Revision 2b2c77e7e2e158e702d52e8d11d545b4771949fe authored by Alec Jacobson on 19 December 2018, 02:29:01 UTC, committed by Alec Jacobson on 19 December 2018, 02:29:01 UTC
1 parent ec79b08
* Copyright (c) 2018 Side Effects Software Inc.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* This is the array class implementation used by almost everything here.
#pragma once
#include "SYS_Types.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <string.h>
/// This routine describes how to change the size of an array.
/// It must increase the current_size by at least one!
/// Current expected sequence of small sizes:
/// 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112,
/// 128, 256, 384, 512, 640, 768, 896, 1024,
/// (increases by approx factor of 1.125 each time after this)
template <typename T>
static inline T
UTbumpAlloc(T current_size)
// NOTE: These must be powers of two. See below.
constexpr T SMALL_ALLOC(16);
constexpr T BIG_ALLOC(128);
// For small values, we increment by fixed amounts. For
// large values, we increment by one eighth of the current size.
// This prevents n^2 behaviour with allocation one element at a time.
// A factor of 1/8 will waste 1/16 the memory on average, and will
// double the size of the array in approximately 6 reallocations.
if (current_size < T(8))
return (current_size < T(4)) ? T(4) : T(8);
if (current_size < T(BIG_ALLOC))
// Snap up to next multiple of SMALL_ALLOC (must be power of 2)
return (current_size + T(SMALL_ALLOC)) & ~T(SMALL_ALLOC-1);
if (current_size < T(BIG_ALLOC * 8))
// Snap up to next multiple of BIG_ALLOC (must be power of 2)
return (current_size + T(BIG_ALLOC)) & ~T(BIG_ALLOC-1);
T bump = current_size >> 3; // Divided by 8.
current_size += bump;
return current_size;
template <typename T>
class UT_Array
typedef T value_type;
typedef int (*Comparator)(const T *, const T *);
/// Copy constructor. It duplicates the data.
/// It's marked explicit so that it's not accidentally passed by value.
/// You can always pass by reference and then copy it, if needed.
/// If you have a line like:
/// UT_Array<int> a = otherarray;
/// and it really does need to copy instead of referencing,
/// you can rewrite it as:
/// UT_Array<int> a(otherarray);
explicit UT_Array(const UT_Array<T> &a);
/// Move constructor. Steals the working data from the original.
UT_Array(UT_Array<T> &&a) noexcept;
/// Construct based on given capacity and size
UT_Array(exint capacity, exint size)
myData = capacity ? allocateCapacity(capacity) : NULL;
if (capacity < size)
size = capacity;
mySize = size;
myCapacity = capacity;
trivialConstructRange(myData, mySize);
/// Construct based on given capacity with a size of 0
explicit UT_Array(exint capacity = 0) : myCapacity(capacity), mySize(0)
myData = capacity ? allocateCapacity(capacity) : NULL;
/// Construct with the contents of an initializer list
explicit UT_Array(std::initializer_list<T> init);
void swap(UT_Array<T> &other);
/// Append an element to the current elements and return its index in the
/// array, or insert the element at a specified position; if necessary,
/// insert() grows the array to accommodate the element. The insert
/// methods use the assignment operator '=' to place the element into the
/// right spot; be aware that '=' works differently on objects and pointers.
/// The test for duplicates uses the logical equal operator '=='; as with
/// '=', the behaviour of the equality operator on pointers versus objects
/// is not the same.
/// Use the subscript operators instead of insert() if you are appending
/// to the array, or if you don't mind overwriting the element already
/// inserted at the given index.
exint append(void) { return insert(mySize); }
exint append(const T &t) { return appendImpl(t); }
exint append(T &&t) { return appendImpl(std::move(t)); }
void append(const T *pt, exint count);
void appendMultiple(const T &t, exint count);
exint insert(exint index);
exint insert(const T &t, exint i)
{ return insertImpl(t, i); }
exint insert(T &&t, exint i)
{ return insertImpl(std::move(t), i); }
/// Adds a new element to the array (resizing if necessary) and forwards
/// the given arguments to T's constructor.
