Revision 2e737cd34207c30f7af1fa2f77ccaca61398380b authored by James Cummings on 24 June 2013, 17:59:43 UTC, committed by James Cummings on 24 June 2013, 17:59:43 UTC
1 parent c4b54d1
Raw File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TEI xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
        <title>TEI Absolutely Bare</title>
        <author>Laurent Romary</author>
        <editor xml:id="sbauman.emt">Syd Bauman</editor>
        <editor xml:id="LB">Lou Burnard</editor>
        <editor xml:id="SR">Sebastian Rahtz</editor>
        <availability status="free">
          <p>This template file is freely available and you are hereby
            authorised to copy, modify, and redistribute it in any way without
            further reference or permissions.</p>
          <p>When making such modifications, you are strongly recommended to
            change the present text to include an accurate statement of the
            licencing conditions applicable to your modified text.</p>
        <p>Initially created on <date when="2006-10-12T05:24:41">Thursday 12th
            October 2006</date> by the form at</p>
      <change when="2011-03-26" who="#SR">rewrite as new-style ODD </change>
      <change when="2007-08-12" who="#LB">Removed further elements added
since this ODD was first created </change>
      <change when="2007-04-09" who="#LB">Added prose and reorganized
structure to make it more document-like; changed deletion of attribute
decls into deletion of att.declaring class; add deletes for elements
email and floatingText added to P5 since this ODD was first created;
considered but did not implement removal of all irrelevant datatype specs...</change>
      <change when="2006-10-14" who="#sbauman.emt"> Made valid: <list><item>removed empty <att>prefix</att> attribute</item><item>added required <att>type</att> attribute to
          <gi>classSpec</gi>s</item></list><!--. <note>Sebastian had also made the above changes.</note> -->Also
        removed extraneous <gi>altIdent</gi> elements, improved
        <gi>sourceDesc</gi>, changed the <att>ident</att> of <gi>schemaSpec</gi>
        to match the filename, and added this revision description. </change>
    <!--    <front>
      <divGen type="toc"/>
      <p>This customization creates a TEI schema with the bare minimum of tags
        to make a recognizable document. It combines the four basic modules, but
removes most of the available elements and changes several attribute classes.</p>
        <head>Basic text structure</head>
        <p>In this very simple schema, a document may contain <gi>front</gi>,
<gi>body</gi> and <gi>back</gi> elements as in standard TEI. However,
within these, only the following elements are  permitted:
<specList><specDesc key="div"/><specDesc key="head"/><specDesc key="list"/><specDesc key="p"/></specList>
        <p>The <gi>list</gi> element may contain a <gi>head</gi> followed by a
sequence either of <gi>label</gi>-<gi>item</gi> pairs, or of
<gi>item</gi> elements alone. </p>
        <p>The <gi>item</gi> and <gi>p</gi> elements have the same structure:
either may  contain just text, or a mixture of text with
<gi>list</gi>, or <gi>title</gi> elements.</p>
        <p>Similarly, the <gi>div</gi> element may contain a <gi>head</gi>,
followed by a nested <gi>div</gi>, or one or more <gi>p</gi> elements.
        <p>The <att>version</att> attribute on the <gi>TEI</gi> element is
removed, as is the <att>level</att> attribute on the <gi>title</gi>
element. Other attributes are also removed as a consequence of the
class modifications described below.</p>
        <p>The following specification group deletes the unwanted attributes:
<specGrp xml:id="bodyfixes">
        <elementSpec ident="title" mode="change" module="core"><attList><attDef ident="level" mode="delete"/></attList></elementSpec>
        <elementSpec ident="TEI" mode="change" module="textstructure"><attList><attDef ident="version" mode="delete"/></attList></elementSpec>
        <head>Header structure</head>
        <p>A much simplified version of the TEI Header is defined, again by
the deletion of many elements. For validity, all that is required
within it is the <gi>fileDesc</gi>, which contains only the following elements:
<specList><specDesc key="titleStmt"/><specDesc key="publicationStmt"/><specDesc key="sourceDesc"/></specList>
        <p>Within the <gi>titleStmt</gi> only a <gi>title</gi> is permitted;
	within the other two elements only a <gi>p</gi> is permitted.
	The <att>default</att> attribute on the <gi>sourceDesc</gi> element is
	also removed.
	<specGrp xml:id="hdrfixes">
	  <elementSpec ident="sourceDesc"  mode="change" module="header">
	    <attList><attDef ident="default" mode="delete"/></attList>
        <head>Class modifications</head>
        <p>Finally three of  the TEI attribute
classes are simplified. The attributes xml:space, rend, and xml:base
are removed from the class, so that this now makes
available to all elements only the following attributes:
<att>xml:id</att>, <att>n</att>, and
        <p>Three un-needed attributes are removed from the  att.divLike class so that
the <gi>div</gi> element inherits from it only
the following attributes: <att>xml:id</att>,
The attribute class <ident>att.declaring</ident> is deleted
completely, so that none of its members inherit the <att>decls</att>
attribute defined in the unmodified TEI.</p>
        <specGrp xml:id="classmods">
          <classSpec ident="" mode="change" module="tei" type="atts">
              <attDef ident="xml:space" mode="delete"/>
              <attDef ident="rend" mode="delete"/>
              <attDef ident="xml:base" mode="delete"/>
        <classSpec ident="att.fragmentable" mode="delete" module="tei" type="atts"/>
          <classSpec ident="att.divLike" mode="change" module="tei" type="atts">
              <attDef ident="org" mode="delete"/>
              <attDef ident="sample" mode="delete"/>
          <classSpec ident="att.declaring" mode="delete" module="tei" type="atts"/>
        <head>Formal declaration</head>
        <schemaSpec ident="tei_bare" xml:lang="en">
          <moduleRef key="core" include="p list item label head author title"/>
          <moduleRef key="tei"/>
          <moduleRef key="header" include="teiHeader fileDesc titleStmt publicationStmt sourceDesc"/>
          <moduleRef key="textstructure" include="TEI text body div front back"/>
          <specGrpRef target="#classmods"/>
          <specGrpRef target="#bodyfixes"/>
          <specGrpRef target="#hdrfixes"/>
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