Revision 28fad2e07ec31f0dfd2c681878904e707f6715d5 authored by Shinjiro Sueda on 11 September 2018, 15:17:28 UTC, committed by GitHub on 11 September 2018, 15:17:28 UTC
1 parent 3c3ef84
Tip revision: 28fad2e07ec31f0dfd2c681878904e707f6715d5 authored by Shinjiro Sueda on 11 September 2018, 15:17:28 UTC
Tip revision: 28fad2e
#pragma once
#ifndef __ComputeInertial__
#define __ComputeInertial__
void ComputeInertial(
const double *xa, // [input 3x1] World position of vertex A
const double *xb, // [input 3x1] World position of vertex B
const double *xc, // [input 3x1] World position of vertex C
const double *Xa, // [input 2x1] Material position of vertex A
const double *Xb, // [input 2x1] Material position of vertex B
const double *Xc, // [input 2x1] Material position of vertex C
const double *g, // [input 3x1] 3D gravity vector
double rho, // [input 1x1] Density (mass per area)
double *W, // [output 1x1] Gravitational potential energy
double *f, // [output 9x1] Gravity force vector
double *M) // [output 9x9] Inertia matrix
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