/// NOTE: Unlike append(), the arguments cannot reference any existing
/// elements in the array. Checking for and handling such cases would
/// remove most of the performance gain versus append(T(...)). Debug builds
/// will assert that the arguments are valid.
template <typename... S>
exint emplace_back(S&&... s);
/// Takes another T array and concatenate it onto my end
exint concat(const UT_Array<T> &a);
/// Insert an element "count" times at the given index. Return the index.
exint multipleInsert(exint index, exint count);
/// An alias for unique element insertion at a certain index. Also used by
/// the other insertion methods.
exint insertAt(const T &t, exint index)
{ return insertImpl(t, index); }
/// Return true if given index is valid.
bool isValidIndex(exint index) const
{ return (index >= 0 && index < mySize); }
/// Remove one element from the array given its
/// position in the list, and fill the gap by shifting the elements down
/// by one position. Return the index of the element removed or -1 if
/// the index was out of bounds.
exint removeIndex(exint index)
return isValidIndex(index) ? removeAt(index) : -1;
void removeLast()
if (mySize) removeAt(mySize-1);
/// Remove the range [begin_i,end_i) of elements from the array.
void removeRange(exint begin_i, exint end_i);
/// Remove the range [begin_i, end_i) of elements from this array and place
/// them in the dest array, shrinking/growing the dest array as necessary.
void extractRange(exint begin_i, exint end_i,
UT_Array<T>& dest);
/// Removes all matching elements from the list, shuffling down and changing
/// the size appropriately.
/// Returns the number of elements left.
template <typename IsEqual>
exint removeIf(IsEqual is_equal);
/// Remove all matching elements. Also sets the capacity of the array.
template <typename IsEqual>
void collapseIf(IsEqual is_equal)
/// Move howMany objects starting at index srcIndex to destIndex;
/// This method will remove the elements at [srcIdx, srcIdx+howMany) and
/// then insert them at destIdx. This method can be used in place of
/// the old shift() operation.
void move(exint srcIdx, exint destIdx, exint howMany);
/// Cyclically shifts the entire array by howMany
void cycle(exint howMany);
/// Quickly set the array to a single value.
void constant(const T &v);
/// Zeros the array if a POD type, else trivial constructs if a class type.
void zero();
/// The fastest search possible, which does pointer arithmetic to find the
/// index of the element. WARNING: index() does no out-of-bounds checking.
exint index(const T &t) const { return &t - myData; }
exint safeIndex(const T &t) const
return (&t >= myData && &t < (myData + mySize))
? &t - myData : -1;
/// Set the capacity of the array, i.e. grow it or shrink it. The
/// function copies the data after reallocating space for the array.
void setCapacity(exint newcapacity);
void setCapacityIfNeeded(exint mincapacity)
if (capacity() < mincapacity)
/// If the capacity is smaller than mincapacity, expand the array
/// to at least mincapacity and to at least a constant factor of the
/// array's previous capacity, to avoid having a linear number of
/// reallocations in a linear number of calls to bumpCapacity.
void bumpCapacity(exint mincapacity)
if (capacity() >= mincapacity)
// The following 4 lines are just
// SYSmax(mincapacity, UTbumpAlloc(capacity())), avoiding SYSmax
exint bumped = UTbumpAlloc(capacity());
exint newcapacity = mincapacity;
if (bumped > mincapacity)
newcapacity = bumped;
/// First bumpCapacity to ensure that there's space for newsize,
/// expanding either not at all or by at least a constant factor
/// of the array's previous capacity,
/// then set the size to newsize.
void bumpSize(exint newsize)
/// NOTE: bumpEntries() will be deprecated in favour of bumpSize() in a
/// future version.
void bumpEntries(exint newsize)
/// Query the capacity, i.e. the allocated length of the array.
/// NOTE: capacity() >= size().
exint capacity() const { return myCapacity; }
/// Query the size, i.e. the number of occupied elements in the array.
