Revision 3232baf54e60b07813fd14fa83461a52b24d285b authored by Mai Zhou on 09 October 2005, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 09 October 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent c5be903
Raw File
iter <- function(x, y, delta, beta)
# This function computes one iteration of the EM for 
# censored regression est. (Buckley-James) It first order the
# data according to the residuals, then 
# compute conditional expectations, then compute a new beta by lm(). 
# Input: 
# x is a matrix of N rows (the covariates), 
# y is the censored response, a vector of length N.
# delta is a vector of length N.
# (delta =1 means (y) is uncensored. delta = 0 means
# the  (y) is censored.)
# beta is the initial est. and is a vector of length = no. of column(x)
# Output: the new value of beta, 
        N <- length(delta)
        u <- x %*% beta
        res <- y - u
        niceorder <- order(res, - delta) # order the obs according to
        resorder <- res[niceorder]     # res, if tie then according to
        dorder <- delta[niceorder]  # delta value i.e. d=1 comes first
        dorder[N] <- 1              # added 2005 3/20
        uorder <- u[niceorder] 
        ystar <- y[niceorder]  # should I just let ystar <- delta ?
        xorder <- as.matrix(x[niceorder,])

temp <- WKM(x=resorder, d=dorder, zc=1:N)  # add  ( , zc=1:N )  2005, 3

jifen <- rev( cumsum( rev(resorder * temp$jump)) )
Sresorder <- temp$surv

for (i in 1:N) if (dorder[i] == 0) {
           ystar[i] <- uorder[i] + jifen[i]/Sresorder[i]

return( lm( ystar ~ 0 + xorder )$coef )
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