Revision 28fad2e07ec31f0dfd2c681878904e707f6715d5 authored by Shinjiro Sueda on 11 September 2018, 15:17:28 UTC, committed by GitHub on 11 September 2018, 15:17:28 UTC
1 parent 3c3ef84
Tip revision: 28fad2e07ec31f0dfd2c681878904e707f6715d5 authored by Shinjiro Sueda on 11 September 2018, 15:17:28 UTC
Tip revision: 28fad2e
#include <cmath>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include "boxTriCollision.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
#include "mex.h"
void mexPrintMat(const MatrixXd &A, const char *name = NULL)
if (name) {
mexPrintf("%s = [\n", name);
for (int i = 0; i < A.rows(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j) {
mexPrintf("% 0.6f ", A(i, j));
if (name) {
void mexPrintMati(const MatrixXi &A, const char *name = NULL)
if (name) {
mexPrintf("%s = [\n", name);
for (int i = 0; i < A.rows(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j) {
mexPrintf("%d ", A(i, j));
if (name) {
void printMat(const MatrixXd &A, const char *name, const char *filename)
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "a");
fprintf(fp, "%s = [\n", name);
for (int i = 0; i < A.rows(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j) {
fprintf(fp, "% 0.6f ", A(i, j));
fprintf(fp, "\n");
fprintf(fp, "];");
fprintf(fp, "\n");
void printMati(const MatrixXi &A, const char *name, const char *filename)
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "a");
fprintf(fp, "%s = [\n", name);
for (int i = 0; i < A.rows(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j) {
fprintf(fp, "%d ", A(i, j));
fprintf(fp, "\n");
fprintf(fp, "];");
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// From raytri.c by Thomas Akenine-Moller
int intersect_triangle3_inc(
const double *orig, const double *dir,
const double *vert0, const double *vert1, const double *vert2,
double *t, double *u, double *v);
namespace btc
verts = Vector4i::Zero();
faces = Vector2i::Zero();
internal = false;
angle = 0;
normals[0] = Vector3d::Zero();
normals[1] = Vector3d::Zero();
dist = 0;
nor1 = Vector3d::Zero();
nor2 = Vector3d::Zero();
pos1 = Vector3d::Zero();
pos2 = Vector3d::Zero();
count1 = 0;
count2 = 0;
verts1 = Vector3i::Zero();
verts2 = Vector3i::Zero();
weights1 = Vector3d::Zero();
weights2 = Vector3d::Zero();
tri1 = -1;
tri2 = -1;
edge2 = -1;
edgeDir = Vector3d::Zero();
* Output: an array of structures corresponds to an edge. The vertex ordering
* is as follows:
* x2
* / \
* / t0 \
* / \
* x0--edge--x1
* \ /
* \ t1 /
* \ /
* x3
void createEdges(
vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > &edges, // output
const MatrixXi &faces, // input
const MatrixXd &verts // input
// First, create a list of edges from the triangle list. The third row
// stores the "other" vertex. The fourth row stores the triangle index.
int nf = faces.cols();
int nv = verts.cols();
struct FaceEdge
Vector3i verts;
int face;
int hash;
int n = 3 * nf;
vector<shared_ptr<FaceEdge> > tmp;
for (int k = 0; k < nf; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
auto faceEdge = make_shared<FaceEdge>();
faceEdge->verts << (i + 0) % 3, (i + 1) % 3, (i + 2) % 3;
faceEdge->face = k;
int v0 = faceEdge->verts(0);
int v1 = faceEdge->verts(1);
int kmin = min(faces(v0, k), faces(v1, k)) + 1;
int kmax = max(faces(v0, k), faces(v1, k)) + 1;
faceEdge->hash = kmin + (n + 1)*kmax;
// Sort by hash number
struct FaceEdgeComp
bool operator() (const shared_ptr<FaceEdge> &e0, const shared_ptr<FaceEdge> &e1) const
return (e0->hash < e1->hash);
FaceEdgeComp comp;
// We don't need a stable sort, but this will make the ordering the same as
// Matlab, making it easier to debug.
