Revision 36734f3cef8aba7235e0c3356197ce8cb4bdc5e3 authored by Erik Sundell on 18 October 2022, 07:23:47 UTC, committed by GitHub on 18 October 2022, 07:23:47 UTC
* move hard coded metrics to its own package

* remove comment
1 parent 7a71482
Raw File
package api

import (


	accesscontrolmock ""
	dashboardsstore ""
	dashboardservice ""
	dashver ""

func loggedInUserScenario(t *testing.T, desc string, url string, routePattern string, fn scenarioFunc, sqlStore sqlstore.Store) {
	loggedInUserScenarioWithRole(t, desc, "GET", url, routePattern, org.RoleEditor, fn, sqlStore)

func loggedInUserScenarioWithRole(t *testing.T, desc string, method string, url string, routePattern string, role org.RoleType, fn scenarioFunc, sqlStore sqlstore.Store) {
	t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", desc, url), func(t *testing.T) {
		sc := setupScenarioContext(t, url)
		sc.sqlStore = sqlStore
		sc.userService = usertest.NewUserServiceFake()
		sc.defaultHandler = routing.Wrap(func(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
			sc.context = c
			sc.context.UserID = testUserID
			sc.context.OrgID = testOrgID
			sc.context.Login = testUserLogin
			sc.context.OrgRole = role
			if sc.handlerFunc != nil {
				return sc.handlerFunc(sc.context)

			return nil

		switch method {
		case "GET":
			sc.m.Get(routePattern, sc.defaultHandler)
		case "DELETE":
			sc.m.Delete(routePattern, sc.defaultHandler)

func anonymousUserScenario(t *testing.T, desc string, method string, url string, routePattern string, fn scenarioFunc) {
	t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", desc, url), func(t *testing.T) {
		sc := setupScenarioContext(t, url)
		sc.defaultHandler = routing.Wrap(func(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
			sc.context = c
			if sc.handlerFunc != nil {
				return sc.handlerFunc(sc.context)

			return nil

		switch method {
		case "GET":
			sc.m.Get(routePattern, sc.defaultHandler)
		case "DELETE":
			sc.m.Delete(routePattern, sc.defaultHandler)


func (sc *scenarioContext) fakeReq(method, url string) *scenarioContext {
	sc.resp = httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	require.NoError(sc.t, err)
	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
	sc.req = req

	return sc

func (sc *scenarioContext) fakeReqWithParams(method, url string, queryParams map[string]string) *scenarioContext {
	sc.resp = httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	// TODO: Depend on sc.t
	if sc.t != nil {
		require.NoError(sc.t, err)
	} else if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Making request failed: %s", err))

	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")

	q := req.URL.Query()
	for k, v := range queryParams {
		q.Add(k, v)
	req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
	sc.req = req
	return sc

func (sc *scenarioContext) fakeReqNoAssertions(method, url string) *scenarioContext {
	sc.resp = httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, _ := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
	sc.req = req

	return sc

func (sc *scenarioContext) fakeReqNoAssertionsWithCookie(method, url string, cookie http.Cookie) *scenarioContext {
	sc.resp = httptest.NewRecorder()
	http.SetCookie(sc.resp, &cookie)

	req, _ := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	req.Header = http.Header{"Cookie": sc.resp.Header()["Set-Cookie"]}
	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
	sc.req = req

	return sc

type scenarioContext struct {
	t                       *testing.T
	cfg                     *setting.Cfg
	m                       *web.Mux
	context                 *models.ReqContext
	resp                    *httptest.ResponseRecorder
	handlerFunc             handlerFunc
	defaultHandler          web.Handler
	req                     *http.Request
	url                     string
	userAuthTokenService    *auth.FakeUserAuthTokenService
	sqlStore                sqlstore.Store
	authInfoService         *logintest.AuthInfoServiceFake
	dashboardVersionService dashver.Service
	userService             user.Service

func (sc *scenarioContext) exec() {
	sc.m.ServeHTTP(sc.resp, sc.req)

type scenarioFunc func(c *scenarioContext)
type handlerFunc func(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response

func getContextHandler(t *testing.T, cfg *setting.Cfg) *contexthandler.ContextHandler {

	if cfg == nil {
		cfg = setting.NewCfg()

