Revision 2cd2667b20a1e8a908703469d67b68f884dd8ee2 authored by Julien Bect on 20 January 2022, 10:50:54 UTC, committed by Julien Bect on 20 January 2022, 10:51:00 UTC
1 parent f2611b6
Raw File
% STK_EXPCOV_ISO computes the isotropic exponential covariance function
% CALL: K = stk_expcov_iso (PARAM, X, Y)
%   computes the covariance matrix K between the sets of locations X and
%   Y, using the isotropic exponential covariance function with parameters
%   PARAM. The output matrix K has size NX x NY, where NX is the number of rows
%   in X and NY the number of rows in Y. The vector of parameters must have two
%   elements:
%     * PARAM(1) = log (SIGMA ^ 2), where SIGMA is the standard deviation,
%     * PARAM(2) = - log (RHO), where RHO is the range parameter.
% CALL: dK = stk_expcov_iso (PARAM, X, Y, DIFF)
%   computes the derivative of the covariance matrix with respect to
%   PARAM(DIFF) if DIFF~= -1, or the covariance matrix itself if DIFF is
%   equal to -1 (in which case this is equivalent to stk_materncov_iso
%   (PARAM, X, Y)).
% CALL: K = stk_expcov_iso (PARAM, X, Y, DIFF, PAIRWISE)
%   computes the covariance vector (or a derivative of it if DIFF > 0)
%   between the sets of locations X and Y.  The output K is a vector of
%   length N, where N is the common number of rows of X and Y.

% Copyright Notice
%    Copyright (C) 2016, 2018, 2020 CentraleSupelec
%    Copyright (C) 2011-2014 SUPELEC
%    Authors:  Julien Bect       <>
%              Emmanuel Vazquez  <>
%              Paul Feliot       <>

% Copying Permission Statement
%    This file is part of
%            STK: a Small (Matlab/Octave) Toolbox for Kriging
%               (
%    STK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
%    the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
%    Software Foundation,  either version 3  of the License, or  (at your
%    option) any later version.
%    STK is distributed  in the hope that it will  be useful, but WITHOUT
%    ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied  warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
%    or FITNESS  FOR A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See  the GNU  General Public
%    License for more details.
%    You should  have received a copy  of the GNU  General Public License
%    along with STK.  If not, see <>.

function k = stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y, diff, pairwise)

persistent x0 y0 param0 pairwise0 D

% process input arguments
x = double (x);
y = double (y);
if nargin < 4, diff = -1; end
if nargin < 5, pairwise = false; end

% check param
if numel (param) ~= 2
    stk_error ('param should have two elements.', 'InvalidArgument');

% extract parameters from the "param" vector
Sigma2 = exp (param(1));
invRho = exp (param(2));

% check parameter values
if ~ (Sigma2 > 0) || ~ (invRho >= 0)
    error ('Incorrect parameter value.');

% check if all input arguments are the same as before
% (or if this is the first call to the function)
if isempty (x0) || isempty (y0) || isempty (param0) ...
        || ~ isequal ({x, y, param}, {x0, y0, param0}) ...
        || ~ isequal (pairwise, pairwise0)
    % compute the distance matrix
    D  = invRho * stk_dist (x, y, pairwise);
    % save arguments for the nex call
    x0 = x;  y0 = y;  param0 = param;  pairwise0 = pairwise;

if diff == -1
    %%% compute the value (not a derivative)
    k = Sigma2 * stk_rbf_exponential (D, -1);
elseif diff == 1
    %%% diff wrt param(1) = log(Sigma2)
    k = Sigma2 * stk_rbf_exponential (D, -1);
elseif diff == 2
    %%% diff wrt param(3) = - log(invRho)
    k = D .* (Sigma2 * stk_rbf_exponential (D, 1));
    error ('there must be something wrong here !');

end % function

% 1D, 5x5

%!shared param, x, y
%! dim = 1;
%! param = log ([1.0; 2.5]);
%! x = stk_sampling_randunif (5, dim);
%! y = stk_sampling_randunif (5, dim);

%!error K = stk_expcov_iso ([param; 1.234], x, y);

%!error stk_expcov_iso ();
%!error stk_expcov_iso (param);
%!error stk_expcov_iso (param, x);
%!test  stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y);
%!test  stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y, -1);
%!test  stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y, -1, false);

%!error stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y, -2);
%!test  stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y, -1);
%!error stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y,  0);
%!test  stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y,  1);
%!test  stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y,  2);
%!error stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y,  3);
%!error stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y,  nan);
%!error stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y,  inf);

% 3D, 4x10

%!shared dim, param, x, y, nx, ny
%! dim = 3;
%! param = log ([1.0; 2.5]);
%! nx = 4; ny = 10;
%! x = stk_sampling_randunif (nx,  dim);
%! y = stk_sampling_randunif (ny, dim);

%! K1 = stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y);
%! K2 = stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y, -1);
%! assert (isequal (size (K1), [nx ny]));
%! assert (stk_isequal_tolabs (K1, K2));

%! for i = 1:2,
%!     dK = stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y,  i);
%!     assert (isequal (size (dK), [nx ny]));
%! end

%! n = 7;
%! x = stk_sampling_randunif (n, dim);
%! y = stk_sampling_randunif (n, dim);
%! K1 = stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y);
%! K2 = stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y, -1, true);
%! assert (isequal (size (K1), [n n]));
%! assert (stk_isequal_tolabs (K2, diag (K1)));
%! for i = 1:2,
%!     dK1 = stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y,  i);
%!     dK2 = stk_expcov_iso (param, x, y,  i, true);
%!     assert (isequal (size (dK1), [n n]));
%!     assert (stk_isequal_tolabs (dK2, diag (dK1)));
%! end
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