stable_sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), comp);
// Now the twin edges are neighbors in the list
int k = 0;
while (k < n) {
int f0 = tmp[k]->face;
Vector2i e;
e(0) = faces(tmp[k]->verts(0), f0);
e(1) = faces(tmp[k]->verts(1), f0);
Vector3d xa0 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(0, f0));
Vector3d xb0 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(1, f0));
Vector3d xc0 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(2, f0));
Vector3d n0 = (xb0 - xa0).cross(xc0 - xa0).normalized();
if (k < n - 1 && tmp[k]->hash == tmp[k + 1]->hash) {
// k and k+1 are twins
int f1 = tmp[k + 1]->face;
Vector3d xa1 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(0, f1));
Vector3d xb1 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(1, f1));
Vector3d xc1 = verts.block<3, 1>(0, faces(2, f1));
Vector3d n1 = (xb1 - xa1).cross(xc1 - xa1).normalized();
double angle = acos(;
auto edge = make_shared<Edge>();
edge->verts.segment<2>(0) = e; // edge vertex indices
edge->verts(2) = faces(tmp[k]->verts(2), f0); // x2 index in figure
edge->verts(3) = faces(tmp[k + 1]->verts(2), f1); // x3 index in figure
edge->faces << f0, f1; // t0 and t1 in figure
edge->internal = true;
edge->angle = angle; // (TODO: concave edges)
edge->normals[0] = n0;
edge->normals[1] = n1;
k += 2;
else {
// k is an external edge (singleton)
auto edge = make_shared<Edge>();
edge->verts.segment<2>(0) = e; // edge vertex indices
edge->verts(2) = faces(tmp[k]->verts(2), f0); // x2 index in figure
edge->verts(3) = -1; // x3 index in figure
edge->faces << f0, -1; // t0 and t1 in figure
edge->internal = false;
edge->angle = 1e9; // infinite dihedral angle
edge->normals[0] = n0;
k += 1;
MatrixXd createFaceNormals(const MatrixXi &faces, const MatrixXd &verts)
int nf = faces.cols();
MatrixXd normals = MatrixXd::Zero(3, nf);
for (int k = 0; k < nf; ++k) {
const Vector3i &f = faces.col(k);
const Vector3d &xa = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(0));
const Vector3d &xb = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(1));
const Vector3d &xc = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(2));
Vector3d dba = xb - xa;
Vector3d dac = xa - xc;
normals.col(k) = dba.cross(-dac).normalized();
return normals;
MatrixXd createVertNormals(const MatrixXi &faces, const MatrixXd &verts)
int nv = verts.cols();
int nf = faces.cols();
MatrixXd normals = MatrixXd::Zero(3, nv);
vector<double> angles(nv, 0); // Running sum of angles at the vertex
for (int k = 0; k < nf; ++k) {
const Vector3i &f = faces.col(k);
const Vector3d &xa = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(0));
const Vector3d &xb = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(1));
const Vector3d &xc = verts.block<3, 1>(0, f(2));
Vector3d dba = xb - xa;
Vector3d dcb = xc - xb;
Vector3d dac = xa - xc;
Vector3d nor = dba.cross(-dac);
double angle1 = acos(;
double angle2 = acos(;
double angle3 = acos(;
normals.col(f(0)) += angle1*nor;
normals.col(f(1)) += angle2*nor;
normals.col(f(2)) += angle3*nor;
angles[f(0)] += angle1;
angles[f(1)] += angle2;
angles[f(2)] += angle3;
for (int k = 0; k < nv; ++k) {
Vector3d nor = normals.col(k) / angles[k];
normals.col(k) = nor.normalized();
return normals;
// Box geometry data
double verts1_data[] = {
-1, -1, -1, 1,
-1, -1, 1, 1,
-1, 1, -1, 1,
-1, 1, 1, 1,
1, -1, -1, 1,
1, -1, 1, 1,
1, 1, -1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1,
-1, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 1,
0, -1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 0, -1, 1,
0, 0, 1, 1,
int faces1_data[] = {
0, 8, 2,
1, 8, 0,
3, 8, 1,
2, 8, 3,
4, 10, 0,
5, 10, 4,
1, 10, 5,
0, 10, 1,
6, 9, 4,
7, 9, 6,
5, 9, 7,
4, 9, 5,
2, 11, 6,
3, 11, 2,
7, 11, 3,
6, 11, 7,
1, 13, 3,
5, 13, 1,
