Revision 28fad2e07ec31f0dfd2c681878904e707f6715d5 authored by Shinjiro Sueda on 11 September 2018, 15:17:28 UTC, committed by GitHub on 11 September 2018, 15:17:28 UTC
1 parent 3c3ef84
Tip revision: 28fad2e07ec31f0dfd2c681878904e707f6715d5 authored by Shinjiro Sueda on 11 September 2018, 15:17:28 UTC
Tip revision: 28fad2e
#include "Collisions.h"
#include "Box.h"
#include "Points.h"
#include <Eigen\Dense>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
void CD(const Mesh& mesh, const shared_ptr<Obstacles> obs, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<btc::Collision> > &cls)
MatrixXd verts2(3, mesh.nodes.size());
MatrixXi faces2(3, mesh.faces.size());
//VectorXi EoLs(1, mesh.nodes.size());
VectorXi EoLs;
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.nodes.size(); i++) {
verts2.col(i) = Vector3d(mesh.nodes[i]->x[0], mesh.nodes[i]->x[1], mesh.nodes[i]->x[2]);
if (mesh.nodes[i]->EoL) EoLs(i) = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.faces.size(); i++) {
faces2.col(i) = Vector3i(mesh.faces[i]->v[0]->node->index, mesh.faces[i]->v[1]->node->index, mesh.faces[i]->v[2]->node->index);
// Compute these first so they form the base of our collision list
btc::pointTriCollision(cls, obs->cdthreshold, obs->points->pxyz, obs->points->norms, verts2, faces2, true);
int c = cls.size();
for (int b = 0; b < obs->num_boxes; b++) {
vector<shared_ptr<btc::Collision> > clst;
btc::boxTriCollision(clst, obs->cdthreshold, obs->boxes[b]->dim, obs->boxes[b]->E1, verts2, faces2, EoLs, false);
cls.insert(cls.end(), clst.begin(), clst.end());
// We need to augment the indices of the box geometry by the object number
// TODO:: Internally?
for (c; c < cls.size(); c++) {
if (cls[c]->count1 == 1 && cls[c]->count2 == 3) {
//cls[c]->verts1(0) = obs->points->num_points + (obs->boxes[b]->num_points * b) + cls[c]->verts1(0);
cls[c]->verts1(0) = obs->points->num_points + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_points) + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_edges) + cls[c]->verts1(0);
for (int e = 0; e < cls[c]->edge1.size(); e++) {
//cls[c]->edge1[e] = obs->points->num_points + (obs->boxes[b]->num_edges * b) + cls[c]->edge1[e];
//cls[c]->edge1[e] = (obs->boxes[b]->num_edges * b) + cls[c]->edge1[e];
cls[c]->edge1[e] = obs->points->num_points + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_points) + (b* obs->boxes[b]->num_edges) + (obs->boxes[b]->num_points + cls[c]->edge1[e]);
void CD2(const Mesh& mesh, const shared_ptr<Obstacles> obs, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<btc::Collision> > &cls)
MatrixXd verts2(3, mesh.nodes.size());
MatrixXi faces2(3, mesh.faces.size());
VectorXi EoLs;
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.nodes.size(); i++) {
verts2.col(i) = Vector3d(mesh.nodes[i]->x[0], mesh.nodes[i]->x[1], mesh.nodes[i]->x[2]);
if (mesh.nodes[i]->EoL) EoLs(i) = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.faces.size(); i++) {
faces2.col(i) = Vector3i(mesh.faces[i]->v[0]->node->index, mesh.faces[i]->v[1]->node->index, mesh.faces[i]->v[2]->node->index);
// Compute these first so they form the base of our collision list
btc::pointTriCollision(cls, obs->cdthreshold, obs->points->pxyz, obs->points->norms, verts2, faces2, false);
for (int b = 0; b < obs->num_boxes; b++) {
vector<shared_ptr<btc::Collision> > clst;
btc::boxTriCollision(clst, obs->cdthreshold, obs->boxes[b]->dim, obs->boxes[b]->E1, verts2, faces2, EoLs, false);
cls.insert(cls.end(), clst.begin(), clst.end());
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