Revision 2fc8c4fd1f424c8b2c3ae6ce3215e21c8381d6ab authored by Samrachana Adhikari on 25 November 2016, 07:42:51 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 25 November 2016, 07:42:51 UTC
1 parent d08047e
summary.HLSM = function(object,...){
if(class(object) != 'HLSM'){stop('input must be of class HLSM')}
call = object$call
Betas = getBeta(object, ...)
if(length(dim(Betas)) == 3){
est.slopes = lapply(1:dim(Betas)[[3]],
function(x){ t(sapply(1:ncol(Betas[,,x]),
function(y) data.frame(min = round(min(Betas[,y,x]),3),
max = round(max(Betas[,y,x]),3),
est.mean = round(mean(Betas[,y,x]),3),
sd = round(sd(Betas[,y,x]),3),
q.25 = round(quantile(Betas[,y,x],0.025),3),
q.975 = round(quantile(Betas[,y,x],0.975),3))))})
Betas = as.matrix(Betas)
est.slopes = t(sapply(1:ncol(Betas),function(y) data.frame(min = round(min(Betas[,y]),3), max = round(max(Betas[,y]),3),est.mean = round(mean(Betas[,y]),3), sd = round(sd(Betas[,y]),3), q.25 = round(quantile(Betas[,y],0.025),3), q.975 = round(quantile(Betas[,y],0.975),3)) ) )
}else(est.slopes = NA)
Intercept = getIntercept(object,...)
if(class(Intercept) == 'matrix'){
est.intercept = t(sapply(1:ncol(Intercept), function(y) data.frame(min = round(min(Intercept[,y]),3), max = round(max(Intercept[,y]),3), est.mean = round(mean(Intercept[,y]),3), sd = round(sd(Intercept[,y]),3), q.25 = round(quantile(Intercept[,y],0.025),3), q.975 = round(quantile(Intercept[,y],0.975),3) )) )
est.intercept = data.frame(min = round(min(Intercept),3), max = round(max(Intercept),3), est.mean = round(mean(Intercept),3), sd = round(sd(Intercept),3), q.025 = round(quantile(Intercept,0.025),3), q.975 = round(quantile(Intercept, 0.975),3) )
Alphas = getAlpha(object,...)
est.alpha = data.frame(min = round(min(Alphas),3), max = round(max(Alphas),3), est.mean = round(mean(Alphas),3), sd = round(sd(Alphas),3), q.025 = round(quantile(Alphas,0.025),3), q.975 = round(quantile(Alphas, 0.975),3) )
}else(est.alpha = NA)
res = list(call = object$call,est.intercept = est.intercept, est.slopes = est.slopes, est.alpha = est.alpha)
class(res) = 'summary.HLSM'
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