7, 13, 5,
3, 13, 7,
0, 12, 4,
2, 12, 0,
6, 12, 2,
4, 12, 6,
int edgeVerts1_data[] = {
0, 1, 8,10,
2, 0, 8,12,
1, 3, 8,13,
3, 2, 8,11,
0, 4,10,12,
5, 1,10,13,
4, 5,10, 9,
6, 2,11,12,
4, 6, 9,12,
3, 7,11,13,
7, 5, 9,13,
6, 7, 9,11,
// This is for keeping track of which edges each corner point is made up of
int vertsEdge1_data[] = {
0, 1, 4,
0, 2, 5,
1, 3, 7,
2, 3, 9,
4, 6, 8,
5, 6, 10,
7, 8, 11,
9, 10, 11
double vertEdgeWeights1_data[] = {
1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0
int edgeFaces1_data[] = {
Map<Matrix<int, 3, 24, ColMajor> > faces1(faces1_data);
Map<Matrix<int, 4, 12, ColMajor> > edgeVerts1(edgeVerts1_data);
Map<Matrix<int, 3, 8, ColMajor> > vertEdges1(vertsEdge1_data); // ADDED BY NICK
Map<Matrix<double, 3, 8, ColMajor> > vertEdgeWeights1(vertEdgeWeights1_data);
Map<Matrix<int, 2, 12, ColMajor> > edgeFaces1(edgeFaces1_data);
Map<Matrix<double, 4, 14, ColMajor> > verts1_(verts1_data);
Matrix<double, 4, 14> verts1;
Matrix<double, 3, 12> edgeNors1c;
Matrix<double, 3, 12> edgeNors1d;
MatrixXd faceNors1;
MatrixXd vertNors1;
void createBox(vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > &edges1, const Vector3d &whd1, const Matrix4d &E1)
Matrix4d S = Matrix4d::Identity();
S(0, 0) = 0.5*whd1(0);
S(1, 1) = 0.5*whd1(1);
S(2, 2) = 0.5*whd1(2);
Matrix4d E = E1 * S;
verts1 = E * verts1_;
faceNors1 = createFaceNormals(faces1, verts1);
vertNors1 = createVertNormals(faces1, verts1);
for (int k = 0; k < 12; ++k) {
auto edge = make_shared<Edge>();
edge->verts = edgeVerts1.col(k);
edge->faces = edgeFaces1.col(k);
edge->internal = false; // for boxes only
edge->normals[0] = faceNors1.col(edge->faces(0));
edge->normals[1] = faceNors1.col(edge->faces(1));
edge->angle = acos(edge->normals[0].dot(edge->normals[1]));
// AABB Body
void build_AABB_B(Matrix<double, 6, 1> &aabb, const MatrixXd &V)
aabb(0) = V.row(0).minCoeff();
aabb(1) = V.row(1).minCoeff();
aabb(2) = V.row(2).minCoeff();
aabb(3) = V.row(0).maxCoeff();
aabb(4) = V.row(1).maxCoeff();
aabb(5) = V.row(2).maxCoeff();
// AABB face
void build_AABB_F(MatrixXd &aabb, const MatrixXd &V, const MatrixXi &F)
for (int k = 0; k < F.cols(); ++k) {
Vector3i f = F.col(k);
Vector3d xa = V.block<3, 1>(0, f(0));
Vector3d xb = V.block<3, 1>(0, f(1));
Vector3d xc = V.block<3, 1>(0, f(2));
aabb.block<3, 1>(0, k) = xa;
aabb.block<3, 1>(3, k) = xa;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
aabb(i, k) = min(xb(i), aabb(i, k));
aabb(i, k) = min(xc(i), aabb(i, k));
aabb(i + 3, k) = max(xb(i), aabb(i + 3, k));
aabb(i + 3, k) = max(xc(i), aabb(i + 3, k));
// AABB edge
void build_AABB_E(MatrixXd &aabb, const MatrixXd &V, const vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > &edges)
for (int k = 0; k < edges.size(); ++k) {
Vector4i e = edges[k]->verts;
Vector3d x0 = V.block<3, 1>(0, e(0));
Vector3d x1 = V.block<3, 1>(0, e(1));
aabb.block<3, 1>(0, k) = x0;
aabb.block<3, 1>(3, k) = x0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
aabb(i, k) = min(x1(i), aabb(i, k));
aabb(i + 3, k) = max(x1(i), aabb(i + 3, k));
// Check between two AABBs
bool check_AABB(const Matrix<double, 6, 1> &aabb1, const Matrix<double, 6, 1> &aabb2)
double thresh = 1e-3;
Vector3d threshVec(thresh, thresh, thresh);
Vector3d min1 = aabb1.segment<3>(0) - threshVec;
Vector3d max1 = aabb1.segment<3>(3) + threshVec;
Vector3d min2 = aabb2.segment<3>(0) - threshVec;
Vector3d max2 = aabb2.segment<3>(3) + threshVec;
max1(0) >= min2(0) &&
min1(0) <= max2(0) &&
max1(1) >= min2(1) &&
min1(1) <= max2(1) &&
max1(2) >= min2(2) &&
min1(2) <= max2(2);
void barycentric(
double &alpha, double &beta,
const Vector3d &a, const Vector3d &b, const Vector3d &c,
const Vector3d &p)
Vector3d v0 = b - a;
Vector3d v1 = c - a;
Vector3d v2 = p - a;
double d00 =;
double d01 =;