/// NOTE: capacity() >= size().
exint size() const { return mySize; }
/// Alias of size(). size() is preferred.
exint entries() const { return mySize; }
/// Returns true iff there are no occupied elements in the array.
bool isEmpty() const { return mySize==0; }
/// Set the size, the number of occupied elements in the array.
/// NOTE: This will not do bumpCapacity, so if you call this
/// n times to increase the size, it may take
/// n^2 time.
void setSize(exint newsize)
if (newsize < 0)
newsize = 0;
if (newsize == mySize)
if (mySize > newsize)
trivialDestructRange(myData + newsize, mySize - newsize);
else // newsize > mySize
trivialConstructRange(myData + mySize, newsize - mySize);
mySize = newsize;
/// Alias of setSize(). setSize() is preferred.
void entries(exint newsize)
/// Set the size, but unlike setSize(newsize), this function
/// will not initialize new POD elements to zero. Non-POD data types
/// will still have their constructors called.
/// This function is faster than setSize(ne) if you intend to fill in
/// data for all elements.
void setSizeNoInit(exint newsize)
if (newsize < 0)
newsize = 0;
if (newsize == mySize)
if (mySize > newsize)
trivialDestructRange(myData + newsize, mySize - newsize);
else if (!isPOD()) // newsize > mySize
trivialConstructRange(myData + mySize, newsize - mySize);
mySize = newsize;
/// Decreases, but never expands, to the given maxsize.
void truncate(exint maxsize)
if (maxsize >= 0 && size() > maxsize)
/// Resets list to an empty list.
void clear() {
// Don't call setSize(0) since that would require a valid default
// constructor.
trivialDestructRange(myData, mySize);
mySize = 0;
/// Assign array a to this array by copying each of a's elements with
/// memcpy for POD types, and with copy construction for class types.
UT_Array<T> & operator=(const UT_Array<T> &a);
/// Replace the contents with those from the initializer_list ilist
UT_Array<T> & operator=(std::initializer_list<T> ilist);
/// Move the contents of array a to this array.
UT_Array<T> & operator=(UT_Array<T> &&a);
/// Compare two array and return true if they are equal and false otherwise.
/// Two elements are checked against each other using operator '==' or
/// compare() respectively.
/// NOTE: The capacities of the arrays are not checked when
/// determining whether they are equal.
bool operator==(const UT_Array<T> &a) const;
bool operator!=(const UT_Array<T> &a) const;
/// Subscript operator
/// NOTE: This does NOT do any bounds checking unless paranoid
/// asserts are enabled.
T & operator()(exint i)
UT_ASSERT_P(i >= 0 && i < mySize);
return myData[i];
/// Const subscript operator
/// NOTE: This does NOT do any bounds checking unless paranoid
/// asserts are enabled.
const T & operator()(exint i) const
UT_ASSERT_P(i >= 0 && i < mySize);
return myData[i];
/// Subscript operator
/// NOTE: This does NOT do any bounds checking unless paranoid
/// asserts are enabled.
T & operator[](exint i)
UT_ASSERT_P(i >= 0 && i < mySize);
return myData[i];
/// Const subscript operator
/// NOTE: This does NOT do any bounds checking unless paranoid
/// asserts are enabled.
const T & operator[](exint i) const
UT_ASSERT_P(i >= 0 && i < mySize);
return myData[i];
/// forcedRef(exint) will grow the array if necessary, initializing any
/// new elements to zero for POD types and default constructing for
/// class types.
T & forcedRef(exint i)
UT_ASSERT_P(i >= 0);
if (i >= mySize)
return myData[i];
/// forcedGet(exint) does NOT grow the array, and will return default
/// objects for out of bound array indices.
T forcedGet(exint i) const
return (i >= 0 && i < mySize) ? myData[i] : T();
T & last()
return myData[mySize-1];
const T & last() const
return myData[mySize-1];
T * getArray() const { return myData; }
const T * getRawArray() const { return myData; }
T * array() { return myData; }
const T * array() const { return myData; }
T * data() { return myData; }
const T * data() const { return myData; }
/// This method allows you to swap in a new raw T array, which must be
/// the same size as myCapacity. Use caution with this method.