	sqlStore := sqlstore.InitTestDB(t)
	remoteCacheSvc := &remotecache.RemoteCache{}
	cfg.RemoteCacheOptions = &setting.RemoteCacheOptions{
		Name: "database",
	userAuthTokenSvc := auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService()
	renderSvc := &fakeRenderService{}
	authJWTSvc := models.NewFakeJWTService()
	tracer := tracing.InitializeTracerForTest()
	authProxy := authproxy.ProvideAuthProxy(cfg, remoteCacheSvc, loginservice.LoginServiceMock{}, &usertest.FakeUserService{}, sqlStore)
	loginService := &logintest.LoginServiceFake{}
	authenticator := &logintest.AuthenticatorFake{}
	ctxHdlr := contexthandler.ProvideService(cfg, userAuthTokenSvc, authJWTSvc, remoteCacheSvc, renderSvc, sqlStore, tracer, authProxy, loginService, nil, authenticator, usertest.NewUserServiceFake(), orgtest.NewOrgServiceFake())

	return ctxHdlr

func setupScenarioContext(t *testing.T, url string) *scenarioContext {
	cfg := setting.NewCfg()
	sc := &scenarioContext{
		url: url,
		t:   t,
		cfg: cfg,
	viewsPath, err := filepath.Abs("../../public/views")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	exists, err := fs.Exists(viewsPath)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Truef(t, exists, "Views should be in %q", viewsPath)

	sc.m = web.New()
	sc.m.UseMiddleware(web.Renderer(viewsPath, "[[", "]]"))
	sc.m.Use(getContextHandler(t, cfg).Middleware)

	return sc

type fakeRenderService struct {

func (s *fakeRenderService) Init() error {
	return nil

func setupAccessControlScenarioContext(t *testing.T, cfg *setting.Cfg, url string, permissions []accesscontrol.Permission) (*scenarioContext, *HTTPServer) {
	cfg.Quota.Enabled = false

	store := sqlstore.InitTestDB(t)
	hs := &HTTPServer{
		Cfg:                cfg,
		Live:               newTestLive(t, store),
		License:            &licensing.OSSLicensingService{},
		Features:           featuremgmt.WithFeatures(),
		QuotaService:       &quotaimpl.Service{Cfg: cfg},
		RouteRegister:      routing.NewRouteRegister(),
		AccessControl:      accesscontrolmock.New().WithPermissions(permissions),
		searchUsersService: searchusers.ProvideUsersService(filters.ProvideOSSSearchUserFilter(), usertest.NewUserServiceFake()),
		ldapGroups:         ldap.ProvideGroupsService(),

	sc := setupScenarioContext(t, url)


	return sc, hs

type accessControlTestCase struct {
	expectedCode int
	desc         string
	url          string
	method       string
	permissions  []accesscontrol.Permission

// accessControlScenarioContext contains the setups for accesscontrol tests
type accessControlScenarioContext struct {
	// server we registered hs routes on.
	server *web.Mux

	// initCtx is used in a middleware to set the initial context
	// of the request server side. Can be used to pretend sign in.
	initCtx *models.ReqContext

	// hs is a minimal HTTPServer for the accesscontrol tests to pass.
	hs *HTTPServer

	// acmock is an accesscontrol mock used to fake users rights.
	acmock *accesscontrolmock.Mock

	// db is a test database initialized with InitTestDB
	db *sqlstore.SQLStore

	// cfg is the setting provider
	cfg *setting.Cfg

	dashboardsStore dashboards.Store
	teamService     team.Service
	userService     user.Service

func setAccessControlPermissions(acmock *accesscontrolmock.Mock, perms []accesscontrol.Permission, org int64) {
	acmock.GetUserPermissionsFunc =
		func(_ context.Context, u *user.SignedInUser, _ accesscontrol.Options) ([]accesscontrol.Permission, error) {
			if u.OrgID == org {
				return perms, nil
			return nil, nil