double d11 =;
double d20 =;
double d21 =;
double denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01;
beta = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom;
double gamma = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom;
alpha = 1.0 - beta - gamma;
void lineline(
double &a, double &b,
const Vector3d &A1, const Vector3d &A2,
const Vector3d &B1, const Vector3d &B2)
// Closest points are
// A0 = (1-a)*A1 + a*A2;
// B0 = (1-b)*B1 + b*B2;
Vector3d B2B1 = B2 - B1;
Vector3d A1B1 = A1 - B1;
Vector3d A2A1 = A2 - A1;
Vector3d A2A1xB2B1 = A2A1.cross(B2B1);
double nA = B2B1.cross(A1B1).dot(A2A1xB2B1);
double nB = A2A1.cross(A1B1).dot(A2A1xB2B1);
double d = A2A1.cross(B2B1).dot(A2A1xB2B1);
a = nA / d;
b = nB / d;
double linepoint(const Vector3d &A, const Vector3d &B, const Vector3d &P)
// Line: A -> B
// Point: P
Vector3d AP = P - A;
Vector3d AB = B - A;
double ab2 =;
double apab =;
return apab / ab2;
Vector3d linepointMinDist(const Vector3d &A, const Vector3d &B, const Vector3d &P)
// Line: A -> B
// Point: P
Vector3d AP = P - A;
Vector3d AB = B - A;
double ab2 =;
double apab =;
double t = apab / ab2;
return (1.0 - t)*A + t*B;
int intersect_square(
const Vector3d &x0, const Vector3d &dx,
const Vector3d &xa, const Vector3d &xb, const Vector3d &xc,
double &t)
// Intersects a ray with a square defined by three points
// x0: Ray origin
// dx: Ray direction
// xa, xb, xc: Triangle forming a quarter of the square
// xb--------------xa
// | \ / |
// | \ / |
// | \ / |
// | xc |
// | / \ |
// | / \ |
// | / \ |
// xd--------------xe
// Assume that xc is in the center of the quad
int intersect = 0;
double unused1, unused2;
// Compute xd and xe
Vector3d xd = xa + 2.0*(xc - xa);
Vector3d xe = xb + 2.0*(xc - xb);
// Slow: check all four triangles
intersect = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &t, &unused1, &unused2);
if (intersect) {
return 1;
intersect = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &t, &unused1, &unused2);
if (intersect) {
return 1;
intersect = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &t, &unused1, &unused2);
if (intersect) {
return 1;
intersect = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &t, &unused1, &unused2);
if (intersect) {
return 1;
// No intersection
t = -1.0;
return 0;
void boxTriCollision(
vector<shared_ptr<Collision> > &collisions,
double threshold,
const Vector3d &whd1,
const Matrix4d &E1,
const MatrixXd &verts2,
const MatrixXi &faces2,
const VectorXi &isEOL2,
bool EOL)
vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > edges2;
createEdges(edges2, faces2, verts2);
boxTriCollision(collisions, threshold, whd1, E1, verts2, faces2, isEOL2, EOL, edges2);
void boxTriCollision(
vector<shared_ptr<Collision> > &collisions,
double threshold,
const Vector3d &whd1,
const Matrix4d &E1,
const MatrixXd &verts2_,
const MatrixXi &faces2,
const VectorXi &isEOL2_,
bool EOL,
const vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > &edges2)
// Make a copy first so we can perturb
MatrixXd verts2 = verts2_;
// Assume isEOL=false by default
VectorXi isEOL2(verts2.cols());
if (isEOL2_.size() == verts2.cols()) {
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
isEOL2(i2) = isEOL2_(i2);
else {
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
isEOL2(i2) = 0;
// The first body is always the box
vector<shared_ptr<Edge> > edges1;
createBox(edges1, whd1, E1);
// Perturb cloth verts
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen;
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(-1.0, 1.0);
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
Vector3d r;
r(0) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
r(1) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
r(2) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