T * aliasArray(T *newdata)
{ T *data = myData; myData = newdata; return data; }
template <typename IT, bool FORWARD>
class base_iterator :
public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, T, exint>
typedef IT& reference;
typedef IT* pointer;
// Note: When we drop gcc 4.4 support and allow range-based for
// loops, we should also drop atEnd(), which means we can drop
// myEnd here.
base_iterator() : myCurrent(NULL), myEnd(NULL) {}
// Allow iterator to const_iterator conversion
template<typename EIT>
base_iterator(const base_iterator<EIT, FORWARD> &src)
: myCurrent(src.myCurrent), myEnd(src.myEnd) {}
pointer operator->() const
{ return FORWARD ? myCurrent : myCurrent - 1; }
reference operator*() const
{ return FORWARD ? *myCurrent : myCurrent[-1]; }
reference item() const
{ return FORWARD ? *myCurrent : myCurrent[-1]; }
reference operator[](exint n) const
{ return FORWARD ? myCurrent[n] : myCurrent[-n - 1]; }
/// Pre-increment operator
base_iterator &operator++()
if (FORWARD) ++myCurrent; else --myCurrent;
return *this;
/// Post-increment operator
base_iterator operator++(int)
base_iterator tmp = *this;
if (FORWARD) ++myCurrent; else --myCurrent;
return tmp;
/// Pre-decrement operator
base_iterator &operator--()
if (FORWARD) --myCurrent; else ++myCurrent;
return *this;
/// Post-decrement operator
base_iterator operator--(int)
base_iterator tmp = *this;
if (FORWARD) --myCurrent; else ++myCurrent;
return tmp;
base_iterator &operator+=(exint n)
myCurrent += n;
myCurrent -= n;
return *this;
base_iterator operator+(exint n) const
return base_iterator(myCurrent + n, myEnd);
return base_iterator(myCurrent - n, myEnd);
base_iterator &operator-=(exint n)
{ return (*this) += (-n); }
base_iterator operator-(exint n) const
{ return (*this) + (-n); }
bool atEnd() const { return myCurrent == myEnd; }
void advance() { this->operator++(); }
// Comparators
template<typename ITR, bool FR>
bool operator==(const base_iterator<ITR, FR> &r) const
{ return myCurrent == r.myCurrent; }
template<typename ITR, bool FR>
bool operator!=(const base_iterator<ITR, FR> &r) const
{ return myCurrent != r.myCurrent; }
template<typename ITR>
bool operator<(const base_iterator<ITR, FORWARD> &r) const
return myCurrent < r.myCurrent;
return r.myCurrent < myCurrent;
template<typename ITR>
bool operator>(const base_iterator<ITR, FORWARD> &r) const
return myCurrent > r.myCurrent;
return r.myCurrent > myCurrent;
template<typename ITR>
bool operator<=(const base_iterator<ITR, FORWARD> &r) const
return myCurrent <= r.myCurrent;
return r.myCurrent <= myCurrent;
template<typename ITR>
bool operator>=(const base_iterator<ITR, FORWARD> &r) const
return myCurrent >= r.myCurrent;
return r.myCurrent >= myCurrent;
// Difference operator for std::distance
template<typename ITR>
exint operator-(const base_iterator<ITR, FORWARD> &r) const
return exint(myCurrent - r.myCurrent);
return exint(r.myCurrent - myCurrent);
friend class UT_Array<T>;
base_iterator(IT *c, IT *e) : myCurrent(c), myEnd(e) {}
IT *myCurrent;
IT *myEnd;
typedef base_iterator<T, true> iterator;
typedef base_iterator<const T, true> const_iterator;
typedef base_iterator<T, false> reverse_iterator;
typedef base_iterator<const T, false> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef const_iterator traverser; // For backward compatibility
/// Begin iterating over the array. The contents of the array may be
/// modified during the traversal.
iterator begin()
return iterator(myData, myData + mySize);
/// End iterator.
iterator end()
return iterator(myData + mySize,
myData + mySize);
/// Begin iterating over the array. The array may not be modified during
/// the traversal.
const_iterator begin() const
return const_iterator(myData, myData + mySize);
/// End const iterator. Consider using it.atEnd() instead.