// setInitCtxSignedInUser sets a copy of the user in initCtx
func setInitCtxSignedInUser(initCtx *models.ReqContext, user user.SignedInUser) {
	initCtx.IsSignedIn = true
	initCtx.SignedInUser = &user

func setInitCtxSignedInViewer(initCtx *models.ReqContext) {
	initCtx.IsSignedIn = true
	initCtx.SignedInUser = &user.SignedInUser{UserID: testUserID, OrgID: 1, OrgRole: org.RoleViewer, Login: testUserLogin}

func setInitCtxSignedInEditor(initCtx *models.ReqContext) {
	initCtx.IsSignedIn = true
	initCtx.SignedInUser = &user.SignedInUser{UserID: testUserID, OrgID: 1, OrgRole: org.RoleEditor, Login: testUserLogin}

func setInitCtxSignedInOrgAdmin(initCtx *models.ReqContext) {
	initCtx.IsSignedIn = true
	initCtx.SignedInUser = &user.SignedInUser{UserID: testUserID, OrgID: 1, OrgRole: org.RoleAdmin, Login: testUserLogin}

func setupSimpleHTTPServer(features *featuremgmt.FeatureManager) *HTTPServer {
	if features == nil {
		features = featuremgmt.WithFeatures()
	cfg := setting.NewCfg()
	cfg.RBACEnabled = false
	cfg.IsFeatureToggleEnabled = features.IsEnabled

	return &HTTPServer{
		Cfg:             cfg,
		Features:        features,
		License:         &licensing.OSSLicensingService{},
		AccessControl:   accesscontrolmock.New().WithDisabled(),
		annotationsRepo: annotationstest.NewFakeAnnotationsRepo(),

func setupHTTPServer(t *testing.T, useFakeAccessControl bool, options ...APITestServerOption) accessControlScenarioContext {
	return setupHTTPServerWithCfg(t, useFakeAccessControl, setting.NewCfg(), options...)

func setupHTTPServerWithCfg(t *testing.T, useFakeAccessControl bool, cfg *setting.Cfg, options ...APITestServerOption) accessControlScenarioContext {
	db := sqlstore.InitTestDB(t, sqlstore.InitTestDBOpt{})
	return setupHTTPServerWithCfgDb(t, useFakeAccessControl, cfg, db, db, featuremgmt.WithFeatures(), options...)

func setupHTTPServerWithCfgDb(
	t *testing.T, useFakeAccessControl bool, cfg *setting.Cfg, db *sqlstore.SQLStore,
	store sqlstore.Store, features *featuremgmt.FeatureManager, options ...APITestServerOption,
) accessControlScenarioContext {

	license := &licensing.OSSLicensingService{}
	routeRegister := routing.NewRouteRegister()
	teamService := teamimpl.ProvideService(db, cfg)
	cfg.IsFeatureToggleEnabled = features.IsEnabled
	dashboardsStore := dashboardsstore.ProvideDashboardStore(db, cfg, featuremgmt.WithFeatures(), tagimpl.ProvideService(db, cfg))

	var acmock *accesscontrolmock.Mock
	var ac accesscontrol.AccessControl
	var acService accesscontrol.Service

	var userSvc user.Service
	userMock := usertest.NewUserServiceFake()
	userMock.ExpectedUser = &user.User{ID: 1}
	orgMock := orgtest.NewOrgServiceFake()
	orgMock.ExpectedOrg = &org.Org{}

	// Defining the accesscontrol service has to be done before registering routes
	if useFakeAccessControl {
		acmock = accesscontrolmock.New()
		if !cfg.RBACEnabled {
			acmock = acmock.WithDisabled()
		ac = acmock
		acService = acmock
		userSvc = userMock
	} else {
		var err error
		acService, err = acimpl.ProvideService(cfg, db, routeRegister, localcache.ProvideService())
		require.NoError(t, err)
		ac = acimpl.ProvideAccessControl(cfg)
		userSvc = userimpl.ProvideService(db, nil, cfg, teamimpl.ProvideService(db, cfg), localcache.ProvideService())
	teamPermissionService, err := ossaccesscontrol.ProvideTeamPermissions(cfg, routeRegister, db, ac, license, acService, teamService, userSvc)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	// Create minimal HTTP Server
	hs := &HTTPServer{
		Cfg:                    cfg,
		Features:               features,
		Live:                   newTestLive(t, db),
		QuotaService:           &quotaimpl.Service{Cfg: cfg},
		RouteRegister:          routeRegister,
		SQLStore:               store,
		License:                &licensing.OSSLicensingService{},
		AccessControl:          ac,
		accesscontrolService:   acService,
		teamPermissionsService: teamPermissionService,
		searchUsersService:     searchusers.ProvideUsersService(filters.ProvideOSSSearchUserFilter(), usertest.NewUserServiceFake()),
		DashboardService: dashboardservice.ProvideDashboardService(
			cfg, dashboardsStore, nil, features,
			accesscontrolmock.NewMockedPermissionsService(), accesscontrolmock.NewMockedPermissionsService(), ac,
		preferenceService: preftest.NewPreferenceServiceFake(),
		userService:       userSvc,
		orgService:        orgMock,
		teamService:       teamService,
		annotationsRepo:   annotationstest.NewFakeAnnotationsRepo(),