verts2.block<3, 1>(0, i2) += r;
// Precompute the face normals for the cloth
MatrixXd faceNors2 = createFaceNormals(faces2, verts2);
// Build AABBs
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbB1;
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbB2;
build_AABB_B(aabbB1, verts1);
build_AABB_B(aabbB2, verts2);
MatrixXd aabbF1(6, faces1.cols());
build_AABB_F(aabbF1, verts1, faces1);
MatrixXd aabbE2(6, edges2.size());
build_AABB_E(aabbE2, verts2, edges2);
// We don't need any vert2-face1 collisions when creating conformal geometry in EOL
if (!EOL) {
// Vertex2-Triangle1
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
Vector3d x2 = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, i2);
// AABB test: check Vertex2 against Body1
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbV2;
aabbV2.segment<3>(0) = x2;
aabbV2.segment<3>(3) = x2;
if (!check_AABB(aabbV2, aabbB1)) {
shared_ptr<Collision> cmin = NULL;
// Is this vertex inside Body2? If Body2 is convex, we can verify this
// by doing a half-space test on all the triangles from Body2.
bool inside = true;
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < faces1.cols(); ++j1) {
Vector3i f1 = faces1.col(j1);
Vector3d x1a = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, f1(0));
Vector3d nor = faceNors1.col(j1);
Vector3d dx = x2 - x1a;
if ( > 0.0) {
inside = false;
if (!inside) {
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < faces1.cols(); ++j1) {
Vector3i f1 = faces1.col(j1);
Vector3d x1a = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, f1(0));
Vector3d x1b = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, f1(1));
Vector3d x1c = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, f1(2));
// Project x2 onto the triangle 1
Vector3d nor1 = faceNors1.col(j1);
Vector3d dx = x2 - x1a;
double proj =;
if (proj > 0.0) {
// Outside the box
Vector3d x1 = x2 - proj*nor1;
dx = x2 - x1;
double dist = dx.norm();
if (dist > 5.0*threshold) {
// Too far
double u, v;
barycentric(u, v, x1a, x1b, x1c, x1);
double w = 1.0 - u - v;
if (u < 0.0 || 1.0 < u || v < 0.0 || 1.0 < v || w < 0.0 || 1.0 < w) {
// Projected point is outside the triangle
// Compute cloth normal
Vector3d nor2 = faceNors2.col(i2);
if ( < 0.0) {
nor2 = -nor2;
// Create contact object
auto c = make_shared<Collision>();
c->dist = dist;
c->nor1 = nor1;
c->nor2 = nor2;
c->pos1 = x1;
c->pos2 = x2;
c->count1 = 3;
c->count2 = 1;
c->verts1 = f1;
c->verts2 << i2, -1, -1;
c->weights1 << u, v, w;
c->weights2 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
c->tri1 = j1;
c->tri2 = -1;
// Is this the closest one so far?
if (cmin == NULL) {
cmin = c;
else {
if (c->dist < cmin->dist) {
cmin = c;
if (cmin != NULL) {
int nVertCol = collisions.size();
int nFaceCol = 0;
int nEdgeCol = 0;
// Vertex1-Triangle2
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 8; ++i1) { // only up to 8 corner points (ignore face points)
const Vector3d &x1 = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, i1);
// AABB test: check Vertex1 against Body2
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbV1;
aabbV1.segment<3>(0) = x1;
aabbV1.segment<3>(3) = x1;
if (!check_AABB(aabbV1, aabbB2)) {
shared_ptr<Collision> cmin = NULL;
Vector3d nor1 = vertNors1.block<3, 1>(0, i1); // vertex normal
for (int j2 = 0; j2 < faces2.cols(); ++j2) {
const Vector3i &f2 = faces2.col(j2);
const Vector3d &x2a = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(0));
const Vector3d &x2b = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(1));
const Vector3d &x2c = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(2));
Vector3d nor2 = faceNors2.col(j2);
// Make sure the triangle normal points outward wrt the box.
if ( < 0.0) {
nor2 = -nor2;
// Is x1 on the correct side?
