Revision 2ce396a76821d352b608cbcadbb6c57de59620c3 authored by Alec Jacobson on 08 January 2020, 05:26:22 UTC, committed by Alec Jacobson on 08 January 2020, 05:26:22 UTC
1 parent 9d0a7c0
Raw File
function [W,dist_H_V] = dijkstra_shepard(V,F,C,p)
  % DIJKSTRA_SHEPARD Compute shepard weights for a list of vertices, given a
  % list of samples and optionally a denominator power value. But use "geodesic
  % distance" as defined by dijkstra's shortest path distances
  % W = dijkstra_shepard(V,C)
  % Inputs:
  %   V  list of vertex positions
  %   F  #F by 3 list of face indices
  %   C  list of control vertices
  %   p  (optional) power for denominator, scalar or list same size as C {2}
  % Outputs:
  %   W  weights, # vertices by # handles matrix of weights
  % See also: shepard

  % check if either are 3D but really all z's are 0
  V_flat = size(V,2) == 3 && (sqrt(sum(V(:,3).^2)) < 1e-10);
  C_flat = size(C,2) == 3 && (sqrt(sum(C(:,3).^2)) < 1e-10);
  % is both are essentially 2D then ignore z-coords
  if((size(C,2) == 2 || C_flat) && (size(V,2) == 2 || V_flat))
    % ignore z coordinate
    V = V(:,1:2);
    C = C(:,1:2);

  % number of mesh vertices
  n = size(V, 1);

  % number of control vertices
  c = size(C,1);

  assert(size(C,2) == size(V,2));
  dim = size(C,2);

  % default p value
    p = 2;

  % number of domain vertices
  n = size(V,1);

  % compute distance from every vertex in the mesh to every control vertex
  D = permute(sum((repmat(V,[1,1,c]) - ...
  % use distances to determine closest mesh vertex to each control vertex
  % Cv(i) is closest vertex in V to ith control vertex in C
  [minD,Cv] = min(D);
  % if number of unique closest mesh vertices is less than total number, then
  % we have contradictory boundary conditions
  if(~all(size(unique(Cv)) == size(Cv)))
    warning('Multiple control vertices snapped to the same domain vertex');

  % build adjacency matrix with edge lengths as entries
  C = adjacency_edge_cost_matrix(V,F);
  D = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(s) graphshortestpath(C,s)',Cv,'UniformOutput',false));
  dist_H_V = bsxfun(@plus,minD,D);

  % power of each control point seen by each vertex in domain
  W = 1.0./bsxfun(@power,dist_H_V,p);

  % Handle degenrate case that a control point is on a mesh vertex
  % snap vertices close to corners
  on_sample = dist_H_V < eps;
  W(any(on_sample,2),:) = 0;
  W(on_sample) = 1;

  % normalize W
  W = bsxfun(@rdivide,W,sum(W,2));

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