessively large, it's sufficient if it's in the order of the number of streaming multiprocessors. In particular, this circumvents a problem with the NLL reduction kernels with grid sizes larger than 512. With this change, there are potentially less threads than events when summing likelihoods, so in the NLL reduction kernels, each thread also has to reduce a few elements in a loop. Closes #13603. 11 September 2023, 12:13:15 UTC
c0d9da9 [RF] Add function to clear Minuit status history in RooMinimizer As requested in this forum post: 11 September 2023, 12:12:39 UTC
3b83c3d Implement TAxis::GetTimeOffset (#13595) 11 September 2023, 11:52:04 UTC
8a51c0b [DF] Code formatting of newly added test 11 September 2023, 11:16:25 UTC
8f3d1f3 [RF] Test cleanup after exception in an evt loop Add a unit test for the cleanup happening after the event loop is interrupted by an exception. Moreover, adapt two existing unit tests to the new implementation of RLoopManager::Run. The two tests relied on a faulty behaviour of RDF, which allowed to trigger subsequent event loops by dereferencing RResultPtr's instances and trapping the exception thrown during the event loop in a try-catch block. 11 September 2023, 11:16:25 UTC
6214280 [DF][10484] Cleanup after exception during evt loop This commit reorganizes the RLoopManager::Run function, encapsulating the cleanup of the RDF nodes in the destructor of a class in order to profit from RAII and perform all necessary operations even if the event loop is interrupted by an exception. 11 September 2023, 11:16:25 UTC
62deeb1 [build] Format error as string in test 11 September 2023, 09:31:16 UTC
88d11e4 [DF] Reduce duration of "simple" unit test by a factor ~2x (100s -> 50s)by eliminating jitting in favor of fully compiled RDF instances where possible, i.e. w/o reducing test coverage. 11 September 2023, 08:57:30 UTC
d4f699a [DF] Reduce duration of concurrency unit test by about two orders of magnitude (150 s --> 1s) by using a reasonable number of threads throughout the battery of tests (in some cases the machine could be heavily overcommitted) and by eliminating the RDF jitting, which happens sequentially. 11 September 2023, 08:57:30 UTC
d606722 [DF] Reduce duration "helpers" unit test by reducing the number of events by a factor 100 for: - ProgressHelper_Existence_ST - ProgressHelper_Existence_MT - ProgressHelper_existence_singleTTreeInput and by removing jitting in favor of compilation where possible. The coverage is the same as before. 11 September 2023, 08:57:30 UTC
7bc2524 [CMake] Make PROOF optional and enabled by default 11 September 2023, 06:48:49 UTC
a9109a6 [jsroot] dev 8/09/2023 with interactivity fixes Use proper return valus in interactivity methods Let use such methods in testing - not included here 08 September 2023, 15:13:07 UTC
3618459 [webgui] save image as is when only single image is created In case when only image is created, provided file name can be used as is. Only if there are more than 1 image and file name not include '%d' qualifier - it has to be automatically appended. 08 September 2023, 15:13:07 UTC
93ffe95 [tutorial] Veto RBatchGenerator tutorials on windows 08 September 2023, 14:00:36 UTC
4f847fb [core] Lock calls to TMetaUtils in TClingTypeInfo Even though it would be better to place the locks in TMetaUtils directly, TClingUtils.cxx cannot depend from TInterpreter.h (for the declaration of gInterpreterMutex) as that would cause a circular dependency. For now, leave the locks in TClingTypeInfo. 08 September 2023, 14:00:36 UTC
dcedf41 [core] Lock interpreter in TCling::GetClassSharedLibs Co-authored-by: Jonas Hahnfeld <> 08 September 2023, 14:00:36 UTC
0f2da61 [core] Improve TFunction + TClingMethodInfo thread-safety TFunction is a higher-level class, it should not lock directly. As a general rule, thread-safety should be ensured by the interfaces used. At the same time, if a method of TFunction needs to call multiple, different locking functions in its body, a single call to R__LOCKGUARD is better than multiple separate calls happening in the other functions. The strategy to improve thread-safety adopted is to move locks present in TFunction to lower-level interfaces in TCling or TClingMethodInfo whenever possible. In few cases, keep a lock in the TFunction method if it needs to call multiple locking functions. Still, leave the locks in the called functions so that they can be thread-safe interfaces for other callers. 08 September 2023, 14:00:36 UTC
d26f6ed [tmva] Activate thread safety in pythonizations of RBatchGenerator To make sure the interpreter mutexes exist before locks are needed by cppyy calls. 08 September 2023, 14:00:36 UTC
239ac48 Re-enable RBatchGenerator tutorials 08 September 2023, 14:00:36 UTC
7cfacba [ntuple] use vector ops for reading/writing simple vectors 08 September 2023, 09:11:18 UTC
d055534 [ntuple] fix reading of empty simple RVecs 08 September 2023, 09:11:18 UTC
a7b9f88 [ntuple] speed-up reading of simple RVecs 08 September 2023, 09:11:18 UTC
7981f96 Adding test 08 September 2023, 08:33:25 UTC
c93ca76 Implementing Range overload with recommended changes 08 September 2023, 08:33:25 UTC