Vector3d dx = x1 - x2a;
double proj =;
if (proj < 0.0) {
// Project x1 onto the triangle
Vector3d x2 = x1 - proj*nor2;
dx = x2 - x1;
double dist = dx.norm();
if (dist > 5.0*threshold) {
// Too far
// Compute barycentric coords of x1 wrt tri2
double u, v;
barycentric(u, v, x2a, x2b, x2c, x1);
double w = 1.0 - u - v;
if (u < 0.0 || 1.0 < u || v < 0.0 || 1.0 < v || w < 0.0 || 1.0 < w) {
// Projected point is outside the triangle
// Create contact object
auto c = make_shared<Collision>();
c->dist = dist;
c->nor1 = nor1;
c->nor2 = nor2;
c->pos1 = x1;
c->pos2 = x2;
c->count1 = 1;
c->count2 = 3;
c->verts1 << i1, -1, -1;
c->verts2 = f2;
c->weights1 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
c->weights2 << u, v, w;
c->edge1.push_back(vertEdges1(0, i1));
c->edge1.push_back(vertEdges1(1, i1));
c->edge1.push_back(vertEdges1(2, i1));
c->tri1 = -1;
c->tri2 = j2;
// Is this the closest one so far?
if (cmin == NULL) {
cmin = c;
else {
if (c->dist < cmin->dist) {
cmin = c;
if (cmin != NULL) {
nFaceCol = collisions.size() - nVertCol;
// Edge2-Edge1
for (int k2 = 0; k2 < edges2.size(); ++k2) {
auto e2 = edges2[k2];
const Vector3d &x2a = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, e2->verts(0));
const Vector3d &x2b = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, e2->verts(1));
Vector3d dx2 = x2b - x2a;
double len2 = dx2.norm();
Vector3d nor2 = (e2->normals[0] + e2->normals[1]).normalized();
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbE2k = aabbE2.col(k2);
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < edges1.size(); ++k1) {
auto e1 = edges1[k1];
if (e1->angle < M_PI / 6.0) {
// Soft edge
// AABB test: check the two triangles of Edge1 against Edge2
bool aabbC = check_AABB(aabbF1.col(e1->faces(0)), aabbE2k);
if (!aabbC) {
bool aabbD = check_AABB(aabbF1.col(e1->faces(1)), aabbE2k);
if (!aabbD) {
// x1a and x1b are the vertices of the edge.
const Vector3d &x1a = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, e1->verts(0));
const Vector3d &x1b = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, e1->verts(1));
Vector3d dx1 = x1b - x1a;
double len1 = dx1.norm();
Vector3d tan1 = dx1 / len1;
// Is the box edge parallel to the cloth normal?
double threshAng = 2.0*M_PI / 180.0;
double angle = acos(;
if (fabs(angle) < threshAng || fabs(M_PI - angle) < threshAng) {
// Are the two edges parallel?
angle = acos( / len2);
if (fabs(angle) < threshAng || fabs(M_PI - angle) < threshAng) {
Vector3d nor = dx1.cross(dx2).normalized();
// The two triangles of the edge are (a,b,c) and (b,a,d), and n1c
// and n1d are the two triangle normals
const Vector3d &x1c = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, e1->verts(2));
const Vector3d &x1d = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, e1->verts(3));
const Vector3d &n1c = e1->normals[0];
const Vector3d &n1d = e1->normals[1];
// Make the computed normal point along the edge normal.
Vector3d nor1 = n1c + n1d;
if ( < 0.0) {
nor = -nor;
// The computed normal must lie between the two edge normals.
// n1d nor
// | /
// |/
// +--- n1c
double angleCD = acos(; // should be the same as e1.angle modulo sign
double angleCN = acos(; // angle between n1c to the computed normal
if (angleCD < 0.0) {
angleCD = -angleCD;
angleCN = -angleCN;
// angleCN must be between 0 and angleCD
if (angleCN < -threshAng || angleCN - angleCD > threshAng) {
// Where does the line intersect the box?
double u2c, u2d, unused1, unused2;
//int i2c = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &u2c, &unused1, &unused2);
//int i2d = intersect_triangle3_inc(,,,,, &u2d, &unused1, &unused2);
int i2c = intersect_square(x2a, dx2, x1a, x1b, x1c, u2c);
int i2d = intersect_square(x2a, dx2, x1b, x1a, x1d, u2d);
// Are these ray collisions line segment collisions?
i2c = i2c && (0.0 <= u2c && u2c <= 1.0);
i2d = i2d && (0.0 <= u2d && u2d <= 1.0);
// Compute closest points on the two lines.
double u1, u2;
lineline(u1, u2, x1a, x1b, x2a, x2b);
// Check if this is a vertex (rather than edge) collision. It is an
// edge collision if both u1 and u2 are between 0 and 1.
