Revision 31a51c70f74e23dc52f2033e552990a03f3166a9 authored by Mike Pennisi on 29 June 2018, 15:27:58 UTC, committed by Ms2ger on 02 July 2018, 14:31:05 UTC
Today, the return value of functions provided to the global
`add_cleanup` function has no effect on the behavior of the test runner.
An upcoming feature addition to testharness.js will cause the return
value to influence test results [1].

Despite this, some existing tests have already been authored to return a
value: the result of `document.exitFullScreen`. Although this is
expected to be a Promise in conforming implementations, some browsers do
not yet implement this functionality.

To allow the new test harness feature to land without introducing
harness errors, refactor existing tests to omit a return value.

Additionally, use `Promise.prototype.catch` to avoid race conditions
resulting from unhandled Promise rejections (which trigger a harness
error in testharness.js today).

1 parent 21369c1
Raw File
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>IDBCursor.advance() - object store - throw TypeError</title>
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    var db,
        t = async_test(),
        records = [{ pKey: "primaryKey_0"},
                   { pKey: "primaryKey_1"}];

    var open_rq = createdb(t);
    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {
        db =;
        var objStore = db.createObjectStore("store", {keyPath:"pKey"});
        for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {

    open_rq.onsuccess = function (event) {
        var txn = db.transaction("store", "readwrite");
        var rq = txn.objectStore("store").openCursor();
        rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(event) {
            var cursor =;
            assert_true(cursor instanceof IDBCursor);

            assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() {
            }, "Calling advance() with count argument 0 should throw TypeError.");


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