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(myData + mySize,
myData + mySize);
/// Begin iterating over the array in reverse.
reverse_iterator rbegin()
return reverse_iterator(myData + mySize,
/// End reverse iterator.
reverse_iterator rend()
return reverse_iterator(myData, myData);
/// Begin iterating over the array in reverse.
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
return const_reverse_iterator(myData + mySize,
/// End reverse iterator. Consider using it.atEnd() instead.
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
return const_reverse_iterator(myData, myData);
/// Remove item specified by the reverse_iterator.
void removeItem(const reverse_iterator &it)
removeAt(&it.item() - myData);
/// Very dangerous methods to share arrays.
/// The array is not aware of the sharing, so ensure you clear
/// out the array prior a destructor or setCapacity operation.
void unsafeShareData(UT_Array<T> &src)
myData = src.myData;
myCapacity = src.myCapacity;
mySize = src.mySize;
void unsafeShareData(T *src, exint srcsize)
myData = src;
myCapacity = srcsize;
mySize = srcsize;
void unsafeShareData(T *src, exint size, exint capacity)
myData = src;
mySize = size;
myCapacity = capacity;
void unsafeClearData()
myData = NULL;
myCapacity = 0;
mySize = 0;
/// Returns true if the data used by the array was allocated on the heap.
inline bool isHeapBuffer() const
return (myData != (T *)(((char*)this) + sizeof(*this)));
inline bool isHeapBuffer(T* data) const
return (data != (T *)(((char*)this) + sizeof(*this)));
// Check whether T may have a constructor, destructor, or copy
// constructor. This test is conservative in that some POD types will
// not be recognized as POD by this function. To mark your type as POD,
// use the SYS_DECLARE_IS_POD() macro in SYS_TypeDecorate.h.
static constexpr SYS_FORCE_INLINE bool isPOD()
return std::is_pod<T>::value;
/// Implements both append(const T &) and append(T &&) via perfect
/// forwarding. Unlike the variadic emplace_back(), its argument may be a
/// reference to another element in the array.
template <typename S>
exint appendImpl(S &&s);
/// Similar to appendImpl() but for insertion.
template <typename S>
exint insertImpl(S &&s, exint index);
// Construct the given type
template <typename... S>
static void construct(T &dst, S&&... s)
new (&dst) T(std::forward<S>(s)...);
// Copy construct the given type
static void copyConstruct(T &dst, const T &src)
if (isPOD())
dst = src;
new (&dst) T(src);
static void copyConstructRange(T *dst, const T *src, exint n)
if (isPOD())
if (n > 0)
::memcpy((void *)dst, (const void *)src,
n * sizeof(T));
for (exint i = 0; i < n; i++)
new (&dst[i]) T(src[i]);
/// Element Constructor
static void trivialConstruct(T &dst)
if (!isPOD())
new (&dst) T();
memset((void *)&dst, 0, sizeof(T));
static void trivialConstructRange(T *dst, exint n)
if (!isPOD())
for (exint i = 0; i < n; i++)
new (&dst[i]) T();
else if (n == 1)
// Special case for n == 1. If the size parameter
// passed to memset is known at compile time, this
// function call will be inlined. This results in
// much faster performance than a real memset
// function call which is required in the case
// below, where n is not known until runtime.
// This makes calls to append() much faster.
memset((void *)dst, 0, sizeof(T));
memset((void *)dst, 0, sizeof(T) * n);
/// Element Destructor
static void trivialDestruct(T &dst)
if (!isPOD())
static void trivialDestructRange(T *dst, exint n)
if (!isPOD())
for (exint i = 0; i < n; i++)
/// Pointer to the array of elements of type T
T *myData;
/// The number of elements for which we have allocated memory
exint myCapacity;
/// The actual number of valid elements in the array
exint mySize;
// The guts of the remove() methods.
exint removeAt(exint index);
T * allocateCapacity(exint num_items);
#include "UT_ArrayImpl.h"
#endif // __UT_ARRAY_H_INCLUDED__
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