	for _, o := range options {

	require.NoError(t, hs.declareFixedRoles())
	require.NoError(t, hs.accesscontrolService.(accesscontrol.RoleRegistry).RegisterFixedRoles(context.Background()))

	// Instantiate a new Server
	m := web.New()

	// middleware to set the test initial context
	initCtx := &models.ReqContext{}
	m.Use(func(c *web.Context) {
		initCtx.Context = c
		initCtx.Logger = log.New("api-test")
		c.Req = c.Req.WithContext(ctxkey.Set(c.Req.Context(), initCtx))


	// Register all routes

	return accessControlScenarioContext{
		server:          m,
		initCtx:         initCtx,
		hs:              hs,
		acmock:          acmock,
		db:              db,
		cfg:             cfg,
		dashboardsStore: dashboardsStore,
		teamService:     teamService,
		userService:     userSvc,

func callAPI(server *web.Mux, method, path string, body io.Reader, t *testing.T) *httptest.ResponseRecorder {
	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, path, body)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
	server.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
	return recorder

func mockRequestBody(v interface{}) io.ReadCloser {
	b, _ := json.Marshal(v)
	return io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(b))

// APITestServerOption option func for customizing HTTPServer configuration
// when setting up an API test server via SetupAPITestServer.
type APITestServerOption func(hs *HTTPServer)

// SetupAPITestServer sets up a webtest.Server ready for testing all
// routes registered via HTTPServer.registerRoutes().
// Optionally customize HTTPServer configuration by providing APITestServerOption
// option(s).
func SetupAPITestServer(t *testing.T, opts ...APITestServerOption) *webtest.Server {

	hs := &HTTPServer{
		RouteRegister:      routing.NewRouteRegister(),
		Cfg:                setting.NewCfg(),
		License:            &licensing.OSSLicensingService{},
		AccessControl:      accesscontrolmock.New().WithDisabled(),
		Features:           featuremgmt.WithFeatures(),
		searchUsersService: &searchusers.OSSService{},

	for _, opt := range opts {

	s := webtest.NewServer(t, hs.RouteRegister)
	return s

var (
	viewerRole = org.RoleViewer
	editorRole = org.RoleEditor

type setUpConf struct {
	aclMockResp []*models.DashboardACLInfoDTO

type mockSearchService struct{ ExpectedResult models.HitList }

func (mss *mockSearchService) SearchHandler(_ context.Context, q *search.Query) error {
	q.Result = mss.ExpectedResult
	return nil
func (mss *mockSearchService) SortOptions() []models.SortOption { return nil }

func setUp(confs ...setUpConf) *HTTPServer {
	singleAlert := &models.Alert{Id: 1, DashboardId: 1, Name: "singlealert"}
	store := mockstore.NewSQLStoreMock()
	hs := &HTTPServer{SQLStore: store, SearchService: &mockSearchService{}}
	store.ExpectedAlert = singleAlert

	aclMockResp := []*models.DashboardACLInfoDTO{}
	for _, c := range confs {
		if c.aclMockResp != nil {
			aclMockResp = c.aclMockResp
	store.ExpectedTeamsByUser = []*models.TeamDTO{}
	teamSvc := &teamtest.FakeService{}
	dashSvc := &dashboards.FakeDashboardService{}
	dashSvc.On("GetDashboardACLInfoList", mock.Anything, mock.AnythingOfType("*models.GetDashboardACLInfoListQuery")).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
		q := args.Get(1).(*models.GetDashboardACLInfoListQuery)
		q.Result = aclMockResp
	guardian.InitLegacyGuardian(store, dashSvc, teamSvc)
	return hs
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