Revision 36a083521b39d9fb557741f9c5d703b7e42448c3 authored by Zhang Yunjun on 16 August 2022, 06:51:05 UTC, committed by GitHub on 16 August 2022, 06:51:05 UTC
+ version: add Tag for version 1.4.1

+ readfile.read_hdf5_file(): speedup the 3D matrix reading when slicing a small fraction of the 1st dimension, by using integer indexing for 3D h5 dataset, instead of 1D boolean array indexing.

+ view.read_data4figure(): bugfix for referencing unwrapPhase while plotting mixed dset types

+ move the following plotting functions to for a more compact module import, to simplify the UNAVCO notebook:
   - unwrap_error_phase_closure.plot_num_triplet_with_nonzero_integer_ambiguity()
   - timeseries_rms.plot_rms_bar()
   - objects.insar_vs_gps.plot_insar_vs_gps_scatter()

+ plot.plot_insar_vs_gps_scatter(): add preliminary outlier detection
1 parent 47bb7f6
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Program is part of MintPy                                #
# Copyright (c) 2013, Zhang Yunjun, Heresh Fattahi         #
# Author: Heresh Fattahi, Zhang Yunjun, 2013               #

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from mintpy.objects import timeseries
from mintpy.utils import ptime
from mintpy.utils.arg_utils import create_argument_parser


EXAMPLE = """example: timeseries_ERA5_demErr.h5 timeseries_ERA5_demErr.h5 -t 0.1

def create_parser(subparsers=None):
    synopsis = 'Smoothing timeseries in time domain with a moving filter'
    epilog = REFERENCE + '\n' + EXAMPLE
    name = __name__.split('.')[-1]
    parser = create_argument_parser(
        name, synopsis=synopsis, description=synopsis, epilog=epilog, subparsers=subparsers)

                        help='timeseries file to be smoothed.')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--time-win', dest='time_win', type=float, default=0.1,
                        help='time window in years, default: 0.1 (Sigma of the assmued Gaussian distribution.)')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', help='Output file name.')
    return parser

def cmd_line_parse(iargs=None):
    parser = create_parser()
    inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs)
    return inps

def main(iargs=None):
    inps = cmd_line_parse(iargs)

    # read timeseries info / data
    obj = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file)

    tbase = np.array(obj.yearList, np.float32).reshape(-1, 1)
    tbase -= tbase[obj.refIndex]

    ts_data =, -1)

    # Smooth acquisitions / moving window in time one by one
    print('filtering in time Gaussian window with size of {:.1f} years'.format(inps.time_win))
    ts_data_filt = np.zeros(ts_data.shape, np.float32)
    prog_bar = ptime.progressBar(maxValue=obj.numDate)
    for i in range(obj.numDate):
        # Weight from Gaussian (normal) distribution in time
        tbase_diff = tbase[i] - tbase
        weight = np.exp(-0.5 * (tbase_diff**2) / (inps.time_win**2))
        weight /= np.sum(weight)
        # Smooth the current acquisition
        ts_data_filt[i, :] = np.sum(ts_data * weight, axis=0)
        prog_bar.update(i+1, suffix=obj.dateList[i])
    del ts_data
    ts_data_filt -= ts_data_filt[obj.refIndex, :]
    ts_data_filt = np.reshape(ts_data_filt, (obj.numDate, obj.length, obj.width))

    # write filtered timeseries file
    if not inps.outfile:
        inps.outfile = '{}_tempGaussian.h5'.format(os.path.splitext(inps.timeseries_file)[0])
    obj_out = timeseries(inps.outfile)
    obj_out.write2hdf5(ts_data_filt, refFile=inps.timeseries_file)


if __name__ == '__main__':
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