afaf4c8 Revert "[tmva][pymva] Use .h5 file instead of .keras" This reverts commit 5e38958ceb755b97ce206be9cef4a266891e8968. 07 September 2023, 13:46:48 UTC
0c54043 Revert "[tmva][sofie] Add dependency on sklearn for TMVA_SOFIE_Models tutorial" This reverts commit 879c22887c44f1820db175287b4a20835c37c158. 07 September 2023, 13:46:48 UTC
712ee94 Revert "[tmva][pymva] Do not disable tensorflow eager execution on MacoS" This reverts commit dff89cf2deae154608045acf9c85779e0822ec1e. 07 September 2023, 13:46:48 UTC
32dcf63 Revert "[tmva][pymva] Fixes for latest version of scikit-learn" This reverts commit db4013f3108ae8f0cc97e939209d4e33c886a964. 07 September 2023, 13:46:48 UTC
45230e3 [RF][PyROOT] Fix `RooDataSet.from_numpy()` for contiguous input arrays Closes #13605. 07 September 2023, 12:54:11 UTC
db4013f [tmva][pymva] Fixes for latest version of scikit-learn 06 September 2023, 14:07:51 UTC
dff89cf [tmva][pymva] Do not disable tensorflow eager execution on MacoS Disbaling it causes an interference with multiprocessing and a restart of the process after it is endeded. This fixes the timeout of the PyKeras tests on MacOS. This commits apply also some small fixes/improvements on the deletetion of some TMVA objects. 06 September 2023, 14:07:51 UTC
879c228 [tmva][sofie] Add dependency on sklearn for TMVA_SOFIE_Models tutorial 06 September 2023, 14:07:51 UTC
5e38958 [tmva][pymva] Use .h5 file instead of .keras Go back to use .h5 files instead of .keras due to a problem in Keras loading .keras files on MacOS ARM (see ) 06 September 2023, 14:07:51 UTC
3438580 fix: increase tolerance for sofie-gnn tests 06 September 2023, 14:05:42 UTC
dba14a6 [ci] Make sure GH log group/endgroup end up on separate lines. 06 September 2023, 13:20:51 UTC
3bf30c8 Add GraphAsymmErrors to DistRDF operations 06 September 2023, 10:55:36 UTC
bc52e20 Add test for unique variation names 06 September 2023, 10:50:23 UTC
79acb84 Set a unique name for each varied result 06 September 2023, 10:50:23 UTC
97fb5af [PyROOT] Test TGraph[Asymm,Benti,Multi]Errors getters 06 September 2023, 10:40:54 UTC
b8ef64c [PyROOT] Extend Pythonization of TGraph* getters Extend the regex passed to 'compose_method' to include 'E*(low,high)[d]' getters. 06 September 2023, 10:40:54 UTC
b2760a4 Exclude some directories from coverage (#13596) 06 September 2023, 09:00:29 UTC
2cb6afd Add LiveVisualize tutorial 06 September 2023, 08:17:23 UTC
f256da1 Add LiveVisualize documentation 06 September 2023, 08:17:23 UTC
0767024 Implement the live visualization feature 06 September 2023, 08:17:23 UTC
4c9e26c Log ONNX Operator implemented and the merge conflicts are resolved 05 September 2023, 15:51:24 UTC
e435ead [jsroot] dev 5/09/2023 with proper kNoStats handling As in ROOT, stats will be drawn also when `AXIS` draw option specified. Also support `inspectN` draw option for expanding objects to N level 05 September 2023, 15:33:53 UTC
f817a83 [webgui] take into account sames draw option 05 September 2023, 15:33:53 UTC
18bbc88 [interpreter] Add builtin_llvm's CMake modules This was naturally available before commit 92807f3591 from LLVM's configuration file. Fixes #13597 05 September 2023, 14:50:46 UTC
e7f6597 Revert "[ci] Use Ninja as build system everywhere but Windows." Ninja shows dependency issues in our build system; fix those first before switching to Ninja.xs This reverts commit fcfca4ccdaf97099a180e154c60bc3c621abfafe. 05 September 2023, 08:14:00 UTC
fcb2132 [ntuple] Throw when inconsistent compression is encountered 05 September 2023, 07:22:04 UTC
536b978 Fix a debug assertion failure on Windows when running stressgraphics (#13584) * Fix a debug assertion failure on Windows when running stressgraphics Apply changes suggested in the `Notes` section of the `isspace` [C++ standard]( This fixes the following error when reading the character `'ò' (-14 )` in stressgraphics: ``` Debug Assertion Failed! Program: C:\root-dev\build\x86\debug_test\test\Debug\stressGraphics.exe File: minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\convert\isctype.cpp Line 36 Expression c > = -1 && c < = 255 ``` from `isspace((Int_t)c)`, in `core\base\src\Stringio.cxx`, in `std::istream& TString::ReadToken(std::istream& strm)`: ``` while ((wid == 0 || Length() < (Int_t)wid) && strm.get(c).good() && (hitSpace = isspace((Int_t)c)) == 0) { ``` * clang-format 04 September 2023, 12:52:04 UTC
50045ec [Montecarlo] Check pi0 properties when testing the thread safety of the GetParticle methods. 04 September 2023, 12:50:32 UTC
4eed2db [Montecarlo] Test thread safety TDatabasePDG Test the thread safety of the Instance and GetParticle methods. 04 September 2023, 12:50:32 UTC
59971bd [Montecarlo][11580] Fix TDatabasePDG thread safety Make the methods Instance and GetParticle thread safe with a RW lock. Moreover, warnings printed by the AddParticle and AddAntiParticle methods with the printf function are now printed with the Warning ROOT function. This allows tests to catch potential bad behaviours in a multithreaded environment with tests. In addition, this approach is now consistent with what is done in the constructor of the class. This fix does not require any change in user code. 04 September 2023, 12:50:32 UTC
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