// For the threshold, use edgeLen to convert to world units.
double thresh1 = 1.0*threshold / len1;
double thresh2 = 1.0*threshold / len2;
if (u1 < -thresh1 || u1 > 1.0 + thresh1 || u2 < -thresh2 || u2 > 1.0 + thresh2) {
// This is a vertex collision.
Vector3d x1, x2, dx;
if (i2c && i2d) {
// The cloth edge intersects both box triangles
x1 = (1.0 - u1)*x1a + u1*x1b;
x2 = (1.0 - u2)*x2a + u2*x2b;
else if (i2c && !i2d) {
// Only intersects Triangle C.
// Is x2a inside the box?
dx = x2a - x1a;
if ( < 0.0) {
// Inside... the valid range for u2 is [0, u2c].
u2 = max(0.0, min(u2c, u2));
else {
// Outside... the valid range for u2 is [u2c, 1.0].
u2 = max(u2c, min(1.0, u2));
x2 = (1.0 - u2)*x2a + u2*x2b;
// Recompute u1 based on the new x2.
u1 = linepoint(x1a, x1b, x2);
x1 = (1.0 - u1)*x1a + u1*x1b;
else if (!i2c && i2d) {
// Only intersects Triangle D.
// Is x2a inside the box?
dx = x2a - x1b;
if ( < 0.0) {
// Inside... the valid range for u2 is [0, u2d].
u2 = max(0.0, min(u2d, u2));
else {
// Outside... the valid range for u2 is [u2d, 1.0].
u2 = max(u2d, min(1.0, u2));
x2 = (1.0 - u2)*x2a + u2*x2b;
// Recompute u1 based on the new x2.
u1 = linepoint(x1a, x1b, x2);
x1 = (1.0 - u1)*x1a + u1*x1b;
else {
// The cloth edge does not intersect either of the box triangles
if (u1 < -thresh1 || u1 > 1.0 + thresh1 || u2 < -thresh2 || u2 > 1.0 + thresh2) {
// This is a vertex, not edge, collision. We need another check
// here because we modify u1 and u2 in the if block above.
// At this point, x2 is the collision point on the cloth and x1 is
// the collision point on the box.
dx = x2 - x1;
double thresh = 2.0*threshold;
if ( > thresh*thresh) {
// Too far
// Final check: are the collided points close to the box edge?
thresh = 2.0*threshold;
dx = x2 - x1;
if ( > thresh*thresh) {
auto c = make_shared<Collision>();
c->dist = dx.norm();
c->nor1 = nor1;
c->nor2 = nor;
c->pos1 = x1;
c->pos2 = x2;
c->count1 = 2;
c->count2 = 2;
c->verts1 << e1->verts.segment<2>(0), -1;
c->verts2 << e2->verts.segment<2>(0), -1;
c->weights1 << 1.0 - u1, u1, 0.0;
c->weights2 << 1.0 - u2, u2, 0.0;
c->edge2 = k2;
c->edgeDir = tan1;
nEdgeCol = collisions.size() - nFaceCol - nVertCol;
// Each box corner should have at most 1 collision with the cloth (can't be
// two or more). We'll keep the closest cloth collision to the box corner.
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 8; ++i1) {
const Vector3d &x1 = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, i1);
// Find the closest collision to the box corner
int kmin = -1;
double dmin = 1e9;
for (int k = 0; k < collisions.size(); ++k) {
if (collisions[k]->count1 == 1 && collisions[k]->verts1(0) == i1) {
const Vector3d &x2 = collisions[k]->pos2;
Vector3d dx = x2 - x1;
double d =;
if (d < dmin) {
kmin = k;
dmin = d;
if (kmin != -1) {
// Make a list of collisions to delete
vector<int> dlist;
for (int k = 0; k < collisions.size(); ++k) {
if (collisions[k]->count1 == 1 && collisions[k]->verts1(0) == i1 && k != kmin) {
// Delete collisions in reverse order
for (int kdel : dlist) {
collisions[kdel] = collisions.back();
// Go through the collisions and create `pos1_`, the position of the
// collision on the box offset by a small amount so that it is inside the
// box.
double snapDepth = 0.1*threshold;
for (auto collision : collisions) {
collision->pos1_ = collision->pos1 - snapDepth*collision->nor1;
void pointTriCollision(
vector<shared_ptr<Collision> > &collisions,
double threshold,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &verts1,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &norms1,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &verts2_,
const Eigen::MatrixXi &faces2,
bool EOL)
// Make a copy first so we can perturb
MatrixXd verts2 = verts2_;
// Perturb cloth verts
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen;
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(-1.0, 1.0);
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
Vector3d r;
r(0) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
r(1) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
r(2) = dis(gen)*threshold*1e-3;
verts2.block<3, 1>(0, i2) += r;
// Precompute the face normals for the cloth
MatrixXd faceNors2 = createFaceNormals(faces2, verts2);
// Build AABBs
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbB2;
build_AABB_B(aabbB2, verts2);
if (EOL) {
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < verts2.cols(); ++i2) {
Vector3d x2 = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, i2);
shared_ptr<Collision> cmin = NULL;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < verts1.cols(); ++i1) {
Vector3d x1 = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, i1);
Vector3d dx = x2 - x1;
double dist = dx.norm();
if (dist < threshold) {
Vector3d nor1 = norms1.block<3, 1>(0, i1); // vertex normal
// Create contact object
auto c = make_shared<Collision>();
c->dist = dist;
c->nor1 = nor1;
c->nor2 = nor1; // We don't care so hack
c->pos1 = x1;
c->pos2 = x2;
c->count1 = 3;
c->count2 = 1;
c->verts1 << i1, -1, -1;
c->verts2 << i2, -1, -1;
c->weights1 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
c->weights2 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
c->tri1 = -1;
c->tri2 = -1;
// Is this the closest one so far?
if (cmin == NULL) {
cmin = c;
else {
if (c->dist < cmin->dist) {
cmin = c;
if (cmin != NULL) {
// Vertex1-Triangle2
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < verts1.cols(); ++i1) {
const Vector3d &x1 = verts1.block<3, 1>(0, i1);
// AABB test: check Vertex1 against Body2
Matrix<double, 6, 1> aabbV1;
aabbV1.segment<3>(0) = x1;
aabbV1.segment<3>(3) = x1;
if (!check_AABB(aabbV1, aabbB2)) {
shared_ptr<Collision> cmin = NULL;
Vector3d nor1 = norms1.block<3, 1>(0, i1); // vertex normal
for (int j2 = 0; j2 < faces2.cols(); ++j2) {
const Vector3i &f2 = faces2.col(j2);
const Vector3d &x2a = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(0));
const Vector3d &x2b = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(1));
const Vector3d &x2c = verts2.block<3, 1>(0, f2(2));
Vector3d nor2 = faceNors2.col(j2);
// Make sure the triangle normal points outward wrt the box.
if ( < 0.0) {
nor2 = -nor2;
// Is x1 on the correct side?
Vector3d dx = x1 - x2a;
double proj =;
if (proj < 0.0) {
// Project x1 onto the triangle
Vector3d x2 = x1 - proj*nor2;
dx = x2 - x1;
double dist = dx.norm();
if (dist > 5.0*threshold) {
// Too far
// Compute barycentric coords of x1 wrt tri2
double u, v;
barycentric(u, v, x2a, x2b, x2c, x1);
double w = 1.0 - u - v;
if (u < 0.0 || 1.0 < u || v < 0.0 || 1.0 < v || w < 0.0 || 1.0 < w) {
// Projected point is outside the triangle
// Create contact object
auto c = make_shared<Collision>();
c->dist = dist;
c->nor1 = nor1;
c->nor2 = nor2;
c->pos1 = x1;
c->pos2 = x2;
c->count1 = 1;
c->count2 = 3;
c->verts1 << i1, -1, -1;
c->verts2 = f2;
c->weights1 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
c->weights2 << u, v, w;
c->tri1 = -1;
c->tri2 = j2;
// Is this the closest one so far?
if (cmin == NULL) {
cmin = c;
else {
if (c->dist < cmin->dist) {
cmin = c;
if (cmin != NULL) {
// Go through the collisions and create `pos1_`, the position of the
// collision on the box offset by a small amount so that it is inside the
// box.
double snapDepth = 0.1*threshold;
for (auto collision : collisions) {
collision->pos1_ = collision->pos1 - snapDepth*collision->nor1;
Computing file changes ...